9956015? ago

Videos posted here:


Murder Investigation Requested

new4now ago

here are some of the Police photos, maybe someone can spot something

there seemed to be TV remotes on bed, was one of these the remote brought to him?


new4now ago

After Cornell wrapped up a show at the Fox Theatre on May 17, his bodyguard, Martin Kirsten, reportedly called hotel security to report the rock star’s wife, Vicky, had asked him to check on her husband. She was concerned after talking to Cornell on the phone, and because he had not responded when she called back, Kirsten told investigators.

The bodyguard told Weaver he had given Cornell two sleeping pills in the singer’s room and gone back to his own room

A short time later, Cornell called Kirsten and said his Apple TV wasn’t working. The bodyguard told the detective he arranged for a hotel employee to bring the remote needed to access the hotel’s network at “around 11:34 p.m.”

According to a police report, Kirsten went back to Cornell’s room at 12:15 a.m. According to the report, an MGM medic arrived at 12:56 a.m. and began CPR.


9936083? ago

I do not give credence to:

The Police Report

The Medical Examiner Report

Most of what Vicky Cornell says

Most of what Chris' bodyguard, Martin Kirsten,says

Most of what Main Street Media Reports including TMZ

About this?

Sad State Of Affairs In This Country.

Also, have heard nothing from Karen Cornell, Chris' Birth Mother.

From what I understand, Chris' Birth Mother Is credible.

A video from Karen is on The Metal Den..Randy 'Rocket' Cody's website. She sent us a video, but she did not talk in the video.

9927872? ago

Great article here.

I know I keep citing Randy Cody,

Been finding all MSM being led around by their noses right now.

Randy Cody and his group of investigators present:

CHRIS CORNELL - The Death Investigation Summation.


copy to @dawgfan

Also please please DO NOT confuse Cody's The Metal Den:


With MSN's


VieBleu ago

I am so glad the silver lining here might be a whole new subgroup being red-pilled with the shock of his death - not in vain it seems.

9926955? ago


9926231? ago

This is the last thing I have so far. Worth a read I think.


9926088? ago

About The latch and bodyguard kicking the door down:

http://www.themetalden.com/?p=56989 @PedoStomper


Another article regarding the latch theory by Randy Cody.


Thinking Cody is 'on it'

Don't forget.

Martin K. Signed he police report.

Vicky did not go with Chris to Detroit

Tiyaad ago

All of these people we see on t.v, radio, net and so forth to me are all wicked. Appearing like angels of light but in reality they are the most filthy of the filthy. If and when this shit gets exposed expect 3 things... 1 being immediate economic collapse world wide, 2 being famine, and 3 being war.

dawgfan ago

This is an Epic Post!!! Best One I've read in quite some time.All of these Murders has got to fucking stop!!!

9925380? ago

The night Chris Cornell died.

Part of the 911 call and Detroit MSM reporting:


Atticus182 ago


This "metalsite" has approx HUNDREDS visitors per day for many of DAYS.

How misled we are and in how many dimensions? How cunning these fucks are? Themetalden, now tell me if YOU have ever heard it before?

Im not saying this is bad info for pizzagatetruth, but reeks scetchy

9925989? ago

I recommend you go to The Metal Den website and type Chris Cornell in the search box.

9925681? ago

It is called The Metal Den.

Most articles are written by Randy Cody.

I think he is legit.

They have been having an ongoing investigation.

Read some of Randy's articles in these posts. I think he is legit so far.


Have been able to cross check as much as possible of Randy's writings here.


Forget TMZ and MSM for this except Detroit News.

star_boi ago

whoa- hold up.... i've read tons on pizzagate and cpp since around october last year.... never heard about this orphanage owned by alephantis' lawyer!??! is this for real? any more info? did i just miss this??

Jobew1 ago

Iirc a researcher did a video, site was end times news report, about call he made to macoby and macobys legal threats to him. Was few months ago.

thewhitemarch ago

Max Maccoby, if I recall. He is also connected to Laura Silsby.

He was Brock and Alefantis' lawyer for the blackmail case.

He is connected to "Friends of the Orphans" and "Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos".

9927001? ago

About four months ago I did some reading that seemed to relate to this.

Give me a little time to retrace my steps and see if I can see anything.

Thank you for all of your work and support.

bullfyta ago

I just finished reading the tributes to Chris Cornell and Josh Brolin made a comment that sent chills. "Little green birds that talk are the needles in the haystacks formed of needles on top of a bed of a valley of needles." Josh Brolin Tribute. I'm not convinced he took his own life. I am convinced however, he was content with his life, his family and especially his children regardless of his inner demons. He seemed to be winning the battle with them up until the day he died. So very sad.

9925037? ago


Information is spilling out.

I came upon this:


bullfyta ago

I read reports where the body guard said he kicked in the door. It states in the report the security guard kicked in two doors, the exterior and interior bedroom door. A lot of discrepancies between the body guard and the ME report plus there are many classifications to types of hanging which the ME does not express in his findings. Need to connect the dots here.....

Bodyguard interview Body Guard Opens Up

9926575? ago

Yes. Wow. Chris is about 6ft 2 in.

Can you see him trying to hang himself from that door?

I even went so far as to go on utube and take virtual tours of The MGM Grand Detroit and looked at as many types of guest rooms that I was able to find.

9925868? ago

I believe the bodyguard is complicit in Chris death.

Read what has been posted on pizzagate on Chris Cornell for the last nine days.

PedoStomper ago

How in the HELL can someone KICK DOWN A HOTEL DOOR? Have you been in a hotel? Those doors are hardcore, fuckin' Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner could not kick down a hotel door.

9926142? ago

I just posted a good article on this sub.

You are right. The latch theory is a biggie.

PedoStomper ago

People really will believe anything they're told by the MSM. And when it concerns their "heroes," they would rather not believe that foul play was involved, or that their precious celeb may have been down with some pretty nefarious things.

bullfyta ago

So very true. I wish that weren't the case so the truth would finally be revealed in so many mysterious and untimely deaths. It's mind blowing.

9926609? ago

How right you are.

But the times they are a changing!

Kcpedogate ago

Im not sure of that, he was probably in on it, chester is probably john podestas son. No joke.

9926296? ago

No no no

I was saying that I think

the Bodyguard Martin Kirsten is

complicit in the murder.

Not Chester Bennington.

Kcpedogate ago

I think chester bennington is john podestas son, and is either aparr of it ir complicit

9927142? ago


I did some 'looking up' on Chester yesterday.

This is what I found that I have not seen posted.

Chester had 2 step sisters and one step brother.

His step brother is a policeman.

I saw a picture of his brother online.

His parents divorced when Chester was 11.

His father got sole custody.of Chester.

The girls went with their mom.

Let me try to get some sources for you?

Kcpedogate ago

Hid dad also worked as a policeman helping abused childrenm chester said he was molested when he was younger. Its all too weird and coincidental.

carmencita ago

I agree that there is a good chance that he is his son. The likeness is beyond amazing. I also know that I saw a link in one of the posts about a tweet from Bennington's Twitter that said Happy Birthday Dad and it had a pic of Podesta. Could this have been photo shopped. IDK, but I did see it. I tried desperately to find it, but cannot. Did you or anyone else see this. There were so many posts on both of them.

Kcpedogate ago

Look at the linkin park logo, it has grabbed my attention many occasions because i thought it was the pedo logo, thought it was a coincidence..., shouldve know better.

carmencita ago

I have seen it. Mind Boggling. So is the one guy's hat. Pedo logo as well. I don't know what to say about it. Mixed Messages.

Kcpedogate ago

Maybe its the same message. A ron of these foundations are fronts for the acrual thing...

Kcpedogate ago

I didn't and i was looking for pics, probably scrubbed.. George webb said look into bennigtins mom that the connection is there. Her name is Susan Elaine Johnson, some nurse or something, i didn't really look. But chesters "dad" worked as a cop in "abused children" which is also interesting. He got costudy of him when he was 11 years old. Bennington himself has 6 kids and said he was molested when he was younger. To many weird things going on f9r everything to be kosher in ny opinion.

10229721? ago

My understanding:

Chester's police detective father was not his birth father.

He adopted Chester.

bullfyta ago

Chester's family. I have a link to her obituary I'm trying to find and will edit this post when I find it.

carmencita ago

There are many weird things going on with the deaths of these stars, movie and music. John Heard just died and his son died just months ago at the age of 22 in his sleep WTH is that about? The masses will not question it. I am hoping but they have been asleep and will continue to snooze.

Kcpedogate ago

I saw that, it was so crazy! And tge nyy reporterm How many people are going to die to cover their tracks?

carmencita ago

However many it takes. But if they kill of all of them it will be massive. Maybe then someone will notice besides us.

Blacksmith21 ago

That was worth the repost, IMO. A lot of young headbangers trust that site more than MSM. Thanks.

Atticus182 ago

Fuck you. No one knows the site cause its existed for few days. Go now.

9924506? ago

Thank you.

MSN is not touching what I think is the premeditated murder of Chris Cornell.





2impendingdoom ago

I searched and searched but could not find any connection between the officer Robert Wingate-Robinson and Nandi Robinson, clinton employee, his alleged sister. Has this connection been made? I am very curious to see since I spent several days looking.

9924575? ago

I do not know. Sorry

Save your work on this!

Thinking we have information stored.

maybe to revisit. (?)

remedy4reality ago

Chris Cornell and AUDIOSLAVE 'Like a Stone' video replete with Satanic and Pedophile references.

Bassist has 666 tattoo on shoulders, Drummer has pedo swirl on his left arm / Twin Pillars of Solomon depicted / WTF is the baby doing in this video !!!??? ( baby shown on lyric: 'I sat in regret for all that I'd done' )

2impendingdoom ago

IDK!! Why did the Beatles have a cover of themselves covered in raw meat with dolls? google "Butcher Cover"

Makes a person crazy.

TorinLoMoZo ago


PedoStomper ago

I love showing that picture to Beatles fans and watching them scramble to explain it away. "It was the 60s...things were weird," "It was clearly meant to be a joke," or the all-time classic "It's hilarious and you're just a stick-in-the-mud with no sense of humor or imagination."

2impendingdoom ago

there really isn't much explanation for that cover. Another thing that is really sick, the lyrics to Elvis Costello's Pills and Soap

All these little details, its like those mosaic pictures made up of pictures

carmencita ago

Welcome Aboard New Member! Thanks for Posting but this has been posted. See the Search Bar in the Side Bar. Thanks Again.

9924383? ago

The article posted one month ago by @11-11 sourced Neon Nettle.

My post is from Randy Cody The Metal Den. I do see duplicate information.

Thanks again. I want to be efficient and contribute.

carmencita ago

Good. Thanks.

9924166? ago

Thank you!

I would delete it but since there is another comment, I will keep It up if the mods let me.

Before posting I did go to the advanced search and did not see it.

I used the second technique.

Great tip. Thanks.

Will be much more circumspect.

2impendingdoom ago

"cornell" brings up 11 hits about Chris including this post, obviously there have been a lot of more posts now with Bennington found dead too. Its all VERY suspicious indeed.

9924432? ago

I just posted one in news.

Worth at last a look I think. Thank you for your comment.


2impendingdoom ago

Did you know Chris? Its been a bad two years for music fans so many great musicians have died, and so many questions!!!

9924828? ago


His death absolutely shook me. Became incredibly sad.

Had never heard of Chris Cornell until the day after he died.

(My age is such that I saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show when I was 10 years old).

I woke up at 5AM and heard he news.

I felt strongly that it was/is a watershed moment for this country.

At that time I was well aware of Pizzagate and got a hunch.

We will see if this is the big story I think it is.

There is some duplication post below. But if you are interested in this subject here is added information.


2impendingdoom ago

Since you are new here I highly recommend that you peruse the archived posts. You can sort by top, and all time. There has been some mindboggling shit posted here over the past 7 months.

9926405? ago

Thank You. Will do. 🇺🇸