thenigotiator ago

alllah kan fajut wakunt miss kafir dik.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Superunknown is an amazing album. Even if you've heard the single tracks off of it, do yourself a favor and let the whole thing play through from beginning to end. These days, it's a rarity to find a record so well put together.

Fucking great B-side on that one with Fresh Tendrils and 4th of July. RIP Chris Cornell, you were one of the greats.

MillstoneNecklace ago

Cobain, Wyland, and now Cornell... yet Eddie Vedder still lives. Can we trade him for any one of the others?

Requiescat in pace.

FuckYouReddit- ago

Can't stop singing the chorus from Black Hole Sun.....

Shaigorath ago

Just saw Soundgarden a few weeks ago. :(

0rion ago

Damn. All my favorite 90s rock stars are now dead. Truly sad to see him go, Cornell was probably the most talented vocalist of the 90s, right next to Jeff Buckley and Layne Staley.

sakuramboo ago

Damn. I always thought he had one of the best voices in rock.

Cap_Dec ago

One of my absolute rock heros since I was a kid - RIP buddy.

Bobsentme ago

This is why you don't drink the water in Detroit.

derram ago | :

Chris Cornell, Soundgarden and Audioslave Frontman, Dies at 52 - The New York Times

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