carmencita ago Found it while researching. Man found in the woods. Jose Urbanozo, 61, of Mundelein, Ill., said he's fished there for years and didn't expect a body to be found in the park. It was in the 1980s - before he said police "cleaned out" the area - that people were found shot and killed there.

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @carmencita

S. S. Kresge: Prohibition: White Supremacy: August Kreis III: Ed Gein

In 1924 Kresge established The Kresge Foundation, a non-profit organization whose income he specified simply "to promote the well-being of mankind." By the time of his death, Kresge had given the foundation over $60,000,000.[7] A strongly committed prohibitionist, he organized the National Vigilance Committee for Prohibition enforcement and also heavily supported the Anti-Saloon League financially, though he later stopped contributions.[8]


Unable to cope with the failures of prohibition after 1928, especially bootlegging and organized crime as well as reduced government revenue, the League failed to counter the repeal forces. Also their failure to disassociate from the Ku Klux Klan brought on negative connotations with the League.[10] Led by prominent Democrats, they helped Franklin D. Roosevelt win in 1932 on a wet platform. A new Constitutional amendment passed easily in 1933 to repeal the 18th amendment, and the League lost its power. |

In today's excerpt – the alliance between the church and the Ku Klux Klan that was crucial both to enacting Prohibition and the maintaining it for thirteen years.

Prohibition began in 1920 and lasted for thirteen years before it was repealed – primarily because of the tax revenues needed from alcohol sales as the Great Depression deepened. Prohibition did not spring forth overnight – in fact it took political activism over a period of almost eighty years to bring about Prohibition. ~

~ "This became tragically clear in 1923 and 1924 when Williamson County, in southern Illinois, saw its law enforcement apparatus taken over by a vigilante army of between twelve and thirteen hundred Klansmen. Through the intervention of dry congressman Edward E. Denison, the Klansmen had been deputized by Haynes to clean up the county, which had been in the grip of bootleggers. The vigilantes were led by S. Glenn Young, who had earlier been drummed out of his position in the Prohibi­tion Bureau as 'a distinct and glaring disgrace . . . unfit to be in govern­ment service.' After midnight on February 1, 1924, Young's marauders raided the homes of immigrant Italian mineworkers, terrorizing women and children, and, if they found wine in the house, hauling their hus­bands and fathers off to jail. Rev. A. M. Stickney of the Marion Methodist Church provided ideological support, declaring that Catholics and Jews controlled America's newspapers and insisting that only the Klan could protect America from disaster. Stickney also took pains to note that the assassins of Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley had all been born Catholic."

carmencita ago

Well, tptb were already trying to separate us and make us hate each other, because it would divide and conquer. The Immigrants were brought here for cheap labor as were the Africans and with every group they had to invent something to make us hate them. The Immigrants worked very very hard and their only respite was the Saloons after work and time off (which was very little). Thus they raided the Saloons where Italians and Germans hung out. The Italians brought their wine and the Germans their Beer Gardens. A lot of Germans and Italians in Chicago and even more Germans in Wisconsin settled and thus many Beer Brewers. This was a Gold Mine for the likes of Capone and others. They did not stop making money when they outlawed Alcohol, they increased their profits, imo.

argosciv ago

@Jem777 @bopper @GothamGirl @jangles @fogdryer ^ more info pertaining to prohibition and potential corruption.

10528856? ago

You write of 'Kreis"

Any connection to S.S. Kresge. Founder of S.S. Kresge Department Stores?

argosciv ago

Not seeing anything that makes me think there's a direct correlation between Agust Kreis III & S.S. Kresge

However, there's some weirdness surrounding his business ventures and his being a prohibitionist... seems to be a slight conflict of interest there in contrast to "promote the well-being of mankind.", given the result of the prohibition period.

Kresge and his family were members of Detroit's North Methodist Episcopal Church.[4] He held membership in organizations including four Masonic lodges and the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Young Men's Christian Association, the Detroit Athletic, Boat, and Golf Clubs, Rotary, and various commercial and automobiling societies.

In 1924 Kresge established The Kresge Foundation, a non-profit organization whose income he specified simply "to promote the well-being of mankind." By the time of his death, Kresge had given the foundation over $60,000,000.[7] A strongly committed prohibitionist, he organized the National Vigilance Committee for Prohibition enforcement and also heavily supported the Anti-Saloon League financially, though he later stopped contributions.[8]

10529036? ago

Excellent Information.

Re:. weirdness? Kresge.Yes. Never read anything about him until tonight

going after your 'Kreis'

Won't write more here. Want you to stay on topic.

Thank you!

argosciv ago

Unsure. I've not gone much further into Kreis yet, but, I do keep seeing "august"(the month and variations as a name of people/places/organizations) pop up...

fogdryer ago


argosciv ago

wait til you see the cobain one

argosciv ago


As a 12-year-old he was strongly influenced by his older cousin, Miguel ("Mike") Ramirez,[8] a decorated U.S. Army Green Beret combat veteran who often boasted of his gruesome exploits during the Vietnam War. He shared Polaroid photos of his victims, including Vietnamese women he had raped.[9] In some of the photos Mike posed with the severed head of a woman he had abused.[10]

Ramirez, who had smoked marijuana since the age of 10, bonded with Mike over many joints and gory war stories.[11] Mike taught his young cousin some of his military skills, such as killing with stealth and surety.[12] Around this time, Ramirez began to seek escape from his father's violent temper by sleeping in a local cemetery.[12]

"Richie", as he was known to his family, was present on May 4, 1973, when Mike fatally shot his wife Jessie in the face with a .38 caliber revolver, during a domestic argument.[13] After the shooting Richie became sullen and withdrawn from his family and peers. Later that year, he moved in with his older sister Ruth and her husband Roberto, an obsessive "peeping Tom" who took Richie along on his nocturnal exploits.[14] Ramirez also began using LSD and cultivated an interest in Satanism.[15]

Mike Ramirez was found not guilty of Jessie's murder by reason of insanity (with his combat record as a mitigating factor) and was released in 1977, after four years of incarceration at the Texas State Mental Hospital. His influence over Richard continued.[16][17]

On April 10, 1984, 9-year-old Mei Leung was found murdered in a hotel basement where Ramirez was living in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. The girl had been raped, beaten and stabbed to death, and her body was found hanging from a pipe.[25] This, his first known killing, was not initially identified as being connected to the crime spree. In 2009, Ramirez's DNA was matched to DNA obtained at the crime scene.[26] In 2016, officials disclosed evidence of a second suspect, identified through a DNA sample retrieved from the crime scene, who is believed to have been present at Leung's murder. Described as being a juvenile at the time, authorities have not publicly identified the suspect, and have not brought charges due to the lack of sufficient evidence.[27]

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @carmencita @bopper

carmencita ago

I remember the McDonald case to some extent. At the time of the release of the news which lasted for quite some time because of the heinous crime. It always seemed to me that the media was even then trying to railroad him. Although more likely, it was the army that wanted to pin this on him. Now at this time I really do believe he was innocent. Like many other crimes, we will never know how many we may have believed were guilty, may have been falsely accused. Possibly they were committing these horrible crimes and pinning them on family members or friends, which we know is usually the first person that is always looked at.

argosciv ago

@fogdryer @Enigmatic_Continuum see latest updates

argosciv ago

Gothamgirl ago

Wow! Thanks for sharing.

argosciv ago


Weird as fuck timing and repetition of particular themes...

Gothamgirl ago

They probably have different camps (sort of speak) set up for different themes (sick things) everywhere now.

argosciv ago

not gonna put this in the main post yet... but... my gut tells me Kurt Cobain was a victim in all this... marked for death as it were...

Throughout most of his life, Cobain suffered from chronic bronchitis and intense physical pain due to an undiagnosed chronic stomach condition.[5]:66

Cobain claimed that he was "determined to get a habit" as a way to self-medicate his stomach condition.

I can relate in ways you do not want to imagine, this is Satan(enemy of Elohim(living God)) manifest, Cobain was consumed(not as in literally eaten) and they painted him as a junky instead. (Which is a very typical tactic, mind you)

However, longtime friend Buzz Osborne disputes this, saying that his stomach pain was more likely caused by his heroin use, saying "He made it up for sympathy and so he could use it as an excuse to stay loaded. Of course he was vomiting — that's what people on heroin do, they vomit. It's called "vomiting with a smile on your face".[43]

What a fucking friend....


His heroin use began to affect the band's Nevermind supporting tour. One such example came the day of the band's 1992 performance on Saturday Night Live, where Nirvana had a photographic session with Michael Levine. Having taken heroin beforehand, Cobain fell asleep several times during the shoot. Cobain divulged to biographer Michael Azerrad, "I mean, what are they supposed to do? They're not going to be able to tell me to stop. So I really didn't care. Obviously to them it was like practicing witchcraft or something. They didn't know anything about it so they thought that any second, I was going to die".[5]:241

Prior to a performance at the New Music Seminar in New York City in July 1993, Cobain suffered a heroin overdose. Rather than calling for an ambulance, Love injected Cobain with naloxone to bring him out of his unconscious state. Cobain proceeded to perform with Nirvana, giving the public no indication that anything out of the ordinary had taken place.[7]:296–297

Soaked in Bleach is a 2015 American docudrama directed by Benjamin Statler. The film details the events leading up to the death of Kurt Cobain, as seen through the perspective of Tom Grant, the private detective who was hired by Courtney Love to find Cobain, her husband, shortly before his death in 1994. It also explores the premise that Cobain's death was not a suicide. The film stars Tyler Bryan as Cobain and Daniel Roebuck as Grant, with Sarah Scott portraying Courtney Love and August Emerson as Dylan Carlson.

Carlson was one of the many people interviewed in the Nick Broomfield documentary "Kurt & Courtney" (1998), which investigates allegations that Cobain might have been murdered and the suspicion that his wife Courtney Love and others might have been involved, possibly Dylan Carlson. Carlson states he regrets appearing in the film, saying "I was misled about his [Broomfield's] intentions."[3]

Stay strong, never give in!

@ArtificalDuality @Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @bopper

argosciv ago

I think I'm about to make another connection here! bare with me while I do some reading.

argosciv ago - TRANSLATE english version redirects to Charles Manson page! - Translated version can be read by scrolling down using the bar visible at the top-right near 'sign in'

On July 25, 1969, Bobby Beausoleil , Susan Atkins and Mary Brunner , three young followers of Manson, the latter mother of a son of his, paid a visit to Hinman.

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @carmencita @bopper

carmencita ago

How very very odd about the page redirecting to Manson. What could be the purpose of this?

argosciv ago

not sure, but, the desired page had a breadcrumb for me in plain sight - The Charles Manson pages seems to try to muddy the waters by smashing info into one place while dropping some bits along the way.

carmencita ago

Possibly it could mean something, or nothing at all. It does seem odd though. Sometimes I can over analyze, when there is nothing there. Why was Werner Herzog thrown into the mix? It seems he is harmless although somewhat pompous.

argosciv ago

Read about his involvement with Errol Morris and Ed Gein - see main post and relevant wikipedia pages

carmencita ago

Sorry, I had a rough day. Will go into them more.

argosciv ago

@kevdude @Millennial_Falcon @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion @Vindicator, check this shit out... sorry to ping y'all but this is just hilarious now.

argosciv ago

as always, a bit of music to mark the weird ;) Behemoth - Moonspell Rites (Xiądz)

From the dark ancient temples

Horrible palaces

From the land of dark forests

Kingdom of snow and frost

Where true evil dwells

Where flames are spiritual food

Where black satanic holocaust strikes

And people are baptized in blood

I come with the northern winds

I remain true, closed in icy heart

Moonspell rites [2x]

Cold, I'm standing in the moonlight

Demons return to me every night

Fill my soul with sacred power

Mystical whispers resound with hallow echo

Spread out my hands

Cold north majesty rises

Unsilent winds strike this pagan landscape

Where gods sit high on the oaken thrones

Moonspell rites [2x]


Moonspell rites [2x]

I'm the dark warrior, presented in flames

Carried on the hellish wings of fire

I discover the deepest desires, feel delight

I destroy all the god's laws

I am almighty immortal power

Gothamgirl ago

I am so Happy you decided to keep writting and sharing with us, your work and the connections you've made is amazing.

argosciv ago

I was perhaps a bit hasty when I said I have no further investigation to do here... I operate on the fly mostly and get queues from random fleeting thoughts, to look deeper... it's abstract as fuck, but the proof is(or will be) in the pudding.

Gothamgirl ago

Well you do it very well, thank you.

argosciv ago

part of the trick:

don't be afraid to be wrong, don't be afraid to look a bit crazy, don't be afraid to evaluate your own experiences & darkness(within or in your life), don't be afraid to see/hear the abstract; you may just find the practical connections which put it all together.

Remember to read between the lines, also ;)

Gothamgirl ago

Great advice and it's very much appreciated.

argosciv ago


picks up mic, swings it around, throws it out the window

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @carmencita @bopper

argosciv ago

see updates, check back for more every now and then, dunno how far i'll go with it myself.

argosciv ago

@srayzie @GothamGirl @Jem777 @quantokitty @jangles this one might get interesting