nameof ago

Sex trafficking pedophilia and Satanists . Where is Assange then. Anymore? Yes it is a question. Why is he in conversation but no longer accessible renders him no longer credible?

Dressage2 ago

If you believe Anon, he is probably in hiding somewhere. I bet US. Swamp wanted to take him out to stop emails.

nameof ago

Yeah agreed. It's not known.

nameof ago

@chabon @joe10jo language inconsequential message is key. You are being judgemental and need to be told fuckoff faggot in honor of Kek who protects us and keeps this space safe for us to talk safe from niggers. To be clear, I don't get what mega anon said or why people think it's going to be good. And Assange I don't get the story at all.

fogdryer ago

Hillary for Gitmo

Matt_Helm ago

Clintons and Obamas won't ever be prosecuted for anything. Ever. It won't happen. They are Above The Law. Sad but True.

Podesta Bros. could be prosecuted but it won't be for torturing kids and raping kids and stealing Maddie McCann it will be for something easy to prove and easy to sell to the normies, a white collar crime like money laundering or income tax evasion. That's all they need just enough to put the brothers behind bars.

Pizzagate won't ever be exposed in the mainstream news media. It's way too hot same as 9/11 Truth and JFK those things won't ever be exposed in our lifetimes. Maybe 50 years from now but probably not then either.

The Swamp will never be drained. Trump is a coward and his AG Sessions is an inbred country bumpkin moron nitwit. Afraid of his own shadow. Trump could have been the hero we need but he has been fully neutered by the Deep State they now control him they won't let him do anything courageous. They control what he reads and who he talks to. He's a puppet.

The_1 ago

Comey and Muller covered up for 911 this solves nothing, and is almost entirely predicated on the most contemporary of events.

Jem777 ago

Pizzagate is coming me

Dressage2 ago

Hallelujah!!! It just has to or might family might lock me up some day soon.

AgainstPedos ago At 1:58 Assange responds to Hillary's statement to Australian interviewer blaming him & Russia for her election loss. Assange calls Hillary "Machavellian." His next tweet lists the numbers for his soon to be done data dump.

Dressage2 ago

I can't wait. I really hope this is true.

fogdryer ago

Who is Hina? This does not sound or feel good to me Mueller is as dirty as they come. Why would he come out against hillbot? Who exactly will recommend indictments against those evil people? No one can. They are all dirty

Please explain to me

Dressage2 ago

Hina Alvi is Imran Awan's wife from Pakistan.

Sessions would recommend indictments because he is the Attorney General. My understanding from reading posts is Comey and Mueller have agreed to help get the Swamp drained. Obviously, if you believe Anon these guys were compromised at some point and wanted to not participate in Swamp, but was forced into it. According to Anon, Lynch did not want to have to indict HRC so she arranged fake meeting at tarmac so she was "forced" to bow out of bringing HRC indictment to make Comey the scapegoat and knew wouldn't because he was being told what to do. That is why Sessions would bring indictments as he is in charge of FBI. Now this might all be bullshit, but I like to believe at some point good will overcome bad. I am tired of waiting. My first marriage didn't last this long!

nameof ago

Got it

chabon ago

Pretty sure I got it all -- apologies for reverse order :) It's ma first post :)

chabon ago

Copy/Paste (cont)

Lynch and Clinton set Comey up to HAVE to publicly suggest indictment or not. (((They))) called Patsy Comey's number and he knew it was "his turn". Clinton/Lynch purposefully leaked the tarmac meeting, complete with photos making it look extra good, to a local network affiliate station and reporter. This allowed Lynch to formally recuse herself over "conflict of interest", so she wouldn't be forced to indict the first woman president they wanted/needed her to continue to serve, as Attorney General by ensuring she'd continue her role of covering their asses.

Didn't you find it weird how Comey basically spelled out EVERY SINGLE CHARGE, he would've nabbed ANYONE ELSE ON, BUT HILLARY?! Not for nothing, but when Comey gave that public statement and didn't recommend indictment on behalf of conveniently recused Lynch, to the DOJ, he looked just as green-faced and nervous, as fucking Lombardo, the puppeteered LV Sheriff.

Trump's 3 main disclosures to the public are separate from this. Don't confuse. In my posts that are well capped and documented in full as related, do not mention the upcoming Wikileaks actions or Assange. These are all things that lead up to and will ultimately confirm, Trump's 3 much larger scopes of coverage.

To be honest, if Assange is able to seamlessly get this out, or Mueller gives in and is forced to publicly address/confirm it all and then recommends indictment to Sessions, Id go as far as to say we might not even need Trump to address all of what he's got coming for us, in a formal Presidential, network address. Assange's dump would devastate the "old" FBI, the portions that still think they work for (((them))), not Wray or Trump, to the point of no return. Trump might be able to just disclose the fall of the "old" FBI, that he will then have Wray gut immediately, from the rose garden or in a primetime aired interview. CIA and Fed will come, but the FBI is halfway out the door and they know it. That's why I eluded to them first, in my original post about it. The point is after Assange, there's no real strings holding the FBI together. The need for the demise and downfall of their "old ways", will be clear and their impending swamp, drained .

I know, I apologize for being/seeming brash sometimes. I really try not to be, but it gets exhausting repeating myself when I've posted it all before. If people could just think outside of their boxes for a second and just take care in making sure they've searched/read my archived posts, there'd be a lot less room for questions and more action. I'm not trying to seem condescending or arrogant but it'd be great if People who were interested in the things I'm saying would just find my capped posts from May until now and reconnect those dots, first.

Nah, I heard he got "comped" and on a side note, BTW, the fucking "comped", "sushi" and "Taco Bell" shit, is incredible! I laugh to myself every time I see it. "Comped" literally could be used to explain everything from being murdered to hitting the fucking lottery. Good work y'all!

Oh, sorry... she'd have to recuse herself from having to formally indict and charge Hillary, once Comey had come back publicly seeking the charges he'd have concluded, were founded from their investigation/findings.

Lynch wouldn't be able to continue to obstruct justice from prevailing as AG, if Hillary couldn't win the election and become President if she was watching it all from a max security, women's federal corrections center, thanks to Lynch, could she?

The same people who're made to look an awful lot like a lot of people who you only later realize, don't actually look like those people, at all.

The day Assange showed up on the balcony, the Embassy unprecedentedly roped the entire two-way street in front of the Embassy and around the whole bend on both sides, the smaller single-access street to the left of the front of the Embassy, if looking at it from the street the entire sidewalk in front of the Embassy and then, another 25 yards from that sidewalk across the street, into the open space behind it. No one could get close enough to confirm or deny anything they'd thought they'd seen, or hadn't. They were all just happy to see Assange, on the balcony, like he told them they could expect.

This really is fine all of the time, though. Dups are used frequently and not just to hide or protect people like Assange, they're used for many added layers of security in very high exposure/high risk scenarios.

For me, I use (((they))) to describe or refer to the corrupt of anything. Every gov't, organization, corporation, group or population of people (whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc.) all have (((they))). In reality there's a (((they))) associated with everything and everyone. (((They))) are always the very, very small percentage, of the very top of everything and everyone, who ultimately dominate the 3 most important things over the majorities of anything and everyone they represent - power, control and money.

chabon ago

Copy/Paste (cont)

When it's all done, you'll know who WAS DIRTY, but you'll also have to learn to accept and appreciate what they risked on Trump, to get out and help. The swamp only successfully DRAINS when YOU SEE those, once eyeball-deep in its filth, coming forward and helping the cause. You'll have no choice but to see them as Trump does... the ultimate "whistleblowers" and if you open your eyes/ears and give yourselves a headstart now, you'll see Trump's rationale over certain cabinet picks and candidate backings he's publicly made, that you've debated and questioned on this board. I mean really, /pol/ do you think people stiluck in the swamp weren't jumping at the chance to offer themselves, their knowledge and assistance to Trump, BEFORE HE WON?! I realize that might be hard for you to comprehend, BUT also remember, the swamp saw the REAL election polls and results. (((They))) knew Trump had been significantly leading and trending for MONTHS to win and NO ONE KNEW BETTER THAN (((THEM))), that the MSM would say/do WHATEVER IT TOOK, to keep that truth, from the public. Haha, incorporating and transitioning those begging and dying to leave the swamp was one of BANNON'S PRIMARY ROLES IN THE ADMIN!!!

Pay attention y'all... you're slacking if you don't realize all of this. If you don't, then you've completely lost the very foundation, of the "4D chess", y'all claim Trump has been playing. This should not be a new concept for you. This is not "news". It's fact.

Haha, not for nothing but if /pol/ was "connecting the dots" like I am and have been since May, when I first started posting on here, I probably wouldn't feel SO compelled to be here, would I?!

Again to be clear, I'm not, nor have I ever been, associated or employed by any alphabet... and for the record, from what I've seen on here, no one you've ever considered associated or employed by one, has been here either. The ones who've claimed to have been, exposed too many obvious holes in the cheese, they tried to feed you. I don't work for anyone but myself and I choose which jobs I ultimately work and the roles I fulfill, for others on their behalf. Always have, always will. If more did the same, they'd have avoided the swamp, too.

I have high hopes but I can't say for sure. Have to see how far down the field we get with the Awan investigation and the Assange release. The Awan investigation plays a huge part, but after Assange releases, we may not need to go further with the investigation. We might just find out if the file set clearly shows where the DNC corruption/Russia collision lies, you know what I mean? The release may very well make an investigation into Awan, moot because we will know his testimony is right. He did what he said he did for the DNC, he'll be convicted and sentenced, he'll serve his pled down term for cooperating and that will be the last you hear from him. I can (and did yesterday) confirm the time period and subjects a majority of the Wikileaks data set will cover, but the extent of miscellaneous shit that will also be included, as we've seen included in the past (like the unexpected, seemingly coded emails about what we now call "pizza", in the Podesta drop) which would then lead to unforeseen revelations, are what I can't confirm because I don't know what else could be in the files. Weiner's share of the laptop also adds a bit of personal interest for me. We already know what to expect based on Huma's involvement, but Weiner is a wild card of his own. I honestly can't wait to see what was directly captured from Weiner's files.

Oh my God, stop it. You're cracking me up over here. Let me guess, you assume that Ecuadorian Embassy goes dark +Wikileaks Icelandic HQ goes dark +eyewitnesses report someone in a black hood, being taken out of the embassy and loaded by swat looking guys in a black, unmarked van as part of a two vehicle, unmarked caravan = Assange IS dead?

Stop, fucking with me! Haha I'm dying... really. It's too much... even for (you).

Fold?! Step outside of your mind and what you've been programmed by the MSM and every dirty presidential admin since George H. Bush and imagine for one second that maybe, just maybe, Mueller (and his best bud Comey, too), "folded" close to a year ago. Imagine if Comey and Mueller, LIKE MANY OTHERS, not only "secretly folded", but WILLINGLY volunteered, to not only help drain the swamp of all those who've ALWAYS wanted out and NEVER wanted to be there, but have also been (secretly) HELPING to PURGE the rest of the REALLY corrupt, who ARE WILLING TO DIE TO KEEP THE SWAMP CHURNING.


Don't you realize, at least by now, what Comey was telling you?! Stick with me on this... you'll want to remember this forever. READ THIS CAREFULLY!

  1. Lynch and Bill Clinton PURPOSEFULLY PLANNED to have an unironic, questionably shady, private meeting on the tarmac.
  2. (((THEY))) ALL KNEW, Lynch would catch public shit for it, because that's how they planned it. THEY LEAKED THE SECRET TARMAC MEETING WITH PICTURES ATTACHED, TO ONE SPECIFIC, NO NAME LOCAL AFFILIATE REPORTER, IN AZ.
  3. They leaked it themselves so when they'd awkwardly and eventually DENY rumors that they'd met (also started and circulated by them) in an undisclosed airplane meeting...

All I'm ever going to say is this. MAYBE the SAME PEOPLE, who talk about Assange in the "present tense" are in fact, the SANE PEOPLE, who literally saved his VERY thankful ass. Think Hillary and (((they))) were kidding about droning him?! If not a drone, an unironic "terror attack" that just happened to be so unfortunately close (as planned) to the Embassy might have sufficed too, no?! I mean, you can't really drop a drone on a guy after you say it out loud in front of actual people, right?

I will never confirm or deny, but, hypothetically, if a covert, exhaustive effort had been made, to "save" Assange from an intercepted, impending and immediate threat against his life, then one could ONLY ASSUME that an EQUALLY exhaustive effort, to make him disappear from ANYONE LOOKING FOR HIM, would also be made... and yes, sadly, even innocent and concerned people like you, unknowingly begging him to EXPOSE HIMSELF, via requests for the "proof of life" he could NEVER FOLLOW THROUGH ON, IN THE EXACT WAY HE TOLD YOU TO EXPECT HE WOULD, because he knew what that would ultimately lead to.

See when you save and hide people, confusion is the FIRST line of defense. If not important, why not just ditch the hood and drape him in an American flag while sticking him in a car with Idaho license plates for fucke sake. Hell, maybe it wasn't Americans. Maybe it was a military ops contractor. Maybe they weren't contracted directly by the US. Maybe an ally did us a solid and came through on their promise to make it look good for the "eye witnesses". Come on, /pol/. Didn't his offer of extradition tip you off?! Didn't you find it all odd, at least by now... in 20/20 hindsight?!

Point is, you don't know who took him. You don't know where they took him. You don't know what he's done since being taken and most importantly, until it's time... YOU NEVER WILL.

Assange and Wikileaks gave you the 21st, clown. Pay attention. They tweeted more than a week ago that Trump and the DOJ had until the 21st. It's why Hannity is helping promote it with vague tick tocks and why Assange replied to Hannity last night saying Mueller not anyone else has reached to him. Remember, what's a man to think?!

They're poking Mueller to come out with it or Assange will. Either way Trump knows it's coming and doesn't care how, but he knows Mueller having to eat it and disclose it himself publicly bodes better for a Trump "win".

chabon ago

Copy/Paste (cont)

If you ever hear the MSM try to report that Awan, or someone directly tied to him or one of his several shell businesses (((they))) registered and abused under him (and paid him VERY well to do so, BTW) "may be involved" or "directly linked" to the "murder of a young, DNC/Clinton Campaign staffer back in the summer of 2016", this will all make sense. He's eluded in his testimony under oath that he's being "set up". Guess what?! The Paki IS RIGHT! But like I always remember, "sleep with the dogs, wake up with the fleas". But mark my words... Awan's only crime was covering up the corruption he knew he was facilitating and letting (((them))) turn him into another "Patsy", they could abuse and exploit, for his own profits/benefits. His only mistake, like everyone else's, was assuming or hoping his "NUMBER" wouldn't be called. He knew it had been called, just like fake shooter Paddock, his fake girlfriend and fake security guard hero Campos...

... the day they realized the day was fast approaching that Mueller's "investigation" would have to publicly disclose, that RUSSIA NEVER HACKED/LEAKED THE DNC EMAILS TO WIKILEAKS, IT WAS AN INTERNAL, DONESTIC US BREACH. That's EXACTLY when Awan started dumping what he had and making moves to get himself, his wife/family and their money, back to Pakistan. As for the Dems, they all knew they were finished, when AWAN WAS STOPPED AND DETAINED AT THE AIRPORT. It's over friends.

Relax. I've said a hundred times over the last 2.5 weeks before, "specific timeframes" screaming "it's happening today, right now, in an hour, etc.", should be the biggest fucking "LARP" signal on your radar. Look at Assange... even he just publicly tweeted last night that Wikileaks planned to release this dump October of last year as the final, 3rd piece of their promised "surprise", but NBC pulled the Trump/Bush bus tape and he was forced to pull his release from being published. ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT HOW THIS ALL WORKS, knows "timeframes are bullshit because literally, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, COULD HAPPEN to thwart an ACTUAL "HAPPENING".

All I will say is that the wheels are in motion and have been, it's all teed up... now, keep your eyes peeled, ears opened and WAIT for it, like EVERYONE ELSE.

He, like Comey and MANY others, never CHOSE to drown in the swamp. They too, in many ways, are nothing more than "high-level Patsy's". They were unintentionally sucked in a loooong time ago and before they even realized the shit they'd been roped and doped into doing wasn't actually for "national security" or the "protection/defense of the greater good", it was far too late for them. I said it earlier this past spring... when the dust settles, you'll find out Trump isn't kidding when he says he's "giving people chances" to "redeem" themselves, their departments, agencies, professional careers and personal reputations. Trump knows he can't "drain the swamp" alone or overnight but he also knows there are many in the swamp who've been begging to get out. All they needed was someone like him, or Reagan, or JFK for fucks sake, to extend a hand and pull them out.

Realize that it's far easier to think and say "what you would do", if you were in positions like Comey, Mueller, hell, even Lois Lerner. It's always easy for inherently GOOD PEOPLE, to think and say they'd always, "DO THE RIGHT THING"... that is, until your kids, family, decades long professional/personal reputations, your livelyhood, future and the sovereignty of NOT being in jail, serving 15-30 years, are threatened and very realistically, at stake. THIS ISNT A FUCKING GAME /pol/. In this "swamp", you're not afforded the luxury of remaining a nameless, faceless fucking "anon" with nothing to seemingly lose. Look at your threads for fucks sake. Half of you are under 27, unmarried, no kids, no mortgages or mouths to feed. Half of you are still in school, safely tucked under your parent's financial umbrella of security, while coming home to their house, eating their food, using their coinless laundry machines/detergent during holiday/summer school breaks. That's all fine, BTW. It's what you SHOULD be doing, while and if you can (I do realize not everyone's situations aren't so cozy)...

But that said, realize and consider that a large majority of this corrupt, decaying swamp, got into "politics" thinking they were showing up every day, to serve the public, as intended. Most of them did not intend on being neck deep in the swamp's sludge, with what has become, SO MUCH at stake to lose for them. Most of them were set up and thankfully, most of them are taking advantage of they opportunity they've been given to crawl out and clean themselves off. M

Jem777 ago

There are many of us that are not 27 but served our country and when faced with corruption, covering up crimes of the elite, took a stand and risked it all. Some of them are dead, others are on "low intensity target lists" others are on "high intensity target lists" some of us are literally receiving death threats and assaulted warning us to "keep our fucking mouth shut"

We have been pushing this since before the election after making conscious decisions it would likely cost our lives.

Staying alive right now is a daily battle.

chabon ago

Copy/Paste (cont)

If Assange holds up his end as initially promised, then yes. But remember, Assange ALWAYS hypes his releases up. He ALWAYS releases the hashes of his next expected release to his "publishers", in advance. Releasing them 5-7 days in advance is normal for him. Hence he released the first hash of this release last October and then the embassy and his Iceland HQ, went dark. Then, he held the release as he felt delayed due to NBC conveniently releasing the Billy Bush/Trump bus tape they purposefully held and timed, in an attempt to swing the upcoming October debate that next week. He didn't want his release to be overshadowed by the media's coverage of the Trump, "grab 'me by the puss" tape. It was a smart move on his part, but then his shit went off the grid.

This actually answers the questions some have posed about this new hash not opening the files related to the initial hash last October. They don't match because he's picky and anal. He reverified and validated the files over the better part of the last year, to ensure his sudden network outage and breach at HQ/Embasdy, didn't corrupt any files that could come back to bite him in the ass and ruin his pristine track record of accuracy. So, he released the new hash to confirm authenticity against that data set. It was another good move on his part. Whoever turned his and Wikileaks's lights/infrastructure off, could've corrupted his files and hoped he fucked up and just threw up a release they knew they could poke holes in because they sabotaged the files. He's really pretty smart, you know... it's why Trump has so much faith and balls of brass when it comes to his confidence in the bold yet vague statements he makes publicly, like "wiretapping" and razzing the media with one-line zingers they can't figure out and then talk about/hypothesize over for a week's new cycle.

Hannity is riding the hash coattails. You all assumed 7 as 7 days and would then assume 7 means Monday because he wasn't on the air yesterday. 7 referred to last nights hash drop. Hannity now gets to address/hype this on his show until the 21st, or until Assange decides he's not getting enough reach or traction from Mueller and team, then decides to say fuck it, and release. For his sake, I hope he does what he said and gives til the 21st. I want to see Mueller have to proactively addressand publicly disclose it all himself, than Assange do it. This is what Trump is hoping as well. It bodes better for Trump and the admin, if the "special prosecutor" America demanded, costing tax payers more than $1 million/day investigating what Trump AND Mueller both know is factual bullshit, looks better if Muellerbreaks himself. Assange and Hannity are playing this like a fucking pressure cooker against Mueller and everyone else guilty and involved, right now. They're all scrambling trying to figure out what they can do and sadly for them, time is up. There are VERY FEW options left for them and in this environment with so many people paying such CLOSE attention to EVERY FUCKING DETAIL released about everything AND ANYTHING (like the Vegas "investigation" shit show of "evidence" and "reporting"), they all know their old, standard, bag of once successful tricks, won't work.

Believe it and feel good about it. Regardless of party afflictions or beliefs, as Americans we should ALL demand the TRUTH. It's why the MSM article published last week headling "Trump: A President Without A Party", was actually REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT, despite the underlying left's narrative throughout the piece. Trump doesn't have a party. When it's all said and done, we will all realize that "WE, THE PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT UNION", ARE THE ONLY FUCKING PARTY HE CONSIDERS HIMSELF, TO REPRESENT.

I mean, you do realize you're watching the Dems right now, try to backdoor the inevitable demise of their failing "Russia collusion" shit, by proactively trying to pin Awan for it all, to include what they'll eventually try to pin him on, which is Seth Rich's murder, right?! They've known this was coming and they're all trying to cover their asses on the Pakistani IT guy, who's been whistle blowing with his wife for the last 2.5 weeks under oath, that he "only did what he was TOLD TO DO" and he got paid for doing just that.

chabon ago

Copy/Paste of Meganon's posts:

Friendly reminder that I won't "announce" myself with nicknames y'all gave me anymore BUT, Assange will release if he makes it to the 21st and it will only PROVE the irony of what Clinton is implying because she's right, but not in the way the media is spinning her statements.

The overall release will conclude and confirm that the Clinton Campaign/DNC collided with Russia themselves in an attempt to catapult Trump over his GOP competitors during the primaries, then use bolster his cordial business relationship with Russia/Putin, to push the "Russia collusion/hacking" narrative. The problem for them is that Wikileaks has held a lot of this info for a while, via NYPD pbtained files/communications collected from Huma/Weiners laptop. They had mirrored the files/communications before handing it over to the FBI as part of their initial investigation, which is why they publicly threatened the FBI themselves, stating if the FBI didn't release and push for DOJ indictments, the NYPD would release.

This is why I said last night, it's not a pizza release. Yes, there will be the same Podesta-style creepy-coded references, maybe a few unironic Weiner owned images of pre-teens he sent dicks and tits back and forth with, sprinkled throughout communications which will be included in this dump because Wikileaks doesn't remove or edit the total bulk of any files, they publish it all in full, BUT, Hillary will not go down for pizza as a result of this dump.

This dump will be broad. It will probably be the biggest file dump Wikileaks has ever published in size and when it's out there, it's going to leave NO DOUBT on things like, WHO colluded with Russia, WHY it was done, WHAT crimes Hillary (as Secretary of State AND as a presidential candidate) and the elite DNC/GOP/Obama admin, like Lynch, Comey, etc. actually committed. Again, when it's done you will have ZERO DOUBT AS TO WHO IS ACTUALLY GUILTY OF CRIMES AND ELECTONS RIGGING.

And please remember, Trump knows and has known EXACTLY what Assange has... it's why he's been able to be so bold and seem like he's playing "4D chess" in front of the media by making claims about things like "wiretappings" and other loose statements that always seem to come true later. This release is why he pretended not to know/be mad about Sessions recusing himself from "Russia", but he knew all along and also knew he couldn't afford another bullshit Flynn loss the MSM and establishment would try to pull, had he not recused upfront. It's why Comey wasn't REALLY FIRED. He did it to let Trump take it as a win, but Comey knew and they pre-negotiated his "surprise public firing". It's why Mueller was put in place on purpose, but has unironically, only found more ties to collusion and criminal election fraud/activity back to the DNC, Hillary Campaign and shady GOP establishment, who has been involved in the attempted demise of Trump, all along. When this is done the FBI and CIA won't have a fucking leg to stand on and if Sessions/Trump hadn't played their cards right... the DOJ wouldn't have a leg either.

Assange gave Mueller/the FBI until the 21st. Trump is aware of the deadline and hopes Mueller will bite the bullet, do right for the people and for the sake of justice and come out with it all on his own to end the investigation that will ultimately end anyway when Assange drops what he's sitting on. Trump knows it's better for the people if Mueller does what's right. It will restore people's faith in justice and our departments. If Assange gets it done himself as I expect, then like I said, Trump will have no choice but to address the downfall of TWO of the 3, 3 letter agencies/departments I mentioned last week... FBI and CIA. Mueller and team have until the 21st, assuming Assange keeps his promise and/or no one gets to him first. Assange dropped his hash yesterday. They ALL KNOW WHATS COMING... regardless of who makes it public first.

Jem777 ago

Awan is not just a patsy...he works for the CIA we have proven that.

And yes there are actual former members of three letter agencies.

Comey, Mueller, and McCabe are done. McCabe is the worse one of all he literally took a $700,000 bribe from MacAulliffe during the Clinton email investigation.

Then planned out and initiated a plan to take out General Flynn then Trump.

We have the evidence.

chabon ago

"...he works for the CIA we have proven that." I've only been following the story on Daily Caller, so don't know anything about Awan linked to CIA. Could you link the post(s) where this is discussed and proven?

Jem777 ago

He is ISI of course but you have to track his father history. It is very complicated. I should say he works with factions in CIA.

Research the Pakistan ISI 111th and ties to CIA especially Skull and Bones members of CIA. 111 th is important to understand regarding who they are historical and the secret history involved.

chabon ago

You said it was 'proven.' Certainly then there are links to, at least, where this was discussed? Or to information on the ISI 111th?

Most of what is addressed here involves 'secret history' -- this certainly wouldn't be a special case in that regard.

Jem777 ago

The entire Webb investigation shows the links. Watch the last 360 videos.

chabon ago

My apologies for being curt -- just looked at some of your other posts and see the work you put in, and the respect you have in the community. I've been lurking here, and only just started paying attention to who's who. Thank you for the Webb suggestion. I prefer reading to YouTube, and know I have to bite the bullet and wade into video.

Reminder to self: Noobs shouldn't be rude to the locals :/

Dressage2 ago

Wow!!!! That was a lot of work!!!! It really does make it easier for people to compress. Thanks upvoat!!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Believe it when I see it. I am still not 100% convinced Assange is who he says he is. Wikileaks never proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the Assange now, is the same guy that "had his Internet cut" a year ago.

independenceday ago

Here's something just released:

Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin's atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I really believe Assange was taken out of the embassy last year because Embassy Cat has disappeared. You can tell how much he loved that cat in the pictures, but since his internet was taken away and then given back, not one pic or mention of Embassy Cat - they are no longer together. Plus the interview Hannity looked really odd & again there was no mention of his beloved cat.

fogdryer ago

I read he was brought to Virginia from that embassy. By whom is the big question I can see hillbot nabbing him and for what reasons Why would trump spend that effort to nab him Once here , what would trump want from him? “ hey Julian please hold off on the squealing “ I think hillbot got him

2impendingdoom ago

I agree, where the fuck is embassy kitty.

I think Assange was smuggled out of the embassy (with Kitty) and is elsewhere. I think he is alive somewhere.

Additional proof of this is that Morino won the Ecuador elections while the other candidate threatened to evict Assange. They couldn't let that happen, it would prove that he wasn't there and there is no plausible explanation that doesn't include forcible breach of sovereignty of an embassy (diplomatic kidnapping or attempted murder) and the leaks are valid.

Sackajahweeda ago

Interesting..the cat would require a personal emotional response that the person playing him if there is one might choke on...very interesting. We need proof of life and sadly for me Hannity doesnt cut the mustard.

srayzie ago

Something that really stood out to me is Awan being the patsy. I NEVER thought of that but it makes so much sense to me now.

srayzie ago

I hope we don't have to wait until the 21st 😫🤧

Dressage2 ago

LOL me too! I eat when I get nervous can't afford the calories with the holidays right around the corner!

2impendingdoom ago

the claim that the tarmac meeting was deliberate to be leaked and alllow Lynch to recuse is completely insane. It makes no sense. Would love it to be true but I won't bite that hook.

Jem777 ago

I agree. Not leaked intentionally. Comey and Mueller are no heroes. If they had decided to get in the swamp draining business why are they raiding Manaforts house. Please they are attempting a coup to save there ass.

nowitstime ago

I'll believe it when I see the perp walk I'm not holding my breath we've been down this road before

13Buddha ago

Every day, once a week, every month, biweekly, only on Tuesday, tomorrow, whenever...on and on and on it goes. Somebody f'ing do something! This country is crumbling before our eyes. We say more and more people are becoming red-pilled while the majority of Americans continue to remain clueless. It will not take much longer for the NWO to be fully in place.

And regarding Julian Assange - I pray that he is alive but seriously doubt he is. Someone is acting on his behalf or he has a body double or both.

We need a hero, and we need one very soon.

SoldierofLight ago

When we look to "heroes" to save us, we give our power away. This is why they give us "Insiders" because it fuels our collective need for a Superman. We need to look within, find our individual strength, and join together as one.

I share your frustration with the red pill situation. Every day it feels as if I'm moving further and further from my blue-pilled loved ones, and yet, I myself am a recent red piller. There is hope. Look at the numbers of people still discovering PG on Voat, despite all the shills and post sliding. We'll get there, but not because someone will fix it and make it all go away. We're going to get there on our own strength, and that's how nobody will be able to take it away from us.

jaxyou ago

I think the problem is people (I also thought this way) are waiting for that one moment where everything breaks, when what is really going on is death by a thousand paper cuts. I have been frustrated too and while most of my family and friends still think a lot of this shit is tin foil hat stuff they have started to turn without knowing it. Picking up on things like the absurd PC culture and bat shit crazy pronoun nonsense. There are enough cracks in the system right now that while people still might not be able to see the forest for the trees, the fact that they are at least starting to notice the trees is a start. Just think about where we were one year ago and you will realize how far we have actually come.

darkknight111 ago

I'd say the people out there are gonna be in for a surprise.

Sure there's no Superman, but they're gonna find out about how there there was a whole army of people (us) who took up the mantle of "Batman" ourselves. It is going to be up to us to be their beacon of hope.

LexTalionis ago

Agreed. Very, very important to stop the handing over of our "power". Individually and collectively.

13Buddha ago

It's just my ambivalence coming out caused by frustration. Thank you for your words.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Great Post, Thank you /upvote @Dressage2

Let´s hope this happens.

Zanbato ago

fan fic?

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

Guys, none of this is true and is so outlandish I can't believe it's being taken seriously. Ms. Clinton is a wonderful women that would never abuse children or have anything to do with corruption of any form. Please tell 4chan to stop this or we will have to sue him for defamation.

anon_sense ago

I'll be sure to tell "him", i.e. 4chan. He's so naughty. I am assuming you are joking, otherwise Shareblue really is scraping the barrel these days...

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

Share blue is another dirty rumor. We have a dedicated base of fervent supporters. Our supporters are also very active in their communities which is why they cannot be here to support us outside of regular working hours.

anon_sense ago


Matt_Helm ago

Nothing. Ever. Happens. All we do is get strung along with bullshit hype then guess what? Nothing Ever Happens.

cantsleepawink ago

Not gonna happen. Keep pushing folks.

argosciv ago

i'll deliver on my own promise, dunno what Wikileaks et al have, but, there's at least one big'n coming from me ~soon~ (yes, delayed, sorry... I have my reasons)

2impendingdoom ago

looking forward to that. Please keep tight until, you don't want to get psych warded, arsoned or arrested for false charges yet. (Make sure you have a good smoke detector and home insurance - NOT JOKING).

argosciv ago

Oh I know.

Got a bit of weird going on here at the moment, but, nothing the likes of what was going on a few months ago(before the brunt of the pedo magicians were taken down). I've already taken preemptive measure should anything bizarre happen to me, though.

2impendingdoom ago

good. I'm looking forward to your announcements

argosciv ago

hahaha! gotta 'love' when voat starts playing up as soon as a few of us start talking about our upcoming work xD

must be shitting themselves trying to guess at what's coming :P

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @carmencita @srayzie @cantsleepawink @millennial_vulcan

2impendingdoom ago

I just posted (new OP) James Comey's; home address and a call to action to dress as Howdy on Halloween... Yes Voat is acting up!


argosciv ago

uh... should probably take that down lol... now's not the time to be foolhardy and trip up on our egos.

4_InquiringMinds ago

@argosciv...FOS? Friend of Santa :)

argosciv ago


HAH! Well played <3

Shiggz ago

I don't care if she goes to jail just that she and DC perma state are discredited and exposed.

Shiggz ago

Hopefully we are about to see collapse of both parties!

And going forward the birth of a new pro American people independence party.

Buy Rand Paul stock now!

Votescam ago

Mueller is 9/11 and as dirty as the rest of them.
Why would Assange be giving him a chance to do anything that makes him look good?

If Assange has info heavy enough against Clinton/DNC usually he would release it himself.

Trump is a psychopath who thinks he's sane and doubt Assange would have anything to do with him.

Comey/Mueller are the Swamp.

Release of the tarmac meeting put Bill in very bad light and Dem Party and not likely they'd have done what is being suggested. Plus, Comey could have prosecuted HRC and he didn't.

Also seems that if Awan were talking/"singing" that we'd have seen a whole bunch of arrests by now.

Seems clear that Comey is for Comey and will play with both sides and cover up for both sides.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The tarmac meeting was just as much about covering up and obstructing investigations into Racine, Wisconsin as it was doing the same for the Clinton email server and Clinton Foundation. They are all directly connected, and Lynch was personally involved in obstructing criminal RICO investigations in Racine that tied to the Clinton Foundation and some of the most powerful people in the world.

Votescam ago

OP says ... **Tarmac meeting was leaked on purpose by Clinton/Lynch so it would force a Lynch to recuse herself and would not have to prosecute HRC. *

And that seems even LESS likely given the reasons you've recited.

anotherdream ago

Fingers crossed, glass of whiskey. - Here's hoping.

darkknight111 ago

My sources are also saying Assange is alive.

When this boils over, be prepared to enact our role to play, which will likely be assisting in the disclosure process. We need to be extremely careful, since pizzagate is the collective trauma that will need the most healing and is the thing most likely to cause people to go crazy on mass. Whatever plans you have as part of assisting disclosure, get them ironed out NOW.

We may be expected to testify against these monsters in court, so be prepared to steel ourselves against whatever trauma from our investigation that might show up again.

Jem777 ago

Ready to testify. Bring it on in open court before the public...ala Nuremberg trials

They cannot traumatized me anymore than they have.

Shiggz ago

I remind myself that the children used in their blackmail schemes and elitest games suffer unimaginably worse then we.

VaginalCanal ago

I believe MEGAanon is telling the truth and here is why:

Post #1 was yesterday at 9:30.

In this post he talks about the collusion between hrc and Russia.

Tonight, Hannity ends his show stating that hrc and the dnc should not rest well tonight as tomorrow, he will drop bombs. Oddly enough, M EGAanon mentions Hannity and how he's playing it up.

Shortly after his program, he tweeted this:

If you go to Sara A. Carter's Twitter, you'll find that she mentions she will be dropping a story about the dnc and Russia.

MEGAanon made all these claims a day in advance.

srayzie ago

Love the username lol

Dressage2 ago

I thought the same thing!

srayzie ago

Haha. We're bad lol

huhWHAThuh ago

Sounds totally implausible to me. 1. This isn't within the scope of Mueller's investigation. 2. Mueller and Comey are thick in the middle of all the corruption. I suppose they could both announce a press conference or something and tearfully repent of the drug/weapons/child sex slave/money laundering/treason that has been their professional lives for the past few decades. But it is hard to see how they could walk away with just a tearful apology. Anything short of that, means nobody goes down because they have the goods on each other. Maybe Trump could do a Presidential Pardon or something. But it's hard to see a plausible way for this to be swallowed by the American public.

carmencita ago

So the Big Day is Oct. 21st. Countdown. Tick Tock.

Dressage2 ago

Only if Mueller doesn't drop story first. From Hannity I think he has inside track and knows Mueller will do todaybe cause Assange is coming out with it all. Buckle up, finally justice.

SecondAmendment ago

Whoa, it seems almost too good to be true, but I'm certainly grateful to you for posting this 4chan/pol info, @Dressage2. This gives me hope, during another all-nighter, that things will some day be okay. GOD, PLEASE LET THE TRUTH COME OUT. And God, for the love of all things holy, please let us #LockHerUp!

carmencita ago

Report: Quick gestalt: US State Department under Hillary Clinton had reports of sexual abuse of at least a dozen high school exchange students by their host families. This was reported to the administrator of the program and it was all swept under the rug by them, likely in coordination with Hillary's State Dept. NBC Broke the story but no other station picked it up. So it was dropped. THERE is so much more on here. My brain is hurting from it all. GOD, she is disgusting.

Dressage2 ago

Great news! I believe we are going to see thing happen.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

What does ET. al mean?

Dressage2 ago

It means all of them without have to make a list,, et. al.

Dressage2 ago

I meant meaning for example HRC, Lynch, Podesta, DWS. Meaning the whole clan.

KingShellShock ago

And others

SterlingJB ago

and others

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

And others (involved).

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is called "The Art of the Deal."

Until the "root" of the swamp in Racine, Wisonsin is exppsed and drained, the system will remain.

We can't trust Comey. We can't trust Lynch. We can't trust the FBI. We can't trust the CIA. We can't trust the NSA. We can't trust DHS. We can't trust Mueller.

We don't trust Kim, we don't trust Assange, and we don't trust Trump.

We trust what we know to be absolutely true. They all know how deep this goes, and yet none will say the full Truth. They hsve all been made aware in one form or another about Racine, Wisconsin. Comey and Lynch personally obstructed investigations. Trump endorsed the corrupt Foxconn deal in the area. It is no secret among those who know who the major players are that Racine is connected. In reality, Racine is the "root" of Global Criminal Corruption and the real agenda that leads to Global Enslavement under the deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by AI and Community Policing. No one wants you to know that part. They are afraid people will panic. So instead they make deals and allow it to continue while more lives are threatened, abused, ruined, harvested, and discarded.

Pizza is a small part of the pie. Racine is a bigger part of the pie (control of water, policing and education for example). Both need to be included or the world will know this is another trick.

Our eternal lives are at stake. They might all be able to make deals and compromises, but if we make deals and compromise we will all be enslaved.

We cannot allow any more "deals" to be made that condone and catalyze the system of corruption.

Deals or Truth?

Jem777 ago

Amen and Amen...there will be no deals

Get them cuffed and use leverage.

Better yet fire the corrupt FBI brass bring the pizzagate researchers, the AwanGate researchers into a stadium and deputize them. Hand out badges and get to work.

There are many in here with credentials, education. background, training, and experience to take the reigns.

There are numerous Whistleblower former FBI, Law Enforcement, NSA, military, and even CIA who took a stand.

Put everyone back to work to clean out the country.

finska ago

Dear Wiscosin is corrupt, I am fascinated by the antarctica-wisconsin-ancient civilization angle. Can you please point me to any more sources or info on this subject? Thanks for all your efforts and determination to uncover this crazy mess.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There are plenty to choose from if you just look up Wisconsin Pyramids, Rock Lake, Lake Michigan Stonehenge, Black River Falls, Devils Lake, Devil's Head, Man Mound. Aztalan, giant skeletons frim Lake Delavan, and Robert Byrd"s expeditions to Antarctica among other connections. Look at our comment history.or search Wisconsin Antarctica.

finska ago

Thanks Im not from the States so havent heard of most of those places! I know of the giants found all over America and Byrds expedition but who are the giants and whats their origin?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago


SoldierofLight ago

Agree 100%. Plus, if what I believe to be true, which is that the current Assange is not "our guy" then the Mega Anon promised info dump falls apart. It's also based on the assumption that Wikileaks is not now controlled by an alphabet agency. Interesting timing on this, just as we get to a fever pitch about the dam breaking, we get another "Insider" saying hold on, just wait, wait until a certain date and then all your dreams will come true, except HRC will orange for other things other than pizza. (Never mind the lack of logic in some anonymous guy sharing the country's deepest secrets and playbook of the Elite and the US President on a public forum, just to reassure us.)

Time after time we are told to hold on, Santa is coming in the morning with the bag full of presents that we asked for. And then the morning comes but the house is cold and empty.

Deals or truth. A statement, not a question.

Dressage2 ago

We always know the guy that just can't keep a secret. Lol

Redpilled_Canadian ago

I believe these promises of "something big is coming" are to discredit us when we go sharing the news to the on the fence people.

anon_sense ago

Amen. Amen. Amen.

carmencita ago

Truth. Truth shall set us free. No more deals for they cannot be trusted.

anon_sense ago

I read this on 4chan too and as much as it makes me SO happy if this were true, I feel cheated that Hillary wouldn’t go down for pizza. I know, I know, at least she would be indicted BUT if this world is going to change for real then the everyday normie needs to realise the depths of evil we are dealing with. Not just corruption and dirty Middle East dealings - but child trafficking, paedophilia, satanism etc. People like MegaAnon always say that the masses couldn’t deal with the truth but I say, it’s about time humanity is treated like an adult and given the full truth. Yes there may be fall out but I think it all needs to come out, in public, for all to see.

fogdryer ago

Amen !

separationordeath ago

People can't handle the lies of this world if you look how fucked up this world. who are these imbeciles to say what we can and can't handle? what people of the world is MegaAnon referring to? Some of us have suffered (as a people) big time by the European man. He has conquered the original people with the good name of Jesus. Divided us everywhere. Replaced our ways of life, language, culture, God and history. He's auctioned us. Raped us. He even kills his own hence WW3 type shit. He has renamed the Earth. He has brought the wicked of weaponry on earth. Wicked food. Wicked science. He has perverted everything. MegaAnon can go fuck herself. The truth of this world must be known. And to quote Jesus "The Truth Shall Set You Free". All these fuckers are doing is trying to make it so that they can remain in power with their controlled version of what is going on. They couldn't handle the public. That is the problem. If we all knew the truths of this world, we would unite and rip this shit up from the ground up.

Jem777 ago

I wholeheartedly agree. Mega Anon does not control what anyone goes down for. If we do not expose the current MK Ultra facilities in the US including all CIA which is unconstitutional things will never change.

There are 100,000 of victims, silenced witnesses, the only way they can be set free is if we shine the light. Let them free and tell the truth...There is no other way to heal.

Rmm ago

Definitely. That's why I've stuck around. The world needs to wake ups and smell the stinking cesspool

Zophiel ago

Just remember that for all of Al Capone's dealings, he was finally brought in for tax evasion. Once they had him him on that, they were able to get what they needed to work on the rest of his empire. These people are so much worse, and so much more slippery, than Al Capone (they make him look like a angel). I don't care what finally sticks, just that it sticks. That will allow the leverage for all the rest of the horror to come spilling out into the daylight.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yet somehow the mafia is still a powerful force closely tied to Racine, Wisconsin and the network of extreme global corruption.

Our judicial system is corrupt and inept. We need a new form of justice through absolute Truth.

anon_sense ago

See I disagree. The Al Capone argument is so true but so depressing. These people need to face the full fallout for their cruelty and atrocities.

merica_fk_yeah ago

Well we have a better chance of convicting them for curruption than pizza. Note how few politicians get much of any time for their pedophielia

Dressage2 ago

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I will still feel better knowing she is locked up and dies in prison. Hillary will lose her mind because it is all about the millions she has hidden away for a rainy, day. HRC thrives off of greed and power. She can never have enough power or money. but there is no rainy day.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

If we can´t get them on Pizza for now.. we still need these people to be arrested.

They are destroying america right now, and they wont stop until they are in chains or get there power back.

This need to start somewhere..

Joe10jo ago

Same with me! I want her going down for Pizza with Podesta just to prove to the naysayers that I'm right when I say they (Dem's) support what I call the Baby Fuckin Baby Eaters! I want to see them publicly humiliated to the point it humiliates everyone who supports them.

chabon ago

I understand that we're all coping with the trauma of these revelations in our own way, and don't want to judge anyone's coping mechanisms. I do want to suggest, moving forward, that we speak with great care and gentleness about the children themselves.

After all that we have exposed ourselves to in researching the darkest depravities of humanity, it is easy to understand that we have become desensitized, inured even, to the vulnerable, young, living human beings who endure what we merely read about. They have earned our deepest respect and consideration in how we speak of them.

Also, as more 'normies' awaken to the darkness that underpins our world, in every community, around the world -- we will serve our cause more truly if our language here is as minimally traumatizing as we can manage. Their trauma will already be overwhelming to them, as it has been to us.

Let us learn to be gentle with one another where there is trust, and honorably fierce where trust exists not yet.

I honor and thank all the sincere people here who have braved the darkness in hopes of bringing light. I know the Light prevails, Truth prevails. I am beyond grateful that there are those sincerely willing to serve the Light.

fogdryer ago

Oh. Drama

Joe10jo ago

Oh good grief! We have government officials, etc... engaging in God only knows what with kids as young as those right out of the womb and you're worried about my wording? Lol

chabon ago

I know, I know. As I said, not judging. Just asking for care -- this all hurts so much.

Joe10jo ago

I sense and appreciate your sincerity. I really do. I'm just not the type of person who beats around the bush about anything, that's all. Like my aunt, for instance, when I told her what Ping pong'ing is she had no idea it was that bad. The normie's may be so complacent because what they imagine is your basic neighborhood pedo's... which this is everything but. People need to know the severity of it all. Just my opinion.

chabon ago

I appreciate your sincerity, too. There is no "right" way to talk about any of this. Never dreamed I'd ever have to. Was remembering my "normie" days this morning. How long ago a year seems. How naive I was.

Joe10jo ago

I know!... because sadly it changes you forever and there's no going back. The best word I can come up with to describe the feeling is to say that it's haunting.

chabon ago

No, there is no going back. And going forward requires more courage, strength and intelligence every day.

Don't know about you, but I pray now -- a lot -- every day -- just while I'm going about my stuff. I've found there is help at hand -- we just have to turn within and ask for it. For courage and strength and intelligence and compassion and so much more. Practical help. Miracles :) Totally underestimated the power of prayer.

Thank you for this convo -- I realized earlier that you're the first person I've interacted with who's waded into the deep shit.

Sackajahweeda ago

I am loving that the ability to dismiss us as nutters is becoming less and less easy to do with the recent chain of events. The day is coming where they will no longer be able to and they will hopefully have to eat their tin foil hat bullshit!!! I wish i wasnt right because of the children involved but because this sickness does exist i cant wait till they TRY and say...I DIDNT KNOW.

Are_we_sure ago

Why do you call them Baby Fucking Baby Eaters?

What evidence do you have for such lunacy?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

2impendingdoom ago

because you spend too much time here if we were wrong, proves that we are right

Are_we_sure ago

uhhhhhhhhh, no.

probably feels good for you to say that, but it's silly.

Joe10jo ago

Hello!? Hilary's supposed Kuru disease and Podesta. The blood of the young, the earring of body parts during their ceremonies. How do you not know this aspect of it?

Are_we_sure ago

Supposed Kuru disease. lol

Joe10jo ago

Dude, get a grip because, quite frankly, it's all a little on the dubious side. No solid proof of anything but when smart ones like me connect the dots....

Are_we__sure ago

Dot connecting is also highly dubious.

Actual smart ones know that dot connecting is no solid proof of anything. They know that confirmation bias makes some dots seem bigger and brighter and more connected.

It's the way you end up with useless connections claiming mafia Pizza Connection has anything to do with Pizzagate.

Joe10jo ago

You're obviously a silly little liberal loonie so what are you doing on this thread anyways?

Are_we__sure ago

Laying down the Naplam of Truth.

djpepe ago

What type of evidence will convince you?

Are_we_sure ago

something non-ludicrous would be a start.

That's always a good question, though.

Do you have any evidence?

djpepe ago

Not about the babies stuff. But FINALLY the FBI will investigate the shady bussiness of the Clinton Foundation

FBI launches new Clinton Foundation investigation

Dressage2 ago

Because he is not sure!

darkknight111 ago

Mega anon makes sense. The INITIAL takedown of Hillary would logically be for things other than "pizza". "Pizza" is probably something that will be added later.

In terms of handeling the truth, the white hats have plans in place to prevent people from going crazy on mass. Our role to play will likely be to support these efforts and maintain people's hope.

One of my sources says that "Pizzagate is the trauma that will need the most healing." The issue that needs to be handeled the most carefully.

13Buddha ago

I used to think that way as well, but there is really no way to handle it gently. What is happening to our children far surpasses the most heinous of crimes. Weinstein, Weinstein, Weinstein. I don't give a damn about that fat, ugly jerk-off or the women coming out of the woodwork. I don't give a damn about the NFL standing, sitting, kneeling, or standing on their head. I don't give a damn about Las Vegas. I don't give a damn about the next planned event, or the next one, or the one after that. I care about our children.

Dressage2 ago

The best is when all the snowflakes start melting because, hopefully, they will realize they have been had. The Cabal preyed on them because they think they are uneducated dumbasses, the sheeple, that will in the future make fine slaves controlled by food, water and vaccines.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You just described exactly why Racine, Wisconsin is the "root" of the entire system.

anon_sense ago


Venusvandam ago

You’ve just expressed exactly the way I feel about this whole affair.

Sk8rminion ago

They can't go after her for pizza because of the normies, they STILL think the body count is just a bunch of made up conspiracies by political hacks... anything to WOO WOO will break their brains, it will be hard for them to believe that she has done anything, without dismissing it as political lies.

fogdryer ago

Who cares! Did what she did. Over Just arrest her!

anon_sense ago

I agree - but the truth is so shocking that no matter how it comes out, people will lose their shit. And quite rightly! Healing can only come if the full truth is revealed. I’d rather risk that and some civil instability if it means innocent children are protected sooner.

fogdryer ago

They need to wake up

TrishaUK ago

How many times have we heard the expression, pull the plaster off 'quickly'? It is, in my opinion the best way to get it over with and let the sunlight and air begin to heal all that have been destroyed under the cover of the plaster. Only when it is fully exposed can the true heinous truth be seen and understood by the masses. Yes they will all be shocked, disillusioned, horrified but at least they will FINALLY stop supporting the demonic, evil idols that they are at the moment!

srayzie ago

Hi stranger. Check out what I posted...

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We absolutely agree.

EricKaliberhall ago

It's a surreal waiting game... Wake and bake for me... :)

2impendingdoom ago

no aquavit this morning :)

I love Swedes especially when they bring the booze.

argosciv ago

In This Moment - "Roots" (Official Lyric Video)


seems you, misspelled srayzie again xD

Dressage2 ago

Arrghhh @srayzie

srayzie ago

Thank you for the ping!

Bansheemanshee ago

carmencita ago

After reading your account I think I will have a drink too! Upvoat4U Checking it out now.

argosciv ago

Hell, I barely ping @Dressage2, but, I'll gladly offer my vouching

pby1000 ago

Mega Anon = Kim Dotcom

"It will be released after I feel full from eating twinkies."

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Why would Kim refer to himself as "American"?

"Regardless of party afflictions or beliefs, as Americans we should ALL demand the TRUTH..."

They all have a motive to cut a deal - Kim, Assange, Snowden, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Lynch, Kadzik, Clinton, Trump, etc. If they have all been holding out while sitting on evidence of treason, extreme abuse, and criminal corruption for over a year, how can any of them be trusted?

Their ultimate Litmus Test is if any of them will ever utter the words "Pilgrims Society" (or several other secret groups involved at the top levels), and if any of them will reveal the real Truth about Racine, Wisconsin. We have a hard time believing anyone who effectively condones global corruption and abuse through complicity, PR stunts, and compromised deal-making.

There will never be justice in our broken and corrupt system until we rise up together to form a new method of justice through absolute Truth. The "root" of the real Truth is in Racine, Wisconsin. Anything less leads to the same outcome - Global Enslavement.

pby1000 ago

I was joking.

Yes, the system is broken. If this is what the NWO globalists have to offer, then they need to be destroyed before they destroy humanity.

srayzie ago

You really think it's Kim Dotcom? 😮

pby1000 ago

No, I'm joking. It just reminded me of him. All talk...

I hope it does come out soon, but we may as well laugh in the meantime.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Lol. You can't do that because there are gullible people like me 😁

pby1000 ago

Lol. That is why I went back and added the twinkie reference.

srayzie ago


fartyshorts ago

I was JUST realizing that Mega could refer to him.

pby1000 ago

Ha! I did not make that connection.