nitro169 ago

He just wasn't counting on the media picking up the radio call and reporting on it.

Nana66 ago

Didn't a cop let Dahmer go back home with his drugged escaping young Asian victim?

pby1000 ago

I see no reason to artificially constrain the discussion. The point is that the judicial branch, as well as law enforcement, have both been infiltrated by Freemasonry.

I assume you are familiar with Jeffrey Epstein, and his delicate handling when arrested and sentenced for having sex with underage girls. He actually did much worse, but was not appropriately punished for it. Same with Hastert. Same with Sandusky. Same with several others with Masonic connections. Most are not even arrested.

In this case, it will be in the sentencing or acquittal of this person, IF he has the right connections. If not, then he will be sent away for a very long time. Much longer then Epstein, who did much worse.

Another thing that happens is that evidence will disappear, or sealed. The evidence from the Franklin Scandal trial is still under seal to protect certain politicians and wealthy individuals who were not charged. Guess which secret society they belong to?

pby1000 ago

Is the wrestler a Freemason?

Jem777 ago

There are many things going on in Napa and surrounding areas. Dig deep

jangles ago

Children: The quiet victims of addiction ALISHA WYMAN Apr 17, 2011

“When you see something on a street level on a day-to-day basis, you’re likely to be more affected than if you see the children in a court room after they’re cleaned up and dressed up,” Russell said. Assistant District Attorney Michael O’Reilley said this was the case during the prosecution of Timothy Lee Marble, who sold drugs to an NSIB agent on three occasions with his 10-year-old developmentally disabled son in the vehicle with him. A later search found meth, syringes, hydrocone and marijuana throughout his home. The district attorney’s office filed eight drug-related charges and three child endangerment counts. A Napa County Superior Court judge dismissed the child endangerment charges after a preliminary hearing, and Marble later pleaded guilty to the drug counts. “I think the court failed to fully appreciate or understand the danger that drug trafficking presents to children,” he said. “Children are defenseless and vulnerable, and drug trafficking is, by its very nature, a dangerous enterprise.”

Littleredcorvette ago

So you did notice the fact than a sexual predator refers to his victims as companions.

nitro169 ago

Because the cops are complicit

pby1000 ago

Exactly... I am glad more people are saying this.

aileron_ron ago

pby1000 ago


aileron_ron ago

Your right, Refugees dont drug woman and kids. They just rape them

MyNameIsLuka ago

This guy is the scum of the earth, but there is nothing here that looks like a connection to organized trafficking at the moment, at least to me.