crashing_this_thread ago

I hope this is true, but if it isn't at least we have been seeing a lot of progress lately. The dominoes are being lined up ready to fall.

alphabravo ago

Breadcrumbs / Q is in this thread now -

alphabravo ago

YUp. Just sitting here in shock, contemplating. Wondering what we can do with this info.

What are your thoughts, Blue?

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

I've posted yesterday's to my fb. Nothing. Posted to Twitter - little response.

People who have not been following will find it hard to believe. That said, I'm gonna post it....I don't know what else to do...if not true, well, they already think I'm crazy anyway so it won't matter. People need to wake up.

alphabravo ago

It'll get out, God Willing.

There's a thread in HOT here just now, but WTF?

Just posted NOW by Q -

Fellow Patriots, I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions. We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack. Watch the news outlets. POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago). Should the lights go out please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point. Q

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

Saw that. Gonna get interesting...hopefully

alphabravo ago

I actually think it is. I just made a post, in NEW. This is too important not to.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s all fucking LARPing. They know nothing. For fuck’s sake, enough of this.

Raz0r_ ago

Thanks for compiling this information together. :)

alphabravo ago

Thanks, and for all that you're doing too :)

Blacksmith21 ago

If they can prove treason, then all actors can be tried under UCMJ, I believe. Thus avoiding the corrupt judicial system. Possibly the USMC would be POTUS' shock collar.

2impendingdoom ago

what is UCMJ? Military justice? don't forget Gab Podesta is a JAG lawyer. It never ends.

Blacksmith21 ago

Uniform Code of Military Justice. It's a parallel system to the civil justice system. It's laws are written to streamline due process and allow for a more streamlined process.

I'm no lawyer by any means. I do know the next closest precedent would be the Rosenberg trial where they were charged with espionage and tried in the New York Southern District Court. They could not be charged with treason, as we were not at war with the USSR at the time. Nor are we at war with Russia now.

That being said, if there are charges that can be tied to the DPRK, I believe we are still technically at war with DPRK, and therefore, any charges which could be linked with the DPRK could be filed as Treason and tried in a military tribunal.

2impendingdoom ago

ISIS. Aren't we at war with ISIS? And HRC's emails talk about how she knows that "we" support them. This is admission to treason if I were in the jury.

Blacksmith21 ago

No formal declaration of war I am aware of. i believe the terms of the GWOT expired. It was rolled up under some bullshit called "overseas contingency operations" or some crap like that.

2impendingdoom ago

expired now but maybe not when the emails were written?

kestrel9 ago

Was reading through and this stood out as well:

Breadcrumbs Anon-

Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

perhaps something that utilizes white noise?

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know? ...

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

I can't believe reading the first part because just today I was reading this:

Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society (this from some of the footnotes)

33) Especially some classes of EM weapons that are viewed as having a capability to remotely modify behavior or attack higher functions.

34) See Department of Defense Draft directive dated January 1, 1995 outlining taking objectives for Non Lethal Weapons.

35) See Noam Chomsky's and Edward Herman's Manufacturing Consent (Pantheon Books, New York, 1988). The authors exhaustingly detail the widespread role of the media to propagandize "elitist" objectives whilst downplaying or ignoring altogether "hard news" that doesn‘t fit the "propaganda model." As a result, domestic "consent" is engineered both by the absence of information that doesn't fit the "model" and by exclusively featuring stories or hard news that do. The impact of these techniques effectively restricts political and economic debate, sidelining contrary viewpoints. Thus the authors argue that democracy has already been replaced and that, de facto, a one party state has been crafted.

36) This so called "soft kill" ability is politically desirable.

The paper outlines some history of the operations in the field of EM, altering brain waves for specific outcomes... A lot of info, many of you are much more familiar with it then I am, and I'm not claiming to believe everything in the paper but it covers some things that would explain a lot of what we've witnessed in parts of society over the past decades. Manipulating masses on a grand scale!

I believe this paper is from the mid to late 90s

In an age where the threat of global warfare has diminished as a result of the easing of tension between east and west, it can be anticipated that some form of introspection will occur in the developed western nations.

Societies that have been generationally and economically honed for warfare do not, on the whole, assume "for peace" production with such vigor and ability. Why this is so is not the subject of this paper. Unable to so readily project the "shadow" outwards onto another nation, the enemy without soon distills to become the enemy within. (.29)

In the United States, (3D) for example, there is a rapidly developing trend of co-operation between the military and law enforcement agencies in LTL weaponry. While it is clear that this is driven to some extent by budgetary considerations, there remain legitimate concerns regarding the long-term effects on democracy.

Is the following supposed to be predictive or just telling us what the Neocon Globalists and the Greedy Demonrats had in mind for the country, in order to serve at the altar of the Elite's NWO?

The reality of a burgeoning and increasingly impoverished lower class that results from "swords to shears" economics, is certain to result in growing civil unrest, disobedience, strife, inner city turmoil and quite possibly much worse. (33.) Rather than seeking to resolve the underlying causes of these tensions, it is feared that governments will instead resort to more durable measures to quell domestic dissent. Western industrial nations are especially prone to these developments for a variety of reasons. (32)

Less Than Lethal anti—personnel weapons (33) are seen in some influential quarters as being the ideal remedy for future domestic disturbances of this magnitude. (3.4:) The danger with such possibilities is that western democracy may begin to fail, or suffer such severe set-backs in its traditional democratic forms that it will become increasingly repressive and oligarchic. (35)

The corrupt politicians serve their own interests and the people need to be controlled i.e. Obama, Hillary etc.

Armed with innovative technological weapons that do not necessarily kill, (35) but which render disenfranchised segments of society physically inactive, emotionally stupefied and incapable of meaningful thought is a goal of those who favor a "psycho-civilized society." This is a frightening and all too realistic scenario. Whether by design or by default, such an outcome is nothing short of a dictatorship.

alphabravo ago

Fascinating post and information. Thank you, Kestrel.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome, thank you for yours :)

Wanted to say that some of the technology talked about in the paper reportedly could make someone appear to be crazy. It made me wonder about the whole 'Trump is not mentally fit' BS the Dems, Neocons and MSM were pushing heavy for awhile. Would the corrupt deep state employ EMP or whatever it may be to induce a state that mimics apparent mental illness? (Apparently they can induce memory loss, convenient if you're called to testify before a congressional or senate hearing ;)

As a side note, the technology also can be used to agitate and cause a violent outburst from a person, maybe easier creating useful 'senseless' attacks when they need to get MSM off a story. i.e. a form of fast track MKULTA... Remember Esteban Santiago,that went to the FBI to complain that the "CIA causing him to hear voices and watch ISIS videos?" (before he later carried out the Airport shooting Ft. Lauderdale? In the paper there is discussion about being able to cause 'microwave' hearing. Or maybe he was just a crazy ISIS recruit, reaching out for help who knows.

pg 4... In his pioneering work, Dr. Ross Adey determined that emotional states and behavior can be remotely influenced merely by placing a subject in an electromagnetic field. By directing a carrier frequency to stimulate the brain and using amplitude modulation to shape the wave to mimic a desired EEG frequency, he was able to impose a 4.5 CPS theta rhythm on his subjects. Drs. Joseph Sharp and Allen Frey experimented with microwaves seeking to transmit spoken words directly into the audio cortex via a pulsed-microwave analog of the speaker's sound vibration. Indeed, Frey's work in this field, dating back to 1960, gave rise to the so called "Frey effect" which is now more commonly referred to as "microwave hearing." (1.9) Within the Pentagon this ability is now known as "Artificial Telepathy." (20) Adey and others have compiled an entire library of frequencies and pulsation rates which can effect the mind and nervous system. (21.)

alphabravo ago

Thank you!

Thanks also for this incredible information. Having heard of the theory, I hadn't heard about this research, so thanks for enlightening me. It could well have happened to Trump, I definitely wouldn't put it past them. I recall too the media reports of him being agitated and losing his temper, however put that down to 'fake news'. Who knows, it could have been the Fray effect.

tarnished_spoons ago

Sounds like a LARP

Narcissism ago

Before getting excited about Hillary being arrested we need to think seriously about the ramifications, the deaths and suicides that will surely follow when that dreadful moment finally arrives and we get to see just how bad she looks in an orange pant suit.

Vindicator ago

Nicely laid out summary, alphabravo. Thanks for contributing this.

Just want to point out this new Breadcrumb anon has poor grammar and word choice...not likely to be anything but a LARP. Several instances, but this was the most egregious:

AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work.

Someone who is impartial is NOT out to get anyone. Just sayin'.

Also, there is no way Trump would declare martial law. That kind of ham-handed power grab would be an admission of weakness; totally unlike the way he operates, which is usually quietly and behind the scenes, until he tweets the resulting accomplishment. These "revelations" seem more like stuff an arrogant SJW believes Trump fans want to hear/believe, so that when they don't happen, people will be disillusioned.

alphabravo ago

Thanks Vindicator, appreciate your thoughts. Lets see what happens this coming week. We'll know tomorrow if Breadcrumbs is right about Podesta.

captainramius87 ago

You need to remember that any of these info dumps are going to be mixed with false info for plausible deniability. This was discussed ever since the first FBIanon post.

Vindicator ago

That's true, and a good point.

Gothamgirl ago

I hope all of that is true.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I would love to believe this/like carmencita won't hold my breath but thank you for such diligence in reporting.

upvote :)

migratorypatterns ago

In addition, he claims that 11.3 will see Podesta indicted, and on 11.6, Huma.

This. From his lips to God's ear.

I want this to happen so badly, I'm bleeding out my ears.

UpVoat for you because I'm tipsy from blood loss.

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

I remember the day The Witch and The Rapist were elected in the early '90's. My oldest 2 were babies. The sense of doom on that horrible day was terrifying.

I hardly ever drink but the day they lock that Witch up, I'm giving a toast and thanking God for Donald J Trump....I don't care what time of the day it is...God has called him for such a time as this.

farmmama10 ago

I will never forget my sense of great dread that same day. I had just given birth to my fifth child. Little did I know at that time GHW Bush’s dealings as well. Anyone awake during the 90’s knows how evil this couple is.

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

I'm with ya. I adored GHW....very sad to know the truth about him.

Vindicator ago

Upvoat for you Bluebird. I remember that day, too.

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

"God Bless"

Is it you?

Dressage2 ago

This is so exciting if it comes to pass. We will slowly eradicate these pedos/santanists from our world. They can all rot in prison wondering "What Happened." Oh yeah, that was HRC's book. Maybe the questions will evolved around how they could have fucked up so badly with all their $$$ they can bribe people with. Maybe they forgot about all the people that love their country and its children and will do whatever it takes to protect them. Everybody hates pedos.

Tanngrisnir ago

It should be noted that MegaAnon called WH Anon a long con Larper on October 5th (it is in the link).

alphabravo ago

That's true.

darkknight111 ago

The next time Megaanon shows up, one of us should ask if the white hats have been watching the citizen investigation (such as voat) into "pizza". To confirm or deny a theory.

So far, Mega Anon's track record has been spot on, so I'm inclined to trust them. 11/3 makes sense given the Podesta brothers recent psychotic breakdowns on Twitter.

The 4th still unnerves me a bit. Just like carmencita, I'm concerned about an assassination attempt on Trump.

I made a deduction two days ago on the exact "howdunnit" based on known time tables and this coronal mass ejection drill.

The "drill" is a likely murder weapon targeting Trump's plane mid flight. Motive is to frame NL, get WW3 and distract from Manafort/"pizza".

How I came to that deduction is totally bizzare and I might get laughed out of the forum for this. I was trying to think about this whole "week of false flags" culminating with the Antifa Uprising and the "drill" on the 4th. I thought these two scenarios were correlated. Then finding out about Trumps trip to Asia shortly a day or two after finishing the "Celeste Ludenburg Murder Case" in the mystery series I've been getting into (Dangan Ronpa) made something click in my mind.

The two events were being falsely connected as one when they are actually two seperate incidents. One may actually be a distraction from the other.

carmencita ago

It is also an opportune time or moment to set up a coup. I think I have to credit Jem with that one. Either way the Solar Block would create the perfect scenario. Blocking out of news at the moment of either operation would be a plus for them. Let's hope this Friday is a Beautiful Present tied with a Big Red Bow. In that box, John Podesta.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

An assassination attempt on Trump would only work in his favor and in the favor of our cause, garnering sympathy from the people and vindication. Do NOT mistake me, I do NOT want this. I just don't think "they" are that stupid. Evil, yes. Stupid, no.

alphabravo ago

If I catch her I'll ask her.

Sounds like your multiverses are crossing!

SoldierofLight ago

Thank you, will take a look. Sure hope the Martial Law bit doesn't come to pass as that may be the beginning of the end and not in a good way for our country.

alphabravo ago

Thanks to you, Soldier, Looking at the big picture, martial law may be the only option, if the country has indeed already been lost to foreign entities. It's may be the only way to clean up.

angry_mob ago

MARTIAL LAW??? is that what you idiots want? ALL of your rights taken away under the guise of supposedly "draining the swamp?" you people are so asleep it is just frightening. you have absolutely no idea what's really going on. omg. just wow.

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

Martial law in the cities where Antifa is rioting. Yes, I'm good with that. I hope they bulldoze Antifa.

angry_mob ago

i hope they do too, but i just don't trust that situation of a blanket solution effecting a whole lot of innocent people who are not involved.

Tallest_Skil ago

MARTIAL LAW??? is that what you idiots want?

Yes, dipshit. Get a goddamn clue.

ALL of your rights taken away

lol nope

under the guise of supposedly “draining the swamp?”

We’ll be the ones killing them all, anon. Stand out of the way or be hanged with the traitors, too.

you people are so asleep it is just frightening


you have absolutely no idea what’s really going on.


omg. just wow.


And then all nonwhites from the nation.

angry_mob ago

never been to tumblr once, asshole. in fact i've been HERE since the beginning. you sound like a fucked up troglodyte. YOU LEAVE.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sure you haven’t, moishe. We really believe you. Your bullshit doesn’t fly here. Either explain how we’re “wrong” or go back to your home and melt like the pathetic little leftist you are.

ArmedExorcist ago

Our rights have been taken away long time ago. And as if that wasn't enough, we are now slaughtered at random in various false flags operations and staged mass shootings. Pervs, fags, pedophiles and psychopaths are running amok. They have officially green light to destroy the family and impose degeneracy as the new normality. Talmudic Zionists have bought and paid for the US Congress and most of our politicians. We are fighting their wars and there is no end in sight. No one knows who are the people running this country. It's too late to claim your rights. Martial law is long overdue. There is no other way. Unfortunately, it won't be declared, since Trump has become part of the swamp. Those never ending Anon's predictions & prophecies are wishful thinking at best. I wish I'm wrong.

angry_mob ago

what a fucking sheep. i KNOW what's going on and WHO'S doing it. gays are NOT responsible, and if you are actually retarded enough to think that then there's just no hope for your low IQ self! if you are so stupid to think that martial law is the only way, you are living inside a box. (filled with slime, obviously)

ArmedExorcist ago

You sound angry. So you are wrong.

angry_mob ago

don't know what you are talking about. if you're not angry, you're asleep. now go back to sleep.

alphabravo ago

MegaAnon on Pizza -

I'm not saying there won't be some pizza thrown into this... especially as official Clinton Foundation and Podesta Group investigations really get moving now, but you all really need to go back and revisit the EPIC progress that's been made over the last 9 months.

I did reply to you and said it's hard to investigate the CF/Podesta Group without it coming into play... (pizza)

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

I know in the gov eyes that pizza is not the bigger crime...not to me....I could have mercy on treason and go for life in prison, but on pizza, I'd be willing to pull the kill switch myself.

NotHereForPizza ago

Megaanon has always bothered the shit out of me. She didn't get the tits or gtfo concept and kept whining about perverts, all while the whole concept entirely evaded her. She smells like mockingbird

alphabravo ago

Well, she did get her toes out if not her tits. What about when all the happenings she said would happen, happened?

NotHereForPizza ago

Do you know what belief bias is? Confirmation bias? What of the Barnum effect?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Such as? Refresh our memories. There have been so many "anons" that haven't delivered I can't even see straight.

marvin_nash ago

I will run around my house and outside screaming in Joy if Hillary and the podesta's get charged

Vindicator ago

It will be like Election Night 2016 all over again. :-)

thisHoCwilltumble ago

I would even say better than election night, although all those election night compilations on YouTube are pretty satisfying

alphabravo ago

OMG imagine us?!!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I thought they had proven that these MegaAnons where larpers?

alphabravo ago

Quite the contrary, everything MegaAnon has said would before, has come to pass.

bopper ago

Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

I've always figured this was the case.

Rangers_justice ago

CIA/MIC/UN controls the regime in NK.

bopper ago

Thanks. If you have further info to share about this please do.

alphabravo ago

Who do you think it is?

bopper ago

Some Intel agency would be my only guess, possibly Mossad in conjunction w/ CIA. Possibly the 911 actors. Anon said the people would "revolt" so whoever it is it would have to produce that kind of civil/popular reaction. NKorea is a bogey man used for extortion of the US. Arms sales and keeping the masses in check in general.

carmencita ago

I have read before it is the CIA and NK is nothing but a sham set up to launder money.

bopper ago

Yes, not surprising at all, nothing surprises me anymore.

carmencita ago

Isn't that a shame? I feel the same way, and it is really sad. I am trying to think of something that would surprise me and the only thing I can think of is the whole cabal being charge with crimes of the century and jail/death penalties. One can dream.

alphabravo ago

That's similar to my answer haha. Israel.

bopper ago

I am afraid that is probably the truth.

Oh_Well_ian ago

wow... I came to that same conclusion about 2 months ago.

The recent tunnel collapse looks like a mop up operation.

Vindicator ago

I see it differently. I think Trump took out the NorK nuke program in one fell swoop. Check out this thread by Thomas Wictor on the subject:

The timing is what is so interesting.

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

Saw Wictors thread. Intriguing.

Oh_Well_ian ago

interesting... but I am leaning towards NK being a complete fabrication and if they have a nuclear program, Israel or the United States built it for them.

alphabravo ago


Dressage2 ago

I think Israel because of the shock of it all and throw in some CIA blk/ops too.

bopper ago

Does MegaAnon always end her (final) comments w/ "peace to you all" (or something like that)? Or do you know, offhand?

alphabravo ago

Didn't notice that Bopper. Afaik she doesn't say goodbye in any of the threads she pops up in. She simply disappears.

bopper ago

Sarah is the daughter of the professing Christian Huckabee of course, and this is how one of the anons ended their comments (I just read it but don't recall if it was MegaAnon or not) ... "peace to you guys," this is something a right wing Christian would say, and a "progressive" liberal too, tho in a different sense, like my in-law lobbyists.Thanks again.

alphabravo ago

Interesting clue! I go over her posts a lot, so I'll check and let you know.

carmencita ago

One of the 4chans: " Obama is going to Japan on Thursday just ahead of Trump's trip. Is he plotting an assassination or something really bad? Is that why he is going out of the country?: THERE is speculation (I said Speculation nothing else) That there is going to be a Solar Block Out on Nov. 4th. Could be good time for a coup. Trump is going to be on an airplane to Japan as well. I hope we are well guarded. They know what's coming, I feel, and they are not going to stand idly by. Just putting everything out there, for discussion. This has not by any means been verified. I was only writing what I read and adding info that has been on the internet within the last week.

AgainstPedos ago

I've heard rumors of at least a partial EMP event affecting all cell/landline phones & computers. Could be a needed drill. Used as a way to combat ANTIFA who's joined forces with NAMBLA & AL QUEDA, BLM & ISIS.

Luckily Trump does not believe in "standing down." National Guard & military will be ready in full force. Americans by petition have already declared ANTIFA a terrorist group that follows the Far Left call for Radical Gov't Overthrow.

carmencita ago

The problem is, that there was a stopping of the funding for the EMP Electro-Magnetic Protection and has not been reinstated. There was a post in pizzagatewhatever. I don't know what the FF in NYC was for, but I find it very odd to be happening right before this weekend. I feel they have something up their sleeves, but darned if I know what. I am thinking they will do another horrid operation like the LV shooting. There have been reports of UN Trucks seen in many states. This would be an excuse for the Governors and Mayors of cities to call for action. I wonder who has control over them as far as calling them to action here in the states. And yes, you are right there is talk of the EMP happening we believe on the 4th. We are hoping that it is not anything more sinister or that does not include appliances etc. Also, cars may not be able to be driven unless they are from the 70s without electric wiring.

neo50 ago

Hey, I heard about the blackout, too. Given the following post from Breadcrumbs Anon, pieces are falling into place. Possible scenario: Trump jets out of the country, Antifa protests across the country on the same day the DoD is doing a communications blackout. Maybe riots? Then Trump can instill martial law and take the power from the FBI, CIA and NSA. Mission accomplished.

Breadcrumbs Anon;

Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA No approval or congressional oversight State Secrets upheld under SC Who is the Commander and Chief of the military? Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

Blackout day....only one news source, but might be legit. The official letter in the article says "again", so it might be a nothingburger. Normally, I'd write it off, but for the timing....

carmencita ago

I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying. That is all any of us can do. We are doing so much just spreading the word and being here everyday and hoping that people are reading our words. Our words of passing the truth to the people that are just like we were. Like we were before we learned the truth too. Hope springs eternal. We must make the best of what will come. I did not vote for him but know he is a smart man.

alphabravo ago

I've hear comments there which say that Obama will go ahead of Trump to Japan to use his slush fund to organize rogue elements and diplomats there, to slow Trumps progress.

Saying that, I believe this is a truly pivotal time. As you say, they will do anything to stop what's happening. Let's pray.

SecondAmendment ago

I'm so grateful to you guys for your insights, and to @AlphaBravo for compiling this thread. I remain hopeful and prayerful. And I remain confident that President Trump and those he trusts thought this out 50 steps in advance, minimum. Obama's trip to Japan one day ahead of President Trump? Seems scary except for the fact that the Good Guys probably already anticipated all the dirty ways in which the Bad Guys may try to thwart President Trump. In other words, Obama could be walking right into a trap. He could get filmed or recorded trying to put something together at the last minute, and the Good Guys could be setting Obama up to get irrefutable, real evidence against Obama and/or the members of his team.

I'm with you, @carmencita. We're praying hard for everyone on the Good Guys' side.....

Harpua33 ago

Seems like that slime ball is always traveling right before or after trump to same region.

alphabravo ago

Not called the shadow gov for nothing, huh?!

carmencita ago

I agree that they will. I just hope the charges are coming down. Also the 4th is a day in question. We shall see what happens. Pray and be prepared for anything.

alphabravo ago

Indeed C, pray and be prepared. Eyes on the 3rd too, when Podesta is anon-crystal-balled to be indicted.

carmencita ago

I shall pray now. It is OK to pray for a bad thing for someone when they are hurting our children. All children of the world belong to each and everyone of us. God has put them in our care. I don't remember the exact words, but Jesus said that when ever you harm one of my children, you also harm me. Profound.

alphabravo ago

That is profound. I will pray with you.

carmencita ago

I pray to the Virgen de Guadalupe. I have a statue and Satan is under her feet. That is whee he belongs. She is a protector of children. I pray to her in Spanish though she listens in all languages. I am going now.

alphabravo ago

I was with you : )

carmencita ago

I am sure we did some good :)

alphabravo ago

God willing :)

2impendingdoom ago

Wow, nice compilation and presentation. THANK YOU Bravo.

alphabravo ago

Thank you! Happy to share what I have. Thanks to you also for all you do, 2 :)

Harpua33 ago

I’ve been reading all these threads from the anon. The only problem I have ever had was that Trump never says what he is going to do so the enemies can prepare. How is this any different?

alphabravo ago

Having read them, you'll know that MegaAnon has been telling us what's going to happen with these indictments and Trumps plans for the near future, and everything so far has happened as she's said, at the time she's told us. Past results like this give me hope. Re Trump playing poker, I feel that he's kept his cards close for so long in order to line up the ducks. Now, he's playing his hand as he has all the intel he needs to do what's needed. This is him preparing the communities who are with him, imho, so that we can help, as we have been doing for so long. Saying that, I've a healthy skepticism too, and will wait and see.

PS - they say it's too late for his enemies to do anything now.

protectthekids ago

Thank you for your summary of this information. I'll be waiting with baited breath for the indictments to unfold.

Tallest_Skil ago

What kind of idiot gets himself excited for something that is obviously not real?

alphabravo ago

A pleasure, and thank you for all you're doing too. I'm baited breath with you, and us all.

Tanngrisnir ago

Anon claim's Mayo Clinic lied about McCain's surgery to help shield him due to McCain's connection to them.

alphabravo ago

I know, that's a revelation isn't it? Also Pelosi and Hillary feigning illness too so they can be excused from testifying.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Pelosi and Hillary feigning illness too so they can be excused from testifying.

Is this something recent? I had not heard they were supposed to testify.

alphabravo ago

Her mental deterioration has been reported on for the last months. She's not set to testify presently, however if she was, her memtal health could be used to be excused.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Okay, ty :)

SoldierofLight ago

Well, it's worked for Hillary before, lol.

alphabravo ago

Tried and tested !

anotherdream ago

Hoping this stuff is true. Mega Anon has had a clean record thus far.

alphabravo ago

She has indeed

Harpua33 ago

I know she has mentioned making posts earlier in the year. Not sure if I remember those or not. Are these the only ones you have?

alphabravo ago

Yea, I don't have the early ones, wish we did.

carmencita ago

carmencita ago

Gonna check out all this stuff, but I am not gonna hold my breath. Just Sayin'.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I doubt this is true as well, but it may be worth some deep out of the money gold calls just in case!

carmencita ago

Friday will tell. Then if it is not true we can sling mud at her name. It would be a cruel trick for someone to pull. Nasty business if not true.

Dressage2 ago

Our patience is short these days.

carmencita ago

Yes, I agree, it is short and shot. How much more can we take? So much happening. I think that is their MO to keep us busy and dizzy. To also instill fear. I don't believe any of this terrorism stuff. False Flags.

alphabravo ago

Thanks C for your comment. And yes, let's see how it all pans out, we'll know soon enough. As a strategy, if true, Trump is definitely playing 44d chess !

Interesting for us PG crew are these comments from Megs in her last post -

Let me ask you an honest question. Have you been following Sessions and Wray's progress, especially Sessions over the last 9 months?

I'm not saying there won't be some pizza thrown into this... especially as official Clinton Foundation and Podesta Group investigations really get moving now, but you all really need to go back and revisit the EPIC progress that's been made over the last 9 months. The DOJ and FBI have busted more networks/rings, arrested, charged and convicted more pedos/traffickers and saved more children so far than any other President has in first 4 year term, already and it's only been 9 months. The network as y'all knew it a year ago, is so completely fragmented now, it's almost unbelievable it's only been 9 months. I want these fuckers to go down for everything they're guilty of, but please also recognize the massive accomplishments that have taken place, while y'all have been waiting to see Podesta/Hillary in handcuffs.

It truly fucking sucks watching these massive effort, successful takedowns/convictions being blatantly ignored by the MSM, but it sucks even more that the pizza community doesn't seem to be recognizing it either. Sorry brah, not trying to take it out on you. I just get a lot of pizza questions and I feel the frustration too but I hardly see anyone talking about the historical achievements being made either.


Yes it could be. I did reply to you and said it's hard to investigate the CF/Podesta Group without it coming into play... but also vented about people not recognizing the wins that have been made on the pizza front in 9 months by DOJ and FBI, too.

My own feelings is that this is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Who knows, however she's been correct on a shit load of predictions so far.

srayzie ago

I love this. This is what I'd like to scream at all these people, even here, who act like Trump isn't doing anything.

The DOJ and FBI have busted more networks/rings, arrested, charged and convicted more pedos/traffickers and saved more children so far than any other President has in first 4 year term, already and it's only been 9 months. The network as y'all knew it a year ago, is so completely fragmented now, it's almost unbelievable it's only been 9 months. I want these fuckers to go down for everything they're guilty of, but please also recognize the massive accomplishments that have taken place, while y'all have been waiting to see Podesta/Hillary in handcuffs.

alphabravo ago

Me too!!!

pizzaequalspedo ago

Based on reading through some of mega anon’s predictions it appears like s/he is legit.

Obviously too early to tell on the others but it gives me hope.

Tallest_Skil ago

Stop shilling for LARPers. None were correct.

pizzaequalspedo ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Okay. List where any of them were correct.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Off the top of my head Mega last week was right about:

Manafort Tony Podesta New Fed Chair announcement

Could be coincidence/good larp or could be legit.

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

You sound like the Anon who posted to /pol and ended with "God Bless".....You be he?

alphabravo ago

Not me.

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

Copy that

srayzie ago


alphabravo ago

Shamelessly bumping the post with a comment here so that more eyes can see the info

bopper ago

"She." Is this a guess or is the person claiming to be female? I'll have a look. I am relaying the info to someone important who has "skin in the game" so to speak but do not want to share disinfo. People were already disappointed that I mentioned that Anon said that POTUS won't release files on LBJ or GHWBush.

alphabravo ago

Hi Bopper, yes, MegaAnon has said she's a 'she'. The others haven't said.

With anon sources we can only take the info or leave it, we don't know until the events come true. MegaAnon has a clean record so far. This Breadcrumbs one is new.

Which anon said Trump wouldn't release those files?

Breadcrumbs doesn't ask us to do anything... he's just relaying information. As theories about what could be happening behind the scenes, it's all extremely interesting. For info only.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I am pretty sure 4chan said MegaAnon was claiming to be female, but it was a man who had taken a pic of his wife's feet claiming it was proof she was a woman???

alphabravo ago

Yea I remember that. One anon was gonna dox her if Assange didn't drop the Weiner / Huma emails on the 21st. She hadn't even said that he would. That was the anon who said he was a man taking pics of his wife's feet.

bopper ago

Which anon said Trump wouldn't release those files?

It was a few days ago, I commented about it, maybe I'll look it up. But it did sound just like something Trump would do. Yes, wait and see. Interesting, a female. I appreciate the info, thanks much.

alphabravo ago

Thanks Bopper. Yes I saw this one too and it tied in with the other anons were saying. Regards the JFK files, here's the comment I can see -

The rest of the JFK files released will not include the essential information implicating LBJ and Bush Sr.

With many files as yet unreleased, why would people be disappointed in you saying that Trump wouldn't release them, when we don't know yet?

bopper ago

That statement you quote is saying that some files, concerning these past presidents, would not be released, ever ... was/is my take. Maybe I'm wrong.

It is people that are still living who were historically, directly, involved w/ the JFK assassination who would be disappointed, they want the truth known about LBJ and Bush, the public to know.

alphabravo ago

I interpret as that too. I understand now what you're saying aboit people being disappointed, and understandably so. I'm for one hundred percent transparency, and for that to be used in the future history of the republic, the world and the human race. To keep information back doesn't help the masses, and only serves, imho, to keep them in a perpetual state of apathy.

bopper ago

Yes, ironically, that's what Kennedy believed, esp revealed in his "secret societies speech." But at this point things must be done extremely judiciously. Unintended and unforeseen consequences could be enormous.

alphabravo ago

I understand that it has to be this way, and rightly so, with some things. I do hope and pray that we will see revelations though, as Bread predicts. Did you read that part? I'll post it for you if not. Studying for my phd in4Chan Insider Anons haha.

bopper ago

Yes, please give me that link if you can. Don't know if I saw it or not. Yes, def wanna see some revelations myself.

alphabravo ago

From this thread -

Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.

Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

bopper ago

Thanks. Interesting ... "a cost that we can't recover from." Exactly.

Also ...

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

Again, this is that Christian theme that has been in the white house now since the beginning, they even have weekly Bible Studies, so, again, reminds me of Huckabee. Thanks for your trouble.

alphabravo ago

Thanks to you Bopper