10534740? ago

Found this re: Mary Brunner

Cannot vouch at this time for credibility of author. Thought worth posting.


I also found a picture of her called the garbage bin photo.

Let me phone if you want copy of photo

Also, if I posted this in wrong thread let me know!

Thank you.

argosciv ago

Just for the sake of clarification in this thread...

I am not saying that Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain

carmencita ago

This is not my music, but I know from reports on here that there was a possibility of something other than a death by overdose. There has also been much talk about Courtney having reasons to be suspected.

Mr_Wolf ago

This is an interesting take. Lots of people have suspected that something much darker was going on behind the scenes of this "suicide"

argosciv ago

Something fucking MASSIVE coming later ;)

Need time to process and present

@ArtificalDuality @Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @bopper

millennial_vulcan ago

Courtney killed Kurt?

10520723? ago

It is believed by many that Courtney Love is implicated in a

hit on Kurt Cobain her then husband. And that Kurt did not take his own life.

Randy Cody writes about this in this article about

Soundgarden Frontman Chris Cornell's death.


Post about Courtney:



Mr_Wolf ago

Thats been the rumor for years.

millennial_vulcan ago

Yawn. Old news.

argosciv ago

@Jem777 @quantokitty @jangles @Crensch @Vindicator see parent message, sorry to be a pain but this is big

Jem777 ago

Damn bring it on....

argosciv ago

Commemorative music:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0ZcmMXrpJM Behemoth-Conquer All (The Forum) August 5th,2017 (HD recommended)

Mightiest Self!

Cast out of Thy Elysium

With blood of Nazarene

I write the story of man

2000 Years

Is nothing though it has been enough

Come forth victorious

Muting the foul angelic choirs!

None of thy empty gods, shall ever stand above me

None of thy weak brothers, shallt ever share my blood

My awareness, catalyst, of godhate I have spawned

In sinister ecstasy eternally I decompose

Race of man!

The errors of a wise make The rules

Ye shall see

Rather than the perfection of the fool

The most divine!

I am many! Among so very few

Beyond redemption, beyond the weak

Thus I beheld the truth!

None of thy empty gods, shall ever stand above me

None of thy weak brothers, shalt ever share my blood

My awareness, catalyst, of godhate I have spawned

In sinister ecstasy eternally I'm decomposed

I am the pure flame that burns

I am Sirius' son

I am the infinite space

I am the most conquering one

fogdryer ago

keep digging

argosciv ago

kinda spent here xD

3:44 PM 17/09/2017 local time

argosciv ago

@Jem777 @quantokitty @jangles @Crensch @Vindicator

Sorry, last of the pings, please check back in for potential updates.