wtfeva ago

That site is cancer and vid is of fucking regular 18 wheelers.

PolybiusPizza ago

OP of video said this!!! "Modus Operandi okay I found out something they were going to Tesla and Tesla fired 700 employees today... I heard they're picking up a d-wave computer and moving it"

Well that's fuckig weird!

srayzie ago

Where is that message? You mean they said it during the video?

PolybiusPizza ago

Was in the comment section. I always look a bit at the comments as they tend to be rather enlghtening in some way shape or form. Moreso on voat than youtube, but that was there.

Jem777 ago

Were they moving weapons prior to the directed energy strikes.

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

Or people??


The Bay Area is getting nuked. It's a false flag. All the media will be saying it's NK then it's WW3 with China & Russia with UK joining in.

This will not be mutually assured destruction, but mutually agreed destruction. It is a NWO strategy to see out this financial "everything bubble"

The war will last between 2-7 hours, cost billions of lives and the New World Order will be born.

srayzie ago

Damn I hope not. That is your opinion right? Not inside knowledge?


It has been foretold in the video games Fallout 3 & Half-Life 2 using revelation of the method. It's also been foretold in Back to the Future as was 9/11. 9/11 as a false flag was also hidden in Fallout 3.

People surmised this after the release of Fallout 3, but all talk of Fallout predictively programming the future was shut down in video games discussion forums.

The goal of this event is for Israel to expand its territory to include the Nile Tigris & Euphrates. They are just using America to extract its wealth.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Does a NK caliber nuke need that many trucks?
And if it were anything they wanted to keep hidden, why wouldn't they travel at night, when there's less people on the road?


The nuke will be coming from an Israeli or US submarine. The convoy would contain hazmat gear in preparation for the event.

Edit: most of the people watching that convoy will be dead. No need to be that secret.

jervybingly ago

Look for a Las Vegas type shooting in Oakland soon, sponsored by George Fucking Soros, who will hire Black Lives Matter actors, but they won't be alive to cash their checks. Any Craig's List ads for actors in the Oakland area soon? Shit's getting real y'all.

Tallest_Skil ago

The US keeps a stockpile of nuclear weapons in motion 24/7 as a security measure. This may well have been that.

srayzie ago

I've never heard that. Why do they keep some in motion 24/7?

Tallest_Skil ago

Imagine if NORAD is hit, as well as the silos in Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, and Colorado. Imagine if our subs go down. We’d still have THIRD strike capability.

HeywoodJablomi ago

Yeah, but that function is usually maintained by parking mobile nuke launchers deep in the woods and not talking about it anymore. Then the enemy doesn't know where to bomb.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thanks!

hogarth45 ago

Can confirm, in North Dakota this is a regular occurrence.

srayzie ago

I've never heard of something like that. Is it usually in clusters like this? With unmarked trucks and police protection?

Rb8623 ago

With the amount of idiots on the road at any given moment, that seems like a bad idea...

Chempergrill ago

Could be regular bombs.