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cantsleepawink ago

Just thought I'd point out another seemingly random connection:

wealthy parents, entertainment executive José and his wife, Mary ("Kitty")

Hurricane Jose may swipe North Carolina coast, while Maria could become major hurricane

argosciv ago

Settled down a bit, still have a strong feeling cement trucks may be involved with this hurricane thing you now mention though...

carmencita ago

You so roped me into the Menendez Bros, and now I am even more sucked in by the concept of the cement trucks, I do not know where I will find the time to get engrossed in all of these. I will have to pick two. I am really stuck on the Hoffa case and now I am thinking the cement truck info you will come up with will be my interest as well. I am so very convinced there is truth in this concept. I will be waiting to hear what you have found.

cantsleepawink ago

Sorry, I'm short for time. Have you got a link to the video you are talking about?