160065002 ago

Why don't they fucking make it rain if it's such a big deal?

srqanon ago

Can someone please figure out how these fires are starting? Why is there no info other than "fire happening??"

srqanon ago

bump, now LA too

jangles ago

jangles ago

Fires burn like this, I have seen fires burn houses like shown in all the videos. Go to pine ridge res. Many a burnt house look like those in the videos from rival gang activity.

Jem777 ago

@jangles this was a DEW. The Cal Chief said in his own words over 60 strikes happened. Many people witnessed blue laser like activity in the sky.

Fires do not reach a temperature to melt metal, glass, steel while leaving green trees all around. This is impossible and violates scientific knowledge of Fire Science experts. They are links to watch regarding this.

They were direct hits that disinigrated certain homes into dust including marble countertops, porcelian, Steel applicences cars, bricks, boats are disintegrated.

The smoke and fires are not consistent with a wildfire. An entire neigborhood burned into dust and green trees surround it. There is no evidence of anything surviving where these strikes occurred. It is reduced to ashes.

There are more deaths than the Las Vegas shooting yet MSM is not covering it with 100's missing still. There are missing people and the coroners cannot find human remains. Disintegrated.

jangles ago

I work with fire and he>at, don't get me wrong I am thinking that this was arson. The structure fires will burn like that, all the examples are showing what happens when a fire crew puts out a house fire. I watched a house burn to the ground in the winter, 5" of snow. When the fire isn't fought it burns to ash, warped steel and brick.


don't fall into physical impossibilities

srayzie ago

Jem you have my username spelled wrong in both mentions of your post.

Jem777 ago

Vindicator ago

I'm sure this is going to piss y'all off, but I am giving this a "Possible Disinfo" flair, because I'd like you step back for a second and read through this entire comment stream and see what is happening. Jem makes this post, relying massively on confirmation bias, claiming the local police were involved in moving nukes out of the heart of the U.S. wine industry so they could erase pedo commune evidence with sci-fi weapons from space. A couple of Voaters who live in the area give their in-person, on-the-ground point of view, and are attacked. The comment section turns into a slugfest.

Now who do we know that likes to disrupt online communities, divert them from their purpose, and destroy them from within by sowing dischord and disilluionment?

Anyone want to give me the odds which is more likely to be a deepstate psyop: the California fires, or this thread and the effect it is having RIGHT as PIZZAGATE IS GOING MAINSTREAM?

Come on people. Get your shit together. We are going to have normies in here in droves once Pedowood breaks open. Why are you fighting with each other?

NorCal ago

I agree with this 100%. I came to Voat just to chat about these fires, offer info, and get jumped for... offering supporting evidence?

I like how Jem777 uses upvotes to show no confirmation bias. Irrelevant stat.

Jem777 ago

Just thought I would provide drone footage of my "disinfo"Campaign.


srayzie ago

Vindicator ago

Thank you for providing this, srayzie. I can't say that this video proves anything for me or even increases the plausibility of Jem's thesis. First, it was very strange looking video. It looked like a miniature train set diorama. Why were there no cars or people at all? Why none of the usual stuff you see in parking lots like miscellaneous bits of trash in the planting strips? Why were none of the trees moving at all in the breeze?

Second, there is a much more likely explanation for why the trees and gas station didn't burn but the fast food restaurants did: the trees were full of moisture because they are watered and the restaurant roofs covered in grease from the deep fat fryer exhaust fans. I live in an area with a lot of forest fires and it is not unusual at all, in a fast moving fire, for trees without dead branches or pineneedles (young trees along stream beds, for example) to be completely unscathed, even when the ground around them charred, or for houses with metal roofs to be totally untouched.

If you are weighing the odds of what is plausible, here, DEWs are far out on the implausible end of the odds.

Also: Not one of you who are unhappy about my flairing this even listened to the reason I gave. It isn't the premise that was my main motivator, it was the way it was put forward and pushed, and the discouragement, fearmongering and disrespect toward commenters with a different point of view. A sound tree produces good fruit. This post has produced rotten fruit.

Those of good will should weigh that fact thoughtfully.

@carmencita @angry_mob @NorCal @9217 @millennial_vulcan @jangles

srayzie ago

I wasn't asking about Jems thesis. I was curious about what you thought of the fire because of the comments you and Jem had. I stayed out of you and Jems disagreement. Thank you for your opinion. You are free to be WRONG! 😮 Just kidding. 😁

srayzie ago

You know I'm not a shill 🙄 I live close to this. I never even saw lightening. I'm about to post in pizzagatewhatever. Please watch it and THEN give me your opinion. You will see Vindicator. Watch for it because I only have 5 pings.

Jem777 ago

@Vindicator I cannot believe with all 147 Upvoats you would do this saying confirmation bias. I live here I witnessed the the escort out someone else stated they were possibly Nukes.. It was something top secret and had caravans of escorts. Just prior to event. I am a witness. There are many who have come out in this thread alone including a victim of child sex trafficking in Napa area that is on the ground investigating pizzagate information who also witnessed the strikes.

Who do you think is trying to cover this up. I have had many posts revealing pizzagate info. I have given the Napa stories to someone to write for months which they have done on Steemit because all threads about Napa, Esalen, & Tavistock are deleted.

These three are all the same side of a coin.

I have only argued back for those that want to say they were there and say things like it was a weed burn or simple fire.

It was not it was Directed Energy Weapons I actually have direct information.

I was asked to start the thread from someone who knows to wake people up to this.

I also have family that were directly affected. As well know the locations of Cults in the area that was zapped into particles.

Some of us have worked behind the scenes on Napa & Sonoma county, the communes or Cults...followed the money.

I am over it anyway... believe what you want. I have recieved many messages for having the courage to talk about this because of the danger...

Do what you want I am over it...

NorCal ago

You live in Napa or Sonoma counties? I doubt it.

carmencita ago

I propose that all of the Elites in this area were saved. The others were sacrificed just as in LV. They were told to leave and they will be compensated. Some were probably guilty of the abuse we know is going on here. So they knew the evidence had to be eradicated. Also they were after children. I hate to say this, but both dead and alive children. This makes me sick. I cannot believe they would knowingly harm a hair on the heads of their cohorts. Unless they know of investigations that are coming. Oh, God I hope so with all my heart.

angry_mob ago

just to note: bohemian grove is not in Napa County, it's in western Sonoma County in the Russian River resort area. anyway, yeah, i live here and i think it was directed energy weapons. too many fires started all at once. houses flattened to the ground, but adjacent trees still standing. there are some vids out there talking about it. today was the first time in SR since it started and the entire sky was brown. a guy at the swimming pool said everyone in his neighborhood lost their home but him. he's really freaked out.

anyway, i don't know about all of the child trafficking allegations, i would like to see more supporting evidence for that. one thing i can say for sure is that the town i live in is DEFINITELY illuminati controlled. i know this for a fact. coming in on both hwy's, where the Lions Club, Rotary club signs are posted is the illuminati symbol. an upside down pentacle, with an upside down pentagram inside it, with a right side up pedestal with a book of unknown origins on it. when i discovered this, i googled it and it came up as an illuminati sign immediately. some time later i tried to look that up again & it wouldn't come up. they probably pulled the pic or changed the algorithms or something. why this town? i assume because it's only about a 40 minute drive to bohemian grove from here. it's also one route you can take if you're going out that way.

fuck these fuckers.

TrishaUK ago

Sorry this is not concerning pizzagate, other than KillaryClingon, I am SO PROUD of those people in Wales protesting and BOOING Killary! and, though I should not gloat, her 'trip' down the stairs. I want to see the video proof, as she is now praising our National Health Service, I DOUBT SHE WENT TO OUR NATIONAL HEALTH HOSPITAL, and if she did, then I doubt the 'fall' is real as she is going to use that incident to say Obamacare could be as good as our National Health Service! She will be getting sympathy about the broken bones, and a talking point away from others she was encountering here in UK

NorCal ago

If there were targets They wanted burned, more likely than communes and cults, would be the CIA-New Age institutions like Harbin (check) and Esalen.

Jem777 ago

They are not going to burn Esalen....the root of evil....ask Jack Dorsey the owner of Twitter what he thinks about Esalen....the coomunescand Cults are controlled by Esalen (CIA MK Ultra).... they just destroy the Cults and communes and start over...been done before.

NorCal ago

They burned Harbin with direct energy weapons.

NorCal ago

Part of this reply is to the OP, part in reply to various comments in the thread.

Bohemian Grove is not in Napa Country, it is in Sonoma County. Bohemian Grove is right on the Russian River, which runs year-long, and is in a heavily wooded, very damp, valley. Virtually none chance it will ever burn, and certainly not in this fire(s).

Napa County does have a history of child abuse, a corrupt CPS system, etc.

Anton LaVay had a home in Deer Park (which might have burned, I haven't looked at a map). The house was somewhere on Deer Park Road near, and I'm not making this up, Sanitorium Rd.

Opus One is diagonally across the street (Hwy 29) from Mondavi. The two partnered on Opus One. Opus One is a partially buried pyramid missing the capstone, and I imagine tunnels connect Mondavi and Opus, but that is a pure hunch. It is closed to the public, and accounts of those who visited contain reports of creepy AF artworks, etc.

I wouldn't say the area is directly connected to Silicon Valley. Locally, the cultures are different. Most Silicon Valley are closer to the Burning Man culture than the Napa/Sonoma culture. Physically it is a short drive from Silicon Valley to anywhere in Napa or Sonoma, access is direct.

In the mid-90s, the teenage daughter of a local principal was kidnapped. Perhaps there is a connection to that incident and pedogate. I believe the last name was Smart.

Harbin Hot Springs, which I believe has been discussed on Voat as a CIA-MKUltra-Sex Cult roots, burned about 2-3 years ago. Harbin is just over the mountain from the Atlas and Tubbs fire(s).

Jen777 says below "Napa is not dry." This is incorrect. East Napa is very dry this time of year, especially the foothills. Mayacama Mtns are more damp with massive trees densely packed, making the Tubbs fire unusual.. Vineyards do not burn well, this is correct. Sparse vegetation and damp plant material does not a fire make.

In general, the fires did not burn marijuana grow areas. No doubt some marijuana was growing where the fires were, but the areas are not known as big-time growing grounds. That is mainly Mendo, Humboldt, and Lake counties.

Hope this helps y'all. I am supportive of your efforts (and contributed during Pizzagate under a different acct).

Jem777 ago

Silicon Valley slaves go to burning man....Silicon Valley is the US Government, NSA, CIA if you honestly still believe Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook you are delusional sorry.

The workers inside Google, Facebook are enslaved. The majority are not even employed by Google. They are contract workers who get no benefits, live in crowded one room apartments in cities like San Jose. All for a shot st a dream they will never accomplish. Forced to sign NDA contracts have no medical care, are on contracts where you can be fired and lose everything in one day. You do not get to be an actual "employee" of Google or Facebook rarely. If you speak out and spill the beans they will ruin you.

All tech companies are headquartered in Mountain View, Ca. Extremely wealthy secluded on the same street.

The cities that surround are in horrific poverty, crime, homelessness, gangs, drugs, etc.

Oakland, San Jose, etc. You can drive from Google headquarters to these areas in 30-40 minutes. If you take the wrong off ramp your life could be in danger.

How does Zuckerberg or Eric Schmidt Spy on everyone for the NSA & CIA and pretend to be benevolent to third world countries when they would have to close their eyes to homelessness, crime, children in desperate need of new clothes, schools, medical care.

Silicon Valley is an Island surrounded by suffering. The leaders are the CIA who run MK Ultra pedophile communes in and around Napa & Sonoma County...

NorCal ago

I share your fervor for rooting out corruption and abuse, which is why I chose to share the info and leads I have. However, you're flat out wrong on many of these accounts and call me delusional for something I didn't say on a totally different topic. Whatevs...

1 - The workers are at-will employees and can leave (and face the consequences, but that is freedom) at any time. 2 - They do not live in crowded one-room apts. The H1B1 visa people, the contract labor you refer to, mostly live across the Bay in Fremont, etc, in large middle-class homes. They may live multi-generationally, but that is by choice. Any one-bedroom cramming is done by very young, very aggressive coders who come to Silicon Valley to hit it big, and again they share a apt by choice (never home, work provides most meals, laundry). 3 - Some tech companies are HQ'd in Mtn View. Some in Redwood City. Some in Menlo Park. Some in Palo Alto. Some in San Jose. Some in San Francisco. The general area north of SJ and south of SF is called the Peninsula, and is HQ to many tech companies. 4 - They certainly are not all on the same street, none of the HQs are secluded. 5 - The surrounding cities are not havens of drugs and crime. The Peninsula is one of the nicest places to live, great schools, low crime, good weather, etc. East palo Alto has a minor hood, but nothing major. SJ is the 10th largest city in the US, it's gonna have crime, but nothing so bad as pulling off the wrong exit. Deep East Oakland is another matter, but has nothing to do with Silicon Valley.

Jem777 ago

Wondering if you are an employee at this point. Should I post some video of Mountain View HQ on the same street.

Video of the apartments they live in and I did not even name Fremont, which is one of the worst.

Would you like some personal testimony of what really goes on?

Names of top executives and how their lives are really managed?

Research how many Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and therapists are employed per capital. Where do they go to make the most money.....see any correlation?

Would you like video tape of young blood transfusions. Ask Peter why he bought property in New Zealand.

I have no time to educate you. You either are employed and ill informed, or covering.

Have you worked, lived, driven or been part of law enforcement in the Bay Area?

Would it help you to see videos of crime scenes?

Get back to me with some facts when you can?

NorCal ago

Whoa, off the chain. I thought we were talking about the Napa fires?

Anyhow, again you;re just wrong on facts. If you could contain your enthusiasm to a less-constructed reality you might actually get somewhere. So, again:

I am not employed in the tech industry.

If you'd like to post video of a tech campus in Mtn View, be my guest. It would be pointless. Tech HQs are not all in Mtn View and not all on the same street.

It's clear why Google pushes for H1B1 visas, they get cheaper overseas talent that will work for less. That isn't a conspiracy. It isn't even a secret. Every US citizen in tech is aware of this. This is odd, but not relative to American Citizens crammed in apts. That "fact" has zero to do with Silicon Valley (aside from rising real estate but that isn't your point) as unless those Citizens are coders from middle America, they are not connect to Silicon Valley.

You can post videos to help those unfamiliar, if you'd like. I've been in those apartments. I know people who bunk up in very dense housing in order to save a lot of money (and again, they are never home). I work in Hayward, and can assure you Fremont is not one of the worst (at what?). The vast majority of Fremont are from Pakistan and India, and gladly live in dense multi-generational households... by choice.

Sure, offer some personal testimony up.

You love talking down to people. That will not get you very far in life.

I am aware of Peter Thiel and blood transfusions.

You are not educating me. Almost everything you say about Northern California is wrong. Hopefully lurkers are reading this.

I have not been a part of law enforcement.

Crome scenes of what? What help do I need?

I dropped facts on you in the first post. I got first-hand knowledge of Napa and Sonoma Country fuckery and you can't handle it. I literally give you a name of pedogate related activity in Napa county, plus an agency to look into, and a house, all without doxxing, I thought Voat was where the pedogate research lives on?

Jem777 ago

I do not talk down you do. I have facts as well and they are not based on research.

It is called evidence. You do not see the connections. Arguing with you about something you choose to not look deeper into is pointless.

BTW wondering why you changed to a different Alt to start posting and defending Napa, SONOMA County, the connections to Silicon Valley techs.

Do you ride the bicycles on campus as well?

NorCal ago

You assume I don't see connections or looked deeper, and you assume a great deal more I might add. My handle is "NorCal," I tell you where LeVay's Satan House was (w/o doxxing), and about a very odd kidnapping that happened to a person who held a job that might be under the authority of p-gate people in a town notorious for p-gate related activities that is currently "under attack to hide p-gate stuff," and you tell me I haven't looked deeper.

AND you think I am defending Napa and Sonoma counties? WTF.

"Do you ride bicycles on campus" = talking down.

greycloud ago

burned down a lot of marijuana crops as well. big pharma had reason to want those crops burned.

NorCal ago

While some grows may have been affected, none of the burned regions are major grow areas.

Jem777 ago

Yep.....hiding in all of that are communes. They had a big reason to get rid of that. What they burned includes landmarks and historical locations from early 1900's....never burned before. In cool areas. Obliterated.

un1ty ago

So are you saying that some of the destruction is part of a "covering-our-tracks" sort of thing or that these pedo groups are under attack and being shut down?

Jem777 ago

Cover our tracks...

Piscina ago

Isn't Rothschild winery Opus One in Napa Valley. It's built as a temple to Satan. I've heard it's hard to get in.

NorCal ago

It's a half-buried pyramid missing the cap stone, across Hwy 29 from Mondavi, their partners on Opus One. From what I've heard, the art inside is... as you'd expect from p-gate folks. Creepy, disturbing, etc.

millennial_vulcan ago

Who the FUCK is downvoating this submission???

9217 ago

Not sure if this information is new/helpful, but here it is:


knightknighttime ago

Look at NASA image from simultaneous onsite of NoCal fires https://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/sport/#

Nasa images from @NASA_SPoRT Scroll to post from oct 9 2017

srayzie ago

You guys, look at this video. The buildings are just rubble but the trees are still standing. Look at the Hilton! So there is a fire that destroys all the houses in a neighborhood down to rubble but the trees stay standing? When you look at the Hilton, it is very clear how strange this is...


@Carmencita @Millennial_Vulcan @Voatwontletmesignin @AngB23 @Bopper

Jem777 ago

Yes do you see cars are melted and even things like Washing Machines are melted...but trees are still standing....impossible.

AngB23 ago

Holy shit....this is crazy. It looks like damage from a war zone not a forest fire. What the hell? How do people not see this? I saw this pic on Twatter....um, ya..see anything odd?


FindingTruth ago

Why did you pull your image?

AngB23 ago

What do you mean? Why did I pull my image?

I took a screen shot off of a post I saw in Twatter.

FindingTruth ago

It is gone.

AngB23 ago

Not sure WTH is going on. Hate using imgur but here it is


quiche ago

Now that is really weird. There was no brush between the buildings that the fire could have used for fuel.

AngB23 ago

Exactly and bushes, trees remain? I don’t know much about Cali (avoid it like the plague) but aren’t these fires supposed to be FOREST FIRES or am i confused here? Where are the forests in the middle of these neighborhoods? It makes zero sense as well as random patches of fires in different areas.

These “fires” were so intense and hot to basically destroy homes to nothing yet bushes and trees are still there? WTF is going on here?

2b1ask1 ago

Strange indeed.

That photographer has the Emmy's as a client - big red flag.

I think we are seeing augmented reality - again.

Watch this. It gets good about 2 minutes in:


By the way: one tip off of augmented reality is the lack of license plate numbers. Check it out. We never see license plates numbers.

Also, we should see toilets for each house that gets "burnt."

srayzie ago

quiche ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgkNLTrqeA0&t=416s It is not weird for the trees to survive. This tape, which I do not like because these guys are ghouls, shows the aftermath of the Oakland Hills fire. There is nothing weird on this gal's tape.

2b1ask1 ago

Yes. This looks legit. See the mountains of scrap metal... the file cabinet, etc.

Yet in the latest video of the California fires, we see absolutely no piles of burnt metal. Nothing.

angry_mob ago

well i live here so i don't think anything is "augmented" as you say. you might want to get off the computer for awhile!

srayzie ago

That was an excellent video! This woman seems so in shock over what she was seeing. Things don't make sense with these fires.

hels ago

Between 19:56 and 20:16 there is some smoldering white smoke near the ground. If you look at the 'trees' and possibly 'poles' in this area they are all cut off at the same height. This gives credence to the laser theories.

carmencita ago

Did they use laser beams so they could possibly just target exactly what they wanted to burn. This is just so amazing.

hels ago

Between 19:56 and 20:16 there is some smoldering white smoke near the ground. All the trees are 'cut' at the same level which makes no sense at all, especially when there are branches with needles/leaves below these cuts.

carmencita ago

Which video is this? I saw a much shorter one.

hels ago

Here's the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2q7nN0JYWE

Reminder to check 19:56-20:16.

carmencita ago

Remember at the end she says Weapon. She knows this is not an ordinary fire when glass and steel are gone and pine trees are still standing. Directed Energy Weapon (High Powered Microwave). @UnicornAndSprakles @TrishaUK. @2impendingdoom @ESOTERICshade @Commoner

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the ping. There is so much going on today its been hard to get around to look at it all.

carmencita ago

Horrible. Just Horrible. How come trees are burned at the beginning of the video, but later they are not? Just Horrid.

srayzie ago

Green trees surrounded the Hilton

carmencita ago

Amazing. Just Mind Boggling. We have some really great people on here, maybe they will come up with possibilities at least.

srayzie ago

I really am thinking it's from directed energy weapons.

carmencita ago

WTH are those? Please tell me about them.

srayzie ago


A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon system that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy.

California Fires – DEW – Directed Energy Weapons


Here is a video of Rumsfeld talking about it...


carmencita ago

Whoa. Gen. Meyers says direct energy weapon or High Powered Microwave. So I am very glad I have not used a microwave for over 20 years. Is this what we are doing to our insides? Lord Almighty help us.

srayzie ago

Wait! What? You haven't used a microwave in 20 years?! You must explain yourself please lol.

carmencita ago

I read a long time ago even before I decided to stop, that the Nazis developed the technology and it went to the Russians and then either the Chinese or Japan used the technology to make small ovens (microwaves). Now I may have gotten the article a little mixed up as to who or when and what order, but I believe it was something about the Nazis using the ovens on the Jewish people and I do not remember if they used some other means or if the Russians picked up on it after WW2. Sorry, but that's about all I remember. It scared me to death so I put mine in the basement. Eventually gave it to someone but told them the story first, they laughed. No way will I ever have one in my house. The video you sent me with Rumsfeld had the General say at the end High Powered Microwave so that is another description of the Directed Energy Weapon. No Microwaves for me. Also the term "Nuke It" about a microwave, also scares me. Nope. None for me.

srayzie ago

So you cook everything fresh or eat it cold? 😮

carmencita ago

Bingo. You guessed it. Cook fresh and cold. I usually order salads when out and eat at restaurants I ask if they cook microwave. I never eat at fast food restaurants either.

srayzie ago


carmencita ago

What is the Wow for? My cooking practices (ha ha) or the comment by Meyers?

srayzie ago

Yes! I would die without a microwave haha

bopper ago

I would die without a microwave

Oh please Scrayzie

srayzie ago

Lol you know it's true

bopper ago

Yeah you seem that type.


bopper ago

@carmencita Even just heating things up my boy says they change the molecular structure of the food, so he quit using them too. Now I'm freaked about them. Before they came out I could reheat my food pretty quickly in the oven. Here you go Carmencita https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UeP-0CtMh8

carmencita ago

http://zapatista44.blogspot.com/2011/05/nazis-invented-microwave-oven.html and this https://www.lifeenergysolutions.com/blog/microwaves/ I knew I had it mixed up, they did not use them on the Jews, they wanted to use them on food and the invasion of Russia. The second one has a video that I highly recommend. It is only 8 min. My thoughts are that we have many things ailing us nowadays we never had decades ago. All of the cancer among children, so many people with digestive problems, autism, and not to mention alzheimers. It also affects male and female hormone production, what a great way to reduce our population, which we know they want to do. Just a few thoughts @srayzie

srayzie ago

That's interesting. I've never heard of that. I'm still keeping my microwave tho 😁 I worked over a hot microwave today, preparing last nights spaghetti for today's lunch.

carmencita ago

I can understand that :)

bopper ago

Ugh. That second article. Thanks for the info.

carmencita ago

This is why I will never use them. If I am wrong, what is the big sacrifice. I worked in retail for 12 years, coming home late many times and did house chores and still managed to not use a microwave. I am a strange bird, I know. But as I always tell my husband, better safe than sorry. @srayzie

srayzie ago

I'm not making fun of you. I was just curious.

carmencita ago


srayzie ago

Are you saying you don't use a microwave either? 🙄

bopper ago

No I actually do, and have been since they came out :)

carmencita ago

Or with one? No ha ha.

srayzie ago

It hasn't killed me yet haha

carmencita ago

I know I sound nuts but it is one of my wacky quirks.

carmencita ago

We should tell everyone to Blast the News about Geostorm Premiering on Oct. 20th 2017. The only think I am afraid of is that people we send to see this (normies) will think it is just more of Space Special Effects. They have brainwashed moviegoers with effects, so they will just think it is another OOHing and AHHing event. I hope there are not any famous people in here. Amazing info as well on Aircrap. I am looking into the wiki and Rumsfeld. Amazing. How in the world do we defend ourselves from something like this. That is the Questiion.

srayzie ago

I know. I don't think there is a way to defend ourselves from it and am in the west coast 😫

carmencita ago

So very scary. I don't know what to think. So we can only maybe depend on Putin to save us possibly. But in the wiki it said that Russia and China are also working on it.

Jem777 ago

DEW are what took down the twin towers....after they were prepared by insiders for demolition secretly so they would fall.

The lasers are controlled and they target where they want.....vaporizing everything into dust including human beings, metal, glass...

srayzie ago

See building 6? It's hollowed out. I can't find the picture from the inside right now. But, it was as if something took out the middle and all the edges are not disturbed. http://themillenniumreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/nf00234280-1.jpg

srayzie ago

I've heard the DEW theory on the towers. But, you think they also did a demolition? Both to ensure that the job was done right? Many people do not know about building 6. The inside was hollowed out. That would make sense using DEW.

Jem777 ago

Numerous insiders have stated the morning before it happened a secret team of "Janitors" entered the buildings. They set up the implosion bombs so the buildings would fall straight down like the did. It is impossible and everyone knows it....planes did not strike the towers. That was an illusion projected and fed to MSM to lie to everyone...

There is video of the stikes without the planes they have been covered up but many know the truth. They used DEW weapons to strike the buildings then set off the implosion that was watched live on TV....

Buildings do not fall as a pancake...

srayzie ago

The only thing that's hard to understand, is how so many people were standing out there looking up with the supposed 2nd plane hit. If there were not planes, I'm sure people would have come forward. Alllll of those people couldn't be crisis actors.

I've seen videos like you've described and how someone even showed how they can make a plane look like that. Even how the wing is missing in a clip. But, it's the amount of witnesses that makes that theory hard to believe.

rickman ago

Check out Twitter right now. Around 90 forest fires are burning the hell out of PORTUGAL

millennial_vulcan ago

Forest Fires are the new 'random shootings'

equineluvr ago

"It is the location of Bohemian Grove, the secret base found by researchers"

LMFAO!! BG has been known about since the 1950s, so you guys are DECADES behind the rest of us!

Jem777 ago

You are my in idiot no one was rerrering to BG as the find...The secret case called Potesda pizza farm on Google earth..,moron

LexTalionis ago

I am here as "boots on the ground" I live right in the middle of all the fires. I have been fortunate enough to still have a home. I am an E.C.E and a child advocate for this very subject. I grew up here, have extensive history here and with this subject, for I am a survivor. I moved here to do more I started off with research and spreading awareness. As I started this comment off, I am the "boots on the ground" for any and all inquiries that need physical investigation. Thank you to everyone here for believing and helping us surviving and those still captured. It's been such a long time coming for our cause.

Jem777 ago

Thank God for you. I am glad you are there and okay. If you grew up in Napa and surrounding area you almost have to be a survivor....thank you for going back into the lions den to help children and be a voice who knows the truth.

LexTalionis ago

Thank you. We need to keep our humanity and the human heart alive and well. PG&E is exhibiting a lot of shady and obvious behaviour surrounding these fires. No surprise that no MSM is talking about it and if there is any talk at all, authorities are acting just as shocked as the rest of us as to how these fires started. Outside of the obvious connections with Tesla technologies, this is what I've gathered about PG&E. First, the Sulphur Bank fire in lake county was started by a PG&E transistor. My grandmother is retired to the hills of Clearlake Oaks, which has a direct view of Sulphur Bank road across the lake. She and our neighbors there witnessed the transistor blow and start that fire. No one is being briefed or questioned over there locally. Second, my best friends husband works for a subcontracting company for PG&E and has just recently come to stay with us do to lack of hotel lodging. He had been working up in the Mendocino fires but he said once he came down to Santa Rosa, it became ominous. He says there is police of all kinds from multiple counties from the Bay area and back here but the military has been involved. He said they are controlling who gets in and out of all the fire zones they are working with, which is only police, military and PG&E. The public here are outraged they are not allowed to return to there properties. He is an army brat, and he said the most eerie thing of all besides all the funding PG&E is getting and not using to supply these guys with any safety gear and guys are becoming delerious after working their nineth day straight, was how PG&E is running their main hub/yard station here just like a military operation, which he is very very familiar with. Since the weather on the Sunday night these fires started, until of coarse now, things keep becoming more and more ominous and suspicious, especially with eyes inside some of the operations surrounding the "help" with these literal out of nowhere fires.

AngB23 ago

Again, great job Jem and I think this is right in the money.

I remember maybe mid summer, we had some kind of lead to what I thought was this area or close to the fires that had like a “ghost” town looking place with a ton of storage units, maybe a school of some sort but it looked very odd, weird town. I think it was also surrounded by trees, up in a mountain type area

I tried searching but I don’t recall the “topic” other than maybe someone like Podesta, JA or somebody owning property close to Bohemian Grove? Does this ring a bell with anyone and if so, is it close to the fires or by now, torched down?

9217 ago

Amazing thread. Thanks for posting.

Jem777 ago

Yes. I thought about this....Is Assange going to release the damaging emails about Napa?

darkknight111 ago

Maybe Napa should be our next "city of interest". Probably filled with shit tons of dark history and seedy connections.

srayzie ago

What is that?

darkknight111 ago

A bizzare tweet from Assange. Possibly related to something on Wikileaks.

My theory is that this fire might be relevant to whatever damning info is hinted at.

Jem777 ago

Deleting tweets. Here is another with statement from Cal Fire Chief.

"We have no idea how these fires started there were at least 60 STRIKES overnight"

Strikes of what? The skies were clear. Not a cloud to be seen. No rain, no thunder, just strikes from the sky that burned everything to the ground like a bomb went off trapping and burning alive American citizens"


@carmencita @scrayzie @LA_Trump @millenial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

What insane wording. "strikes." Bombs?? Dynamite?? Air raids? WTF?!

Tsuishika ago

Oy vey what a ((cohencidence))!

GoodGodKirk ago

The bohemian grove is in Monte Rio, not Napa. It’s closer to Santa Rosa, where it’s more likely people are kept.

Also, Napa is wine country, not silicone valley. It’s 2 hours north of silicone valley.

Matter of fact, Monte Rio has been unharmed in the fires and is an active crisis center, with 2 more a few minutes away.

Edit: I have to admit there’s tons of backroads in this area which makes monitoring impossible.

angry_mob ago

monte rio is not very near santa rosa. show me evidence of "people being kept."

GoodGodKirk ago

It's closer than Napa.

Never said i had evidence, just stated it would have been more likely people were stashed in Santa Rosa instead of Napa. Lots of private land and many back roads, so its a possibility.

millennial_vulcan ago

Its not SiliconE...its SILICON. You sound ignorant.

GoodGodKirk ago

I also add the e in potatoe sometimes. Forgive me.

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL. You're forgiven!

GoodGodKirk ago


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Bro I'm all for conspiracies but I literally live in Northern California and have a police scanner in heard all of this go down. All of these fires were started from trees falling on high-tension power lines during extremely high wind events. 60 plus mile an hour winds knocking over trees and power lines cause these fires and then push these fires to the massive sizes.

They moved so fast that firefighters had no chance to even control it from the moment it started.

Jem777 ago

This was not from winds it is in Cal Fire Chief's own words "We have no idea how the fires started there were 60 strikes over night"

Might know someone who lived there who was on police scanners....

Just sayin....


angry_mob ago

i was outside and THERE WERE EXTREMELY HIGH WINDS right before the fires. that doesn't rule out DE weapons but i think you need to stop talking about this because you are spreading disinfo.

Jem777 ago

This is a free speech registration. Disinfo is not decided by you but it is the collective.

Where do you get off telling people to stop posting anything.

I am over it.

angry_mob ago

i'm over you and you ARE POSTING disinfo!!! i LIVE HERE you cretin & you need to stop telling lies. period.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Did you not read my comment? I literally live in Mendocino fucking County. I have a scanner. I've had one since I was a child it's part of my life now. I couldn't sleep Sunday night and I heard the whole fucking thing go down in my County. Maybe Santa Rosa was different but I highly doubt it.

If you go to broadcastify.com they give you the option to replay old archives because everything is recorded. If you sign up for the premium account through whatever service they have you get access to all of the recordings for everything. Including last Sunday.

. What you want here starting at 11:30 Sunday night is reach 18 flying back from Willits seeing explosion caused by a tree falling on high-tension power lines and making Transformers explode in Potter Valley. The fire chief tried to get there and every fucking road was blocked by down trees. During the zone 2 first-alarm Mutual Aid request for an engine and water tender from every single station in the county to head to Potter Valley, the chief of Redwood Valley fire was headed down Tomki Road and Route to Potter Valley and literally watched a tree fall on power lines in the Northwestern part of Redwood Valley which was pushed by flames and burned down everyone's fucking house.

Download the archives and prove me wrong.

Jem777 ago

I don't need to download anything. You might want to consider there are some accounts on here that are actual Intel agents, law enforcement, FBI, military, etc.

You might be talking to one of them now.

Just sayin....

sarrah ago

and if they were intentional, the police would have to be in on it so...

Jem777 ago

So they were.....they escorted cargo out of area..watched it live...

argosciv ago

Glad I'm not the only one keeping their shit together over these fires.

Not to applaud the hardships suffered by those affected, but, as I've said a few times in the last few days...

Let it burn! Hail the apocalypse(to douse the flames)!

Avatar - Let It Burn - Masters of Rock 2015 DVD

Avatar - Hail The Apocalypse


Avatar - The Eagle Has Landed

srayzie ago

No. I live close to these fires!

Jem777 ago

I don't think that is fair. I have family there. It is horrible.

Rawrination ago

No they would be dead.

But hopefully other people wouldn't be celebrating.

Its highly likely that like all the other horrific acts of terror our government commits, it was only the little people who got hurt and the elites miraculously escaped unharmed.

argosciv ago

Re-read, I'm not even remotely celebrating any hardships suffered by those caught up in the chaos...

But, it's kinda all going precisely as expected.... wildfires, hurricanes, even Queensland, Australia, is currently being hammered with a month's(+) worth of rain in a single 24h period.

There was even a fire started at a kindergarten(child care) facility about 30 mins from me, caused by someone lighting a car on fire within extreme proximity - alarming and suspicious, but, totally expected and will likely lead to the arrest of someone with a hand in crimes pertaining to minors...

It's chaotic and it sucks, but, I've seen the flip side of it, so to speak.

Again, my sympathies to those adversely affected and who are otherwise not perpetrators of the corruption pizzagate encompasses.

ravensedgesom ago

I think we need to investigate jerry brown he attended those creepy Maria Abramovich mock cannibal socialite dinners

sarrah ago

did he really? i shouldn't be surprise, should i...

Jem777 ago

Look at the press conference. All major players there involved in sex scandals, child trafficking.

Senator Kammella Harris ( former CA Attorney General) who was accused of sex crimes cover ups.

Gov. Jerry Brown is linked to them all and likes Spirit cooking.

Current Attorney General is D-Bacerra who was DNC chair that kept secret DNC server linked to Awan Spy Ring.....was ordered to turn over copy and provided fraudulent copy...a fake and is under investigation.

Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris are on permanent select committee on intelligence who have been notified for over eight months that Pakistan ISI had infiltrated Congress accessed classified information to off-site servers and sold terabytes of information to foreign enemies.

They did nothing except investigate fake Russia story. They were just served spoliation notices last Friday notifying them that WeThePeople are suing them for putting our lives in danger.

ravensedgesom ago

These corrupt puppet politician are complicit in committing crimes against humanity and basic human rights. I for one have had enough of it and will keep pushing back. They are mostly black mailed and in no way represent sensible policies that improve or serve the people but merely carrying out and further the agendas of their overlords. Hopefully we can reverse the tide so this type of revolting corruption cannot continue in its blatant disregard for the welfare and security of the people who have to endure their ongoing criminality.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

"Energy directed weapons" is not necessary. The place is so dry all it would take is a Clinton or Podesta 'love-child' and a match.

Jem777 ago

No it is not....you do not know Napa this is not dry. It is very cool and has vineyards does not catch fire like this. They are trying to say possibly lightening stikes...multiple targested locations. There was no lightening trust me.

And they were moving 18 Wheelers of top secret cargo escorted by police out of SONOMA and through the Bay Area there were 1000's of witnesses to this.

Then strikes over night. The ground looks like a bomb was detonated. People were trapped.

toknwok ago

Do you have a link to the video of the 18 wheelers? I lost track of it and can't find it anywhere.

angry_mob ago

uummm.. no. Napa is not "cool." it is about 5 - 10 degrees hotter on average than sonoma county and it's been very warm/hot here. i'm starting to question whether you've ever been to napa. i used to work over there and i grew up here and what you're saying is not making sense.

FindingTruth ago

And this the day (or day before) Assange is to release (most likely) the 33k missing emails. Clean-up crew at work, but they are going down regardless.

Jem777 ago

He is releasing 650,000 emails....All on the Wiener server which includes the Awan Spy Ring.

The NYPD mirrored the server before FBI took possession and tried to destroy evidence. This has been fed to WIkileaks

FindingTruth ago

Ah, ok, thx. Why the downvotes?

millennial_vulcan ago

who was moving 18 Wheelers??

sarrah ago

october is our worst month for the fire season in california. napa, sonoma are not cool all year round. this is the exact time for fires to happen if they will.

millennial_vulcan ago

oh shut up

Jem777 ago

The Cal Fire said they have documentation of over 60 strikes the night it started.,Homes and cars were vaporized in to dust particles.

This is not a wildfire and you know it.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Wow that is really strange. Yeah during the drought last time I saw it was brown everywhere. All the rolling hills were brown. What you're sharing reminds me of Sandy Hook as far as the town being leveled and flipped after. It's gentrification which replaced old school bombing from the wars. They have differant ways of clearing mature neighborhoods on valuable locations such as the inner city. They either move in protected criminals on welfare or perhaps pedo hippie types as well. After the place burns down they buy up high value prime real estate for pennies on the dollar and gentrify it. That area is some of the most valuable area of the country that a lot of those quiet tech are chomping at the bit to get. May give some more clue as to why their quiet about their pedo friends in the area and why they're quiet about the fires.

Jem777 ago

The Silicon Valley players are part of the pedophile communes with naked children. We found them. Now they are trying to burn the evidence.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

This is like the CIA using their evil version of "eminent domain". If they have those weapons and in bed with tech companies then it should be no surprise. I should note that Santa Rosa culture is not like Bay area in terms of being techy fan boys. They talk about the ruthlessness of Steve Jobs even etc.

Jem777 ago

Santa Rosa & Napa are very different but they are the playgrounds of the elite. We found them..,,

Napa is the most corrupt or one of the top corrupt cities in the US.

millennial_vulcan ago

Not Santa Rosa. I would say more Sonoma. Which is closer to where Bohemian Grove is.

angry_mob ago

sonoma is nowhere near bohemian grove. it's the opposite direction!

millennial_vulcan ago

It's in Sonoma County

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

That's right bezos is in bed with the cia. Maybe this was talked about already but Bezos has a secritive team of corporate espionage.. "competitive Intelligence".

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

Top secret cargo... kids? Mkultra victims?

merica_fk_yeah ago

what was the cargo? I just wonder...

3141592653 ago

Has bohemian Grove been scorched to ashes yet?

angry_mob ago

NOPE not gonna happen

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL. Hope those creepy fucking owls burn to hell....

lamplight ago

IMPORTANT UPDATE: To kidnapped 13 year old jumps from truck story, Criminals history erased online, Where is HIS missing son? NAPA County corruption cover up (pizzagate)

merica_fk_yeah ago

? link?

Jem777 ago

Yes where is the Voat thread on this?

srayzie ago

You're so funny. You always ping me with the wrong name haha

derram ago

https://archive.fo/4F1o8 :

TRUMP Defense ☎️ on Twitter: ".@LeakProject | Where the #California #Wildfires Started by #DirectedEnergy Weapons and #5G - Latest Analysis t.co/NsmdgBk4AH t.co/fIlk6pBig9"

This has been an automated message.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

A lot of pot farming there also. Those characters tend to burn and retreat.

NorCal ago

There really is not a lot of marijuana grows in the burned out regions. Marijuana grows are located further north; Mendo, Humboldt, Trinity, and Lake are the counties where the grows are.

No doubt some outdoor grow(s) got burned, but they'd be small time/personal. Most major cartel grows are on federal park land, little of which burned here. This was all high-priced real estate; vineyards, mountain homes, etc.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

There's also this sort of thing.. https://hooktube.com/watch?v=yw3RiMdS7sE

knightknighttime ago

The woman/actress was Sharon Tate. Don't recall if she was pregnant. Her husband was Roman Polanski.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Woa, that's brings things around full circle. I didn't realize that. In researching Polanski was directing 'vampire killers'. Confirmed, she was 8.5 months pregnant! That should have been a double homicide. He may have been fighting pizzagate vampires as well? At least the standing ovation is not as outlandish. Teenager may have been sent as jail bait by these vampires for all we know. Wow I hadn't connected those dots.

knightknighttime ago

Btw the actress Nastassja kinski met Polanski when she was 15. Born same day as Sharon Tate.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago


knightknighttime ago

He dedicated his movie Tess to her. The opening credits show the words "For Sharon". The storyline includes a young pregnant woman. Read the trivia section on IMDB. Looks like Roman was facing extradition so they had to film in France. He also got involved with the lead actress

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

It was about to retract my statement when seeing he had 11 year old Eva Ionesco in a film, however in looking at the film it depicts a character trying to fight and uncover the seedy crime laden areas. I don't know what her role was in the film, maybe his point was to get her more honest work in Hollywood and away from the Hef. I don't know.

Jem777 ago

Yes that is the point we have uncovered the communes with pedofiles and children all naked being passed around. It is all in Napa and Sonoma County.

So they burn people alive to hide their crimes through directed energy weapons.

millennial_vulcan ago

OH GOD. This is the new "mass shootings"...

srayzie ago

Look at this guys. I posted this the other day in another sub. I hope it's not somehow related.


Voatwontletmesignin ago

I was just about to post a link to this until I saw you had already. Nothing gets by you guys lol.

Jem777 ago

Holy Crap...were they moving nukes prior to energy directed weapons attacks on civilians.

@carmencita @Dressage2 @Gothamgirl

millennial_vulcan ago


Dressage2 ago

This is unbelievable, and mind numbing. I also read some believe the drug cartel started the fire due to pot growing biz in CA and legalized pot. Cartel lost huge revenue and are trying to gain their pot business back by burning down all the pot farms. I sick about human lives and the animals that have been destroyed.

srayzie ago

I don't know but with them saying N Korea has the capability of hitting the west coast, I hope it's not some false flag in the making.

srayzie ago

I don't live far from there and I haven't seen any lightning!

Jem777 ago

Energy directed weapons by government actors to destroy evidence. 100's still missing many Innocent Americans burned alive.


Tanngrisnir ago

Didn't Tesla want to make a a energy directed weapon "death beam" and the FBI ultimately take all his files after his death and never released them? I think a member of the Trump family was even there. Not sure if there could be a connection.

LexTalionis ago

John G Trump, Donald's uncle

Jem777 ago

You got it...1947 Vanderveer Bush (the only real Bush and not relation to the fakes) + John GTrump

srayzie ago

My brother told me that where he works was evacuated the other day and 30% of the people there had to also be evacuated from their homes. This is a 2nd fire. NOT the one being reported. So how many huge fires are there in California?!

angry_mob ago

southern california, not near these fires.

millennial_vulcan ago

Hope your brother is ok @srayzie WTF is going on in Cali??

srayzie ago

Yeah he's ok. Thank you. It was right by his work but luckily not near his house.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jesus, just like that mysterious Manson in VA burning???

4_InquiringMinds ago

Well let's see how long this post stays up...surely there must be some reason to ax it? MF...are you sleeping?

carmencita ago

Well I did find some of what I believe includes valuable info about important structures that burned or are highly incapacitated. http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Burbank-Center-survives-but-fire-destroys-12264429.php There are hotels and an Arts center that was miraculously closed on the day of the fire and no staff was there. Hmm. There were many children attending classes here also. Also as we know Art is used in their operations as well. I wonder if somehow they knew the HW Exposure was coming and some Hollywood moguls came here to these hotels and other places to partake in abusive acts. Idk, but it is something to think about. This is what Hilton said: Hilton Sonoma Wine Country, Santa Rosa: The 250-room hotel, set on 13 acres, was destroyed — “burned to the ground” — according to multiple eyewitness reports and video footage. In a statement, Hilton said it has seven properties in the affected areas, and all but the Santa Rosa hotel remain open and operational. What is it about Santa Rosa. Read the article it is not long.

angry_mob ago

carmencita, the arts center is not involved in anything child trafficking related. it's a venue for the performing arts, i have been there many times. to make the leap from a performing arts center to " we know Art is used in their operations as well," just makes you sound like an uneducated fucking idiot. i think you need to step back from this investigation if you can't make more coherent statements, you sound ridiculous!

carmencita ago

Have you not heard that Art is used in money laundering? By "their" I meant in general the traffickers and the pedo elite use it to hide what they are doing. This is only meant that we should research this place. We should reach many places in this area since we suspect that it was set to possibly sacrifice and to hide evidence. I will disregard your nasty comment about me. I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am not stepping back. @srayzie

angry_mob ago

you're a control freak & i don't like control freaks. the level of art that is part of that illuminati system is NOT represented by local artists. research all you want, but i have BEEN there numerous times, you are barking up the wrong tree.

carmencita ago

I am not talking about the people that go there for classes. Please do not misunderstand me, I am saying we need to research the people running it. I did not name and accuse people. I am suggesting that they and by they, the evil powers. Hope you did not think I meant people like you or the children. That is all I meant.

angry_mob ago

okey doke.

srayzie ago

What? You will disregard my nasty comment about you? What are you talking about?

carmencita ago

Ha Ha. Yes, of course it was directed to Never would I say that to you! Evidently he does not know that we would suspect an Art school with children attending after such a horrendous fire. I of course know we have tohim. research first before accusing. But all the signs are here and so many sites are suspect. I am going to look up Charles Schultz, Peanuts creator, because his home was burned down.

srayzie ago

Better not! Lol. I haven't heard about the art school.

millennial_vulcan ago

kinda like those that weren't warned not to go to work on the morning of 9/11...huh Carm....?

carmencita ago

Yes, it is so sad. All the people they are killing and no one is waking up.....will it take just as long for them to wake this time too.....

millennial_vulcan ago

Nope, people are getting redpilled by the 1000s everyday. Trust me on this. Had some quiet little person in the office confess they believe in pizzagate the other day and I almost died of shock. This person is the squarest person on the planet, so my heart was lifted. It's happening!

carmencita ago

I am hoping. There are some pretty dumb people out there. I must say, that I sent that article from steemit that explained the whole LV Shooting and all the facts about Paddock and that it was a False Flag. Guess What, they are always talking about the Resistance but they also believe it WAS a False Flag. One woman sent me another article. I was amazed. So maybe you are right, there is an awaking going on. I am going to send them something about the fire after we do some more research.

surgit2 ago

Bohemian Grove is located in Monte Rio, which is 20 miles west of the active fires and is in no danger of being burnt.

CrustyBeaver52 ago


NorCal ago

Probably never. The valley it is located in faces north, is very damp, very dense, very verdant, with morning fog year-round, and the river runs year-round. If the hills of Monte Rio south of the Russian River ever burn in a forest fire, Imma monkey's uncle.

Don't get me wrong, I've been there and would napalm it myself if I could.

angry_mob ago


Bad_Idea_Bob ago

TPTB don't want their playground to burn down

4_InquiringMinds ago

no danger of being burnt

How convenient~

carmencita ago

That proves they can control their disasters and the weather through HAARP.

Vindicator ago

No offense, but no "proof" has been provided here. Just a lot of interpretation, speculation and imagination.

carmencita ago

On which, please? Is it the directed energy weapon that is the problem?

carmencita ago

Carnencita there is an n that you are missing. Jem I never get your pings because of the missing n. I love your posts but if you see me on here it is because I found them on my own. Carmencita.

srayzie ago

Mine too lol

Jem777 ago

@carmencita got it! Sorry. See Energy Weapons strikes by government to burn evidence. Many dead and burned alive.


carmencita ago

The twitter is unavailable. Have they already scrubbed it? The shills on here are reporting possibly

Jem777 ago

New tweet with Cal Fire statement "over 60 strikes"


carmencita ago

Amazing. So this is how they did it. And how they are controlling the fires and weather disasters. I knew they were doing it somehow, but just not how. Evil Personified.

2impendingdoom ago

they describe blue flashing lights in the sky and blue flames like butane torches. Is this operation blue beam?

ESOTERICshade ago

Is this operation blue beam?

I doubt it. Blue Beam is projecting holograms into the sky to look like real objects. According to a lady that used to be, I think it was a Congressman, the criminals came up with all kinds of crazy ideas to mess with humanity's mind. Even stuff like having Jesus and space aliens appear in the sky.

millennial_vulcan ago

OMFG @Jem777 Great minDS! I was going to start a thread on the very same thing. Remember folks, there is no such thing as coincidences when it comes to PEDOGATE!!


(Edit: link http://www.pressdemocrat.com/news/4205786-181/campout-of-wealthy-and-powerful )

What the hell is happening!?

Charleeto247 ago

Who are you and why did you try to copy the name of Millenial_Falcon?

millennial_vulcan ago

None of your business. And maybe M_F copied ME.

Charleeto247 ago

Nope Millenial_Falcon was here way before you.

millennial_vulcan ago

shut up humorless idiot. Obviously not smart enough to recognize a pun when you see it.

PedoStomper ago

Yeah, because the whole world needs to know that James Van Der Beek had his bootyhole touched. It's crazy what people consider to be "important news" these days. Less talking about the adult victims, and more about the kids. Sorry, but I don't feel bad for TERRY CREWS saying that he got touched by execs. That guy could choke any of those Jew fucks to death with his bare hands; he CHOOSES to let those things be done to him because he likes the wealthy lifestyle. They need to steer the narrative towards the CHILD stars who are abused, but they won't. They never will.

160065002 ago

Good point!

KeifRomance777 ago

It's not a conspiracy. It's humiliating to have some creep grooming you for years, going a little bit further with a week of no contact between. You start to question yourself, it's a form of gaslighting and happens to both adults and children especially. In rural areas all over the world, unspeakable acts of incest and sex crimes are rampant because if you tell anyone you become a target. Who's going out to rural america with cameras without a bunch of pitchfork weilding, low IQ inbreds and war criminals closely monitoring their every move? Nobody, cause rural places are on lockdown like no other places on earth.

No amount of overuse of capslock is going to redeem your lack of empathy with regards to people who have to live with or around impulsive perverts. This is becoming a common meme amongst people I'd suspect have never been in the situation and therefore, due to lack of even the simplest imaginitive spark, cannot empathize with losing a career or being locked up and tortured by people who are propped up by sycophants and positive representations of evil charicatures on TV.

Nobody needs to steer the narrative anywhere, the narrative is being reported as well as TV can report it, being run by psychopaths and narcs as it is.

Jem777 ago

Thanks for sharing that. So true.

2impendingdoom ago

thank you

New_years_day ago

The very first thing I did when I heard about the fires is try to find Bohemian Grove on the map...

Remember folks, there is no such thing as coincidences when it comes to PEDOGATE!!

This x 100

millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago

Yes folks, is right. First the HAARP weather devastation, then to distract us was the LV Shooting then the Napa fire and the Harvey W Exposure. All this is carefully planned. Boom boom boom. One after another. This is for a reason. I propose they knew the Harvey thing was coming so they wanted to destroy evidence in Napa or they exposed Harvey themselves. They will try to placate us with that and then create another diversion to take our eyes off that. I am sorry to sound so jaded but there is no trust were they are concerned. We are all aware of how they work.

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't forget, one of the things the US government was most concerned about was the Nazis' plan to build a space-based convex mirror system to redirect the sun's rays, and concentrate them onto a city, effectively heating the surface of a town to 10,000 degrees within seconds.

I'm not saying that's what is happening/happened in NoCal, but the timing sure is suspicious.

Don't forget. California does burn. It gets very dry there and an ember can float for a mile in those winds before burning out.

But...if HAARP can can influence the Santa Ana winds, puff those hot winds to 40 or 50 and it doesn't take much to get a blaze going.

Blacksmith21 ago

I mentioned this a couple days ago to someone - Cartels suspected of igniting the fires to destroy the CA weed crop.

Jem777 ago

@Blacksmith21 this was energy directed weapons. Please don't make excuses. I am here there were no winds, no lightening, only caravans of police escorted 18 wheelers of top secret cargo leaving the area through San Jose freeways.

Then suddenly in the middle of the night over 60 strikes happened. Homes were zapped into particles while the trees right around them are still standing and green. Metal liquified but trees are untouched.

Over 100 still missing...cadaver dogs because remains are destroyed. No MSM coverage.

angry_mob ago

what are you talking about? the winds right before the fires were fierce!! i was outside at that time and it was windy as hell.

Blacksmith21 ago

Can you grab some pictures? The video I've seen on TV looks like any other forest fire I've seen. Also, I've been in touch with friends of mine in the area, who are redpilled, and they haven't seen anything to indicate otherwise.

Now, what I think is a real possibility, and makes sense for a variety of reasons (including Deep State motives): http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/officials-suspect-mexican-cartel-arsonists-behind-historic-fires-california-pot-farms-burn-ground/

Jem777 ago

Dude there are videos on this thread that show you as well as FIRE Science experts explaining how it could be nothing more than Directed Energy Weapons.... you can't melt steel, glass, other medals with forest fires, or weed burn downs, the CAL Fire capatain has made statements this were over 60 direct strikes that many of us observed...it pulverized homes into particles, while the trees around it are green...do the math..watch videos on this thread..

Blacksmith21 ago

Dang...someone pissed in your Wheaties this morning ; )

Jem777 ago

Sick of lies...sicker of citizens giving them excuses that is how they got away with 9/11...

If your government can pulverize you at their will there is no hope....

Blacksmith21 ago

There is always hope. You just need a gun good enough to shoot the space ships ; )

Truthseeker3000 ago

Thank u so much for confirming what I suspected about these fires. I did not know about the cargo being moved out but that solidifies it for me. They fucking knew and people died and no one is talking about it. I tried clicking some links and they did not work, can u tell me where I can see the footage of the burned homes and the trees standing? This is huge. THANK U.

toknwok ago

Lifelong SoCal resident. Fires are a fact of life, but this one was different. BTW Santa Ana winds don't happen in NorCal.

millennial_vulcan ago

YEP, they are a So Cal thing. I have a friend from NorCal who also says they have never heard of anything like this sparking their entire or their familes (going back a couple of generations), lives....

AGAIN: NO SUCH THING as coincidences!

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for the correction. It's whatever the "Bay effect" is. It makes late summer cold as hell there, while it is 96 in San Jose and normally beautiful NoCal (which is really central CA). But the wind blows like hell. What was "different" about it?

toknwok ago

I've lived near many brush fires in SoCal in my lifetime and been evacuated several times. Normally it's a fairly slow moving situation unless the homes are in deeply forested areas. There was a ferocity to this thing and a speed that I've never seen, even in high wind driven fires.

duhiki ago

In true NorCal, it gets to the 110+ for a week or two at a time. We're still in fire season.

angry_mob ago

not quite that hot, (80's/maybe 90's)but still hot. what was so weird was the sudden fierce wind that kicked up at nite. not really normal for this time of year and weird for nite time. something about that seemed off to me when it was happening.

carmencita ago

Easy Peasy. Tailor Made.

Jem777 ago

This was energy directed strike. The US Government took the technology from the NAZI's actually just brought them here in Operation PaperClip.

The Atom bomb in Hiroshima was an energy directed weapon. We have had them since 1947...

Nuclear bombs are a joke don't fall for it. We have energy directed weapons that could zap a country easily. I am sure the Russians and Chinese do as well. This is called Star Wars....the secret space program.

Cal Fire Chief said over 60 strikes during the night.

carmencita ago

Sigh. Everything I have read today does not leave me with good thoughts. I have to regenerate by brain. I did not get to bed til 2:30 and am exhausted by all the devastating news regarding the fires and the volcano. I am not saying I don't want to know, it is just a lot. There are people to counter all this, they just are snoring away.

ravensedgesom ago

I think harvey is being set up as a fall guy any researcher worth his or her salt knows it goes much deeper

argosciv ago

being set up? no

no, he's guilty.

It's absolutely deeper than him though.

Blacksmith21 ago

Sacrificial lamb.

Dressage2 ago

Wolf you mean.

millennial_vulcan ago

PIG you mean :/

carmencita ago

Oh yes. We know there is much more behind all of this. It needs to all be dug up. The sooner the better. All need to be outed. No matter how big or small.

PedoStomper ago

Yep, with lies, on top of fraud, on top of deceit, on top of false flags, on top of more lies. They muddy the water so much that its almost impossible to see their entire scheme.

carmencita ago

Yeah, but we are pretty darned smart. I believe that we are surprising them. They are having to continually come up one thing after another to cover up their past. We have to get to the point where we are one step ahead of them.

Jem777 ago

This was HAARP energy directed weapons striking Americans to hide crimes.. Hundreds could be dead in the rubble and unidentifiable. Cadaver dogs trying to find burned bodies.


awarenessisadefinite ago

It is literally demonic technology.

carmencita ago

Good God, they will stop at nothing to attain their goals. It boggles the mind how evil one's mind can be.

carmencita ago

Why is there no information also on the two hotels that were burned down. So far I cannot find anything, still looking. You can believe there was plenty going on there.

LA_Trump ago

Great work @Jem777 @carmencita ! This is very sad :(

carmencita ago

Yeah, this is really a sad commentary on those that should be spreading and doing good. They are in the process of destroying our country so they can save their hides. A criminality of epic proportions, imo. Yes, you are right, This is very sad.

quiche ago

Jem777 ago

POLLY Klass is another Johnny Gosch

carmencita ago

Yes, I believe there was so much going on there and still is. There is also on there a user that in 2009 FERMD saying about CPS and NCMEC then already. Wow. Just Wow.

millennial_vulcan ago

You got it Carm! Ill dig too (but see my post on the Yellowstone Volcano about to blow...) We better hurry!!!!!!!

carmencita ago

Wow they are pulling out all the stops. Disgusting Vermin.

carmencita ago

Oh God. They are working fast. We had better get an army on this.