11-11 ago


User2060 ago

I believe this is horrible, but you will not brainwash somebody with meth, hydrocodone and weed. It might actually give them a mental escape when the torture is over. If they had barbiturates, which unfortunately (for me), the US and Canada have gotten rid of off all of them except 2 very weak ones, butalbital in Fioricet/Fiorinal and phenobarbital, which is very very weak, used to detox from things like xanax and valium when taken at too large doses for too long, more often used by vets to control seizures in dogs...then maybe, some are still available from other countries, although nobody wants to make nembutal anymore except for Oregon's euthanasia program. The Danish company that was selling the US the stuff (nembutal..strongest of all barbs) when they decided to stop selling it to the US because of the moral angle regarding death penalty, some states have been using torture cocktails of drugs that killed the person in 1h30 of feeling like they're choking to death and giving them seizures. Obviously they weren't good people (although, more than half of those in death row are not guitly in hindsight...glad we got rid of it in '76...1976...when the real Democrats still existed, that Halloween Massacre will always make me like Carter, but his being influenced by a guy from my own country, a Polish-Canadian who became an American-Polish Canadian (ZBig...may you rot in hell) got Carter to bend to his will with Operation Cyclone....otherwise, the man was the last decent President you had and that's not a job requirement it seems...) Anyway the point of lethal injection was to make it painless and they're scoffing at the rebuttals. A Firing Squad would be more humane, by far.

But yeah, all those children help places....it used to be legit, I remember when i was a kid, there was commercials and people who wanted would put these signs with a crying child and an adult hand going there way. It was Parent-Rescue, it helped kids who were lost while playing outside getting way too far from their home. And then a few pedos in the early 90's destroyed the whole thing.

One thing I clearly remember is the Angel of Love Children Orphanage (not sure of the exact wording but it does contain Angel of Love) unfollowing EVERYTHING people would find on Reddit back then, even obscure stuff they shouldn't be following on Instagram, you'd see them unfollowing everything when shit hit the fan (sort of, reputations ruined anyway if we can take some satisfaction regarding Alefantis and Podesta, it's what we can take..for now). I loved how O'Neal trolled him after going to see a lawyer and the FBI and putting everything back on. His message to O'Neal was just...while he was awaiting for it "why are you a liar Ryan?" "why do you lie?"

Projecting there James.

paulieweb ago

This is nuts. Keep following this one...