Gothamgirl ago

Hurricane Mitch, and 9's connection, 9th circle. Probably just a coincidence, or my thoughts are just everywhere even the conspiracy side.

argosciv ago

this what you mean?

EDIT: nevermind,

hahahaha, for the moment I'm gonna say ignore these guys... Left-hand path is... well, there's a whole lot to it, but, ultimately, see "Sacred Clowns"

EDIT 2: That said, there may be members who actively participate in fuckery, but, honestly, the page reads as a joke to me in a lot of ways.

argosciv ago

Cheers for that, every little bit helps.

"9's" & "9th circle" sure sound familiar enough to be up this alley of investigation.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Outstanding work again @argosciv

Here are a few links between Cuba and Racine, Wisconsin, and some parts of the bigger picture involved.

Forensic isotope analysis points cold case investigation north to Canada

Racine County Jane Doe is one of many victims of trafficking and abuse in Racine who was tortured for an extended period of time and murdered, and was likely from the same area as Emma Fillipoff: "What they learned was that the young woman, who they believed to be between the ages of 15 and 30, may have been from, or spent several years in, somewhere within a broad stretch of southern Canada between British Columbia and Newfoundland"

RAMAC’s fall trip to Cuba drawing ‘incredible interest’

Pastors for Peace 22nd “Friendshipment” Caravan to Cuba

Cuban Pastors Visit First Presbyterian Church

Milwaukee woman inspired by Cuba's focus on community medicine

The Awakening of an Island Frozen in Time Could Cuba’s new economic development affect neighboring economies in the long term?


Tere A. Zubizarreta

List of Cornell University alumni

Remarks by the President at Bill Signing of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act

The mosquito economy: Over 7,25,000 deaths and a Rs 25,000 crore industry

Cuba reports remarkable success in containing Zika virus

When the Mob Owned Cuba

Where Public Enemies Went for a Little Peace and Quiet

Frank Calabrese Sr.

Joseph Ferriola

Frank Balistrieri

Balistrieri eventually referred to himself as "the most powerful man in Milwaukee." After the "hit" on an acquaintance, August "Augie" Palmisano, Balistrieri was quoted as saying, "He called me a name – to my face – and now they can't find his skin!" Balistrieri conducted his business at a table at Snug's restaurant in Milwaukee's Shorecrest Hotel, giving orders over a red telephone.

José Miguel Battle Sr.

Menace of Destruction

The Chicago Outfit

Lee Camp: Drug War was never about drugs!


JFK conspiracy theorist points finger at LBJ

carmencita ago

I am over overwhelmed. How do you remember what to even link? I found evidence that the US backed Castro's coup over Batista because they wanted him to get rid of all the casinos. Imo, that was for the Mafia. I am looking The Chicago Outfit and Lee Camp. I love Lee Camp. I will look at When the Mob owned Cuba.

argosciv ago

Holy shit, been through a few of these now and the pieces I need are here and scattered in other places I'm currently looking...

I dunno how I'm gonna pull this off, but, making the leap back to Racine and then out again, is looking very plausible.

@carmencita @GothamGirl @Jem777 @bopper @millennial_vulcan

carmencita ago

With all of the wonderful researching so far, I know you will get there. You are a mastermind. If you need help let me know, pulling something together. I will take a look now. Thank you for all your hard work. You are awesome.

carmencita ago

761 pages of FBI files dating from 1960 to 1975. The files chiefly covers the FBI's discovery of CIA plans to assassinate Castro with the help of underworld figures. The CIA believed that underworld figures, who had thieved in Cuba during the Batista regime, still had the contacts in Cuba to facilitate the naturalizing of Fidel Castro. A hotel employee inquiring about an unpaid hotel bill at the Riviera in Las Vegas, lead to the discovery of recordings of tapped phone conversations between Dan Rowan of the comedy team Rowan and Martin, and the former girlfriend of SAM GIANCANA,  Phyllis McGuire, of the singing act, the McGuire Sisters. The FBI traced this incident to CIA's dealing with Chicago LA COSA NOSTRA figures Sam Giancana and John Roselli.  In a memo, a FBI agent states that Attorney General Robert Kennedy said that because of the CIA involvement with Roselli and Giancana, "it would be very difficult to initiate any prosecution against Ginacana." Files show the FBI's concern that the CIA had compromised itself by dealing with Roselli and Giancana. A memo details a contentious confrontation between an FBI agent and Sam Giancana at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, when Giancana was approached about his knowledge of the bugging of Rowan. Files chronicle John Roselli going to the CIA for protection, when he was under pressure by the FBI.  THERE is much more in the link.   [](   GIANCANA then advised that the United States Govt.  assisted Fidel Castro in his coup of Batista and that when Castro came into power, he would eliminate gambling in Cuba.  COULD this have been what it was all about?  Amazing.  So possibly Castro was doing the dirty work of the CIA.

argosciv ago

Just read what you quoted, will keep it in mind for sure.

Almost certainly ties into what we're looking at.

carmencita ago

Please read this recommended by Wisconsin I am looking through it now.

argosciv ago

will do, thanks


carmencita ago

Antonio del Conde helped Castro buy the boat from an American couple It was a dangerous and deadly trip.

argosciv ago

why is there a seemingly irrelevant link to something about linkin park in this reply?

EDIT: accidents happen, it seems :)

carmencita ago

Did you see my comment with the slide bar you have to go side to side? It does not contain 761 pages. It is not that long and it has proof in it about Castro being backed by the USA.

carmencita ago

I am sorry. The wrong link popped in. I have been trying to delete that link for a half hour now. I have shut my laptop down twice and it will NOT bring up the cursor to delete. I AM so frustrated. Working on this. May just have to delete the whole thing. ARGH!!

argosciv ago

righto, s'okay, sorry for getting defensive. (just looks really out of place)

carmencita ago

Trying hard to replace link. Still having trouble, I cannot delete anything unless I delete the whole post. Sorry. Do you want me to just delete it all? I will have to replace it later.

argosciv ago

That's probably best for now.

The point about the boat is worth posting, though, so by all means do that.

argosciv ago


First down-voat for the entire series. Struck a nerve now, have I?

@carmencita @Vindicator @GothamGirl @Jem777 @Wisconsin_is_corrupt

And a DDOS against voat... hahahahaha

Gothamgirl ago

Amazing post again.

argosciv ago


Probably on to something here ;)

argosciv ago Behemoth - Ben Sahar - Official Video

Thee I cast aside

Fetus divine

Agnus dei

Free ov thy lies

Hearken hosts on high

Fetch me your god

As my ambition prescribes

Challenge the sun

Ascend shall I unto the heavens

Exalt my throne above his celestial display

Sit shall I upon that mount ov congregation

Far toward the north

Hearken dogs ov Nazarene

Linger at St. Peter’s door

Partake from the well ov nothingness

Bite the withered hand ov god

Ascend shall I unto the heavens

Exalt my throne above his celestial display

Sit shall I upon that mount ov congregation

Far toward the north

Boreal hell beneath my feet

Blistering Eden above

With prayer on lips

With freedom bequeathed

Thru fire we walk

With fire in hearts!

Stretching: Ed Gein, August Kreis III, Wisconsin: I smell a connection

@ArtificalDuality @dickface8888 @mootensy @IShallNotFear @Enigmatic_Continuum

argosciv ago

@Mr_Wolf @jangles @quantokitty @Jem777 @carmencita

see parent comment/thread

Mr_Wolf ago

Seems like you can't mark unread, could you drop a reply, thanks.

argosciv ago

sorry what?

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @VictorSteinerDavion

FUCK! I forgot the NSFW tag again T_T