redditsuckz ago

I am glad this post made you use your sleeper account to protect and defend the transgender agenda going on right now.

Transgenders are near impossible to tell these days but its going on right in front of our faces in the media and entertainment world...

10 Guys Who Were Born Female

ASolo ago

'There have been rumors about pedo shit swirling around the Grateful Dead for a long time. They put out some shill video of a crazy-acting person talking about it, trying to discredit the rumors.'

Are you talking about Carrington?

ASolo ago

Sorry you are correct about everything above except the "Aoxomoxoa" cover, other family 'heads' from that era have identified the actual child in that photo, Love propagated that rumor to embellish herself. Who gives a fuck anyway. There's a guy out there that claims Phil has done some pretty heinous things, rumors only reinforced by authors like Dave McGowan and first hand testimony from Bob weir and his pal wild bill Donovan of the oss at bohemian grove. The Dead are occultists, social engineers and possible satanists.

ASolo ago

The daughter of Hank Harrison and psychotherapist Linda Carroll. Linda Carroll (born April 7, 1944)[1] is an American author and a marriage counselor and family therapist.

Love spent her early years in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco until her parents' 1969 divorce, after which her father's custody was withdrawn when her mother alleged that he had fed LSD to her as a toddler.

Love attended a Montessori school in Eugene.

"Didn't have a lot of social skills", and that she learned them while frequenting gay clubs in Portland.

In 1981, Love was granted a small trust fund that had been left by her adoptive grandparents, which she used to travel to Dublin, Ireland, where her biological father was living. While there, she enrolled in courses at Trinity College

Also, Search K Records tattoo.

Interesting factoids on K Records:

Early K releases included childlike, hand-drawn album art.

According to author Gina Arnold, the name "K" originally stood for "knowledge" — as in knowledge of regional underground music scenes and of music in general.[2] (Founder) Johnson, however, has stated that "it's unclear why the name is K.

Kurt Cobain had the K Records logo tattooed on his forearm, saying it was to "try and remind me to stay a child."[23][24] The song "Lounge Act" on Nevermind references the logo.

The Hole song "Olympia" (credited as "Rock Star" on Live Through This) was changed on a performance on the John Peel show to reference Johnson and K Records.

anonOpenPress ago

Interesting to check the comment thread under the YT video with clearly visible shills there, and among them ppl claiming the case should've been reopened.

ASolo ago

Yes, Hank Harrison, former manager of The Grateful Dead, was intimately involved in the intelligence services countercultural social engineering program.

The truth is right in front of you:

Sell the kids for food

Weather changes moods

Spring is here again

Reproductive glands

He's the one

Who like all our pretty songs

And he likes to sing along

And he likes to shoot his gun

But he don't know what it means

Don't know what it means

HunkaHunka ago

spot on. Harrison even stated in an interview that he commuted every day to his job at Lockheed Martin's base in San Jose. That was where the NRO was located, where early as the late 1950s, with Operation Keyhole's advanced surveillance satellites, they could keep tabs on 'secret' compounds and monitor how many cars, owned by whom, were attending certain targeted 'activist cells' and addresses and locales. Find out who is sleeping with whom (his car was parked in her driveway all night, and he's MARRIED etc. ) The could count the number of cars parked outside and estimate the size of any growing movement. They had access to intercepting phone calls, tapping phone lines etc. the moment the phone system went digital in the 1960s. Don't believe the BS that legislation passed in 1967 required a warrant to tape your calls. The technology as usual was way ahead of the law. Hank Harrison worked at the NRO office located on the Lockheed Martin portion of Moffet Federal Airfield. Lockheed Martin is just a front corporation, its really just the R&D arm of the USAF and military intel. They manufacture spy satellites, spy planes, stealth aircraft, and communications surveillance technologies. The original NRO office at Moffet was located in the building at what is now the Sunnyvale Golf Course, and some of its below-ground level facilities still operate beneath the golf course to this day, while the larger operational office above ground was demolished and moved to the newer building on the western edge of Moffet Airfield, which later became the Google HQ/campus. Google's satellites (Google Earth, Google Maps satellites) are the old Operation Keyhole satellites used by the NRO. The reason they light up the cities so brightly all night is full=spectrum dominance, they want to be able to see everything, every moment , 24 hours per day seven days per week , which is why they burn all that hydro needlessly from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m . Keep tabs on who is parked where, and who is trying to hide something going on in their private property etc. Everything is lit. So Google is the former NRO is Lockheed Martin is Defense INtel is CIA is psychological operations, etc. Its all the same thing. Knowing everything about everyone and manipulating everyone and everything based upon the power which that knowledge gives them. All phone calls tapped, all properties surveilled, all cities lit up at night, etc With the added bonus that cell phones can be used as 'wires' to listen to conversations in homes, cable-connected televisions and PCs can be used as audio and even visual surveillance devices, etc. Hank Harrison worked in the NRO/Lockiheed Martin surveillance and psy-ops division. Google had a GIGANTIC staff monitoring and censuring public discourse over such things as Usenet and IRC throughout the 1980s and 1990s, these were the thought-police targeting 'homophobes, bigots, racists' etc. AGGRESSIVELY, databasing and blacklisting 'known dissidents', hacking and crashing their computers, installing viruses, bombarding targeted individuals with spyware, junk email and rip off schemes like HYIP etc. Courtney Love used her contacts at Google and the NRO to hype Nirvana and Cobain and other select artists all over usenet, IRC, fake fan club sites, etc. They can even fuck up the quality of health care which people receive via their networks and flagging systems. Many physicians are 'on the system' and if a new patient is flagged, there will be notification as to why this individual is hated/flagged.
They can steal company's intellectual property, wreck marriages, set people up for blackmail, 'short' companies into bankruptcy on exposure of exploited weaknesses , etc.

ASolo ago

Boom! Yeah, I'd say you pretty much destroyed it. (((bravo)))

Marfa-Lights ago

Her father was an expert in medieval and Celtic history, in other words the Knight Templar. Her father believes it was her that killed Kurt Cobain.

DawnofTruth ago

Nah, Courtney is just a drugged out murderous strung out attention deprived whore. I highly doubt she's into kids. And Kurt certainly wasn't. Not to say she herself wasn't abused (as her dad was the Grateful Dead manager so who knows who he knew or owed favors to) but there's nothing about this pathetic woman that suggests she's a pedophile. Not even her aura says so.

pbvrocks ago

Great work 👍

StonedImmaculate ago

Recorded conversation of Courtney Love admitting to Tom Grant that she destroyed evidence.

StonedImmaculate ago

Courtney Love-Tom Grant phone calls April 1994 Part 1/2 (The Cobain Case) Kurt was murdered

StonedImmaculate ago

"Hank" Harrison Courtney Love , Kurt Cobain, Grateful Dead and MORE!!!

StonedImmaculate ago

kazza64 ago

great post. thank you

anonOpenPress ago

I've noticed MANY tactics of shills in the comment threads here - misguiding towards irrelevant facts, misguiding with unproven facts, voting up misguiding comments, voting down comments from ppl I've found useful... And not only from fresh accounts. They are reorganizing the comment thread, be aware! The OP post might include some very valuable stuff getting them especially active here. (I commented this after 90 comments posted)

djklbd ago

LOL as soon as I saw the Marina Abrimovic photo.....I knew

MA is like the canary in the coal mine....Dead giveaway

You're good....

MrO ago

Oh my God, did I just read "You can't rape the willing" in one of their flyers !!!

truthseekertx ago

Yup. That's exactly what it says. Sick stuff.

Azzipdoe ago

A while while back, pre pizzagate, I remember being interested in the two Corey's and their Hollywood pedo experiences... Corey Feldman had some interesting things here and there to say but never names the perpetrators.. after speculation a lot of people were narrowing it down to a few key people, Spielberg being one of them.

kazza64 ago

i cant find anything on spielberg but my sensors tell me he is definately on the radar as a major behind the scenes player

Azzipdoe ago

Call me crazy but I believe I read something on here fairly recently about Alefantis and Obama seeing the stones together?? I believe in Australia? Kinda off topic but came to mind when I read your comment..

Rip Brian jones too.

StonedImmaculate ago

And we all know the Stones had someone murdered at their concert.

The_Crux ago

I get a vibe of the pedo culture in that heart shaped box song by Nirvana. And then Cobain dies and must have had some of his works being developed before his death and Foo Fighters come out with some really great music at their beginning and Hole has some great music right after his death, and then they got nothing much after that when they run out of Cobain material. I'm not saying they killed him to steal his work and call it their own, they just used it after he killed himself and didn't feel the need to credit him. He had the talent for making good music and it's a rare talent.

equineluvr ago

Wow, this is some F-ed up stuff (bolding mine) -

the images of angels strapped to blood machines is enticing and disturbing. In the story, I'm still very confused. Who are the Dougans? At first they are presented like werewolf type creatures, but then some of the angels call themselves Dougans so ....

Then, there's the strange drug addiction.Apparently the blood from one of these angels is quite blissful when drunk, and there is a terrible history of angels strapped to blood machines till they're withered and dead. It's quite disturbing on an old-school torture level. Kent, Ai's love interest, is an addict. This is strange because that would mean he's causing pain to Ai (maybe not literally, but to her kind). It's old-world vampirism; the scary kind that would make you run inside, pray to God, and hope the living dead never find you (unlike the later-romanticized versions). All this with the sadistic twist of Ai being drained of blood, and Kent being an addict; that just seems so out of place in a pretty fantasy like this one, even with the whole rock star theme. I'm incredibly frustrated by this now knowing that is based, even loosely, on such horrible role models. It makes me sick. Here kids, it's ok to be druggies and addicts because you can create a fantasy comic about your life to make it look ok".

djklbd ago

Apparently the blood from one of these angels is quite blissful when drunk,

Adrenochrome is real as fuck....

God damnit I hope to god this shit gets exposed someday....That would be like the feeling of 90,000 orgasms....

equineluvr ago

The #1 reason is that they are Jews (some are cryptos). Jews suffer from more mental illnesses than any other group.

Jews lack empathy and are more aggressive/domineering (frequently manifesting as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse). Those are traits that they value and help them "succeed in business." Unfortunately, those same traits mean that all of their interpersonal relationships, including with their kids, are screwed up.

Add dysfunctional famiily/upbringing (drugs, sexual abuse, physical abuse, etc.), MK-Ultra mind control programming, alcohol/drug abuse, and the screwed up 100% Jewish Hollyweird culture and you have a recipe for being extremely fucked up.

truthseekertx ago

Not sure if you were referring to sources about Ted Nugent, so here it is in her own words, but MrFarrr had it a little wrong. She didn't sleep with him at 13, but she did have oral sex with him at 12.

equineluvr ago

Kurt Cobain was a pedo. He was signed by K Records.

My post from another forum - (Keep in mind that this is taken out of context)

Interesting factoids on K Records, all pointing to probable pedophilia:

Early K releases included childlike, hand-drawn album art.

According to author Gina Arnold, the name "K" originally stood for "knowledge" — as in knowledge of regional underground music scenes and of music in general.[2] (Founder) Johnson, however, has stated that "it's unclear why the name is K.

Kurt Cobain had the K Records logo tattooed on his forearm, saying it was to "try and remind me to stay a child."[23][24] The song "Lounge Act" on Nevermind references the logo.

The Hole song "Olympia" (credited as "Rock Star" on Live Through This) was changed on a performance on the John Peel show to reference Johnson and K Records.

So, if Kurt Cobain was a pedo then that freak Courtney Love probably is too.

And who ever heard of the founder of a company NOT KNOWING THE GENESIS OF ITS NAME!?

madhatter67 ago

I'm not sure K records were pizza related....but who knows any more....They evolved out of the late 80's indiepop scene (often called "cutie" or "twee" or "anorak" pop)...there was certainly a lot of juvenile aesthetic around the whole thing, and some of those involved were teenagers, but it was all pretty asexual as I remember it....and so far underground there were probably only a few hundred people worldwide involved, most of whom were penniless....I was pretty heavily into this stuff at the time, knew a lot of the people involved, and really didn't see anything much that ties in with pizza as it is now....

Courtney Love on the other hand I can certainly believe....before she got Kurt, she attempted to get her claws into Julian Cope, when he was having hits in the early 80's....he dodged that bullet...with hindsight that story reeks of honeytrap

ASolo ago


HunkaHunka ago

staying a child is wisdom, though. I hate to see everyone put through a strainer for every foible in life. Humans are fallible and prone to errors. when I was 15 I had three different adult women expose themselves to me, because I was sexually attractive to them and they probably wanted to help me become an adult sexually. I did not have sex with them, I was a young wanker, but I did not interpret their actions as abusive, and the era , the mores of the time , with porn everywhere available to the young, I was into marijuana, beer, cigarettes already at that age. Everyone was pretty cool to the idea of easing off on the moral puritanism of previous times. IT was a time of social experimentation with total freedom. Adolescent girls were on birth control pill s,. all the music was about being sexually wild and free. There was a hit song 'Hot Child in the City' and 'Roxy Roller' by a libertine rock band , which was about kids getting into sex. It was just the ethos of the times which everyone was living, a lot of the songs were about 16 yr. old girls. So if a rocker was seen partying with a 16 yr. old girl it wasn't the end of the world. Eventually all of this led to the problems with pimps and teen prostitution and drugs, which has sort of laid waste to it all. Everyone think twice about becoming high priests and judges in all of this. That's all.

andrevandelft ago

Votescam ago

Was just going to suggest that - thank you!

Had no idea why we were always hearing these "celebrity" names Britney Spears and Courtney Love and knew nothing about them.

Our music industry and movies certainly had to be a target for MKULTRA as they were industries large enough and powerful enough to attack right wing fascism here.

Perhaps just knocking off musicians wasn't enough and they decided they needed their own?

StonedImmaculate ago

Mickey Mouse club. Grooming centre for exploited children.

Mencomot ago

Sometimes I'm baffled by the sheer amount of compelling information which serves to fuel this movement. It is even more baffling how little it is discussed on major platforms. How telling that it's all there to be seen but hardly discussed. The elephant in the middle of our universe.

JrSlimss ago

This article may be helpful with the Dana Giacchetto part. It was also written by the Pizzagate.Wiki team:

Pokes ago

IMO, anybody's name in Epstein's book downright suggests they ARE pedophiles.

djklbd ago

Even trump? People defend him to no end here for some reason. He's not on our side. (I suspect CTR/Shareblue are deployed here to push this narrative to politicize the pizzagate investigation).

Pokes ago


lobsterguts ago

I was reading these posts and I suddenly remembered, wasn't Pete Townshend (The Who) accused of something a few years back? I'll look into it...

3141592653 ago

Yup,caught "researching" child porn, he claimed. He was found to have used a credit card to download CP online

FreeRebel ago

Good work! I'd like to get some sources on the MK Ultra allegations. It would make sense. She exudes and embodies degeneracy, and because she is a "star" her presence would lend a little glitter to a party. That would put her in the mix with every sort of degenerate, and among these are both pedophiles and undifferentiated perverts whose vices include under-age sex. I don't know if every spiral motif has to click to the FBI-certified pedo symbols. The spiral is ancient and universal, and the one used with her band logo is round, not triangular. All the imagery of children can be read equally as enacting of her own traumatic childhood, as it could be her own sexual attraction to kids. I haven't really seen anything here that makes me think PEDOPHILE. But something more like what we used to call a "fag hag" who socializes with those who indulge in perversions that she herself doesn't get off on. If she really was worked on under MK Ultra, then she's been used her whole life and has no "normal."

awakenaware ago

Yea i always had a funny feeling about the Dead and dead heads etc.. it was like a cult and so many were suckered into it.. but their lyrics reveal much... I also feel the Rocky Horror Picture Show was a illuminati/Tavistock programming creation to usher promote all kinds of loose sexual behaviour... I always got a strange feeling from that show also .. like it was programming and I didn't like its message even as a young kid. id say 95% of the big celebs are totally compromised and "in the game".. and have basically sold their souls for fame.

concernedaboutitall ago

Sadly, this makes me think of Drew Barrymore. Another likely MK Ultra. Remember her obsession with butterflies? And her autobiography Little Girl Lost? I may have to reread that.

Snailracer ago

Courtney, age 19, was smoking cigarettes with Drew, age 8... sounds like there might be more that went on.

awakenaware ago

Kurt in one of their earlier rare record albums (which i can no longer find on the net) had a sleeve with a pic of the band practicing in their house with blood dripping from their mouths. The story goes that Kirt and band were into blood sacrifice and drinking blood and the blood was from a teenage girl who ahd been murdered shortly before the pic was taken. Im certain (and yes i have no proof) that Kirt and family were CIA and MKULTRA.. if you read all the lyrics and read between the lines its clear to see that Kirt Spearheaded a whole wave of teenage angst grunge music and was programmed to do that. Lots of anti-christian lyrics (im not religious) and pro-satanist ideals and lyrics. I am certain Cortney and Kirt were into all kinds of stuff. Kirt also hinted in various lyrics in later years about what was really going on.. There are hundreds of stories similar to this involving musicians and celebrites.. I dont know if its useful to even get into it all.. we could do the same with Brad and Angelena and so many other celebs that have been playing the game in return for stardom and film/music contracts.. And I agree many ahve faked their deaths and there is evidence to support this, including Bowie just to name one recent one.. others are killed for speaking out like Prince (talked about corrupt govt and chemtrails not long before he "died")

Jakestr ago

I'm telling you, they ruined every artist, every singer, every actor for me I don't watch TV at all can barely get myself to listen to the radio. You did the fantastic job my God you found so much stuff on her. Without a doubt she's knee-deep into this. Explains why she kept going bonkers

Death2Masons ago

I am the same. Done with all corporate media, movies, TV.

V____Z ago

Could you all please peruse the "new" submissions too and upvote relevant ones? I'm being followed by a team of trolls and y'all are missing some good stuff because it's getting buried. Thanks for allowing me to interrupt this thread ;)

For instance:

Aleister Crowley's OTO, Thelema sex magick rituals - another reason for child sex trafficking

"Pizzagate Angela" interviewed on The Hagmann Report (3.4.17)

Death2Masons ago

This is an excellent thread and you should not be competing with people. This thread spells out obvious pedo symbol references all over Courtneys work, and that is related to this being a systematic sickness promoted by the hidden hand that controls western society.

V____Z ago

Not sure how you read my comment as competitive. I didn't mean to insinuate that these are more important, just saying that i'm being trolled and could use some help.

DonKeyhote ago

Actually what he should do is use the search function for related threads and include them

Touchdown50 ago

I can see her being into young teen girls.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very disturbing. Well documented post.

truthseekertx ago

Thanks man! Appreciate it.

dickface8 ago

She also sucked Ted Nugent off when she was 12 years old.

srayzie ago

Boy, you weren't kidding. Great job. Thank you for posting. I can understand why she's so jacked up now. I didn't know she was an MKUltra kid. She must have lived a tortured life. This kind of life is probably all she's ever known.

2b1ask1 ago

Excellent digging.

Tai Lopez (the "Lambo" guy on YouTube) mentioned this Robert Burkle recently... said he had a house MUCH bigger than his down the street in Beverly Hills. I would look much closer into Robert Burkle.

DonKeyhote ago

Personal letter from Cobain to Geffen, his boss at DGC Records.

Relevant bit after complaining about a vanity fair profile accusing love of using heroin while pregnant:

You> may not even be aware that Courtneys band Hole is also on DGC. They are a very important band to be heard especiallymy wifes openess and embrace of womens rights and homosexuality. This person who wrote the article Lynn Hirschberg must have her karma broken. Some way. Its either her or me. I love my wife and soon to be new daughter too much to let everyones low opinions of us ruin our lives together. I am now in rehab going on 18 days and Im really looking forward to having a family at this point fuck NIRVANA. Ive never admitted to using drugs in articles because I dont want my fans to do the same. We are capable of displaying a healthy attitude before our audience and the next record is easily as good as the last one, but Im so extremely pissed off about this piece of trash journalism that Ill lay anything on the line for the love of my wife and daughter. Sincerely Kurt Cobain.>

The bolded part is mine, as it proves thatGeffen artists clearly view promoting homosexual agenda as part of their services rendered to geffen.

anonOpenPress ago

I followed up Hole a bit further, I run into Babes in Toyland and some pedophilia around related persons

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Classic behavioral traits of an abused child

DonKeyhote ago

See my immediatrly deleted post with evidence against Geffen and which was followed immediatrly by a shill post about Snoop Dogg tweeting. As Cartman said THEY'RE JEWS! THEYRE ALL JEWS!

equineluvr ago

Of COURSE they are all Jews. :)

carmencita ago

Don't ask me for the link, because I don't have it. I saw a rough copy that was posted on here of Epstein's little black book, and she was on it . That is all I know, and that is enough for me.

FreeRebel ago

How interesting! It looks like he has to call Dana to get through to Courtney. Dana the guy who died.

carmencita ago

Whoa! Yes, that's the copy I saw. Thanks:-)

truthseekertx ago

I think I'll burn my Courtney Love CD's now. The more I research...I'm sure I will just end up having to burn more.

carmencita ago

Yes, remember the Tom Hanks skit on Jimmy Kimmel? The one where he dresses up a little girl he passes off as his daughter (only she is not)? He dresses her ala Jon Benet. Like a little ballet princess and tells her to keep repeating Sexy Baby Sexy Baby. I could go on and on, but it makes me sick. There is a video on YT, I believe. I haven't seen movies for years, but that killed it for me. Yeah, and Ron Howard was in it too. Yeah, Opie. I would not be surprised if half of them are clones or hatched out of some pod like in the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I know it has been re-done, but the old one is better. It is much scarier. They new one I think since it is in color takes the edge off of it. I remember when I first saw it, I had trouble falling asleep many nights. Beep-Bop.

DonKeyhote ago

Opie from Opie and Anthony?

carmencita ago

Opie from the Andy Griffith Show, starring Ron Howard as Opie, Andy's little boy. Yes, another bubble has been burst. They no longer deserve our admiration. I am done with them.

DonKeyhote ago

Well a tenet of my philosophy is that fiction is stupid. And art basically. Not all cultures love to just sit down and invent some farcical story out of thin air. You might as well be jacking off. I do like comedy because its intellectual inasmuch as it requires wit. Video games are absolutely for children and retards.

Godwillwin ago

Please see this submission of mine a few days ago on the art world. Seraphina the woman tweeting at Julian about my ultra and CIA and death threats etc responded to me in Tbe thread. I'd like to get more eyes on it.

truthseekertx ago

I'll definitely check it out a little later. I did see the name Richard Prince on your post title. I actually did a post here a few days ago about several artists connected to an organization with a pedo swirl as their logo. Richard Prince came up and I included a short section on him. There was another voat post that had said he may be involved in money laundering through the art scene. Might be worth looking more in to him.

Here is the link to my post.

Death2Masons ago

And let us not forget that Cobain died under suspicous circumstances, and the public has speculated on his death and courtneys possible involvement for a long time. If she was an MK ULTRA kid, and her father was CIA, which I have never looked into, that would leave the door open for Illuminati celebrity sacrifice. I used to laugh off such a concept but it is far from far fetched anymore. Once you are kdinapping children, raping and torturing them, murdering them and selling their organs, anything is on the table and nothing is fantastic any longer. Especially when the entire establishment is working for this beast system.

HunkaHunka ago

wrong on Cobain, though. Courtney has been making a shit load of money on 'Cobain was murdered' videos for twenty years, and they faked his death. Notice she even got her father Hank Harrison to help out by accusing her of having him murdered. She laughs it all off because his death was faked , and they sell more of Nirvana's moldy old depressing 1993 music every time Courtney gets her father or her private eye Tom Grant, her nanny, etc. to put out a video or book or do another interview or publicity stunt about it. Its all a scam. Cobain wanted to pull a Jim Morrison and retire on all the 'beloved dead rocker' royalties, problem is that only lasts so long and his band only had about two or three real hits. Try retiring at 27 and living off of three songs for the next 50 years. Unless, of course , you have a Plan B, which is that your name will be continually thrust into the public eye for generations to come on manufactured 'they killed Cobain' BS. Courtney Love makes bank on being the 'dark villain' and pulling all sorts of bullshit stunts, like when she paid that fat jewish friend of hers to follow her around accusing her of killing Cobain. Somehow he always knew her court dates or her parking space to be RIGHT THERE with his video camera ready to chase her down . It was all scripted. She even phoned in fake OD news reports to the press about herself. She's a master at playing the publicity game because her entire family and CIA milieu behind them have been at it for decades. That's all it is, and as anyone who has ever watched any of the sickening conspiracy videos can attest, about 70/% of the videos are devoted to abject, cloying worship of Cobain and how perfect he was, and how he liked puppies and what a GIGANTIC STAR he was etc. , when in fact Nirvana only played one big stadium shown their entire career, which was a music festival , not a Nirvana concert, and they only had two records out which sold, the latter of which was considered a flop, sales of which were only saved/padded by the news of his timely (faked) death. The more you look into it , you find its just fraud. It's sickening to watch those videos once you know what they are doing. Those videos are marketing videos for Cobain , nothing more. There was no murder. There was no death. Which explains all the anomalies around it. Like him purportedly knocking himself dead with an instantly lethal dose of heroin, and then deciding to shoot himself in the head because it would sell more records to be 'suicide' than ' possibly accidental overdose'. Its complete bullshit. They searched the house after he went missing, yet didn't find his body in the greenhouse above the garage...sure..makes sense. THey hired a professional investigator, Tom Grant, to find him, and a professional hired to find him didn't bother searching the whole house...sure. The investigator which Courtney paid to find him, Tom GRant, was probably also paid by her to write his 'Cobain was murdered' book. From which Courtney, the still alive Cobain, and Tom Grant all made money. It drives record sales to be a martyr. Cobain lied about writing the lyrics to his two biggest hits, which is probably another reason why he turned to heroin and then had to get out of the business.

equineluvr ago

Hmmm... I haven't looked into this stuff, but it certainly sounds plausible. Upvoat for taking the time (lengthy post) to share this interesting stuff with us.

Antiracist2 ago

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles

Bo, member when I told you heart shaped box had fetuses hanging from strings?

Bojangles ago

That music video is one of my earliest memories. I was like 4 when I saw it.

equineluvr ago

There are LOTS of creepy references in the "Heart-Shaped Box" video - organs, etc.

strix-varia ago

It seems, she's certainly had/has "issues".

MrFarrr ago

She alleges to have been given LSD as a child and also than Ted Nugent slept with her when she was 13?

kazza64 ago

so ted nugent is a paedophile

StonedImmaculate ago

redditsuckz ago

Looks like she was born a man...


More MKULTRA androgynous Baphomet satanic worship...


More Tranny MKULTRA with Pizza;

Conspiracy Theory (1997) - Pizza clip - MKULTRA victim Julia Roberts Illuminati Tranny

Cigarette5mokingman ago

What's with this everyone is a tranny paranoia going around lately? Did I miss something?

redditsuckz ago

The god these people worship is Baphomet(androgynous god)...and Hollywood throws them in front of us to be worshiped...

Think about it for a moment...if heterosexual men controlled Hollywood and movies they would want to see hot women on the big screen...but in reality homosexuals control Gay Jews...and they want to see men/boys on the screen...or Trannies...their first choice would be their own race which is why most actors/actresses are Jewish...then anglo.

Saibra ago

Probably right. No wonder her daughter hates her.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin Lupi's Pizza - Suspicious Pizza joint eerily similar to Comet Ping Pong 2/7/2017 7941750 Hollywood Prostitution Ring Bust article posted on Rosanne Barr's Twitter, She's a pedo-fighter and mk ultra whistleblower 2/24/2017 8194246

HunkaHunka ago

there's that pizza sauce spiral again. hypnosis, mind control spiral. excellent work, everyone. Courtney Love and her father Hank Harrison are spooks. They are involved with setting musicians up as spies, occult blackmail, all sorts of dark shit. Hank Harrison and David Geffen knew everyone at Apple REcords, and they faked MANY rocker's deaths for national security and insurance fraud and lucrative retirments. Hank Harrison and David Geffen knew all the fake '27 Club' rockers whose deaths were faked. Courtney Love knew Amy Winehouse and Peaches Geldoff, and no , they were not murdered, they were fake deaths using the massive intel resources of London.

MrFarrr ago

Peaches was murdered for releasing the names of pedophiles involved in supplying the OTO.

3141592653 ago


Creatrix ago

Ordo Templi Orientis

HunkaHunka ago

Add Pete Ham to that list, Marc Bolan, Keith Moon, David Bowie, Prince, George Michael, Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, Robin WIlliams, Whitney Houston, and Joan Rivers, to name just a few more.

DonKeyhote ago

Why Keith moon? I read an 800 page biography of him and I don't recall anything about pdophilia.just pills and his gnarly house tara

HunkaHunka ago

Keith Moon was mentioned in the context of a faked death. Did you know that Marc Bolan (famous guitarist of T Rex), Keith Moon, and John Lennon were all Brits and all close friends who hit big in the U.S., and all died within three years of each other? No one ever mentioned it, and of course by now its ancient news , because they all died from 1977- 1980, which is ages ago now. And Pete Ham , another spookish British invasion rocker with ties to Apple Records and Sir McCartney and the rest of the spooks, died of 'suicide' in 1975, with multiple big fat industry and family insurance policies taken out on him. Its an old racket. Its tied up in intel ops, insurance scams, publicity scams, etc.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Most likely.

Searching4Truth ago

She's a murderer. That much is clear

HunkaHunka ago

Cobain's death was faked. He's still alive. He wanted out of music and the public eye. He could not function as a public figure without heroin, but the drugs were killing him, so he had to quit. He got Mi6 and London and Geffen to give him the same fake deaths they gave Morrison, Lennon , and whole slew of others who wanted out of the public eye.

Long_Knife ago

Right, because Mi6/ London gives a fuck about music stars wanting out of the public eye and has special programs to whisk them away.

HunkaHunka ago

exactly. They are valuable assets and were CREATED by the intel from the start. Wake the F up, do you know a thing about David McGowan's work? The entire media is owned and run by the intel and govt. which finance it. The government owns and creates our media for us. Wake up. You don't make it to the top in show business unless you work for the spooks.

2b1ask1 ago

Look into Cape town South Africa.

Many in the culture industry flock there.


Well, it is gorgeous.

And even better, it is illegal to be a paparazzi there. And drones were banned 3 years ago.

I would bet everything I own that this is where "dead" celebrities hide - aka "the island".

pnwpatriot97 ago

Would you mind giving me a pm with some sources of this? Very interested.

FreeRebel ago


HunkaHunka ago

good guess, and I always thought Brazil too, because its a gigantic nation, developed enough to live decently in, with a beautiful climate etc., yet SO DAMN FAR AWAY from everything else, with the added bonus that the national language, of all things , is Portuguese. Talk about insular. They are isolated from the world by not only geography, but by their national language, with only ONE small nation on the other side of the world speaking it.

MyNameIsLuka ago

He'd have had his 50th birthday yesterday. Man, time flies.

rosshk ago

Not to be "that guy", but his birthday was Feb 20th. You're thinking of the day of his death, which was April 5th.

MyNameIsLuka ago

I'm terrible with dates, lol.