Vindicator ago

Uh...I don't get it. Why is this significant?

argosciv ago

give it a look now ;)

Whoever the fuck is downvoating me, grow up. (not accusing pinged users below)

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @LA_Trump @carmencita @GothamGirl @Jem777

hahaha oh whatever, I've given my all to this and it's apparently STILL not enough... fine, downvoat me, upvoat the stabs against me, ignore my research even... pizzagate-whatever, right?

Vindicator ago

Argosciv, you need to articulate your premise and how each piece of your argument fits in. People are fed up with the narwhal shill posts that just string a bunch of stuff together with no argument articulated. That is probably why you are getting downvotes.

argosciv ago

Possible leads

The Campbell River Courier-Islander newspaper reported in May 2014 that in Gastown, Vancouver, business owners Joel and Lori Sellen witnessed a man in their store throwing out a $25,000 missing persons reward poster for Fillipoff. The pair reported that the man said, "It's one of those missing persons posters, except she's not missing, she's my girlfriend and she ran away ‘cause she hates her parents." The owners immediately called the police. Although security video captured an image of the man, he has yet to be identified.[13]

argosciv ago

Main post updated even more, I need sleep soon, though.

argosciv ago

Still haven't the slightest clue wtf a narwhal shill/jew is...

So far as I could tell, that was a term being spread by, well, shills...

There was a lot missing from the start of this one, sure, but I accidentally found a way to explain my perspective/reason for posting this thread, via the "root of corruption(in WI)" chain of research.

Unfortunately there's a fucktonne of reading involved and as I found out earlier, the text limit does create occasional issues; sometimes I have to get to the point and hope the gaps can be filled in via comments and further reading. So far, there seems to be quite a lot to support what's been posted, but, it's a lot of information to get through.

Commoner ago

Sorry, argosciv, I am not getting the connection either. I looked into Emma's disappearance, when you posted something about it earlier, and didn't get anywhere with it. Her mom or brother was found with drugs. And I am not getting the connection with the hurricanes and names either. I read somewhere that the deep state could possibly enhance weather conditions and make hurricanes stronger, but I have not seen a logical explanation for them doing it.

argosciv ago

I wasn't sure about the Irma/Emma thing either, until just yesterday(or rather, at like 12am this morning)

There's clearly some serious fuckery going on with that case, especially with the fella who claimed to be her boyfriend... as for what exactly is going on there, don't know for certain, but everything tells me it's related to my current line of research.

I am not saying that the deep state manufactured or directly controls these storms, however, there's a common theme of using natural disasters as cover/communication for fuckery(corruption)... Granted, I was unable to explain this in relation to Emma at first and still have plenty of reading to do, but, I'm only one 26 year old from Australia; the more help I can get in looking into these apparent connections, the better - at this point, though, it's like I'm the only one(exaggerating, I know) who even bothers to do the extra reading...

Feeling quite unappreciated by a few right now, but, whatever... it's not about being right or wrong or gaining up/down voats, it's about offering a perspective/angle not yet considered, with regards to some of the most high-profile killings in US(and even other countries/regions past and present) history and the almost unfathomable amount of corruption which seems to pollute the air and people around them.

RatmanThomas ago

Best sketchy thing I can find quickly, apparent false flag.

argosciv ago

@Vindicator talk to others pinged

argosciv ago

argosciv ago