bitbomb ago


MarkTheNerd ago

Sup mah niggah!

11362686? ago

Only niggerfaggots will downvoat this.

boekanier ago

Thank you and you too!

Dank-AssAyyLMAOs ago

Merry Christmas to all of you Christians, heathens, niggers, Jews, faggots, racists, Muslims, Sikhs, hoes, betas, hamplanets, degenerates, libcucks, goyim, Aryans, wetbacks, crackers, gingers, race-traitors, NEETS, bitches, spics, feminazis, right-wing nutjobs, retards, squarehads, limeys, Hindus, gooks, conspiratards, pimps, Slavs, oil-drillers, sheep-shaggers, Polacks, peckerwoods, Krauts, sand-niggers, Satanists, honkies, wops, curry-munchers, squaws, Pagans, Chads, coal-burners, goodboys, WASPs, wiggers, and frogs! If you are offended by any of these, go fuck yourself with a cactus!

Realhero33 ago

Merry Christmas to you too nerd.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Thanks Mark. Merry Christmas to you.

MarkTheNerd ago

I love you nigger-faggots!!!!!!!!!!!!