9846809? ago

9845505? ago


Last known professional photo

taken toward the end of the Detroit concert

the night Chris Cornell passed away.

9837091? ago

Chris had nine rib fractures.

Article dated July 5, 2017


9836637? ago

July 9, 2017 Article:

Randy Cody gives explicit information on Chris Cornell's toxicology

report and claims his wife Vicky rushed to have Chris' body cremated before a second evaluation could be made.


9835924? ago

Unbelievable article by Randy Cody....or not.(?)

You Decide.

Posted July 13, 2017.


Among other things written that are grievous, writer Cody wrote that 90% of donations received by the Cornell Foundations never went to help any child.

Mr Cody writes that the money was allegedly pilfered!

9835167? ago

Do you see or sense this?

I seem to be seeing mainstream corporate print and broadcast media the past two days pushing this:

"Now we can put an emotional end to Chris' death."

"Now, hey, let's just have emotional closure on this OK dear ones?"

"You mind controlled slaves..Stop Speaking and Thinking About Chris's death...NOW!"

9833674? ago

Theory About The Latch:

Writer points to Chris Cornell murder.

Much of the official story centers around Martin Kirsten's comments as documented in the official police report.

Would you believe him?


Written by Randy "Rocket" Cody.

The name of Chris' 'bodyguard that night is/ was: Martin Kirsten.

Writer implicates Kirsten in murder proceedings that night.

Posted In METAL NEWS July 12, 2017

Writer also implies that something is "off" with Vicky's story!

(Thinking back, since the day after her husband was found dead Vicky's tweets and release times have not made sense and seemed strange to me. They may not have to you. I can't seem to find them now. Just my opinion ok?).

Writer Cody associates Kirsten and Vicky as testifying to the same things.

Writer implies Vickey did NOT call the front desk as she had reported she did. (?)


Another Randy Cody article regarding Chris' death June 11, 2017:


Interesting read. The dead body of Chris was found by his bodyguard Martin Kirsten....hum.

9833028? ago

I have to post a comment made by


one month ago. About Chris:

"And he's suicided!

Just another bad ass rocker with a drug problem.

Don't look behind the curtain, nothing to see here."

9831851? ago

Questioning official story on Chris.

Hollywood Reporter article reports it took a FOIA request to get the pictures of the "suicide" scene. But how can we be sure that the photos provided are not doctored or fake?

How can someone kill themselves by hanging when he or she was not found hanging from anything.?

I did hear his fans on social media are rising up. Hope that is true.

I cannot verify this because I am not on any social media.

Blood at scene reported.

9831684? ago

Hollywood Reporter : July 12, 2017: writes:

Cornell had "well defined ligature mark present on the neck/throat area"

😕 Just went to alternative nation.net. The photos look absolutely ridiculous to me. I am not a forensic expert. http://www.alternativenation.net/

TMZ reports blood was found at the scene... on bathroom floor I think. But blood shows no evidence of foul play per medical examiner. (?)

I am unable to post two TMZ articles but they were released yesterday and may be on TMZ website.

btw. I consider TMZ corporate cabal controlled media.

Important Point I Think:

When I looked at the police pictures and saw the room where Chris died...

I thought "What a dump."! ❗❗❗❗❗❗

Could The MGM Grand Detroit Hotel really have rooms that look like that?


Cannot imagine a music star staying in room that looked like that in a large metropolitan city as Detroit is.

9831469? ago

"To be yourself is all that you can do".

Chris Cornell, Audioslave..."Be Yourself."

9831305? ago

You probably know this, but I just read that Chris had a deep connection to the city of Seattle.

Article dated March 23, 2016.

http://www.alternativenation.net/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-chris-vicky- cornell-foundation/

SoSpricyHotDog ago

From the article:

"Cody, who runs the heavy metal rock website The Metal Den, said he believes Cornell — who established a foundation with his wife to help vulnerable children — may have been killed because he was about to expose a child sex ring.

Cody claims a rock star who was a friend of Cornell’s wife showed up in a “black book” that, according to the theory, named pedophiles associated with Comet Ping Pong. Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police said the allegations are untrue."

And, from my response post below to @mattt_dam0n :

Check this out: https://goodnessandharmony.wordpress.com/2016/10/13/music-promoter-mervyn-conn-used-his-fame-to-rape-and-abuse-young-girls/

I found it by cross referencing musicians with Epsteins list. It looks like Tamara Beckwith shows on this list, and she's the daughter of an elite - with ties to the entertainment industry.

The link itself has some solid breadcrumb trails from Epstein to the UK. But, she could* be the one referenced by Cody re: the Cornell family.

9829941? ago

Thank you for keeping this story alive.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hey Matt,

Check this out: https://goodnessandharmony.wordpress.com/2016/10/13/music-promoter-mervyn-conn-used-his-fame-to-rape-and-abuse-young-girls/

I found it by cross referencing musicians with Epsteins list. It looks like Tamara Beckwith shows on this list, and she's the daughter of an elite - with ties to the entertainment industry.

The link itself has some solid breadcrumb trails from Epstein to the UK. But, she could* be the one referenced by Cody re: the Cornell family.

Just a hunch.

turitelle ago

Weird that they specifically mention finding no ativan in his stomach. They should obviously know you don't swallow ativan anyhow. Its a tiny pill that you dissolve under the tongue, so it never goes into the stomach. Its one of those things where you're not used to taking it, it would knock you out but if you take stuff all the time, it would have little effect, just take the edge off. As for cracking ribs doing CPR, it happens all the time, but usually the elderly who's bones are more brittle. 9 ribs on a healthy adult male would take a lot of effort, unless he had some underlying health issues.

PedoStomper ago

The Detroit News knows what's up. Seems like a good publication. I'm surprised they just came out and mentioned Comet Ping Pong and didn't go out of their way to mudsling, although they did mention that it was "fictitious" at one point.

Cornell was killed because he was about to expose a child sex ring allegedly associated with Comet Ping Pong, a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor some claimed was a front, although Washington police said that theory was “fictitious.”

But overall, the article did not have that typical "fuck Pizzagate and all who believe in it" vibe.

9829986? ago


Appreciated the words: "premeditated homicide"

People at that newspaper need to not be snuffed out.

Like Gary Webb was at the San Jose Mercury News.

Also: As if the Wash. Police have any credibility.(not).

Article said Wash. Police said it was ficticous.

Warmoose76 ago

Can't anyone get this done before they get killed? Or is that just impossible?

Takeitslow ago

What if NSA spying wasn't just about terrorism

Blacksmith21 ago

You have to understand the simplest notion of the NSA's architecture. They built a global electronic vacuum cleaner. Everything gets sucked up. Search "bluffdale nsa". That facility was built for a reason - untold amounts of storage and processing power.

The NSA collects everything and stores it. Some could argue that it is just metadata being stored. Or they comb the meta data and if the metadata provides a critical piece of information. Another software program will analyze that and it might at that point, kick it out to a human analyst.

Now imagine this flow of data and information (which can be converted into intelligence) as a powerful, rushing river. Upstream from you and unbeknownst to you, someone cut a sluice into the river and is siphoning off a select current of water for their own use. Upstream. No one knows where it leads, except "over the mountain". And they can do with the "stolen" water as they see fit.

This peeled off stream of water is the complete, total information awareness (search this phrase as well) information on 20MM "enemies of the state", which could be accessed in a SCIF, somewhere around the WH.

Amino69 ago

It's never been about terrorism as the terrorism we see IS a product of TPTB to manufacture public consent for hegemonic wars and ever increasing surveillance powers. The NSA/GCHQ are global HR depts to monitor and subjugate the masses into demoralised docility.

Warmoose76 ago

Good point, because the NSA spying has never even worked for terrorism. It's probably not even for terrorism it's probably to watch every one so certain special internterests can look at people they're concerned about.

Takeitslow ago

Yup, terror is the cover. And AI key word communication searches is the real reason. East Germany's wet dream.

9823531? ago

Thank you for posting this article!

GumShoe ago

I had no idea that there was a site like broadcastify.com that archived scanner traffic. Has anyone checked for Seth Rich archived scanner traffic?

Blacksmith21 ago

I am pretty sure I did. Gone. But worth checking...

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Detroit news comin out and sayin it, mentioning comet too, wow...

9823231? ago

The article says he died by hanging. Unbelievable... I had not heard that that was the cause of death until just now.

The day after people were talking drug overdose.?

I am thankful that the article said some suspect.. premeditated homicide.

Want to make a list of "suicides" by hanging.

I never thought Robin Williams hung himself, for example. I never heard how Tommy Page "killed himself."

Just read INXS singer Michael Hutchence died at the age of 37 ...found with belt around and his neck in a hotel room. Ruled suicide. He wasn't even hanging from anything.

A side: I head a very convincing theory at one time that Whitney Houston was sacrificed. (?)

2impendingdoom ago

hutchence death was "auto erotic" suicide allegedly. but the fiancee was Bob Geldoff's ex who now has their child despite the fiancee and his own daughter peaches now dead. You want someone totally sketchy its Geldoff. How does he go from writing a couple crap pop songs (one about a school shooting by a child - how MK ultra gone bad is that!) to being worth billions and so many "honors" and so many dead relatives?

3141592653 ago

I think organizing the Live Aid concerts gained him a lot of recognition

2impendingdoom ago

yes, exploiting famine in africa to become a billionarie? where the poor little black kids dont even know that its christmas...wtf...fits the pattern...

3141592653 ago

do you have any info/evidence that Live Aid was used to exploit the famine in Africa, and actually didn't help them? I'm not saying you're wrong, just want more info before believing it, as I've never disliked Geldoff

2impendingdoom ago

none at all, and I really don't know anything about him as a person but it fits the pattern. I could be completely wrong. Most of this I am only remembering from news at the time and its from seeing patterns since this pizzagate thing started, but collectively here are all the Red Flags:

  1. kind of crappy hit song: I don't like mondays (about girl who shoots up San Diego elementary school, San Diego is big MK Ultra area)

  2. Live Aid, africa famine/kids dying of drought & starvation/charity

  3. Ex wife dead, Hutchense dead, daughter Peaches dead

  4. custody of Hutchense child despite his family wanting her. I can't remember her name, something like Tigerlily or Honeysuckle

  5. Multiple honors and awards & massive cash despite questionable talent.

Anyway, I have nothing conclusive but sure doesn't look good. I don't know if he's been accused of anything improper, I don't know if album art or other songs that would collaborate. I'm not really a fan I just happened to notice these details simply because the name Geldoff is similar to someone I know. Maybe he's just someone who has the people close to him die a often.

3141592653 ago

thanks, much appreciated.

Azagthoth ago

Goddammit. I wrote him off as a liberal before he passed (his anti inaugural concert really had me steamed). Now I get this swift kick to the chest. I have always idolized him and he was the last living musical legend that I had. His poor family.

carmencita ago

Blogger Randy Cody is among those questioning the suicide ruling. He points to perceived timeline gaps, forensic questions and what he says are two signs that Cornell had a head wound that was not mentioned in autopsy reports.

9822950? ago

I think this is a real story.

carmencita ago

Me too. I am wishing for some small group of musicians come out and make a video for YT and then come out on a internet news site like zero hedge or steemit with the accusations and what CC was investigating. But they have to have proof for this, to make such statements, imo.

Takeitslow ago

And they would be murdered also. I don't think people are getting what's going on of all this is true. There's a worldwide pedo satanic cult that's had 100+ years to weave itself into the very fabric of society. Judges priests teachers politicians military and so on. Say what you want about Kanye, dude was handcuffed to a stretcher locked in a hospital for speaking out against co-opted election process. He even said his life was in danger. Celebs won't take any risks of people won't take any risks.

carmencita ago

There is a lot hiding in his death. People need to know that. I truthfully believe he was onto something really big and that is why he was eliminated. The chain needs to be broken. Seems there are not enough of them to come out together at one time to finally Bust The Pedos in Hollywood.

9830215? ago

I agree with you.

carmencita ago

No one except us is noticing the number of deaths. We need to get a total and tweet it out. To James Woods.

9822793? ago


'The fires cooking and their farming babies, the slaves are all working' 🔙quote from one of his songs I think. 🚸

3141592653 ago

oh yeah, Temple of the Dog

9822652? ago


More in link. NYTimes.....(sorry..)official article.

Wow. I don't see anywhere NY Times article even mentions his charity work. Cannot believe that.


The_Roman_Numeral ago

Interesting and very bold move by the Detroit News to bring this up with an article... and there's Comet Ping Pong again. I think they will be the first ones to fall. The citizen investigator has never been closer than when Alefantis and CPP were all over the news. The pressure was enormous.

9823021? ago

Yes. Very. I remember waking and hearing this on the news was so grieved and mad and sad.

Felt like he was taken out.

It was like Lady Diana's death as far as an inpact.

I saw at least once where it was written that his and his wife foundation gave money to some of the same causes as the Clintons.

carmencita ago

BTW, Thank You.

carmencita ago

Wow. I had forgotten about that. So horrible. IMO, that is proof that they offed Chris Cornell. He had proof and now he is gone. RIP Chris C.

carlip ago

My god you are all really brain dead... I thought it was a joke or a meme but damn. How do you guys manage to tie your shoes?

Mad_As_Hell ago

I think 'HRC is running a child sex ring from the basement of a DC pizza parlor' is the new 'Satanic panic', like why are CPP and Edgar whatshisface even mentioned in this article if not to discredit the theory he was about to reveal info on a charity's involvement in child trafficking?

Also, nothing to see here folks: 'The News could not verify the audio’s authenticity, because the police scanner files from midnight to 2 a.m. on May 18 are missing from the website broadcastify.com, which archives scanner traffic.

“It’s probably because the feed was down and offline at the time,” Brodcastify CEO Lindsey Blanton said in an email. “We never remove archives from the system, so that is the only explanation.”'

Criticalthinker615 ago

I'm surprised that they say he was investigating CPP specifically

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, isn't this what the groupthink said about 2 hours after news of his death? Nothing is random. If you start looking back on suspicious or unsolved capital cases throug hthe pedocreep lens, things start looking a lot different now.

This is the one that baffles me. And it's right at the epicenter. Search: "Darren Wint"

9830567? ago

They must have been desperate and in a hurry to kill Chris (if they did) when he was scheduled to be in live concert within 20 hours. 🔼🔼Correction:. Just learned Chris died on the night of his final concert in Detroit..

They were in a hurry.?

Talk about difficulty keeping murder "under wraps." if you know what I mean.

With fans and a whole city watching and waiting.

carmencita ago

I am reading right now about Wint. This is the house that we were researching about quite a while back. The house was near Biden just as this one. The only thing was that there were not any survivors. This is quite shocking and strange. The one this year was a huge fire in a mansion as well and I believe maybe it was near the house of either Biden or someone that worked for him. Too many weird things happening connected to Creepy Uncle Joe. I am reading the rest of it and think he was railroaded.http://heavy.com/news/2015/05/daron-dylon-wint-washington-dc-quadruple-homicide-murder-fire-suspect-victims-savvas-amy-phillip-savopoulos-porsche-killer-suspect-identified-photo-video-pizza-crust-dna/

Blacksmith21 ago

This house is within a stones throw of CPP, Biden, Obama, etc. And when I mean stone's throw, I'm pretty sure less than 1000' from all of them. I think Tony Podesta is right there as well. Pedo central.

carmencita ago

Yes, I thought this was the same house from months ago and it was late last night, then I realized this happened sooner. I think it possibly worked so well with this murder/fire that they did it again this year. It was right near and aide or someone very close to Biden. A large explosion they passed off I believe to a propane tank. Possibly to destroy evidence or maybe there was a body and it was hidden.

9820904? ago

Very important to be aware if I think



3141592653 ago

I'm aware all that, thanks, appreciated

http404 ago

Thanks mate

9820839? ago

Chris' death reminds me of the death of Tommy Page.

March 3, 2017-- -age 46.

In January 2017 Tommy became VP of music partnerships at "Village Voice." Three months later...Tommy was dead.

Tommy was Full House Actor, Music Artist, and Music Executive.

It was reported that he "committed suicide" also.

Do you remember his song:

I'll Be Your Everything.....

HillBoulder ago

Never heard of this thanks

Jimmycog ago

I have noticed, the people trying to expose the peds have very bad luck with life.

3141592653 ago

heartbreaking. amazing vocalist, lyricist and songwriter. what is your evidence that he was about to expose elite pedophiles??