NeedleStack ago

I'm back! And nope, I wasn't doxxed. But thank you for looking out.

Kal ago

I'm not afraid of any of you cunts.

ScreaminMime ago


FeminismKills ago

I believe it. I ditched my ShShShShoah account after a couple weird messages. Best to rotate accounts often.

Vic_V ago

What was AVE she mentioned to quickly see when shillbots post and call them out?

ShinyVoater ago

Amateur Voat Enhancements. It's a dead project, but some still use it.

Techius ago

The defaults are SJW free.


Techius ago

I'm not the one who's lurking here. It's the (((cabal))). We're still united.

Techius ago

@techius? I fucking hate that guy!

Le_Squish ago

It's good to use different handles in different communities. Makes it really hard to paint a picture of all your activities.

MadWorld ago

When privacy is a concern, you should try to use different handles for different sites. You could use a password manager to manage your usernames and passwords, easing your burden to memorize anything but your master password.

Le_Squish ago

I don't trust password managers. But I find after typing in a password 30times it sticks at least in muscle memory.

MadWorld ago

It will depend on the length and the number of passwords involved. On the scale of 50 to a few hundred passwords, it becomes very difficult to memorize, unless they are well formatted and related in some ways. And having related passwords defeats the purpose of isolation.

If you don't have that many passwords, you can probably get away with muscle memory.

NeoGoat ago

If the related passwords differ somewhat, that should suffice. Also, one can use the related ones on sites that are not a severe problem if they are hacked.

MadWorld ago

True, not all account passwords are equally important.

Lemongarb ago

She has at least one alt.

freedumbz ago

I'd have said for them to post it. If they got it just drop it and go, this blackmail is (to my knowledge) illegal in the US.

Le_Squish ago

I've been targeted by 3 dox attempts in my voat tenure. Each time I was PM'd names they though were mine or belonged to people they thought I knew to try and scare me. I'm not even that noisy of a goat. But it taught me to never be lax in my personal security and have no qualms about retaliating if you are targeted. I'll probably burn this account for new years. Many goats have that habit and I think it's a good one. I'll lose my lovely badges but I think I'll manage somehow.

crazy_eyes ago

For real!? What's the point!?

Le_Squish ago

To stay a few steps ahead of the haters.

ScreaminMime ago

Meh, go ahead and dox me, I say nothing here I wouldn't stand by in person.

Shumway ago

Meh.. Having someones IP is of very limited use if you don't have any other data to stack it up against. And if someone says they have it you can pretty much assume that is all they have. Otherwise they would have commented on your house/apartment or where you work instead. So I'm calling a bluff.

But I am sad to see NS has gone missing. Voat is well covered when it comes to people who's only vocabulary consists of nigger, kike and faggot, so it's sad to see us losing yet another one who would otherwise bring a little more to the table.

CrudOMatic ago


freedumbz ago

This. Unless someone actually proves your details, they have nothing.

Goathole ago


dooob ago

Lmao, nobody will assassinate you for exposing shills. More likely they doxxed her and tried to get her fired.

TheBuddha ago

Alien abduction.

pushthis ago

I was doxxed after discussing how sdsdbh was forum sliding the front page. Gabara even put a sticky in sbbh about my [true] aquzation. But really what made me quit posting was all of sudden, a pepe meme was at the top of voat and pepe is crying while shooting at a gun range because he doesn't think hell get to really shoot a liberal- this is a threat. This is why I stopped posting with this user.

Picture of Obama with an asain girl in his lap with his head buried in her hair kissing her was a wild pic.

I clicked a YouTube link that was sent to me and I got some feeling that's how my IP was had by whoever.

Sdsbbh is a recruitment office for weirdos.

Theadorekent nice to see your username.

I'm not using this acct anymore

E. The pepe meme I speak of went directly to top with 25 upvotes right when the b.s. flared. My phones internet flat sucked afterwards

Artofchoke ago

Who is that piece of shit? Ain't seen him around. He should be punished.

Fambida ago

If so, that's why you always use a VPN. One google docs link without it and bam, you're doxxed.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Or, ya know, don’t sign in to google

Fambida ago

IIRC it still records your IP whether you're logged in or not though.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

You should also not be clicking google docs links

FireSauce ago

You don't think someone could dig you up from pol?

FireSauce ago

If that were the case I would be much more worried about being on pol than here

dooob ago

Truth, chans are compromised.

jizzswizzler ago

Well if you cant ban em doxx em.

What a joyous time we live in :/

Pawn ago

This has made me angry and vengeful.

MadWorld ago

She is probably under different name. But her personal style on Voat will be hard to change. She might have been doxxed from certain details that she shared with us, such as her mentions of things she has sold, or donated to.

Be careful of what we share that may be tied to our physical identity, especially clicking on suspicious links or uploading photos with geo coordinate inside the metadata. Use VPN whenever possible and setup a fake geographic location just in case.

Let's hope she is still on Voat and still cultivating great content/conversations... If not, we will carry on the torch for her!

freedumbz ago

Without proof, assume it was an empty threat.

Owlchemy ago

Yeah, but I didn't take it as completely serious. It may be, who knows.

New_years_day ago

I didn't even know she was gone :(

That's really unfortunate. We shared a lot of info back and forth on here in 2016-2017.

I wish her the best in life and in health, and hopefully she is just decompressing and will come back to us!

Owlchemy ago

But NeedleS is smart enough to come back with an alt on Tor or a VPN ... and all of Voat would be behind her along with Putt, in knocking the trolls down a peg. He's done it before, and the good Voat folks would be right there with him.

Owlchemy ago

I'm not sure NeedleS could be run off by these low life's though. She was a lot stronger than that ... and I've noticed others have disappeared, too. I just hope she's not having some medical problem or something and that she'll be back soon. She's missed.

0011011000111001 ago

Well, if she smokes with her buddies at a parlour he probably spooked her and may of sent her proof. So she left or made a new account.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Some people wisely switch names regularly


That is messed up.