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dooob ago

This year was a hard one for me and Voat, there has been a lot of drama behind the scenes (you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

Are you talking about the DDOS or is there more stuff that we dont know?

You are doing God's work, Putt. Thanks for giving us a platform where we can freely post without worrying about using the wrong words or offending someone.

PuttItOut ago

I can't say anything specific about the last DDOS (it's under investigation) but let my hints guide you.

dooob ago

Although i dont like hints or vague posting, i like it more then silence. Thanks for adresing it, i guessed we were being attacked by big players when you didnt say anything other then notifing us about the ddos.

How much stuff cant you tell us and how interesting they are on a scale from 0-10? I am a conspiracyfag, stuff like this tickle my brain in the good way.

PuttItOut ago

Best to say too little than too much publicly. 8-9 imo.

dooob ago

Damn, i envy you, thanks for not giving in. I wont question you more, i think i understand.

Do you think you will ever be free to talk about it? If you get the chance one day, dont forget to write a book and grab the quick cash. It is from the Jew's handbook on how to get rich quick.