Crensch ago

Hmm, maybe so.

Crensch ago

Is he Sane?

carmencita ago

Well WTH is this? Hoffa's Retro Cinema Club? They ran this at the Cinema a movie about Alice and Lewis Carroll. Odd. And why does Hoffa have a Retro Cinema Club? I can't find hardly any info on it except that it is in Mount Pleasant, Wisc. This could be nothing but if it is connected to Hoffa there could be something to it.

argosciv ago

Please try to remember that the primary reason for posting this thread, is to discuss Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance and it's possible relation to "the root of evil/corruption in Wisconsin".

While I surely believe that Cobain's situation is abstractly or directly tied in to this, focusing on Cobain and Love, will take away from looking into Hoffa et al.

@1977345 @carmencita @Jem777 @GothamGirl @fogdryer

Please keep in mind that there is a Kurt Cobain thread linked at the top of the main post here.

also note:

I am not saying that Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain

carmencita ago

I got the impression you were focusing on Hoffa since he was hooked up with the Mafia and we know they are and have been entrenched in Wisconsin for more than decades. I was not a part of the Cobain generation or music so I am not privy nor have I had an interest to delve into his death. BUT, I do have an interest in researching the horrible deaths we have had with so many of the stars in the movie and music field. With the deaths of Cornell and Bennington and so many hip hop performers it begs us to look into others, namely Cobain. Some members seem to think that he has been murdered, namely by Courtney. I have read quite a few opinions during the postings of the deaths of Cornell and Bennington that mention Courtney being responsible for Kurt's death. I am not totally convinced, but I know that others are more knowledgeable about this than I, not being part of that generation. I also think that even though they are part of the mix, the focus I also believe should be on the Mafia and their involvement with James Hoffa. I have always found his murder extremely interesting and now I believe that his death was a part of the Racine Corruption due to the Mafia entrenchment already in place. There is so much to dig into here. I think they have been getting away with crimes for decades because people really think the Mafia somewhat has lost their power. They are wrong.

argosciv ago

The Hoffa case is a goldmine, think about the donations to Clinton, Clinton vs Trump... August Kreis III... End of an Empire, brought down from within...

It's all relative, but Hoffa... wow... I mean come the fuck on... The case of Jimmy Hoffa, now with new light on it... think about that for a minute.


carmencita ago

Yes, Hoffa was like the Deep State, only second in power to the President/Congress. He had to be brought down in order for them to take over in Racine and in the area. He was too powerful to be reigned in and they did not want to share their profits with him. Besides, they had much more evil in their minds besides unions, the NWO. The Corporations in Wisc. also wanted to be in on that action. What a Cocktail Combo for our demise. Corrupt Greedy Corporations and the La Cosa Nostra. Also the La Cosa Nostra is still heavily involved with the Vatican in Italy. The are all Partners in the Crime of the Century. Us.

10528929? ago

Point very well taken and appreciated. I got it! Sorry.

Would you like me to delete any comments since I got off track?

I will!

I will not post any more comments on the threads unless they are 100 in sync with your thread.

Thank You for your comment!

argosciv ago

no no, I really value the info posted, just worried people are missing the importance of the Jimmy Hoffa case - we may very well have motive and viable leads that were never considered all those years ago.

10529013? ago

Absolutely correct. I was skirting that big and unknown to me Hoffa area.

argosciv ago

There's definitely a lot of reading to do, regarding Hoffa et al.

I'm slowly combing through it for the stuff that strikes me as 'possibly connected', many things are jumping out, but, it's hard putting it all in context.

carmencita ago

Here is something that I think will give some of us hope. It was in the comments. Of all things it is from CNN which makes it more amazing. It is now a small Scicillian town is tackling the Mafia, La Cosa Nostra. Please read

argosciv ago

Good on 'em.

The timing is certainly interesting, if nothing else.

argosciv ago

@ArtificalDuality @Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @bopper updated main post with relevant info pertaining to IBT/TDU being used by Jimmy Hoffa's son(James Hoffa), to fund Obama and Clinton.

ArtificalDuality ago

Good research. I haven't looked into it fully yet, but the moment I heard about the "OD" of Kurt Kobain I felt and knew it was murder. So much I can tell. A few days after, these suspicions began to actually emerge on the web.

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing, you've put in alot of effort.

mooteensy ago

I always knew Courtney was the one behind whoever was hired to murder Cobain, and from a doc I watched I believed it was because he was planning to divorce her. Even then though, I think Courtney would have been very well off unless they had a prenup (I have no idea?). This gives a new light on WHY Courtney needed get Kurt 'taken care of'.

10528176? ago

You know what?

I don't doubt that Kurt wanted to leave Courtney.

My thinking is that Kurt Corbain may have been ritually sacrificed.

He joined the 27 club too.

These musicians died at age 27:

Jimi Hendrix

Janis Joplin

Jim Morrison

Kurt Cobain

Any Winehouse

The following musicians also died at age 27:

Brian Jones. Pete Ham. Gary Thain. . Dave Alexander. Ron 'Pivpen' McKernan

Chris Bell. Jacob Miller. Alexander Bashlachev. Pete de Freitas. Chris Austin. Cecilia

D. Boon. Leslie Harvey. Alan "Blind Owl"Wilson. Alexandra. Debbie Pride. Rudy Lewis. Jesse Belvin

Helmet Kollen. Nat Jaffe. Louis Chauvin. Robert Johnson.

Some people call it the '27 Club'.

Did some research.

Kurt Cobain died around April 5, 1994.

I got to wondering.

I know the Friday before Easter is a Ritual Celebration for Satanists.

Christian denminations call it 'Good Friday'.

This day is for this per Satanists:

Friday before easter-date varies each year.


Usage- human sacrifice

Age-male adult only.

Kurt Cobain died around if not on Good Friday, 1994.

A reliable time of death for Kurt has never been established per my research.






10524161? ago

Courtney Love had names of Hollywood Music Industry Executives

and Stars who participated in pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse..

Report is Chris Cornell found specific names from Chester Bennington

inadvertently through Courtney Love.

I will get more sources and post.

copy to @Jem777

carmencita ago

Thank you for that. I am waiting to read more. This dirty business needs to be aired out once and for all.

Jem777 ago


Thank you so much for contributing. I saw your earlier post.

carmencita ago

HUGE UPVOATS are in Order for OP. Although I know that is NOT the purpose of the Posts. Incredible amount of researching and work has gone into all of OPs Posts and we all know what kind of grueling work that can be for hours and hours and days and days. A Masterpiece!

argosciv ago

I'm off to bed now, ~3:06am 18th September 2017

millennial_vulcan ago

Upvoated, as always. An incredible read.

carmencita ago

The whole string of Posts is Amazing, Yes.

argosciv ago


apparently kevdude isn't all too happy with it, but, if I'm wrong I'm wrong :P

carmencita ago

Well, we must ping in order to get and keep eyes on our posts. That is a pain for some. I welcome them. It keeps me on my toes and helps me get back on course while getting distracted with other posts. There is so much incredible posting.

carmencita ago

Holy Mafioso! This Documentary is loaded with info but there is an article included here with tons of Mafia names and mostly all these guys are not small time hoods. These are the Big Guns involved at that time even with the CIA and the JFK and RFK assassinations. Why would we think these Mobs were snuffed out? A few may still be around, but their sons/daughters and others of the FAMILY are in power. RFK said that Hoffa's power was only second to that of the US Govt. I believe that a lot of these names can now be found in Racine. I remember the Bonanno family being linked to Racine by one of our members and they are mentioned in this article and Doc. Film. Also mentioned is this about Frank Sheeran: Frank Sheeran, a Teamster ally and Mafia enforcer, made the claim that he personally killed Hoffa in a house in Detroit and his story became a national best seller. But the veracity of Sheeran’s story is undermined by his previous attempts to get a book deal centered around the claim that Richard Nixon had Hoffa killed, and his use of a forged document purportedly signed by Hoffa that validated his “Who Killed Jimmy Hoffa” will cover the life and times of Hoffa and explore all the theories about his disappearance. In analyzing the suspects we will take a tour of America’s 20th criminal landscape and see how the Hoffa hit was the final act in the nearly 50 year reign of La Cosa Nostra as a shadow government that wielded chilling power and control over America. NOW, do we really believe that La Cosa Nostra died out? NO. I have read the article but am looking for the Doc. KILLING JIMMY HOFFA. Here is the article link: EDIT: This is a short trailer of the Doc. the movie is avail. for streaming at various sites:

fogdryer ago

Keep digging Thank you

carmencita ago

I had to stop to find time for Forgetmenot's post. It is amazing. I did not get to it till now due to spending time reading all the posts and info of @argosciv which are amazing. We have such talented and spirited and dedicated people. You are one of them as well. Thank you for all your hard work.

Gothamgirl ago

Another amazing post, well done.

Jem777 ago

Courtney Love was at Chris Cornell funeral as well as with Chester Bennington. There was information released Chris and Chester had information that would expose her and the Kurt Cobain murder along with other child traffickers connected to Rock Music and Hollywood. The information was it had direct connections to Washington DC evil doers that have been named on pizzagate. The murders were to silence them both.

Washington Young Social Club 2010 James Alefantis, Reggie Love (Obama "bodyman") Septimbre Webre, Izette Folger, Courtney Love, & many others

10523943? ago

I know Courtney Love

was at Chris' funeral. She is, supposedly, close friends with Vicky, Chris Cornell's now widow.

Forget MSN including TMZ reporting this.

Chris Cornell's was murdered and MSN has been attempting to aid in

a cover-up. My opinion is that Chester Bennington was murdered also.

Jem777 ago

Thank you so much for coming forward. This is the information I had heard. Please contribute what you are comfortable sharing.

10524482? ago

Thank you so much for your work.

Chris and then Chester's deaths (in my opinion, murders) figure deeply

into our GETTING THE TRUTH OUT. There is only one true scenario on this.

carmencita ago

They have been falling one by one and no one is Crying Out. Crying Out for them and for others to hear. To hear, the truth. That they are being silenced for the Courage To Decide To Step Forward.

carmencita ago

Wow thanks for that Jem. Well, I remember also that Reggie Love was from St. Louis and that Obama's favorite Pizza Place was Pi Pizza. Pi is owned by Imo's and they are Italian. I have not gone into deep research on them but am convinced they are connected to the Mafia. This is something @Wolftrail77272 and I researched. I feel that all of this is somehow connected with the Mafia (they are for sure connected to the Music Ind.) so there can be a tie in with the Cobain Cornell and Bennington Deaths.

argosciv ago

Who's (or what's) Sane?

Sorry, no more pings should be necessary from here on.

Jem777 ago

@Jem777 checking in.

@Wisconsin_is_Corrupt here you go. Rancine on a platter let's connect some dots.

@jangles @Dressage2 @ESOTERICshade @scrayzie @TrishaUK @9217 @quantumkitty @Vindicator

argosciv ago

@quantokitty not quantum

argosciv ago


Where the fuck is everyone?!

millennial_vulcan ago

We're here. Don't worry argosciv. So many people are becoming more and more redpilled by the day.

Everyone knows Courtney is evil and connected to evil and had a hand in killing Kurt. This is taken from a very popular British music show....

carmencita ago

Well, I have believed, as far as Hoffa is concerned that the Mafia and the CIA both had reasons to assassinate the Kennedy Bros. The Mafia wanted to take over the Unions and the CIA as we know was under attack from JFK and the Mafia by both Bros. I think it was already in the works as far as Racine is concerned and that possibly some of the Mafia control leads back to Racine as well, already. The Mafia and the CIA became very powerful and I believe the Mafia did not want to lose the power they took from Hoffa while he was incarcerated. There were people that wanted him out that were ready for the Big Takeover. These are the people, I believe that have moved on to even Bigger things like the Racine Wi. involvement in the NWO.

argosciv ago

See involvement of Hoffa's assets in Obama & Clinton campaigns, after disappearance of Jimmy.

Family fuckery

@ArtificalDuality @Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @millennial_vulcan @bopper

argosciv ago

@kevdude @PuttItOut @LA_Trump @Millennial_Falcon @VictorSteinerDavion

Sorry, hate me if you must, just read between the lines.


LA_Trump ago

Wow great work! Will read through. Check out the slenderman case too. Also, Happy Days setting is not coincidence.

carmencita ago

There is something strange about why Love married Moreland (a transvestite?) was this one of those forced marriages by the music ind. ? Very weird, but I guess with what we know, it really is not with their want to get ahead. They were willing to do anything to reach Stardom.

10520516? ago

Most 'in the know' believe Courtney Love is implicated

in the death of her then husband Kurt Cobain.

Courtney/Kurt info. toward end of article.

Post about Courtney:


argosciv ago

One more ;) Behemoth - Wolves Guard My Coffin

Delightful night

When the full moon lights cemetery's valley

Winds of frost strike my tomb

When I am in eternal sleep

When wild storms dwell

Wind blows through the Baltic

Instincts unleash the war inside

And strike the sky with Holocaust thunder

Mountains sleep, the forest

Covers freezing land where I was born

Now I walk among the castles

Watch the streams of frozen tears

Spilled with blood of forefathers

Night breeze feed my spiritual form

And spirits gather, floating in the mist

My eastern empires spread wings of winter

Visions of destruction's ruin and tragedies

Tasting pure sin, fade into the pit

And walk through my beloved, endless woods

I summon all the beauty Evil

To rape the bodies of your disciples

Too long I hide in shades of woods

And now I build my beauty Hall

Wallachian tyrant, I bring a winter

I come with frost and burning hate!

Follow the gods of eastern lands

Being the battle which blows the earth


@Mr_Wolf @mootensy

carmencita ago

Good Lord. You certainly deserve a rest. I am blown away by all your work.

argosciv ago

still around, had company

carmencita ago

I know. I am spent from my interacting with people yesterday. They are not red pillers either, so my patience was very thin. Back to reality today.

argosciv ago

lol, 'reality', whatever passes these days :3

carmencita ago

Sorry I should have said back to my blue pill world today. Back to looking into what we have learned....not what they are living.

millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago

I still did not say it right. What I meant was back to working on the blue pilled world today. Sigh. I do believe some more are waking, but when I see what I saw this weekend in stores and at events, UGH.