srayzie ago

Forgive me. That site really confuses me. But, how can you guys tell if someone is MegaAnon? Can't anyone impersonate him? Because they don't have usernames there right? I'm just curious.

alphabravo ago

There's no way to tell Srayzie. We know her by the info she dumps, her long posts and her writing style. Anyone could, in theory, impersonate her (she's said she's a female).

srayzie ago

Well thank you for keeping us updated! That website is so confusing to me.

alphabravo ago

No worries. It is confusing, but so incredibly powerful. TPTB are running scared of /pol , really.... what's on there one day hits the streets the next day. Awesome hive mind, just like here.

srayzie ago


Derpfroot ago

Favorite pic in that bread:

alphabravo ago

Classic! Saved n cheers

SChalice ago

They busted 3 people for a little weed and then told them if they showed their recommendation they'd drop the charges. It couldn't be a lesser charge.

nameof ago

Agreed esp after Yesterday and this comment to @the _savant which turned into a short rant : It's outrageous people pay him attention anyway. Sorry I think his is a lame totally lame story. But though i'm a nobody. Who cares who molested him already, if he doesn't care to talk about it. It's dead to me. A dead story.. some things are irrefutable. There's something incredibly psychotic about this behaviour, and incredibly psychotic is the behaviour it produces in reaction. As if one is stunned into believing it's ok to not say who hurt you because you've been hurt.. that's mind control.

PlutoInCapricorn ago

"donate $50 and you'll get a signed CD"

This. It's a fucking insult by the Hollywood conspiracy. "Come get your consumer fix, and not even notice it!", they tell us, laughing in our faces.

Cc183 ago

When you got broke-ass people climbing political ladders through favors, we get this.

When you have a billionaire without political ties or history, you get trump.

I doubd the fucker, but he seems to been delivering lately.

AgainstPedos ago

It's been suggested that actresses are now coming forward, even those who gave in to HW to get acting roles and awards, or to work with him in a "behind the scenes capacity," so that when the REAL sickening stuff tied to "rituals" comes out the public will have a little bit of sympathy for all of the players.

Cc183 ago

Say PI!

Say ZZA!


pray4theinnocent ago

Thank you for bringing this in!!!

waxdino ago

I think we all stopped digging through emails and news stories and what's out there already, and making connections, because we want an easy answer. We need to go back to what we were doing before. When the original WikiLeaks were published and pizzagate was born.
I've said it before, but when did the voat DDOS start? The same day some additional Clinton/Abedin emails were FOIA released. A few days later... Weinstein! Hollywood! This will solve pizzagate, somehow! Pay attention to some of the users that got in around that time, before new users weren't allowed. They are pedowood-pushing shills. It is a problem, but isn't the government the head of it all?
The Weinstein/metoo/Feldman story is a switcheroo. Weinstein somehow got tied to pedogate even though he hasn't been accused of pedophilia. Once that had our attention, they trot out Feldman. It seemed genuine, but now it's, "I will stop this abuse a year from now if you give me enough money." Distraction.

angry_mob ago

this entire post is just off. not buying any of it, "y'all."

AgainstPedos ago

Who didn't rape Corey Haim? Mrs. Haim hates Feldman because he introduced her son to some of his rapists. Note Feldman use to hang with Michael Jackson. While Feldman was obviously too old and savvy for MJ, that's not true of all of his buds.

Yes Feldman was sexually abused, likely by his jerk of a drug addict/alcoholic father as well. Typical of Hollywood kids, Mr. Feldman saw Corey as a potential money-maker. Many abused kids become abusers, recruiting their "friends" to go to very private adult parties to meet the powerful where drugs & alcohol flow. Newbies become "pass-around bottoms" in the hopes of getting gigs. Or they're auctioned off at 1st to one power player.

Disgusting Feldman is now involved in a money grab. He doesn't have a track record of making successful documentaries like the women director of "Open Secret." Nor does he have the industry cred to get the super talented on board for the behind-the-scenes gigs. They'd all be risking their careers for a film that I guarantee you would never be completed let alone widely distributed. Besides it's essentially already been made.

IF Corey Feldman WERE anywhere near honest & legit he'd know what even newbies to the business have learned. #1 You make a short or trailer showing the highlights of your future film to gain cred & to prove your intent & ability. Otherwise, everyone's scamming with a gofundme.

Sackajahweeda ago

Looking back at that two Coreys interview I honestly believe the way CH worded his abuse experience meant that IT WAS MICHAEL JACKSON THAT ABUSED HIM. I know there are a lot of you that are a younger gen than me and believe that MJ was innocent but I see how CF defends him to this day and he could have been using CF to bring other victims around...go watch it he says BEST FRIEND...maybe I am wrong but I honestly think not.

Piscina ago

True: victims often become recruiters. They are so enmeshed with their rapists, a lot of the time they can't see it as 'abuse'. It's Stockholm Syndrome.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

This is fake news . Quit looking for the Boogeyman everywhere. Of course, you people also believe that a family pizza place is a front for nefarious deeds. You tin foil hatters are sad. #RESIST #LOVETRUMPSHATE #NOWALLNOBAN #LGBTQIAPK #BLM

AgainstPedos ago

Corey Haim's mother hates Corey Feldman. Why? Feldman introduced her son to at least 1 rapist. Feldman was also long-term friends with Michael Jackson, for as long as Feldman had young teens hanging around him. Don't believe Corey Feldman was MJ's lover. Just a "recruiter."

Yes Feldman himself was sexually abused. However many in Hollywood "join the game" and therefore keep getting gigs beyond what their looks, talent, likable personality, and sexual desirability to adult pedos should sensibly garnish. Why? They become "recruiters" for those in the same age range.

Some now famous actors were almost homeless, forced into prostitution, raised in cults or/and in sexually, emotionally, and physically abusive situations. Normal for them to see death due to drug use. A rare few made the transition to becoming the below the radar lover to a power player, often by willingly going to swing parties and consenting to being "shown off." Their films were partly financed by those interested in their porn pics and loops, and willing to pay $$$$ for a night or a weekend somewhere in the world. Did you know that Princess Grace was originally a "yacht girl" which is how she really attracted her future husband?

ESOTERICshade ago

Corey Haim's mother hates Corey Feldman. Why?

Haim's mother might be getting paid to maintain her silence. If Feldman names people the payments would stop because there would no longer be a need to buy her silence.

I said "might" because I don't know. But, it is possible.

darkknight111 ago

This does match up with what my sources are saying: Assange is alive.

2impendingdoom ago

I feel bad for abuse that Corey Feldman suffered abuse but when he started asking for money, it felt opportunistic. We should also be paying attention to which accounts were strongly supporting the $10mil documentary grab. I didn't recognize some of them and they didn't have a lot of comment history. I completely support newbies here but we've seen time and again gangs of them show all at once with fake agendas.

Joe10jo ago

Def opportunistic!

FloridaJackalope ago

Good job pointing this out... I think for many this was slightly suspected, but seeing the timeline and the blantatness of it all is pretty clear. He's in it for the money and/or is a complete distraction. Either way, his $10 million dollar goal is repulsive and he should be called out on it. Extensively. #FeldmanIsaDistraction - let em know why

alphabravo ago

Well, I take all of this type of info with a pinch of salt, however find this all intriguing due to her uncanny ability of calling things out before they reach us. It's all info to just be aware of. Saying that, I agree with you in that 10 million is extreme.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yep...I get the feeling Megan is legit...that being said, I want to know WTF actually happened in Vegas.

alphabravo ago

Hashtag MeToo . Let's keep digging

witch_doctor1 ago

Did you see this thread...could be huge IMO...I'm doing my part..

alphabravo ago

Yep, it's a great initiative. Great you posted it on Voat. I can't wait to see all the LV footage stitched together and see the narrative having to be changed again.... again..... again. Hope some Voaters take up the opportunity to assist.

witch_doctor1 ago

I'm now kinda concerned there might be some fuckery going on...he just posted another thread , and unless he removed files that were completed and renumbered them on the list, there are several folders there that I went through and emailed him that are still listed. Thoughts? But, yeah, the project idea is awesome.

alphabravo ago

Idk... best to email and see. Good luck with it all, you're doing Gods work.

witch_doctor1 ago

Thanks, it's pretty easy though. I normally just lurk /pol/...but I really want to help with this if I can. The whole Vegas thing doesn't pass the smell test.

alphabravo ago

Hats off to you for doing this :)

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Do we have, somewhere, all of the posts attributed to MegaAnon?

alphabravo ago


alphabravo ago

I'll post them in the main comments now.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Right now /pol/ is just absolutely chock full of slide threads and bullshit. Nobody discussing this.

So I guess its real.

alphabravo ago

It's true. Too many actual happenings!

AugustaJulia ago

OK, so Corey Feldman is a distraction. What should we pay attention to instead?

AgainstPedos ago

The REAL EVIL that takes place during practices of the "old religion" everywhere and anywhere in the world the elite participate. Will followers of MSM be shocked when it isn't just "head hunters" in remote, 4th World places that consume victim's hearts.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hillary Clinton... Soon the full spotlight will be in her face.

alphabravo ago

She alludes to redpilling normies to Pedowood general, Pizza, the LV circus and everything else that's hugely happening just now. Ultimately, it could appear that Trump's alleged plan to dismantle the FBI, the CIA and all elements of the Deep State may be coming to fruition. But who knows, we'll see.

alphabravo ago

Pedowood general, Pizza, the LV circus and everything else that's hugely happening just now. Ultimately, it could appear that Trump's alleged plan to dismantle the FBI, the CIA and all elements of the Deep State may be coming to fruition. But who knows, we'll see.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

I definitely agree Feldman is part of the bread and circus show. The only person we can trust is someone who provides us evidence, names, and starts pressing charges.

alphabravo ago

Makes one think. I'm starting to question Feldman more. As others were saying on the thread here about it yesterday, he'd be a helluva lot safer just saying who it is than waiting and sitting in the info. And 10m? Pff. Just say the names, it doesn't need a documentary, he simply needs to say 6 names. 30 seconds and for free. This could also save children who are in vulnerable positions right now.

lawrieraja ago

I think Corey knows firsthand (from him going to the police in 1993) that one voice can easily be squashed and/or discredited. He has names but if he just up and names them then I think its a lot easier for the other side to go into damage control mode by launching the offensive against Corey. They would rather be the ones planting stories and controlling the narrative and I think that the way Corey has been handling it has essentially forced them to play defense instead - and anticipating Corey or trying to be reactionary to his innuendo is a lot riskier/uncertain for them because its a situation they know they cannot completely control.

I don't really see it as him trying to remain relevant by dragging it out or asking for money...I think he's looking for affirmation that a critical mass of the public will stand beside him so that what he divulges would not end up being for naught.

Cara_C ago

The whole world is paying attention to Hollywood corruption due to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. If Corey Feldman intended to and was at liberty to expose the pedophiles, he could do it within minutes on Twitter and the world would pay attention.

If he wanted to do something more elaborate, he could do it in a week or two. He could hire a lawyer and arrange a press conference, call together any other victims or witnesses willing to speak and name names, take a video of the event, and post it online. He could use this platform to raise money to encourage other victims to come forward, to take these revelations to the next step and for security and legal defense.

The idea that he has to raise $10 million and make a movie first, while supposedly ruthless and powerful predators stand by helplessly wringing their hands as he openly works to expose them, makes no sense to me.

lawrieraja ago

Right because we, the public, were so amenable to his claims when he spoke out on national talk shows LIVE ON VIDEO over a period of YEARS condemning the abuse in the most sincere, blunt of terms? Because we, the public, lapped up his book in 2013 and DEMANDED answers to this injustice instead of joining our fellow gossip-hounds to revel in the TMZ-fueled stories of his fall from grace with Corey's Angels?

Corey's statute of limitations has run out for his personal accusers and because of that, any claims he makes would be subject to frivolous libel suits from his accusers, on the basis that they are claims that would no longer be able to be legally validated through law enforcement and criminal investigation. Remember Michael Egan and his lawsuits against Bryan Singer (among others) "crumbling" as his lawyers turned on him, sold him out, and subjected him to fraud lawsuits forcing him to plead guilty and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid JAIL TIME?? Because HE was the one ABUSED?!

Don't delude yourself for one second for thinking that because YOU are now woke, that the well-oiled mechanisms THAT HAVE ALWAYS been in place to deal with these accusations and those making the accusations, have suddenly dried up.

Like I said, this isn't about the $10M. Heck some of the big budget films have larger coke budgets than this. If 10 rich guys gave $1M apiece to reach the funding goal, what does that tell you? Well, it tells you that 10 rich guys want a documentary, but nothing about the level of REAL support you have nor the prospects of your success in disseminating your story (because it's then controlled by small numbers). But, if one out of every 6-7 people in the country that diligently subscribe to Netflix (65M) every month were to give ONE DOLLAR, ONE SINGLE TIME then that tells you the VOLUME of interest has reached critical mass.

Asking someone to open their wallet is the ultimate gauge of interest and ACTIVE public support. Anyone can sit on a computer and 'like' posts on social media - it's safe, it's passive. You demand names now but if he names them and gets skewered by the media, like he has so often before, will you be the one running to stand at his side? Or will you just decry the perceived miscarriage of justice and move on to the next?

You complain about him not naming names but there are THOUSANDS, maybe TENS OF THOUSANDS, who, for one reason or another, have remained silent on this EXACT issue of pedophilia. Some are dead. Most just washed out, forgotten from the world for good. Does it really help the cause to pre-emptively bash the ONE PERSON who is actually doing what he believes is the SOMETHING he actually has to give??

As soon as we turn on the abused we become part of the problem. So just give $1.00 and be part of the solution and stop complaining about the fact that we live in a transactional society, which HE DIDN'T CREATE.

crazy_eyes ago

Thou dost protest too much

alphabravo ago

Very valid points. Thanks for this.

mooteensy ago

Either he is still making money off of his abuser(s) or he is just as vile as the people that abused him now. Ugh.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I think what you mean to say is Feldman is a distraction, not a patsy. A patsy is someone (usually completely innocent) who takes the fall for a crime (Stephen Paddock, for example).

YogSoggoth ago

How did you know I was a part of Paradise Ranch LLC? You calling someone else a patsy? Then you have the audacity to say that there might be a distraction? Your Honor, I leave it in your hands as it is entrusted by the great state of x, and the Constitution of the United States of America to render this judgement. I don't think I care about what anyone thinks about Feldman. He might not be the best person to be in charge of 1 dollar from a million people. I got an idea. We send him a message that he gets funding, but he has to get a voat thread, and those donations control costs. I send 2$ for guitar strings,5$ for bottled water, 20$ for gas to go to wherever. Good security is basically free if you know the right people. You ever hear of Christian Motorcyclists Association | CMA USA?

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Exactly this, and thank you for saying it.

alphabravo ago

True, and thanks. I was using MA's description of him.

Are_we_sure ago

Question: How does this bit about tort law apply? Wikileaks published the material, not a third party. I believe what you cite is more along the lines of Youtube not being liable for the content of a certain video.

Tort law protects websites from being liable for third party information published on it.

Also I just read the news article. Trump's lawyers are not protecting Wikileaks, they are protecting the Trump campaign because the Trump campaign are being sued, not Wikileaks.


So these are lawyers defending their client.

alphabravo ago

And by doing this, they protect Assange and Wikileaks and, have no more grounds to request extradition.

Are_we_sure ago

For one, Assange is not in danger of extradition for merely publishing. He is danger for actual crimes.

Two, these are not government lawyers. This is private lawyers for a private corporation. This wouldn't affect anything.

alphabravo ago

One, which actual crimes?

Two, it matters not. It sets a precedent.

Three, it's humorous that you act as if anyone here gives a flying fuck what you think.

Are_we_sure ago

Three you just replied to me. So somebody cares.

  1. As for the actual crimes, there a reason Assange sought asylum in an Embassy for the past several years. He fears arrest. They can't arrest him for just publishing material or else the NY Times and other news agencies would be guilty of such.

Assange and his legal team believe there is a sealed indictment in the US for espionage for the Chelsea Manning case.

If there is such an indictment that would mean the US Department of Justice convinced a grand jury that there is evidence that Assange was not just a passive publisher of information, but that Assange helped/encouraged Manning to steal the information in the first place.

He also jumped bail in Sweden and that arrest warrant is still active. UK police have said they would arrest him for this.

  1. Precedent? Nope. Not government lawyers, private defense lawyers. Private defense lawyers don't set precedents.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, after reading the thread, I see it was her who was misusing the term.

This is important, btw:

He's NO different than "Bruce Paddock" and "Adam Lanza" as related to pizza and how (((they're))) USING IT AGAINST YOU by manipulating your good intensions and undying quests for the truth by being all too eager to connect dots with squiggly instead of straight lines.

alphabravo ago

Thanks, and yes, that stood out for me too. It's a swamp we're in, that's for sure. Gotta stay frosty. The positive is that their attempts at distraction are continually backfiring, their lies being exposed at every turn. It was so easy before WeThePeopleArmy came into being and they could simply print newspapers and tv of how they wanted things to be. We live through historical times.

migratorypatterns ago

Why are you posting shill shit? The guy/gal is obviously an idiot.

carmencita ago

Has this been established? Just asking. The litany of abusers coming out is a gift but also seems like a long parade. I just don't trust them.

migratorypatterns ago

You shouldn't. That's part of the scheme to dilute the impact of Weinstein's behavior. MSM actually linked Trump's locker room talk to Weinsten raping women? I mean, come on! Not even in the same ball park.

But you're entitled to think what you think, but THIS is the distraction. Listening to people talk out of their a$$es is what will get you to unfocus.

AgainstPedos ago

How insulting. As if (admittedly) vulgar language among men is even comparable to trapping all ages of females and males (yes, even kids, just the full extent has not yet been revealed) in a small space and pressuring them to do darker & darker sexual acts, filming all and passing it around to hundreds of power players around the world, selling the same victims for kinky mass orgies. Extremely degrading, super manipulative "games."

Are you aware that there's a hotel in NY that will never let ANY of the female employees anywhere near HW? He's a regular visitor to this hotel. Yet there's a mandatory requirement that 100% of all women of every possible physical description are warned to stay far, far away. Bet the same exact rule is in place for even reasonably attractive young men.

Not saying others in Hollywood are also predatory rapists. However HW is universally known as the worst of the worst.

Someone needs to set up a guaranteed 100% Anonymous website so that unknowns without MSM connections can come forward to tell their stories.

Personally I was once warned on set by 2 top wardrobe consultants that HW was beyond disgusting,. By comparison I was told that I was very, very lucky to have a very kind, chivalrous, hot hunk, who was well-established in the industry to mentor me instead. Also I was told anonymously on an online entertainment related site that I would not be able to handle what HW always expected from actresses and others in exchange for his professional help/connections.

migratorypatterns ago

Definitely HW is the worst of the worst. He raped women. That pretty much puts him at the lowest of the low in terms of sexual harassers. I mean, there are levels of harassing. Like unwanted attention, maybe a hand on a shoulder or knee, maybe even vulgar language slid into conversatIons, but RAPE? That's not harassing, that's a felony and the person goes to jail ... or should.

I'm sure what you say is true and that everyone covered for him. That's how it works with the rich and powerful. They're never told, "NO!" All the peons need to scurry around them and occasionally a virgin is thrown into the volcano. It's ridiculous and what I've heard about HW is ridiculous and it's only the tip of the ice berg. PedoWood is run by some scumbag elites that need to go to jail for their crimes.

carmencita ago

I see what you mean. This is all so confusing, as you say, that is the purpose. As you say in another comment, they feed us lies with a bit of truth. When the truth pans out, we forget about the lies. It is a Tangled Web they are weaving.

migratorypatterns ago

Exactly. They're even trying to control this little outpost of a forum. I mean, why? Does every single freakin' person have to believe their lies, and the answer is "YES". Because even one person speaking the truth is enough to get someone else thinking.

carmencita ago

And another person thinking, and another person, and another.........

Sackajahweeda ago

Yeah kinda like the butterflies wings flapping half a world a way thingy...or that 70's wella balsam commercial and so on and so on and so on...cant believe I can remember that product name ha!!

carmencita ago

There are always strange things lurking in the back of our minds. All of a sudden they pop up. I have sometimes remembered something that I had forgotten for years and it was pulled out by something completely unrelated. Oh, my word. I had forgotten that even happened. Very Odd. I am so disgusted with the evil Nazis for the MK Ultra and picking Butterflies (Project Monarch) for I have always loved the beauty of them. Especially Butterflies. I think they are killing them off on purpose. It infuriates me. They are also killing our bees to kill our food supply. Wake Up People. See how that just evolved. I had not thought of that before, and now it all makes perfect sense. Plant Tons of Milkweed and Butterfly Bushes.

Sackajahweeda ago

Yeah its like the way that the swastika is so reviled.. .it is a very important symbol comandeered by Hitler for its importance now using one invokes such a negative feeling its just sad. That MK symbol too such a beautiful insect taken over by a bunch of lizard people hahaa. Time to take these symbols back!!

carmencita ago

I never really cared all that much for pizza. Although I mad my own version with no cheese or grated cheese not shredded. When all this started I could not even eat pizza when visiting. I have now decided that I will no longer let them change my life due to their dirty changes. I will still love the Butterfly and will eat pizza once in a while and I will get that checkerboard floor someday in my kitchen. I have been afraid to even wear my heart necklace. Panda Bars decorate the bedroom of my friend's grandson since he went to DC and saw one there. She bought him a huge panda bear that sits on his bed and then he wanted wallpaper. So now someone in the family is tainted? Stupid and it must stop.

migratorypatterns ago


alphabravo ago

Why do the MSM post shill shit? It's all relative. She certainly is coming up with happenings before they happen, which makes many, including me, think she's legit. It's all information and people can decide for themselves.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, I think you're all right, but that's what shills do. They mix a little truth in with a lot of shit. Don't know why that works, but it does.

Think about it: this is what we've been after. It didn't just happen. Look at what PedoWood was doing before this by pounding away at the POTUS and giving speeches and talking in platitudes. This has been beneficial to us and it's not just that side that The Cannibal Elite are beng hit on. Their Paddock narrative is unraveling, the DOJ ordered the gag order lifted from the FBI informant for him to speak, the DOJ went to court to advocate for Assange and demonstrate that the leaking of the emails was within tegality established U.S. law, something about Seth Rich is about to drop, the JFK files have been released, Comey is shown to be a scumbag liar, ditto Mueller, and now that the uranium deal has resurfaced and the informant is talking, it means that Podesta and DWS both perjured themselves!!!! Come on, this is shit ...

The DOJ getting the case against Wikileaks thrown out is crucial to Assange being free to come to the U.S. and most likely is part of the bargain forged by the POTUS and Assange to release the evidence that will put Killary behind bars.

alphabravo ago

I'm in absolute, complete, 100% agreement with you. Every point you've covered above is what MA has been posting about daily, for the past 2 weeks.

She knew the Uranium One deal was about to blow up before it did, has been telling us that Trump's done a deal with Assange, that Meuller is actually working for Trump as part of a deal for immunity against investigation, that LV was nothing like we were being told it was and that the Podestas were under investigstion. ALL BEFORE these things happened.

Last week she said we had a window to redpill people on Pizza by connecting Pedowood, Uranium One and the shady Podestas with Pizza.

Because of all of these facts I believe she's on the right side, and IF what she's saying about Corey Feldman is not true, it'll have been a hell of a Larp and expenditure BY THE OTHER SIDE, just to say Corey is working FOR THE OTHER SIDE. It doesn't make sense.

migratorypatterns ago

She only said what everybody knew. I knew two or three weeks ago and posted about the KABOOM! We all knew Trump was working on a deal, but now it's in mainstream news. There was no magic in saying any of those things. Actually there was somebody magic that predicted the LA Shootings two weeks before they happened. Yup! He did.

Corey Feldman named names to the LAPD twenty years ago. He's not a distraction, liar, patsy, or anything else other than a kid who got raped and had his best friend die. To say anything else is ridiculous. In fact, Feldman's statements are what #pizzagaters used to validate the claims. The statements were made year ago, and we've been using them to help our cause and now someone is turning their back on somebody that helped?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

you are correct- no magic in stating those things... That being said- It'd be stupid to assume someone is a shill until they have shown to be a shill....And I don't know if she's been wrong before- but based on the fact that your response hasn't incorporated any instances in which she was wrong. It seems like you're calling someone a shill without a single reason.

I'm not even defending her. I'm just point out the flaw in your logic.

Disclaimer: I skimmed the shit out of this thread so sorry if you actually did provide examples.

carmencita ago

Well I have been feeling the Weinstein thing was somewhat of a sacrifice, for they love sacrifices. I started smelling a rat a few days ago. Cory, I have been sitting on the fence about. He is somewhat trapped in a way. Play along or die. These people don't fool around.

mooteensy ago

I agree 100% he is trapped. But I don't know why, and that's what makes me tick. Asking for donations? We the people have already spoken and we want NAMES. They will be judged. The majority is with us, I believe. I get that a doc may be better about exposing things, but with twitter and everything else I think he's purposely withholding the info.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I hate to come out against Corey, for I am totally convinced he has been horribly abused and has suffered enough. But I agree, enough is enough and the Abusers Must Be Named. The time is long past and others will suffer as he keeps the truth to himself. Name Names Corey, and Stop the Suffering.

Sackajahweeda ago

Agreed I hate to sound cliche but so long as he DOESNT NAME NAMES these douchebags keep on keeping on...he knows this its been an entire GENERATION OF SILENCE and that means thousands of new victims...Corey do you want these guys to die before naming them but sadly even that seems to not enable people to speak up. There have been many that have said they wouldnt and their abuser was ALREADY DEAD...srsly?!

SecondAmendment ago

I almost see your points about Feldman being a victim, @Carmencita, but I've crossed the line to bring mad as Hell that the little prick won't man up, release the names, or get the fuck out of the public eye.

Harsh? Yes, but I'm tired of picturing a little kidnapped infant, lying in a dirty crib, crying its eyes out and hungry while it waits for the next round of abuse. I'm sick of picturing 2 and 3 year olds with big, dark bags under their little eyes, posing for Instagram photos with their tiny arms taped to dirty tabletop. I'm disgusted to think of childless, unmarried, hypersexual "chicken lovers" cradling innocent children and posting creepy comments to others, online, who share in this depravity. In other words,, I'm just sick of this stuff not ending.

If Feldman can stop it now by naming names, he has a duty to do so. This David Seaman-esque money-grab that Feldman's doing tells me he either doesn't have any real info, or he, too, is an abuser. Because a true victim would move Heaven and earth to stop this shit and make his abusers pay.

In short, I agree with all who've called Feldman a honeypot, a shill, and a tool of the Bad Guys. . .

carmencita ago

People need to text him and let him know he needs to stop holding off for whatever reason. They need to let him know It is his duty to come out now.

carmencita ago

I hope you saw my comment about him coming out to End the Suffering. By that I want him to name the names because as he sits and waits for money to roll in for the doc, there are children being abused. Some claim he already named the names before, but I say if he did why have people not some out with them. Yes, it is time Corey Feldman. Past Time to spill the beans on the Perverts of Pedowood.

alphabravo ago

Aghhh, I just deleted my reply to you instead of adding a thank you. Here again...

I know, there had to have been a motive for bussing Weinstein, it didn't make logic sense otherwise. I was supportive of Corey, although after the 10m askance yesterday started to smell something fishy.

You're right, these people don't mess around. I believe he's trapped too.

Thanks for your thoughts.