DieselBustersYes ago

Inb4 Archive :D

Hackie ago


candyman2018 ago

You can now buy your weed, Cocaine, MDMA, Pills, XTC, and much more from the website DRUG HOUSE .

NoBS ago

Is your New Years resolution to not censor content with impunity? Thought not.

stuffloads ago

Marry Christmas to you too.

riamaria ago


juinbasti ago

when I will share some new information that will lead to the indictment of Hillary Clinton.

ihaspotato ago

Merry merry Christmas!

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

God fuck you! But, like nicely with vasoleine.

craig-evans ago

Belated wishes Goats!

PopcornTime051 ago

Minecraft // Roblox. Exploiting Discord!

We have hacked clients, scripts and much more. This is a NEW home for exploiters like me!

discord.gg/9jqWehd <-- Link!

amirza ago

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to every one from me and my team at https://bobobee.com :)

protothema ago

Merry Christmas to all. New here. Just registered!

Nostrildamus_Sneezed ago

Please offer my face some crypto, boys and girls Temmie/

Nostrildamus_Sneezed ago

I think words should be protected by the muscular people. Hail Voat!

Kwijibo ago

I have seen this before. First on Digg, then on Reddit now here. Time to find a new platform.

Martenzo ago

I'll bet on him taking the name GeorgeEBoy.

td1236 ago

Merry Christmas To All!

mindtrip ago

Merry Christmas Putt :)

securitynews ago

Merry Christmas...

manboobs ago

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to all

idunnome ago

@PutItOut - Merry Christmas, and thanks for the update.

If you need someone to hire (to fire), I'll be the scapegoat, so long as i can still post here. :D

Anchy ago

Love ya @PuttItOut

Broc_Lia ago

Merry Christmas Putt :)

Just on the democracy front, I hope you'll be doing this slowly and carefully. Democracy isn't an absolute good and can make things highly vulnerable to takeover.

anotherdream ago

Merry Christmas!!! And a Pedo-Free New Year!!!

mikeburk ago

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GoodGodKirk ago

I volunteer to be fired, but I get at least 1 hour of pay at $2k an hour with a 5 hour minimum.

ESOTERICshade ago

(you guys piss a lot of powerful people off),

I'm doing my part calling Hillary a piece of shit. Check my stats

MaxAncap ago

OH, NO NOT DEMOCRACY! the god that failed!

Anther ago

Merry Christmas to you!

OhBlindOne ago

Keep killing it, Putt. We're not going anywhere.

Antiseed117 ago

Thanks for the time and all the hard work @PuttItOut

Sallyselcen ago

Alright guys here's the good news for Salon and Spa industries whoa re looking to promote their businesses There are way too many options out there, which makes it tough for a salon owner to pick the tool or channel that’s right for their business. I personally tested couple of soft-wares for my clients and came to this conclusion that a software for your nail salon should do more than just provide you with an appointment scheduling system. A good software delves into all aspects of your business. I would rather tell you the software that has a lot of customers in the business of salon and beauty which includes nail salon market, and the software is TapToBook. TaptoBook is an all-in-one scheduling software that is simple, functional and powerful leaving no scope for compromises. Message your customers across text, email and social media with one click. Get the word out about your slow times and give customers an easy way buy. The messages have built-in one-click purchasing that ties your custom promotion only to your empty times. It guarantees everyone sees your message and ensures you never offer a promotion during peak hours. Facebook integration gives you a way to sell directly on Social Media. Moving beyond “likes” and actually generating revenue. Meet New Customers: With digital referrals, we make it easy for your customers to invite their friends to your promotion and help you grow your business. The Company offers a 14-day free trial and guarantees you see a SALES BOOST within 24 hours. See the Video and Link below. Good luck everyone. Salon Marketing - Taptobook Home - Taptobook

mineMineMINE ago

Fuck off shill bot!

jackofdiamonds ago

As a proud centrist, I piss a lot of you off... And then frequently follow it up with something popular. But whatever I write, I'm always given a fair shake to compete in the ideas market here, and my ideas are never pressured to be anything by anyone from on high. This site has earned a unique bookmark in my browser.

Randomupvoat ago

Thank you Putt for making this space unsafe and just what we needed. Best wishes to you and everyone you love.

zenpype ago

keep the good work reddit sucks

Jjdoggie84 ago

You can't hire me!!! I quit!!!

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

After one year I made my first to post and not only were they deleted I was banned from pizzagate. While I thought my material was relevant Millennial Vulcan did not. But instead of just removing it for his reasons, he banned me. When these new procedures come into place will people like us be reinstated?

1madmanamongmany ago

I would like this information as well.

Javik2186 ago

You guys have pissed a lot of powerful people off

Hey, at least something is working. Keep it up fellow Goats. Let’s make our New Years resolution to piss off many more powerful people this coming year.

Merry Christmas, @PuttItOut !!! and have a happy new year.

Holonomic ago

Merry Christmas ya bastids!

Be safe, and thanks for the work you do on the site. The things we know about, the things we do not. It is appreciated, and the site is enjoyable to use.

Crensch ago

Thanks bud, Merry Christmas to you, too!

hafen ago

Merry Christmas!

CalicoDan ago

Merry Christmas you bunch of lovely bastards

kazza64 ago

love you too bro

MinorLeakage ago

Merry Christmas Putt. May this new year bring you the happiness and fulfillment you deserve.

hecho ago

im surprised this shit hole is still running

Opieswife ago

Thanks @PuttItOut I hope you have a wonderful fearful Christmas. Thanks for all you do.

PotatoFarm ago

Merry Christmas to you too!

I hope this new year will bring many great things to you and your family.

Rabidfish88 ago

(you guys piss a lot of powerful people off),

Jews, just say jews

1madmanamongmany ago

You do want PuttItOut to live, don't you? Best things stay as they are.

revfelix ago

Merry Christmas, niggerfaggots!

janet58 ago

Merry Christmas and much love! I've known about a lot of this stuff for years but never had hope until this ragtag army came into being!!!

A6-EGO ago

I volunteer to be hired and summarily fired, providing I get a shitty badge.

guinness2 ago

Merry Christmas Putt.

I hope you have time to relax with your friends and family during the holiday season... because we need you rested for the fight ahead: the war of the globalist billionaire elite and the Muslim world against western civilization...

... A war in which only free speech will save us.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

You can't fire me, I don't even work here!

Adminstrater ago

I volunteer as tribute.

daphaze ago

Great work keeping this bastion of free speech online. While I don't always approve of the hate, it's important to understand where it's coming from and what the motives are behind it. So I learn a lot here and find material that would otherwise be too controversial anywhere else. That's valuable information when any other discussion usually gets shut down/deleted.

So keep speaking your mind, with all the prejudice, Reddit sucks, I hope Voat can be decentralized ("democratized") enough to keep it going. We can't resolve our disputes if we don't know where our ideologies are at. And give it to me raw, ain't nobody got time for your fucking bullshit virtue signalling embellished middle of the road roadkill!

Tor1 ago

Thanks for everything Putt.

Crensch ago

Most important of my response is here:


Please refer to the Last edit time for the most recent effective date of this notice.

I see no edit time, possibly due to the archive functionality.

This year was a hard one for me and Voat, there has been a lot of drama behind the scenes (you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

Simultaneously some of the best news ever, and the most sympathy-fishing thing I'll ever happily indulge. I cannot imagine, and will not ask, what disgusting degenerates you have to deal with because of us, but it is 100% appreciated.

I echo the others in saying you should write a book about your time here, no matter what happens. Your story is one worth telling, and one I believe I am safe in speaking for all goats when I say, it's worth reading.

But you guys are holding it down and still keeping Voat running. You are Voat and what really matters.

You're the reason we have a place to gather. If not for you, most of us would not have an outlet for our words.

In this season it’s important for us to give Thanks and I’m personally thankful for all the awesome Goats we have around here. Some truly incredible people are on Voat and you mean the world to me, so thank you for being the most random group of red-pilled people imaginable.

I do not know if I am in that number, but whether I'm one you're thankful for, or a thorn in your side, I am both thankful, and indebted to you for your efforts keeping Voat running and afloat.

I'd say if I had to narrow down what Voat provides to people, it'd be red-pills, so I'm really glad you're getting to enjoy the benefits of the website you have worked so hard to maintain.

You make me laugh, you educate me, and your generosity often touches my heart, so thank you. Really really (a good friend says this when she truly means something).

I think we've all learned a lot here, and almost invariably, our positions on subjects have changed a great deal during our stint.

Voat, we have some very incredible things about to take place in the new year concerning the democratization of Voat (I’m being vague on purpose). It is a big change and has taken a lot of time to architect and implement this modification but we will soon be changing how Voat runs. In short, this new feature set will shift the balance of power to the users of Voat, where it should have always been in the first place.

I like what I'm reading between the lines here. I look forward to learning about this project; admittedly mostly because I have yet to dream up a better functionality than already exists.

Thanks again, Putt, and Merry Christmas, you glorious goat!


BoraxTheFungarian ago

I'll give the firee the boot! Life is full of opportunities... For those who don't fuck up! Jesus never fucked up! Remember that, as we honor His birth!!! God is unbelieveable, but you must believe! Believe in that which can only be! Love y'all.

GoofyGrape ago

Voat is the greatest Christmas gift of all time, after the birth of Jesus. It's even better than Christmas 1986 when Dad bought a Nintendo gaming system for the whole family.

Many, many thanks, Putt!

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Voat is definitely up there!!! Thank you sooooooooo much! I will admit, I freak ouf when I started creating exceptions. THANK GOD!!!

InSideThePerson ago

Merry Christmas ya bastards!

Spaceballs-1 ago

Merry Christmas @puttitout. Thanks for keeping our playpen safe and free.

PsychoDesign ago

Merry Christmas you filthy animals!

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Great username... It all comes down to the delicate, fitness strokes. The 2" putt is equal to the 200yd drive. I missed a nasty little one today. Oh well, less time spent on the internet tubes.

UncleAWhole ago

Merry Fuck This, I mean Christmas.

boekanier ago

My first thought ..."s..., Voat banned me". But then I saw it was a 'system error'. Lucky for me. Keep up the good work Putt!

pr0nw4r ago

you guys piss a lot of powerful people off

you guys piss a lot of jews off

lol fixed, we warned you of these fucking meddling kikes bro, we warned you.

Karbuster ago

We love you @puttitout and more importantly, we love Voat

Thanks for all you do to further free speech and all you sacrifice for us, Merry Christmas Mutherfucker and have a Happy God Damn New Year

beenaroundabit ago

This site is like when I started listening to talk radio. "Oh my God...I'm not alone". BTW, fuck all y'all.

mikenba17 ago

The most important is to spend Christmas with your family that's all !!!

Firevine ago

(you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

My heart grew three sizes that day.

RimeTheBard ago

you guys piss a lot of powerful people off

Aaaaaaaaaaand there's the Christmas present I wanted.

Thanks @PuttItOut.

Ronin3000 ago

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Lord have mercy on us sinners. Amen

Potato_McGingerbeard ago

Merry Christmas, Putt. Thank you. I hope Santa brings you lots of presents :)

Have a good Christmas and new year everyone.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Happy Yule and merry Goat Ass!

formati ago

I really wish all Voats Merry Christmas..really this year is actually challengng and am sure many of us pulled it through...I pray 2018 will be a lot better...Nice beingg here...

11445515? ago

Merry Christmas, Putts!

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

And happy Yule to you both.

PuttItOut ago

Perfect timing! Merry Christmas to you right back.

ronis_yorgos ago

Merry Xmas to you all. Even to the beta cucks and beta orbiters on voat!

Waltherchick3118 ago

Merry Christmas to all !!!

Diper ago

Thank you for all your hard work Put - inspiring me to come out of hibernation just to thank you

Merry Christmas indeed !

BlockMe ago

And my comment history is back in sync. Much yays.

karally ago

it's always worth for it. lol

redpilldessert ago

The canary was 1.2 years ago, and I can't see the last edit time. Is it invalid now?

Ah canary edit time in side bar! Still valid!

Scirel ago

Really appreciate the forum! Came out at just the right time, when the biggies were starting to censor, and you have held true. Don't think this goes unnoticed, and realize that you are appreciated for you efforts. Yes, I get a bit upset with the mods sometimes, but then I try to remember that it's a tough and thankless job, and I want to thank all y'all for your efforts as well.

Eternal vigilance - the price of liberty.

Very Merry Christmas to all!

mooteensy ago

I'd just like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone in this community. I am not alone. You are not alone. We will continue to fight this together. God bless you all <3

vandilx ago

Thank you for Voat and for doing such a great job keeping it running.

eatmorealmonds ago

Thanks putt, Merry Christmas to you and all Voaters and please don't go to the darkside.

I_do_jiu_jitsu ago

Thanks for all you do, and for caring about free speech.

argosciv ago

Merry Christmas! Thanks for everything!

middle_path ago

Merry Christmas, man.

Ina_Pickle ago

Love you Putt. Sorry for making life hard on you. Merry Christmas!

PuttItOut ago

You are the reason I cry at night ;)

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Thanks for building this community and for all your hard work.
Merry Christmas, @PuttItOut!

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Merry Christmas PuttItOut:)

Thank you for your excellent work this year.

I wish to take the time to apologize about the technical glitch - I'm pretty sure I may have somehow triggered that earlier yesterday by invoking the ghost of Nixon - sorry about that.

big_fat_dangus ago

Wait what? Putt is a girl?

PuttItOut ago

Sexy as well.

Grumpy_Old_Man ago

Any idea when I will be able to continue donating to VOAT via credit card?

chags ago

Fire me! I'm Spartacus! I'm @Amalek! I'm @She! I'm migtao and manhood101. It's all lies, but since I'm not an employee, who cares? Merry Christmas, faggots!

Cantilever ago

Thank you for not selling out! You are truly a noble man. Some day you'll have to tell us all who offered to buy you out and how much they offered

You are a brace and noble man

Give us an address to donate by check. The payment processors can't block that

Merry Christmas!

Lag-wagon ago

You can fire me but I want a golden parachute.

11444581? ago

Merry Christmas to you too! Your awesome, thanks for all your efforts and this update, your so appreciated.

Looking forward to the future of Voat just getting stronger and more robust. I will help as best I can wherever you need me, just say.

Have a beautiful day tomorrow and a wonderful week!

Drunkenmoba ago

With the users in control of voat... does this mean the shipls have a chance of brigading up and "redditing" this place?

PuttItOut ago

Planning for the exact opposite

Grifter42 ago

You're so full of fucking shit, you know.

You got an explanation for this? https://archive.is/bb5ky

Drunkenmoba ago

Thank you and Merry Christmas brother goat.

5hmgKuCRU ago

Merry Christmas Putt!

2dlapse ago

Love ya putt

obama_sin_laden ago

im an atheist but i'll take a merry xmas over an allah akbar any day .take an up voat and same to all you goats oy vey!!!

DoomMantia ago

Merry fucking Christmas to everyone.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago


RoBatten ago

Thank you for everything you do. We are all thankful that we have this web site. Merry Christmas Putt . . .

arischekind ago

Merry Christmas goats! :') lets hunt down some jews!! Hell yeahh!!

4_InquiringMinds ago

Q update...

What is December 25th?

Who is coming to town?

Who was a pregnant virgin?

What mammal can fly?

What is a chimney for?

What jingles?

Who is keeping a list?

What children's eye were all aglow?

What do white dreams mean?

What plant is associated with getting to first base?

What is another use for stockings?

varialus ago

I thought maybe I had been fired while we were having technical difficulties until I realized nobody had posted anything new for hours.

Gothamgirl ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! You guys are all amazing! ❤

dewhodewho ago


freshmeat ago

you have no room to talk brotha

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

None of us niggerfaggots have any room to talk, yet we still find the way to call each other out on our faggotry, my faggot brotha.

Faggot faggot faggot, faggot faggot faggot.

Drenki ago

merry Christmas and season's greatings!

lexsird ago

Good job keep voat running in this political clime. Say hi to all the alphabeta agency guys honeypotting this and wish them a merry christmas as well.

Merry Christmas Putt

chmod ago

Merry Christmas Putt, thanks to you and Atko for letting me camp out for two and a half years! I had a rough year last year but things are looking up so donations are coming from the Chmod family soon.

May you and your family have a peaceful and happy Christmas.

Aged ago

I'll keep corrupting the innocent, be sure of that.

crashing_this_thread ago

Don't be mean to him, he's not all there.

Nonchalant ago

Putt, you should be proud knowing that your effort and voat are both playing and important role in maintaining the integrity of our western values. Values beginning in freedom of speech but going far beyond that. I can say that this community is among a very small collection of communities that I actually respect and think is doing the right thing. Good work son. Keep it up. Your forefathers smile upon you.

totes_magotes ago

Merry Christmas, 🐐 🐐🐐🐐

Obeastiality ago

Thank you so much for taking care of this site. I'd be in the dark about a lot of things if it weren't for Voat. Merry Christmas

GeneralFucktardeder ago

I love it when I get blackout drunk while Voat is down and when I wake up it's back online! MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS! EAT HAM, FUCK ISLAM!

Vindicator ago

Love your fortitude, Putt. May this be the best year ever for you and the whole 🐐 flock!

On behalf of all of v/pizzagate -- we're so glad to have a free speech haven!

knightwarrior41 ago

Merry Xmas back to you .Btw, was it an issue with cloudfare or what? Because i was banned for most of the night and day today

Goathole ago

Merry Christmas to you too Putt.

Cheesebooger ago

"you guys piss a lot of (((powerful people))) off,"

They've pissed a lot of the wrong people off

CrewExpendable ago

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I volunteer to be fired

VandalayIndustries ago

Merry Christmas to you and all the staff of this GREAT site!!

Troll ago

All I want for Christmas is a Ho, Ho and another Ho...

antiliberalsociety ago

Merry Christmas Goyum!

uvulectomy ago

It's just good ol' @JohnCStevenson, back from the digital grave.

Fambida ago

Personally I'm glad he's back. I always get a laugh at his delusions and propaganda.

vahelper ago

I will be the Debbie Downer - how will you keep bots from immigrating to overrun this new democracy?

PuttItOut ago

We will create bots to fight the bots. /s

We have an idea or two. More info later.

MadWorld ago

Thank you our God Emperor!!! We are all very grateful of all your hard works!!! :-) Merry Christmas!!!

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Merry Christmass Voat ❤

doginventer ago

Already best Xmas present. Thanks yet again Putt & crew :)


God bless and a Happy Christmas @Puttitout and All at Voat XXX

TheKobold ago

there has been a lot of drama behind the scenes (you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

Please tell us more!

MyNameIsMud ago

Yea, little did they know Voat is our families!

Cheesebooger ago

Merry Christmas everyone.

GoBackToReddit ago

..I came for the down time explanation but now I'm very much more interested in who these "powerful people" are that Voat has pissed off. What is this "behind the scenes" drama that you speak of? While I can take easy guesses at "the left" (based on damn near every news report listing Voat as "alt-reddit" for the "alt-right notsees") I'd very much like a clearer picture if you can draw it.

fluxusp ago

You're back, after only 'a few' hours of downtime! Merry Christmas!

SackTap17 ago

Merry Christmas, Putt! It's good to see things are still moving along.

Marsog ago

Thanks putt!

go1dfish ago

Is the server running out of space why the site got stuck last night?

Merry Christmas Putt, looking forward to see what kind of changes are in store.

heygeorge ago

Lol, if he's saying our DB is over 500GB... Makes a lot of sense. He must've had to upgrade, lol!

go1dfish ago

Yeah I suspected it was a space issue last night, and since he dropped a nice round number for the DB size it would make a lot of sense if this is what happened

heygeorge ago

I think you're on point. Below is what I visualize when you say space problem:

Mad_Dog91 ago

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all you fuckers!! Thanks for bringing the site back up today!

BurnItAll ago

Merry XMAS!

derram ago

First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you (we're here), then you win.

heygeorge ago

Thank you, Putts! Merry Xmas.

PuttItOut ago

The only unit test on the ported code base that still fails is your >>>.. > markdown bug. You haunt me to this day!

heygeorge ago

Haha! 2x Merry Xmas, Putts!

You haunt me as well (since the port) as the bug that really gets me is smail replies going to/from my eponymous subverse instead of the subverse they're intended for.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good job

blipblipbeep ago

Back at ya Putt mate. Never stop being you big fella.

Merry Christmas from Australia to everybody :)


tanukihat ago


SweetChicken ago

Merry Christmas Goats!!!!

digitalentity1497 ago

Merry xmass to all you Voaters out there. Good, bad, ugly, jew, niggers, shills, the whole lot of you faggots.

sillymanilly ago

I don't post or generate original content but I like to read and comment and occasionally I piss someone off. But overall I have a lot more fun here than I ever did on Reddit. Thanks for the site and Merry Christmas!

psioniq ago

Consider myself fired!

Merry christmas @PuttItOut

PuttItOut ago

And the same to you

Solstiare ago

When you have time, dish out the drama from behind the scenes, assuming you are not under a NDA over it.

Crensch ago

I echo this. Release some, save some for a rainy day (or life insurance).

DeputySprinkles ago

If you tell me that Voat is going Crypto later, I'm probably going to shit myself and play in it.

middle_path ago

Putt, most of us here really believe in you. What you and Atko have done is amazing. I wonder why I keep coming back here some days, then I realize. Voat is a family. We bicker, we pick favorites, and we shit things up with our drama. But we do all love each other at the end of the day.

Merry Christmas, very excited for next year.

PM_me_your_Github ago

Running a website all by yourself is incredibly demanding and stressful. Even though I'm a new user, got to thank Putt for giving us more market choice. We need to oppose giant social monopolies which concentrate too much power.

Crensch ago

My sentiments echo @kevdude. Merry Christmas, and fuck you, faggot.

middle_path ago

Merry Christmas, brother.

ExpertShitposter ago

(you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

Do tell us more about that!

But don't worry, trump has your back, he just tweeted about you: https://i.imgjar.co/jar/5zuF3prWUE23w5YOvLW_Rg.png

SeanBox ago

Top kek

DerHansWestmar ago


Skyrock ago

The @realdonaldtrump would have used the correct term, Adolf Puttler.

freshmeat ago

Your faggotry knows no bounds.

ExpertShitposter ago

Don't be mad on Christmas! Also, lets ping MegaKike so he too can "not be mad"!


Ina_Pickle ago

@sarMegahhikkitha merry christmas

ExpertShitposter ago

Not that he actually celebrates that because, well, you know, ((())).

Fuckyounigger ago

He has a vagina? A wrinkly one too.

freshmeat ago

I'm smiling, I just think you are ugly. Mediocre shitpost i rate tht

ExpertShitposter ago

So mad!

freshmeat ago

i would be if I looked like you, thunder thighs.

ExpertShitposter ago

@lordbeatlejuicethe1 looks like another case of......they hate us cuz they ain't us!!

freshmeat ago

you guys overdosing on xanax tonight?

Grifter42 ago

Probably so, Tex.

But I bet they have their pajeets to deal with us "dissisdents" when we're celebrating Christmas.

That, and they're jews who don't give a fuck about Christmas.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nah, my drunk day was Saturday. Now i'm alcohol free til next Saturday. You're just gonna have to be wasted by yourself for the next 6 days sorry. Maybe iron fist can help you no?

Grifter42 ago

Every day is meth day for Beatle. You strike me more as a Podesta case than a drug addict though.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

nigger i quit drugs october 17th n will not go back

freshmeat ago

you're just gonna have to be wasted by yourself for the next 6 days

fuck i wish

KekistanEmperor ago

Absolutely top tier shitposting right there. You sir win the SPD (Shitposts of the decade) award.

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha thanks.

KekistanEmperor ago

Swear to God I didn't even notice your name until after you replied to my post. Blind studies confirm you really are an ExpertShitposter.

BentAxel ago

you guys piss a lot of powerful people off

Wow. That's the best Christmas Gift, Ever.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

I only wish we could learn who we were pissing off... and what we could do to piss them off more.

think- ago

I only wish we could l learn who we were pissing off...

Yes, please tell us more, @PuttItOut ! ;-)

Merry Christmas to y'all. Glad I joined Voat.

WithoutaDoubt ago

Merry Christmas! So happy I found voat where I can finally speak my mind.

Reverse-Flash ago

Merry Christmas

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

first we have to hire someone in order to fire them



Eh, I'll volunteer to get fired. Here goes

It was all my fault guys I pulled out the Ethernet cable from the main db server my bad.

Fire away.

Tallest_Skil ago

Ah, but it was my fault for using a mere Ethernet cable in the first place, so I should also be fired.

heygeorge ago

Sorry, Voat, for letting you all down (for a few hours). I will have to be fired as well.

@Tallest_Skil & @PM_ME_YOUR_BOOBS2, I should have never hired you meatheads in the first place.

goatboy ago

I didn't know what to do while voat was down and I could obsessively check it every 15 minutes. Please never do that again. I've become worse than a crack whore. I'm a voat whore. I even went back to Reddit to find information.

Crensch ago


Do it, faggot.

BlockMe ago

I went back to slashdot.

Posted retarded comments anonymous cowardly. Logged in and posted wise comments with a hint of snark and humor. Karma: Positive.

Aannnnd voat is back up, and I can be an asshole again.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Lol. I went to a few slurces to try to get information and an internet search gave me a reddit link. It was old from a previous down time, but it made me search reddit for mentions of voat. Some of those threads were hilarious. They have very definite thoughts about Voat but it is clear most of them have no idea what they are talking about.

Don't get me wrong. They wouldn't like the reality anymore than their mistaken fantasy-Voat, but it is still funny.

Fuck I do not miss that place at all.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

A good portion of their beliefs about Voat were created because of the "mental meat-grinder" that was the failed v/ThePedes "migration"/invasion (and then later spread by a mix of cucks and betas who got triggered by our memes, and by shills and trolls who want to keep the normie populations of Reddit on a site with censored speech).

I am proud that I was able to help make that whole thing work out so well, using my Reddit alt account to push for everyone on r/The_Donald to leave, while using my original Voat account to help forcibly give the new users some high-strength red-pills.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

I even went back to Reddit to find information.

You cheating WHORE!

goatboy ago

I feel so dirty.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

You are dirty. Go wash your eyes.

NottaTrollNopeNope ago

I don't even know what to say! I feel so used...

GenghisSean ago

Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the time and effort you and everyone who helps out have given to keep voat alive! :)

Owlchemy ago

Merry Christmas to all! And once more, kudos and much thanks, Putt!

I do like Voat the way it is though for the most part ... so am wondering ... I guess I'll have to have a wait and see attitude to the otherwise 'vague' notion of change.

crazy_eyes ago

Merry Christmas to all of VOAT!

I will willingly accept the position of sacrificial lamb / blame taker.

Hall_of_Cost ago

Thanks Putt, Merry Christmas!

Hall_of_Cost ago

Did these powerful people contact you? Who is it?

obvious-throwaway- ago

PutiiitOut is in jail.

Voat is now controlled by the FBI Jews.

We'll all be in prison by New Years for having wrongthink.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we'll keep shitposting even in prison and we'll win

scarygoat ago

Wrong timeline. You're thinking of the timeline where instead of JFK being assassinated he went with his first plan(going to a bukkake) instead.

lemon11 ago

Terlet sangria all 'round!

red_red_wine ago


NottaTrollNopeNope ago

Thanks for all the hard work you put into this place PuttIt!

I'll volunteer to be fired. It probably was my fault... I said mean words.

Either way. Merry Christmas! And thanks again. It truely means a lot. Really really.

novictim ago

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your herd, @PuttItOut and to you times doubleplus, @Atko!

It's the Cultural Marxists. It's always the Cultural Marxists.

Gas the Cultural Marxists!!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


XF-Hyperion ago

you guys piss a lot of powerful people off

What did he mean by this?

Secretly_psycho ago

It's the deepest of compliments. Also the incident

DopeandDiamonds ago

Can you refresh my memory on the incident please?

Secretly_psycho ago

Remember the DDOS attack?

DopeandDiamonds ago

That is what I assumed. I was just confused if there was something more.

Thanks and Merry Christmas

Its_Just_A_Ride ago


seeking_virtue ago

Shoot thanks putt happy new year you old goat. Blessing and merry Christmas!

NassTee ago

You can hire and fire me. I wouldn't mind collecting the unemployment.

germanshepherd ago

2018 - year of the niggerfaggot

let's go goats

kammmmak ago

Free speech lives..again! Merry Christmas to you all!!

lbruiser ago

You can hire me to fire me puttitout. ^_^

Hoonsuit ago

Merry Christmas good sir. All the best to you and your family.

Thank you very much for all your time and hard work!


heretolearn ago

thanks for all your help. we're all grateful. merry christmas to you and all of voat.


I'll take one for the team. Merry Christmas, fuckers!

PaulBSmith ago

Fuck you, fuck Putt, and fuck the rest of the Voaters. Putt willingly hosts a website that contains racist, sexist, and transphobic garbage, and you act like this is normal? You act like this is a healthy community where people can speak their minds? Don't make me laugh. In my time here, I have been called a nigger, a kike, a tranny, and so much more, simply because I'm trying to speak the truth about Donald Trump. Claiming that there's no censorship on Voat is a fucking joke; I was limited to 10 posts from the moment I joined this website, and I cannot post any threads in order to share my opinion. Voat is a prime example of why Trump's ideology is so dangerous. People like you try to marginalize your opposition by calling them "fake news" or "SJWs" to justify censorship, and before you know it, you turn into a full-fledged fascist movement, just like the Nazis.

2017 has been another terrible year. In just one year since Donald Trump became president, neo-Nazis openly roam the streets, our Internet and our tax code have been destroyed for decades, and the world views our once-great country as a complete joke. The tides are turning - Donald Trump only has a 32% approval rating, and Newsweek states that he is the least popular president ever - but Trump's idiocy has set this country back decades. It truly shows how fragile the white man is when eight years as a black president causes him to destroy everything. Fuck white men, they truly are the scourge of this country.

I was taught to wish goodwill on everyone, but I'll make an exception for Voat. Fuck you, PuttItOut. I hope your house burns down for the holidays and you become homeless, you racist fuck.

CrudOMatic ago

I have been called a nigger

Then stop acting like a nigger. It's that easy.

I'm trying to speak the truth about Donald Trump.

Read: lie your ass off as you're paid to do by ShareBlue - then post ShareBlue links when called out about it.

I was taught to wish goodwill on everyone, but I'll make an exception for Voat. Fuck you, PuttItOut. I hope your house burns down for the holidays and you become homeless, you racist fuck.

Nigger. Shouldn't anti-White, anti-Western, anti-American pieces of feces like you be against wishing holiday good-will on anyone? I mean it's not a communist, anti-White and transgendered thing to do after all.

emtpayislow ago

You are anti-american. I despise you all equally.

Firevine ago

I have been called a nigger, a kike, a tranny, and so much more

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it sure as fuck isn't a moose.

Ina_Pickle ago

Why are you acting like being called a tranny faggot is a bad thing? Are you some kind of transphobic Homophobe? That's a thing right?

Go on and tell us all about Trump. I might even consider your point of view if you stop acting like you are Faking your opinions for downvotes.

Tallest_Skil ago

You should kill yourself. Then you wouldn’t have to live in a world where we’re winning.

Vindicator ago

Here's some soothing vaseline🎁 for your butthurt. Maybe it will help. Have a Merry Christmas! 🎄

uvulectomy ago

"In my time here, I have been called a nigger, a kike, a tranny, and so much more..."

Aww, does you has a sad? Cheer up, buttercup! Maybe if you didn't act like a kike-sucking niggerfaggot tranny, you wouldn't be described as such?

But you know what? I'm in a kind mood today, so I'll just say Merry Christmas, and may you have a wonderful day full of Making America Great Again! :)

PaulPSmith ago


go1dfish ago

I have been called a nigger, a kike, a tranny, and so much more

It’s voat, we use slurs as terms of endearment in celebration of the freedom we have here that was lost elsewhere on the net..

I expect the changes Putt is hinting at are aimed at improving the experience of people like you who speak in opposition to voat’s circlejerk.

Merry Christmas niggerfaggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Putt willingly hosts a website that contains racist, sexist, and transphobic garbage, and you act like this is normal?

politics is downstream from culture baby, in a few years this will all be normal. We're winning.

derram ago

No, fuck you you piece of shit.

See, because of nonsense like yours, if I want to be able to freely speak and actually know of what's going on in the world, I now have to surround myself with people who want me dead purely due to the actions of others. While these same people spend all damn day lamenting the fact that they are being held accountable for things they had nothing to do with.

My only hope is that when shit hits the fan and these dipshits are out looking for brown people to toss into trees, I will be able to vent my frustrations on at least one of your thought leaders.

blipblipbeep ago

Hear hear.

All the best mate.


Ina_Pickle ago

I adore you, derram. :)

go1dfish ago

Comments like this are what give me hope for this place.

I have no desire to silence the racists and fascists here, but it’s rather depressing when it seems like they are the only folks who give a damn about censorship and freedom of expression.

Ina_Pickle ago

They are loud, but they are not the only opinion here.

BentAxel ago

Tell us what you really feel, you lazy sack of shit. I see you have Zero'd out your other usernames? Can't just stick to one, can you? For whatever the reason the game is never level for you. You must always stack the cards in your favor because at the root of it, you're a cheat, bastard and a lying sack of shit that has have it their way.

If you only spent 10% of that effort at bettering yourself, you would have the world at your finger. Like Hillary, the world inherently hates you because you naturally come off as a selfish prick. You were that fat jew kid in elementary school that got the shit kicked out of, but not because of bullies, but because your mouth never shut the fuck up.

People on the subway don't approach you because, you smell like ass, and your face is crooked. Children point and laugh at you, call you a witch, warlock and threaten their siblings that if they aren't good, they will turn out exactly like yourself. No one will wish you happy holiday or Merry Christmas simply because your whole body is a resting bitch face.

One day, a truck will lose control and wipe you across the pavement like a shit stain in your pants. And no one will come to your funeral nor remember you.

Take this as note from The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Change your ways or this is your future. You can make an difference in the world or you can be the ass smelling shit stain, the choice is yours.

DrunkViking ago

Hehe, you make me laugh, because you dont like freedom of speech, and you are pissed off because you cant make somebody shut up. Stupid niggerloving fascicst is what you are. Even if Trump had a 1% "approval rating" he would still be the president. It is the votes that you get in an election that counts, you shithead.

"98% chance that Hillary will win" Muhahaha. Your leftist propaganda wont work, as long as we have internet and Voat.

2017 has been a wonderful year for freedom, and Trump keeps on winning.

Happy Yuletide to everyone on Voat, even you, asshole..

altident ago


edistojim ago

I have been called a nigger, a kike, a tranny, and so much more

So as a Christmas gift please tell us which one.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

and before you know it, you turn into a full-fledged fascist movement, just like the Nazis.

And that's supposed to be a bad thing?! Fascism is back baby! I'm not tired of winning!

2017 has been another terrible year. In just one year since Donald Trump became president, neo-Nazis openly roam the streets, our Internet and our tax code have been destroyed for decades, and the world views our once-great country as a complete joke.

Control the memes, control the planet, Fascism is back and the Left can't stand it.

derram ago

And that's why you're just as much a danger to this country as they are.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

It's not a 'dangerous' idea. America pre-1965 was arguably fascistic in the sense that it hand a homogeneous nation that produced an organic state and a society with strong community ties. The Republic, that is the institutions of the Republic that ensure our freedoms, can only be preserved via homogeneity and social cohesion.

derram ago

Yeah, everything is racist if you redefine racism.

CrudOMatic ago

Fascist, not per se, but it was definitely white nationalist - to the point where Democrats had to change our immigration policy in 1965 in order to bring in fuck tons of third-worlders, and start up with the sanctuary city shit in the early 70's in order to hold onto power after forcing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 down our throats.

Imagine that - you tell a white nationalist nation that you're forcing them by law to do business with those they don't wish to, and viola - you lose their vote. Who could have seen that coming?

derram ago

I still find it funny how you guys don't see how you're the inverse of SJWs.

Much like them, you pretend the South was the entirety of the US back then.

Donarudu_Toranpu ago


goatboy ago

Owe you're so cute.

DeputySprinkles ago

We should take a family picture with him or something.

It's like a cry out for attention. Maybe we should call someone cause he may be off his meds?

PuttItOut ago

Your comment won't be deleted here.

Salicaz ago

Lol fucken rekt.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

absolutely savage

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Merry Christmas and God bless, Putt.

Neverthesameuser ago

Despite the bs, voat is on the forefront of truthspeech. Beyond consensus, we disseminate. Merry Christmas. Fuck electronic power steering.

PaulBSmith ago

Disseminate? Don't make me laugh. You censor anyone who disagrees with you, because you're a fucking pussy who can't hear anything bad about Trump. If you value free speech, you won't downvote the truth, such as how Trump implied that immigrants have AIDS.


PaulPSmith ago

Nobody is censoring me eating poop. It's what I do.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and yet this comment hasn't been deleted or censored in anyway.

Neverthesameuser ago

Let's look over your post ya just made here....

Nope I don't censor. Nor do genuine goats do this as matter of course. Alt left does all the time.

80% of the "refugees" that entered Europe entered from north Africa. They where mostly fighting age males which is also odd because in refugee situations it'd be better to send them last, women and children first.. But about hivaids. Many of these immigrants do have HIV. They where even kept in secured areas with no women where homosexual acts would be heightened. Men spread HIV easier due to anatomy. Oh BTW, research special cancer virus program on plum island and see how Dr Robert gallow headed it. He was also the first to proclaim discovery of HIV,,, a retrovirus like hhv or common cold or Leukemia causing tcell infector or for cats FIV(which also has the she late inception).

HIV was built to be a weapon. Africa is ridden with it and undocumented. Hep b vaccine Manhattan inoculated 1000s of gay males.

Yea Africa has HIV yes most euro "refugees" came from Africa.

I no click your link.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

these idiots just conflate downvoats with censorship, they don't understand the difference between having the right to have their views heard and people's ability to dismiss or dislike their views

altident ago

Haiti has one of the worst AIDS epidemics on the planet. Downvoting ignorant shit isn't censorship. People can still read your moronic bullshit even after it's been downvoted.

heygeorge ago

And the #1 reason people get downvoted on Voat... SURVEY SAYS...

unlikeable fuck who's needlessly hostile in an attempt to push a bullshit agenda


freshmeat ago

why did this comment ping me

TheBuddha ago

Thanks Putt!

My comment history cache bug even appears fixed. I'll force my kids to name my first grandson after you.

psioniq ago

In case of a granddaughter; PuttItIn?

You filthy goat you.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Just a little night putting, with the dean's daughter.

VoutGuy ago

Merry Xmas Putt!

Who are the salties we activate?

1madmanamongmany ago


I think that's what the man is getting at.

Chiefpacman ago

I figured it was a plot to make us spend time with our families

PaulBSmith ago

Your families don't want to spend time with you, because Trump supporters are repulsive. I have a Trump supporter as my uncle, and I make sure to treat him like a real piece of shit around the holidays. My family supports my endeavors, as bigots have no place in today's society. If I can make a Trump supporter feel like garbage, then I know I'm doing my job.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Your families don't want to spend time with you

There's some blatant projection. Go ahead and say some more things about "other people".

neurotica ago

Thanks for letting everyone know how easily you are controlled by the media. They told you to hate Trump, and you obeyed. Otherwise, why would you even care? You don't know the guy at all yet you know enough to hate him? I love that you people run your mouths and show the world just how stupid and shallow you are.

Browngaijin ago

Trying too hard mang. You gotta relax when you let it go. Try some prunes if you're really backed up.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

I have a Trump supporter as my uncle, and I make sure to treat him like a real piece of shit around the holidays. My family supports my endeavors, as bigots have no place in today's society.

Yet here you are.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

That is a very obvious fiction right there: in reality, your family thinks you are a beta faggot, and supports your uncle fully as soon as you aren't paying attention, just so that they don't have to deal with your whiny tantrums as soon as you realize that the world doesn't revolve around you.

Ywis ago

You sound like the guy nobody likes.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Is someone still upset about the election? Cheer up buttercup, we're Making America Great Again and we don't even need your help.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

He's just unhappy David is making him work through the holiday's.

Kleyno ago

I never do anything, so feel free to fire me with a nice big you're fired badge.

Le_Squish ago

Merry Christmas.

We appreciate all you do! I assure you that next year will we find new and glorious ways to piss off the oligarchy.

Let us know when you can get the store back up.

GassyMcGasface ago

It's the Jews. It's always the Jews.

Gas the Jews

KekistanEmperor ago

Race war now!


PsyOp ago

'cept this time actually do it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the first and last holocaust is coming

Crensch ago

Preach brother!

GassyMcGasface ago

Exactly, I need my 6 gorillion plus interest.

Tallest_Skil ago

Fun fact: 6 million, plus interest at the current standard rate, compounded continuously for 72 years, comes out to... the current global jewish population.

It’s like poetry.

MaxAncap ago

*When you conveniently decide the interest in hindsight for your numbers to match

GassyMcGasface ago

Skyrock ago

(you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

Wait until tomorrow, when I will share some new information that will lead to the indictment of Hillary Clinton.

frooben ago

in b4 suicide

InSideThePerson ago

Did he ever post the New information?

Skyrock ago

Totally the original account holder here. Not only does he actually not have any information that could lead to the indictment of Hillary Clinton (as Hillary Clinton is a perfectly upstanding model citizen), but he has come to the conclusion that Hillary Clinton had the rightful victory by popular vote stolen from her and that Donald Trump should be immediately impeached.

Here is an article explaining how more Americans would now rather impeach Trump than re-elect him: https://shareblue.com/trump-breaks-new-record-more-americans-would-rather-see-him-impeached-than-re-elected/

altident ago


Gothamgirl ago

I hope your in an underground bunker somewhere, you're a very brave soul.

RimeTheBard ago

This was all so worth it.

Thanks for being the facilitator of our destruction of this corrupt jewish world. It will all be worth it.

Drunkenmoba ago

Nice knowing ya mate. You nigger faggot kike.

MkC ago

Don't accept your free gym membership offer....

Mr_Wolf ago


crashing_this_thread ago

I'd figure out some way to get a deadman's switch if I where you. You probably know the danger, but these people are becoming desperate and more reckless.

And it takes more than mere evidence of treason to get Hillary indicted. Though the bigger the pile of evidence against her the better. I hope she has a slow and embarassing trial and her time on death row will be agonizingly long.

Tzitzimitl ago

forced meme is forced

Tallest_Skil ago

Or just grow some balls and share it today.

powerpete ago


ThatGuyFromThatPlace ago

Press F to pay respects.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

she'll be sad to hear about your suicide

migratorypatterns ago

So sad, she's already rehearsing the speech she's just finished writing.

Secretly_psycho ago

Awwwwww bye friend......

novictim ago

I hate waiting!

kammmmak ago

Oh yes, waiting we have done.

dooob ago


neurotica ago

Well tomorrow is christmas, so...

uvulectomy ago

RIP @Skyrock

Joe10jo ago

Bwaa! I swear, the comment section is always the best read! Always “autists” this and “faggotry” that. Cracks me up!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

two bullets to the back of the head, a suicide. Open and shut case

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

"Not only was it suicide we're charging him with murder."

Ina_Pickle ago

Self-murder is a serious crime. Multiple posthumous felonies.

PaulBSmith ago

Meanwhile, you people support Donald Trump, who is in cahoots with Vladmir Putin, who is known to murder people who oppose him. While you claim about being censored by liberals simply because you are kicked off platforms like Twitter, you support people like Putin, who wishes to murder his opposition. Donald Trump is following in his footsteps. Check out this chilling report of this anti-CNN message he tweeted today.


eucalyptus_spearmint ago


Shillaxe ago

Todays Vlad is not the same one as 5 yrs ago


small minds discuss people

Ywis ago

I work for the Kremlin. Can confirm Donald is employee number 2637

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

vladimir putin the leader of gamergate?

PaulBSmith ago

While you're making jokes, Donald Trump draws ever closer to impeachment. You would have to be an idiot to believe that he's not going to be arrested soon. Even Mitch McConnell admits that his own party is doomed. Please read the following link for more details.


ThatsSoJewish ago

As a rebuttal to your propaganda, please read this link.

Antiseed117 ago

Damn dude, you preach nothing but anti Trump. Hope you're charging rent for him to just live inside your mind like that taking you away from other more rewarding things in life.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for illegal activity. You are required by US federal law to state you are paid to post your content.

Antonius ago

Rumor has it that PaulBSmith is headed for suicide himself!

M80TheMan ago

Awe merry Christmas to you too, Paul. You stinky butthole you.

Wildebeest ago

You're adorable

Eualos ago

Need unlawful activity to have occurred.

nigger_plz ago

Dude just ring your bell for the Salvation Army like you're supposed to. And watch out for those niggers that are out to rob you. Saw in the news some nigger beat the fuck out of some bell ringer. So if you see a black watch them like a hawk.

Ina_Pickle ago

Merry Christmas, Steve!

Malayar ago

You're fun. I like you.

User890020 ago


Ywis ago

Proof is a ShariaBlew link lol

crashing_this_thread ago

Sure thing little man. Any day now. Keep your spirits up.

PaulPSmith ago

Merry Poopmas! In my mouth!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Merry Christmas, John/Paul. I hope you have a nice day with your loved ones tomorrow.

PaulPSmith ago

Poop is great for eating. I like to eat it daily. Shareblue makes best poop.

TheDante ago

Go home to your family John, it's Christmas, you can stop shilling for at least a day.

Slayfire122 ago

He has no family. He was adopted by trannies who killed themselves last year.

Tipman79 ago

who killed themselves last year

Must have been set to testify against Hillary.

Flaaffy ago

This whole thread is fucking gold.😂

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Because it's Christmass i'm gonna upvoat you @JohnCStevenson, it is not to late yo repent ❤🕆

KekistanEmperor ago

ur schtick sucks, give it up. its not funny, its not funny, its not funny. there are more clever ways of having fun on voat you dufus.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Donald Trump draws ever closer to impeachment.

you retards have been saying this all year, it's not going to happen and even if it did you don't have the support necessary to remove him from office

The_Prophets_Profit ago

A literal shareblue link.

Merry Christmas everybody.

chmod ago

That just made my year.

1moar ago

It's just that JohnCStevenson shill. Same name format, doesn't respond to direct replies because he's a giant walking vagina-cat. Probably being passed around the cell block right now like a party favor.

crashing_this_thread ago

I don't understand what these people tink they are achieving. They are just desperately throwing money at projects they think might have a modicum of influence.

At least he is draining the pockets of the elite doing useless shit.

lbruiser ago

Shame he was super suicidal, even though nobody close to him knew.

Tallest_Skil ago

“He was quiet, mostly kept to himself,” etc. Oh, wait, that’s “serial killers.”

Browngaijin ago

It's amazing how someone can get hit by jumping in front of a bus twice, in two different states.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Lot of that sort of thing this time of year.

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

I knew.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

No no no he had a heart attack after years of running marathons and eating healthy.

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Why he went running with a loaded shotgun on Christmas morning remains a mystery.

submitted ago

At least he didn't skip leg day

Tipman79 ago

Don't be silly, he wasn't jogging. He was practicing his knot tying skills and target practice. That's why his hands were tied behind his back when he accidentally shot himself three times in the back of the head.

weezkitty ago

Merry Christmas everyone!

Voat, we have some very incredible things about to take place in the new year concerning the democratization of Voat (I’m being vague on purpose). It is a big change and has taken a lot of time to architect and implement this modification but we will soon be changing how Voat runs. In short, this new feature set will shift the balance of power to the users of Voat, where it should have always been in the first place. I am personally very excited to see how this will work out. We are about 60% done with the implementation and are now working on the UI and presentation after having completed the necessary backend logic. This is my Christmas present to Voat but it won’t arrive in time for Christmas (shipping delays – lol).

This kinda stands out at me though. You say it's a democratization of Voat yet don't give any details of the change or ask the community as a whole if it's a wanted change. I always find major changes in the functionality of a website concerning

goatboy ago

Do you want a little cheese with your whine?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Do you have any manchego?

PuttItOut ago

As always we will not roll out changes without feedback. When we go into testing on this we will get feedback and address concerns.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, faggot. You let shit like this go on:


And you act like you're neutral.

Truth is, you've handed the keys to the castle over to SRS, and fucked us all.

Eh, fuck it. You're probably not even the same person who started the account. I'm probably talking to Shitposter, or Gabara, or what ever SRS cocksucker is using you as a sockpuppet.

weezkitty ago

Thanks Putt!

freshmeat ago

please just don't give "democratic power" of voat to SBBH. We recognize names and behaviors nowadays.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean if it's "democratic" than both SBBH and anti-SBBH as well as anyone else will be given power, they're winning democratically because they're louder and having more fun than you. Without even commenting on who's right or wrong the reason you're losing to the shitposters is that you don't understand what democracy is

freshmeat ago

Democracy is mob rule and no one is losing to shit posters who larp as conservative. Merry Christmas.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yes but how does mob rule work? i'd reccomend aristotles writings on the matter

freshmeat ago

does it matter if public opinion can be manipulated easily on a website such as this?

Naw jk i dont care tonight, Merry Christmas

ExpertShitposter ago

Implying that has not already been decided. Keep thinking you have choices on voat ;)

Grifter42 ago

So you fuckin' admit it. You finally come out and state what we've all known.

Fuck you, Shitposter. You'll rot in hell one day.

ExpertShitposter ago

You could have said that with your freshmeat account, why did you have to switch?

Grifter42 ago

I know I'm the only fuckin' account I have. You've got dozens in the cabal.

You're about as intellectually dishonest as a person can be.

Congratulations, Shitposter.

You've won the Golden JDIF Calf Award.

freshmeat ago

capped logged and archived

cynicaloldfart ago

I think I speak for all (well most) when I wish you the happiest of Christmas's and to say thank you for all you've done, including taking time out to fix todays bump in the sleighride. May the peace of the season be upon you and yours.

PM_me_your_Github ago

You don't sound very cynical to me!

cynicaloldfart ago

Shhhhh, you'll blow my cover.

PraiseIPU ago

Its Saturnalia duck face!

MrEvilPirate ago

Classy as fuck merry Christmas brother

PuttsDad ago

Merry Christmas, son. Catch you in the new year.

PuttItOut ago

Thanks Dad!

ginx2666 ago


Amin_Yabhuti ago

Merry Christmas all of you glorious niggers and/or faggots!

Gowdy ago

Merry xmas putt!

0fsgivin ago

Merry chirstmas and thanx for providing an actual free speech forum. I've learned a lot of stuff over this year I never would have known man and I'm sure many other people did as well. And thats because of you and the people working with you.

Realhero33 ago

Merry Christmas to you too @PuttItOut!

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Merry Christmas Niggerfaggot. Wtg on ur reddit clone.

Luv ya

aGameCalledCountries ago

In b4 SGIS and alts.

twomoreandatinkle ago

If your not pissing off powerful people, you are not trying hard enough.

Marry Christmas y'all.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I'm already married, so Christmas is out of luck.

dooob ago

This year was a hard one for me and Voat, there has been a lot of drama behind the scenes (you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

Are you talking about the DDOS or is there more stuff that we dont know?

You are doing God's work, Putt. Thanks for giving us a platform where we can freely post without worrying about using the wrong words or offending someone.

issueninja ago


PuttItOut ago

I can't say anything specific about the last DDOS (it's under investigation) but let my hints guide you.

dooob ago

Although i dont like hints or vague posting, i like it more then silence. Thanks for adresing it, i guessed we were being attacked by big players when you didnt say anything other then notifing us about the ddos.

How much stuff cant you tell us and how interesting they are on a scale from 0-10? I am a conspiracyfag, stuff like this tickle my brain in the good way.

PuttItOut ago

Best to say too little than too much publicly. 8-9 imo.

dooob ago

Damn, i envy you, thanks for not giving in. I wont question you more, i think i understand.

Do you think you will ever be free to talk about it? If you get the chance one day, dont forget to write a book and grab the quick cash. It is from the Jew's handbook on how to get rich quick.


Nietzsche__ ago

Do we really need a democracy (mob rule)?

something_went_wrong ago

As other's have already said, this concept can potentially go both ways. Democratically ousting an abusive mod without needing the personal intervention of "lord Putt" every time will be a positive move for the whole. But on the other hand, I agree with @9-11 that cancerous voting blocs (either made of bots or through outside user mob coordination) could potentially stealthily immigrate/move into established areas and overwhelm their existing populations to decree detrimental sub rule changes (remind you of real life?).

Maybe taking the Civ route might be fun - allow sub owners to choose which "government type" to apply to their subs, but make it extremely difficult for them to change on the fly. I guess we'll all see what this change ends up as.

emtpayislow ago

Benevolent dictator sounds good to me but look forward to what you came up with

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I don't think it is worth getting exercised over until we see how it works. Plus, if it doesn't work, it's not like they won't adjust it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

democracy is a terrible system of government but it's not necessarily a bad way to run a website

go1dfish ago

This concerns me as well, but I trust Putt’s commitment to free speech.

toobaditworks ago

I feel like my subs will all be taken away by brigades ... we'll see

dooob ago

I am afraid it could be abused, ill wait and see, any abuse should be obvious, i hope.

freshmeat ago

(you guys piss a lot of powerful people off)

:^) Merry Christmas niggers.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Christmas niggers

Thanks, but no thanks.

freshmeat ago

Merry Christmas, Niggers*


RabbiMohel ago


PaulBSmith ago

You have been reported for racism. Stay on topic.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Merry Christmas, JohnBStevenson.

Naught405 ago

My goodness, a wild kike appeared!

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

pardon the pretense.

chmod ago


It's Voat. Go kill yourself nigger!

NamelessCrewmember ago

Oi! You can fuck right off smeghead.

antiliberalsociety ago

I wonder (((who))) would be so pissed at CHRISTMAS time?

Reddiggoat ago

Christians who were told to have a happy holiday.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator I need you to watch the video that KosherHiveKicker just posted. This is why I say the U.S. governments policy to give Jerusalem to Israel is bullshit. Israel does not deserve to have Jerusalem. Israel just needs to GTFO because they hate the white people in the U.S. too.

Israel wants to co opt Jesus so that they can teach white people to worship Zionists, and I say "Fuck That Shit"


submitted ago

The US didn't give jersualem to israel

The US its moving its embassy to jerusalem

If anything the US took jerusalem lol

ESOTERICshade ago

The US didn't give jersualem to israel

The US moved is moving its embassy to jerusalem

If anything the US took jerusalem lol

No shit, zionist asshole

submitted ago



I don't care about your israel your palestine, your semites, sand niggers, however you call them

They can murder each others until the last one, and actually if they could do just that, that would be great

Shillaxe ago

They're being murdered with US tax dollars and international mercenaries.

submitted ago

And ?

The gun store and the bank are responsible for every shooting occurring with legally purchased weapons with a mortgage and a credit card ?

Who straps their kids with explosive ? http://conservativepapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/suicide-bomber-children.jpg

Israelis are certainly in the top 10 scums of the earth, but this is an entire different level of scum, they don't even fucking care about their own kids, why should any1 ?

Arabs always resort to violence, they even erected violence into a religion, they got their ass kicked at that game, so what ?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

MyNameIsMud ago

It makes it all worth it in the long run.

optionalfrank ago


BeardBro ago

Cheers mate, merry Christmas to you too

Dylan_Klebold ago


novictim ago

Your use of the word "You" is problematic. You need to be reeducated.