Quarter ago

This is so weird. It reminds me on the Hutchison effect. You can see iron just melt like and bend with sound I think.

4_InquiringMinds ago


bad cop/good cop

game as old as the hills

Anyone else having trouble with voat today? Times I can't vote, can't see replies (a problem has occurred/no shit lol) with other assorted issues/403's, being logged out randomly. Might be voat having issues but I need to know if it's across the board or just from my pc. Please let me know.

Saved this to draft n reposting...an unexpected error occurred???

2impendingdoom ago

yes, trouble with voat all day.

Jem777 ago

Yep having same problems

carmencita ago

This happened to me today. And I have been seeing 403 messages for over a week now. Also having to log back in over and over. So don't know if it is all of us or a chosen few. Wack job stuff. If you have cloud service you should have a better system. So......

4_InquiringMinds ago

a chosen few


I do not have gas or propane/I do not smoke in bed/I do not have a gun/vehicle is in perfect running order/not prone to dizzy spells/don't go on a lake or hiking alone/heart is in perfect condition/do not 'eat out'/have no illusions of being able to fly from high places/don't sleep on RR tracks/am not depressed/no medications (none what so ever)/not going bankrupt/do not have a hot tub or barbells/and would not even remotely consider using a nail gun. Oh, and I am not a member of any wack-job organization (terrorist or otherwise) cept for my friends at pg.

Does that cover everything or did I leave something out evil grin

carmencita ago


4_InquiringMinds ago


Various ways ppl have turned up doa :) You know, like when ppl say for the record I'm not suicidal. Probably should have added I don't fly planes lol.

carmencita ago

Yes. We should all start announcing to our friends and relatives that we are not suicidal either. Not that it would stop them.

Dressage2 ago

This so funny. I agree with you. I am feeling the same way.

2impendingdoom ago

lol, you sound like me, except for the nail gun. we must be the most boring humans ever.

Commoner ago

LOL! to both!

Commoner ago

I am having trouble with voat today. I commented almost the same thing a little earlier. Looks like it is the system.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thanks...reassuring :)

Commoner ago

The worst hurricanes in years

The worst mass shooting in modern history with no explanation

The worst forest fires in California history

Yep, something is going on.

Didn't Podesta tweet last week about aliens or something like that?

I wonder what they have in store next? Can they shoot these things down from their UFOs and cause a panic. Were these fires a practice run?

Is anybody else having problems connecting with Voat today? I knew I was banned from PG, but I was beginning to think I was locked out from Voat totally.

4_InquiringMinds ago


I knew I was banned from PG


Commoner ago

For trying to make a post and follow the rules.

Somebody made a cryptic post referencing a WikiLeaks Stratfor email that was removed by the time I researched it and was going to comment.

So I made a post about the email, but it was IMMEDIATELY REMOVED by M_F citing rule #3... title not clear as to content.

OK. So I reposted it with clearer title, and it was IMMEDIATELY removed again, by M_F, citing rule #1... not related to PG.

OK. So I found some old Voat/pg posts on the exact same email, and reposted referencing those.

The third time was not a charm.. It was IMMEDIATELY deleted again by M_F citing calling it spam.

I wished M_F would have just said 'don't post that subject' rather than citing rule violations.

Godwillwin ago

Was it the email from a Michael somebody asking about tower 1 ...I can't remember exactly but it was 9/11 related and it was definitely shady

4_InquiringMinds ago

Very interesting...and for this you were banned/permanently or temp? Was there any explanation for the banning or just bam, you're banned?

Only vaguely does the wiki stratfor email ring any bells...can you share a link so I have context? For some reason this subj has hit a nerve no?

srayzie ago

Gosh I know. Watch them bring on Project Blue beam next.

Jem777 ago

Aliens is the Ultimate False Flag and HRC would have ushered it in...seems things are not going as planned so they are rushing. Don't fall for it even if a damn alien knocks on your door.

Tell them to get the Fuck out..ha

Dressage2 ago

LOL! If they were there with Girl Scout Cookies I would hesitate!

Commoner ago

I feel like I am the alien!

2impendingdoom ago

aliens need a warrant.

bopper ago

Exactly. Every hurricane is hitting a major metropolitan area, Katrina at New Orleans, Ike at Galveston and Houston, Harvey drowned Houston, then there's Sandy, and Puerto Rico. Too coincidental.

2impendingdoom ago

I am so sorry you are dealing with all that.

bopper ago

Yeah, no exaggeration, entire communities submerged. An abandoned WalMart lot was filled to capacity and literally 22 (?) feet high w/ stuff and hundreds of refrigerators in one area, and that was just for one town. Unbelievable. My folks were rescued from their home by boat and my elderly mom died just last night, funeral this weekend. "No man knows where his neighbor's shoe pinches."

4_InquiringMinds ago

oh @bopper/so very very sorry about your mom. Like my dear friend said (who transitioned 2 years ago) none of us get out of here alive.

I was raised in Houston so Harvey hit home to me also/still have friends there. Didn't even hit me till the other day Hurricane Harvey then the Harvey bolloywood mess/predictive programming. Sometimes it takes me a few to catch on.

bopper ago

Hi fellow Houstonian and thank-you for the kind words :)

4_InquiringMinds ago

Houston was beautiful way back/50's, 60's. Especially the 50's before they started cementing the bayous. Everywhere forest/5 minutes on my bike and I was in the middle of untouched nature. The bayous were a wonderland. I grew up in Oak Forest/which was really a pine forest. In the 60's we moved to Sharpstown which was horrible...flat open fields, no trees to speak of. By then the freeways were common and the cement was everywhere. It was the start of more serious flooding but still it was just water up to the top of wheels/things like that. Dan Rather made the name for himself during Hurricane Carla which we all went thru just fine. He went national on Walter Cronkite's evening news/did a special on Houston showing the pumping of ground water so Houston was becoming a bathtub waiting to fill. I left Houston after the tornadoes in 83 I think. Was in my old neighborhood, Oak Forest renting when they came. Tornado went right over our neighborhood. Lots of tree damage to cars, houses, but nothing was reduced to rubble. The areas where land was cleared just a few neighborhoods over (strip malls etc) the tornadoes hit the open space and then wiped out the adjacent neighborhoods. After this chain saws were going like crazy, ppl removing their beautiful majestic pine trees bc ya know, what if it happened again? Pure stupidity bc the trees saved their homes/tornadoes go to the highest points. I left a month later and never returned except for few visits. Last visit was about 15 years ago and I didn't recognize Houston at all. Flying in the sky was bright orange all over the city. Shame really bc it was once such a beautiful place. The wildlife along the bayou including panthers was magical. Now the wildlife have names like the bloods, crips or whatever they call them these days lol.

With all the weather manipulation and targeted areas I hope you are in an area that is relatively safe (high ground). I don't think the cabal is finished with the metro areas.

Be safe and again, so very sorry about your mom. At least she didn't pass on during the floods where you could not get to her.


bopper ago

Thanks again :) Tho I was a child I do remember Carla and I know that's what got Rather his big "start." Yeah the big oak trees were everywhere. Nowhere to go now, even the TX Hill Country is crowded (more than ever). I go out to Big Bend and the Davis Mountains when I want to escape. But those places can get crowded too. Sharpstown is quite the pits now, really run down. Fortunately I didn't get flooded. If you picture Woodstock, and imagine all the people there as flood-damaged cars, that gives some idea of what it was/is like. Hard to believe. I go to the Ozarks sometimes too, Mena ARK of all places.

Commoner ago

Ahhh... so so sorry to hear about everything and your mom, may she rest in peace. We need her to help us out from up above. One more good one to take down these pedophiles.

bopper ago


bopper ago

Israel knows what's up!


srayzie ago

I never heard of cold fusion. My gosh. If the leaders of our world weren't Satanic, we could have a great life.

Jem777 ago

That is hysterical comment @srayzie that made me laugh out loud while planning my escape from Cali...

srayzie ago

Lol. You can join me and @2impendingdoom. We're trying to find a good deal on a miniature DEW and then we're going on a road trip! 😮

Dressage2 ago

Clintons have their home in NY and there is Bill's Library aka sexual man cave in AR while you are on your road trip. Oh don't forget Kalarama neighborhood, which would be a twofer. Obama and two doors down, Podesta as in Tony.

srayzie ago


Jem777 ago

Yes I am all for road trip ;) with miniature DEW's

2impendingdoom ago


bopper ago

Maybe one day.

bopper ago

DEW's used in Iraq War. If anybody's interested.


srayzie ago

Well why can't they go experiment where there aren't people around?

Godwillwin ago

There has to be a reason why they targeted these places, right??? I mean surely it wasn't just target practice??? If it was practice I would have expected them to target ghettos, not Santa Rosa and napa???

srayzie ago

I heard a podcast where this woman was talking about the history of California. She said Santa Rosa and Napa Valley are significant to the Illuminati. I made a comment with some links showing certain suspicious places there. There are some good links in the comments on this thread too.

Something I read said that they do experiments. There is even a video of Rumsfeld saying that. Instead of doing it on a test site, they want to test and see how people react to the situation.

I also read that all of this is something they can use to push the global warming narrative. California has the worst geo weather modification than any other state. If you take this and the hurricanes, it's something they can use to further their agenda.

These are things I've read. I'm not claiming that they are my beliefs. I don't know what the hell to believe anymore.

Godwillwin ago

Right there with ya. At this point it’s really hard to dismiss any theories of ((their)) involvement in bad happenings.

bopper ago

Because they are evil psychopaths, Rumsfeld and his mystery man David Steele were behind "death squads" during the "surge" of the Iraq War. Ruthless torture and killings.


Dressage2 ago

Yet we shave Obama dropping leaflets to flee the area before we bomb for ISIS truck drivers. Unbelievable

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Maybe thats why David Steel want to give the Rothschild´s a pass... (!?) i never trust him. ex CIA.. lol"

You don´t leave the agency..

bopper ago

Easy mistake. I don't trust Robert Steele either, he can be quite nutty.

bopper ago

@JimmyLionstar1 Actually I screwed YOU up by calling him David Steel, the death squad guy in the video is actually JAMES Steele, sorry about that.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Hehe" then we both screwed up :)

bopper ago


millennial_vulcan ago

My fave comment:

Petmycatwiththosetoo 2 days ago Man, these vids are blowing my mind...The Elites have everyone looking down at the smart phones instead of looking up and around us. We are under heavy assault, and are witnessing the start of the end times. People prepare quickly, Spiritually and physically.

srayzie ago

Isn't that so true?! As I respond from my iPad lol

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I know this document is not about DEW. But its about weather modification and this document come from Air University it´s the Center for Strategy and Technology (CSAT) So it´s pretty legit.

This document goes through how the military can control the weather by 2025.

And its was written in 1996! And they talk about what they where then that they already had Smart Clouds (nanotechnology) back in 96?

Maybe you can see something i don´t.. this is very interesting document.

Take a look.


@Carmencita @Jem777 @Millennial_Vulcan @darkknight111 @SayWhatNOWAY @ESOTERICshade @srayzie

Dressage2 ago


2b1ask1 ago

They Navy has been creating our weather since the 1940s... admitted in this Wired.com article: https://www.wired.com/2008/02/navy-research-p/

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Wow.. so they had weather modifications tech since the early 40´s.

This is getting weirder and weirder.. This is probably Tesla Technology

srayzie ago

This looks good. I saved it to kindle

srayzie ago

Thanks! I'll check that out. Check out this short video. I saved it. It's JFK talking about weather modification in 1961!


JimmyLionstar1 ago

Wow" Interesting!!

JFK, the man that had so many enemies.. He would probably gone public whit this.. I guess this is one more target on him.

srayzie ago

I know. Sad!

darkknight111 ago

I believe this is a refernce to HAARP. Hidden in plain sight.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Wow an Holy Shit!!! i read about the Trees being Untouched today.

Thanks for this @srayzie I wanted to see some video or pic´s of this.

This is indisputable something ells then forest/wild fire. Definitively!!

Great post !! /upvote

srayzie ago

Thanks! The drone makes it so much more clear.

WeirdlyEerie ago

Trauma overload here. Each atrocity is worse than the last.

bopper ago

Good post. Glad to see people being exposed to this. Dr. Judy Wood, "Where Did the Towers Go."

On Vimeo you can see Jessie Ventura "Conspiracy Theory" on the Hutchison Effect, also there's a clip of Rumsfield talking about DEW's. Srayzie posted it yesterday. They (DEW's) scare me much more than nuclear weapons which I don't believe exist.

There were no controlled demolitions going on (maybe bldg. 7 but I think Dr. Wood disagrees w/ this), that theory is a "control the movement" tactic, and worked well. Google Peter Jennings "Where did all the rubble go?"

Godwillwin ago

A military man said this to Tesla after seeing Tessa's remote controlled boat in the late 1800s:

“Why, with your radio boat—loaded with dynamite—we would have any enemy navy in the world at the bottom in no time,” exclaimed an admiral who saw the demonstration.

“With this principle,” replied Nikola Tesla more prophetically than he knew, “you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”

bopper ago

Yikes. Thank-you. I wish I had more time to study Nikola Tesla, there's just so much to look into, on so many subjects.

srayzie ago

Yeah she has a good video. I believe in DEW's more than ever now.

bopper ago

Good job keeping all this relevant and exposing it to everyone. Scary stuff, I'm glad the DEW aspect of these fires was brought to my attention. This is nerve-wracking. What's next? Bummer.

srayzie ago

That's what I keep thinking. What's next? It seems like they have upped their game and are causing havoc in several places at a time now. November 4th is when Antifa is supposed to basically start a civil war. They have been in training and are planning on using weapons. This has been posted on 4chan and a lot of other places. It's supposed to be huge and of course, they are funded by George Soros. Supposedly, they have also started working with the MS13 gang.

bopper ago

When Hutchison was asked about DEW's taking out whole cities, he replied w/ a shrug, whole continents.

But the scripture says "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed."

So the only hope and answer is a spiritual awakening with men's hearts and consciences changed, and a ceasing from all open rebellion to their creator, which could be effected by a critical mass stage reached by the people concerning the greatest conspiracy of all time. And they come to terms w/ the below truths.

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."

The last scripture is on the headstone of the Nazi Wernher von Braun, a rocket scientist brought to the USA (Operation Paperclip) to help w/ the space program. He knew the truth of the enclosed nature of the cosmos.

Okay I will quit now.

2impendingdoom ago

where is Braun buried?

bopper ago

On June 16, 1977, Wernher von Braun died of pancreatic cancer in Alexandria, Virginia, at the age of 65.[98][99] He was buried at the Ivy Hill Cemetery in Alexandria, Virginia.

Von Braun's gravestone mentions Psalm 19:1: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." (KJV)

srayzie ago

Well we're living in a Modern day Sodom and Gomorrah so I don't see people changing anytime soon. I didn't know that scripture was on the Nazi Von Braun. 😮

Jem777 ago

Exactly modern day Sodom & Gomorrah.


"You will know he is coming when the world is "as in the days of Noah"

srayzie ago

Oh how weird!

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Why is this not getting more attention. This is the red pill people will be able to wrap their heads around. So much footage shows this event was actually an attack using some kind of direct energy weapon (microwave). Trees and garbage bins are not even burnt, but entire houses are turned to dust. Wow I'm scared this is just the beginning. Everyone needs to be ready to cleanse thus evil from society and start over again.

srayzie ago

I know and it's nowhere near some forest or anything. To make it so obvious, in the middle of a city, shows how they just don't give a crap anymore. They'll just do all this right out in the open. Since most people are mind controlled to believe mainstream media, they can get away with practically anything. It's disgusting.

People woke up surrounded by fire on all sides and had no way of getting away. People were burned alive. Can you imagine? Families! It happened late at night. No warning. It wasn't a forest fire so why would that happen? I've never seen anything like it. If it can happen to them, then it can happen to us. They are controlling the weather too. Damn, what's next?

carmencita ago

A Sacrifice. This is Oct. and I remember seeing a Calendar for Satanic Sacrifice this month and there were many many days. The shooting was also for Sacrifice I believe and they asked for BLOOD! I feel all these deaths are for Sacrifice this month. Oct. 1st is the Kick-Off.

srayzie ago

Check this out I was just watching this they believe it's Satanic too

CA Fires Continue, Now Santa Cruz Homes Threatened, Evacuations; More DEW Evidence


carmencita ago

A friend sent me a text of an article in the Chicago Trib. There was a tragedy in Somalia with over 260 killed Truck blast. I propose it as Sacrifice as well. They are blaming al Shabab. They are seem to be on a roll. Success has gone to their head.

srayzie ago

I feel like something is about to happen. They keep pushing how North Korea could reach the West coast. They say he could take out our electrical grid. I'm afraid they are cooking something up.

carmencita ago

We surely are more frightened since we know what they have been up to and are capable of. They keep teasing us. I have heard it said on here that there is no such animal as Nuclear Weapons and also that they would not blow up NK because they are money laundering big time. It has also been rumored hat NK is a CIA creation and all the goose stepping we see on TV is fake. If even one of those is true we can stop worrying. I am hoping that is true. Even Trump is stoking the flames.

carmencita ago

OOH, btw where has Equine and Donkey been lately. Not that I miss them.

carmencita ago

Those people need to get out of there right now. They will kill anyone. They have no remorse. When they give up their children for fame and fortune nothing will stop them from burning people for their Satanism.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Wow they definitely targeted locations. I wonder who owned or frequented these homes and stores? Could this be a way of destroying evidence?

Dressage2 ago

This is beyond jaw dropping shocking. At my house we were commenting on trees that were untouched. These videos really show things are not what you might think.

Jem777 ago

That is the greatest question? Did the Whitehouse know? These weapons can only be deployed at the very height of power. Just like 9/11 who was in control or is in-control. Many people do not realize the US government lost control of the CIA long ago. What scared me the most was knowing the USAF had to be involved like 9/11 and they are still willing to kill their own citizens...burn them alive. Target practice...

Godwillwin ago

I think the good people in the whitehouse know that ((they))/the bad people are doing this.

When Sarah H sanders started crying during press briefing on vegas, it was suddenly obvious to me that she knew that ((they)) were behind it.

carmencita ago

Burning them alive as in a Satanic Sacrifice. @Dressage2

2impendingdoom ago

Its not the defense industry, its the killing business. And when you're in the killing business, what difference does it make who you kill.

Dressage2 ago

Oh god, this just makes me sick. Burn people alive. Shocking.

Jem777 ago

Here is the original link. It is top submission and there is so much proof. Vindicator has the nerve to put disinfo on my post after 9 hours 247 comments 149 Upvoats and say I had a wild imagination this was all "confirmation bias" (CIA terminology) and personally accuse me of deepstate op....unfucking believable. I knew who Millenial Falcon was now Vindicator has revealed himself....


Dressage2 ago

Jem777 , you are one of the best researchers on here and we know have to sort and toss. You had an excellent post and the Voaters showed it by upvoat. Mods have always been suspect.

srayzie ago

I added yours to my post

srayzie ago

These are different videos than yours Jem. Unless the last one was one you posted in yours.

Jem777 ago

I fixed your name in the post...sorry I have this mental block about it do not know why. Once you lock in a name it is difficult.

I also edited that post and included yours this morning so those that only go to pizzagate can see the whole picture.

I think it is important to bring posts together to show who is who. To me Vindicator played his hand last night. He actually knows what the truth is but chose to smear me.

Several people who are on the ground have been quietly working to gather evidence in this area. There is an entire investigation that has quietly taken place for the last 8 months in a seperate location, because we knew of danger. Also that they would delete, scrub records, dispose evidence, etc.

This links directly to the Hampstead Children Case in the U.K. That was covered up. I cannot get into details yet.

I am personally involved and the people on the ground were horrified when this happened. A few I have no idea where they are. Some have made contact.

srayzie ago

Well I left Vindicator a link asking him to look at it. Thanks for fixing my name.

bopper ago

Good post. Thanks. Just saw it.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Thanks for the ping @carmencita x

srayzie ago

But certain neighborhoods? Minus trees, mailboxes and trash bins? Why KMart and Arby's in the middle of the city? I just don't get it.

2impendingdoom ago

random demonstration of force. That's what terrorism is.

2impendingdoom ago

Arby's and KMart are decimated to the ground but the trees and the GAS station are fine??? And there are no elevated power lines??

Anyone with eyes should be scared shitless. Where do these DEWs come from, how do they work? Where can I get one?

carmencita ago

I don't want one and I don't want them to even exist. This is the worst technology our country has ever developed. It is evil personified.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Yes, this is some scary shit.. i need a drink!" phu..

Thanks for the ping @carmencita

carmencita ago

Someone sent me a message saying it is not real. With the factory film and all how can it not be. @srayzie

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I saw this clip.. and you can see the same things in the news video. This is real..


Jem777 ago

That is surreal. The news reporter is standing there with orange flames right behind her...makes no sense.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Yeah.. and melted cars.. ?? i mean.. this is not a forest wildfire.. no way.

carmencita ago

Notice how she says in the video at about 2:30 about the wind keeps changing every time the firemen make progress the wind keeps turning. They are CONTROLLING the winds. The technology is there. We know they know how to do that. Also at the beginning of the video they show how a Fireman's house is the only house standing. Odd. Also in another video I saw Sunday, someone right in the area said there was no wind right before it all started. Completely calm.

2impendingdoom ago

The heat from the fires will create air currents (wind) but not so dramatically. There was no excessive winds created when my home was burned down.

Weather in general is created by uneven heating of surfaces and spaces as the day progresses.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Yeah you are right!

And i also think this is DEW and multipliable fires and some are probably real.. (thats how i would do it). It would make it more confusing.. This could also just be a test for DEW and weather modification, hidden with in a forest fire.. and a bigger event is coming. Where they will use this tech on a bigger scale.

carmencita ago

Can't spend a whole lot of time tonight, sick husband. You are so right. We must get this news out somehow. I don't think it could be so hard since many believe about 911. I believe it could have been the same operation. The burning of the steel as well. And glass. So they have had this for quite sometime. In that one video, Rumsfeld said that depending on the world crisis, they may have to pull it out and use it sooner even though not fully ready. So 911 could have been that situation. I have a story I heard about an you can look it up an do a post on it if you can figure out how it relates. 276 Killed in Somalia. It was a story my friend texted to me about and she said it ran in the Chicago Tribune. I think there was a sacrifice there. Horrid. I can't right now. Tending to a sick loved one.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Yes, take a break. Sending good vibes via the ethers to your hubby. I have heard chocolate cures everything :)

carmencita ago

I know but do not have any. The worst thing is his car is at work. Someone brought him home and he will stay home tomorrow. We do not have a car and we cannot walk to any grocery store. There are desserts everywhere nowadays. He is on the mend. My soup did the trick.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I agree we need to get this out.. I have contacted Ed at outer light, hope he does a video about this.

I now believe 9/11 that they used both explosive (Thermite) and DEW. the resemblens of the aftermath is very similarly. but of course.. you are right!! the attack in the in Somalia was a sacrifices.. I din´t thin about that. phu" these peoples.. God i hope they get arrested soon.

Have great evening, hope you husband get well. i think you deserve a break from this also :)

2impendingdoom ago


srayzie ago

Haha I want one too 🤣 I would even go on a road trip lol.

This proves to me that the winds did not spread this fire. Those trees weren't touched and the building is surrounded. The fire couldn't go thru the parking lot to only certain buildings without going over the trees. No fricken way.

Dressage2 ago

This is screwed up shit just like all the other travesties we have recently encountered. What sickens me the most and exhibits how vile and evil these people are is how they have no problem murdering people or fucking people up for life. Loss of innocent lives have no value to them. These are the type of evil that will sacrifice their own children for their twisted, sick causes. Let's not forget the $$ and power that usually follows. I think the part of killing 100s/1000s of people is the hardest part to believe for people we are trying to red pill.

bopper ago

Yes. Psychopaths rise to the top. Our only hope is that individuals' consciences will become tender and they will revolt.

carmencita ago

What I read of this scared the living daylights out of me. I could not read it all it frightened me so. How can we defend ourselves from this. This is unbelievable, but here it is right before us. Frightening. The people we have voted into office know about this and yet they have done nothing. Nothing for decades to counter this. People are not speaking out after reading this in the Guardian? What kind of nonsense is this? People are living in a dream like state, imo.

srayzie ago

It scares me too 🙁

Jem777 ago

It is more than doing nothing. They actually sell billions of weapons to other countries knowing it is absolute BS and only to make money and let citizens kill each other.

They tease us with fear of Nuclear War when they know damn well they have this technology and would zap another country in a heart beat.

Bogus bull shit fear monger in while they kill their own citizens.

carmencita ago

They have manufactured Fear as a product to spread out among us at the drop of a hat. It always works. But it seems maybe it is not always working so well, for people still seem to travel to countries even after their stupid False Flags. Maybe people are on to them. Slowly, maybe.

2impendingdoom ago

I can't even imagine but who's to stop a disgruntled Raytheon employee or their pissed off teenage kid whose parent has one of these vehicle mounted versions. it makes guns and even automatic weapons irrelevent

carmencita ago

I wonder what the NRA thinks of this. Are they going to get behind these weapons? Hmm. I don't think so.

2impendingdoom ago

RIght. Technically these weapons would should be protected by 2A. wouldn't all of us then have the right to have them? You know that the specs will get leaked at some point and people will be able to them at home or with 3D printers.

carmencita ago

Great. But not really.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Q2q7nN0JYWE | https://hooktube.com/embed/Q2q7nN0JYWE :

Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where'd the houses go??) - YouTube

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