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chabon ago

Copy/Paste of Meganon's posts:

Friendly reminder that I won't "announce" myself with nicknames y'all gave me anymore BUT, Assange will release if he makes it to the 21st and it will only PROVE the irony of what Clinton is implying because she's right, but not in the way the media is spinning her statements.

The overall release will conclude and confirm that the Clinton Campaign/DNC collided with Russia themselves in an attempt to catapult Trump over his GOP competitors during the primaries, then use bolster his cordial business relationship with Russia/Putin, to push the "Russia collusion/hacking" narrative. The problem for them is that Wikileaks has held a lot of this info for a while, via NYPD pbtained files/communications collected from Huma/Weiners laptop. They had mirrored the files/communications before handing it over to the FBI as part of their initial investigation, which is why they publicly threatened the FBI themselves, stating if the FBI didn't release and push for DOJ indictments, the NYPD would release.

This is why I said last night, it's not a pizza release. Yes, there will be the same Podesta-style creepy-coded references, maybe a few unironic Weiner owned images of pre-teens he sent dicks and tits back and forth with, sprinkled throughout communications which will be included in this dump because Wikileaks doesn't remove or edit the total bulk of any files, they publish it all in full, BUT, Hillary will not go down for pizza as a result of this dump.

This dump will be broad. It will probably be the biggest file dump Wikileaks has ever published in size and when it's out there, it's going to leave NO DOUBT on things like, WHO colluded with Russia, WHY it was done, WHAT crimes Hillary (as Secretary of State AND as a presidential candidate) and the elite DNC/GOP/Obama admin, like Lynch, Comey, etc. actually committed. Again, when it's done you will have ZERO DOUBT AS TO WHO IS ACTUALLY GUILTY OF CRIMES AND ELECTONS RIGGING.

And please remember, Trump knows and has known EXACTLY what Assange has... it's why he's been able to be so bold and seem like he's playing "4D chess" in front of the media by making claims about things like "wiretappings" and other loose statements that always seem to come true later. This release is why he pretended not to know/be mad about Sessions recusing himself from "Russia", but he knew all along and also knew he couldn't afford another bullshit Flynn loss the MSM and establishment would try to pull, had he not recused upfront. It's why Comey wasn't REALLY FIRED. He did it to let Trump take it as a win, but Comey knew and they pre-negotiated his "surprise public firing". It's why Mueller was put in place on purpose, but has unironically, only found more ties to collusion and criminal election fraud/activity back to the DNC, Hillary Campaign and shady GOP establishment, who has been involved in the attempted demise of Trump, all along. When this is done the FBI and CIA won't have a fucking leg to stand on and if Sessions/Trump hadn't played their cards right... the DOJ wouldn't have a leg either.

Assange gave Mueller/the FBI until the 21st. Trump is aware of the deadline and hopes Mueller will bite the bullet, do right for the people and for the sake of justice and come out with it all on his own to end the investigation that will ultimately end anyway when Assange drops what he's sitting on. Trump knows it's better for the people if Mueller does what's right. It will restore people's faith in justice and our departments. If Assange gets it done himself as I expect, then like I said, Trump will have no choice but to address the downfall of TWO of the 3, 3 letter agencies/departments I mentioned last week... FBI and CIA. Mueller and team have until the 21st, assuming Assange keeps his promise and/or no one gets to him first. Assange dropped his hash yesterday. They ALL KNOW WHATS COMING... regardless of who makes it public first.

Jem777 ago

Awan is not just a patsy...he works for the CIA we have proven that.

And yes there are actual former members of three letter agencies.

Comey, Mueller, and McCabe are done. McCabe is the worse one of all he literally took a $700,000 bribe from MacAulliffe during the Clinton email investigation.

Then planned out and initiated a plan to take out General Flynn then Trump.

We have the evidence.

chabon ago

"...he works for the CIA we have proven that." I've only been following the story on Daily Caller, so don't know anything about Awan linked to CIA. Could you link the post(s) where this is discussed and proven?

Jem777 ago

He is ISI of course but you have to track his father history. It is very complicated. I should say he works with factions in CIA.

Research the Pakistan ISI 111th and ties to CIA especially Skull and Bones members of CIA. 111 th is important to understand regarding who they are historical and the secret history involved.

chabon ago

You said it was 'proven.' Certainly then there are links to, at least, where this was discussed? Or to information on the ISI 111th?

Most of what is addressed here involves 'secret history' -- this certainly wouldn't be a special case in that regard.

Jem777 ago

The entire Webb investigation shows the links. Watch the last 360 videos.

chabon ago

My apologies for being curt -- just looked at some of your other posts and see the work you put in, and the respect you have in the community. I've been lurking here, and only just started paying attention to who's who. Thank you for the Webb suggestion. I prefer reading to YouTube, and know I have to bite the bullet and wade into video.

Reminder to self: Noobs shouldn't be rude to the locals :/