Number synchronicity the up / downvoats are 66 6 and the pizza hut comercial alludes to 666 starring Trump ..

The1stLantern ago

A great victory - also the name Pizzagoats is terrible lol

Shillaxe ago In short, 100 bn is being sought from Bin Talal etal, the Saudis want to withdraw it from illegal banks, bankers in panic mode.

Vindicator ago

That is BEAUTIFUL! Maybe that's why the DDoS finally stopped. They've got bigger things to worry about than Voat.

zeroinstinct ago

You can't be this stupid. For a start a DDoS could be instigated by a single 400 pound guy in his mums basement.There is no all hands on deck situation which would stop (((them))) from hitting a website which is at best inconsequential, and in reality, a haven for the crackpots and losers who can't make it on Reddit.

The idea that anyone gives a shit about what you're doing here is hilarious. Examine it's evolution. Admittedly it was funny at first, this place had a direction and narrative, but now all it is, is a scatter shot of the Jewish NWO bullshit i've heard for at least a decade.

I can't work out if you're a fan of the discord which invented Q because you're delusional/propagandist or just can't admit you're wrong, but it'll fade away into nothing just like all the 4chan insiders did.

Merry Christmas, in advance of your next war on Christmas

opinionatedduck ago

What happened with Needlestack?

Vindicator ago

Well, she just stopped posting about a month ago, after some dickheads claimed to have doxxed her. If you click the links in peacekeepers original thread and dig down, you'll find it. Hopefully it was only because of family/holiday/personal obligations, but we had one good mod who interviewed a guy who claimed to have been raped as a teenager by James Alefantis driven off of here by the same type of shills using similar tactics, as well as a user who was doxxed and verbally threatened by Alefantis (both ended up filing police reports) so it could very well be that she was silenced through intimidation. Putt isn't kidding when he says voaters have pissed off powerful people.

opinionatedduck ago

I'm still in that limbo where it feels like what you guys are doing here are inconsequential but then those stuff happens. Everyone, do take care and never be intimidated. You're all doing good work here.

think- ago

I hope we piss off every single pedophile on this planet.

User890020 ago

Yeah well....


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I promise you that the majority of pedophiles A Praying this sub is run in the exact manner its been run since December last year. This sub is so far away from doing anything of Value.... I understand that Insulting. But it's true. And it's not the users fault. It's the mods.

There is no question at all at this point that Voat, as it stands, is a platform for Truth and therefore a danger to the lying elite.- @vindicator

lol fuck you vindicator.

153sdsd ago

What does "putt" mean???

Vindicator ago

PuttItOut is the owner/admin of Voat. Lives in Switzerland.

153sdsd ago

Thanks, hope he is not in on it xD

think- ago

The guy who owns Voat - 'PuttItOut' is the alt he uses. People say often only "Putt" when they are talking about him.

He made an announcement before Christmas about some changes regarding Voat in 2018 and people asked him about a DDOS attack that occured some time ago.

He said the people here on Voat would really 'piss some people off'.

This post refers to this statement.

153sdsd ago

Lots of thanks, happy new year!

think- ago

And the same to you! You're very welcome.

22trilionAsecond ago

does pizzagate have a simple infographic I can show people like work colleagues and old relatives. Something that would be easily understood. something that gives enough proof. something that can convince even the most blue pilled of cukcs. That the world is run by satanic child rapists. bonus points for turning tem against the UK royal family.

Narcissism ago

Just get them to do an image search on Tony Podestas "Art" collection that should fix it... :)

Vindicator ago

The threads reposted today by ChangingPerspectives from The Last American Vagabond site have some really good material in them. I believe one of them is about the UK.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I made this leaflet a while back ..

It views funny but meant to be printed on a4 front and back as a trifold leaflet. Lost the laptop I made it on so am unable to go back and edit but nvm .. it gives you the jist I hope ☺️

Onetime1 ago

A simple, direct approach could be downloading and printing copies of the pictures from Alefantis' instagram account. If you enlarge the picture of the little red haired girl taped to the table, hauntingly looking at the camera with deeply ringed eyes, make sure you point out that the 14 pieces of tape fastening the child's arms to the tabletop. Also how her torso is pressed tightly against the table. Then, you can refer your colleagues to the nationwide televised interview Alefantis did with Megyn Kelly. When Kelly asked about the girl in the picture, Alefantis dismissively explained that the girl's sister did it. Well ... If any of your colleagues are parents and they believe a youngster would stand still and allow herself to be extensively taped to a table, they would be nuts. This is a smoking gun lie that should enable the unravelling of these abominations.

dundundunnnnn ago

I have this pyramid structure thing that includes the royals, fbi, cia and all of that but Imgr or whatever won't let me upload it :/

Vindicator ago

Have you tried Drag and drop to their site, then copy and paste the url created there, here. If it's not the right file format. Maybe try screencapping, or taking a pic with your phone and upload that to the image host site.

think- ago

bonus points for turning tem against the UK royal family.


Joe_McCarthy ago

Right. I'm sure Jacob Rothschild threatened Putt via PM personally.

dundundunnnnn ago

You coming back to defend this or wut?

dooob ago

Who DDOSed us? Such an ignorant comment...

Vindicator ago went on for more than a month, 24/7, and involved real time problem solving on the part of the hackers (i.e. it wasn't just bots). They were saying in Putt's thread on the topic that it would require a very great deal of money to pay for that kind of an operation. It's why we still have various safety measures in place (can't upvoat too fast, built in lag occassionally, etc.).

carmencita ago

Wow. Just Wow.