GoatsnHoes1 ago

Thank you for coming back. I really like the things you post and the things you say and can only imagine that you are a wonderful person and I am glad you had time for yourself and are feeling better.

NeedleStack ago

Well that touched me, thank you sweetie.

GoatsnHoes1 ago

I like what you say. Fuck the negative cunts, you rock!

Reddik ago

thank you

Dudicles ago

Hey, glad you're back! I stalked your profile page a few times in hopes you had come back.

It's good to take a break from negativity every now and then, but I'm glad you came back from your break, because not everyone does.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

As one of the users who has been here since FPH was banned from Reddit, I am glad to see that you haven't joined the ever-increasing list of Alpha goats who just stopped coming here entirely.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

That's awesome. So cute! ^.^

Welcome back.

HarveyHarveyJones ago


Yawgmothh ago

Welcome back hon

BannedFromChan ago

Well he's adorable.

GeneralFucktardeder ago

Have you ever thought of selling Voat themed stuff? Or have you already tried? Forgot who had that going. Would totes buy a knitted goat or smug pepe.

NeedleStack ago

I have tried but it never panned out before. I'm always open to the idea though.

GeneralFucktardeder ago

Maybe instead of going for a mass market type appeal you go for more personal requests? Like I said you could do Voat Goats or Pepe. Have individuals give you a request. Then tell people the amount of time it would take to make that request. Of course you would factor in your own needs and time into this. Could catch on as a specialty merchandise.

Zinnsee ago

Good to see you again.

crazy_eyes ago

Well this is a special treat. I love the unexpected good news. I'm happy to hear you are well. Hope you get to give as much love as you receive. This crazy community here wasn't quite the same without you. Welcome back. Nice to see you again

tanukihat ago

So, you've given it some time, are you ready to accept my marriage proposal yet?

11520148? ago

I was worried about but am glad you're ok. Welcome back

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The whole of this site is in love with you. You shouldn't leave them like that. They were worried and felt abandoned. I think some cried a little. I take that back they cried a lot. You could tell by the posts featuring you on the front page

Welcome back goat, happy new year

jcal22x ago

Wow, it's nice to see you. Really glad you're okay. Welcome back, and Happy New Year!

Slayfire122 ago

It's good to see you. I haven't seen you all year.

Firevine ago

Woohoo! Glad you're alright and weren't doxxed by some commie shitheads. :)

lorlipone ago

No less than 5 minutes, perfecting that statement, only to then delete it. . . .

WTF Ever - Welcome back, NeedleStack - obviously people have missed you.

Goathole ago

Oh good, the knitting channel is back. Merry Christmas!

gazillions ago

Damnable goats were wandering around the yard, butting heads, turning over everything looking for a needlestack in a goat pen. Glad you're good and back.

NeedleStack ago

I'm glad too. Thank you!

TheTrigger ago

Don't ever leave us again, you son of a bitch.

NeedleStack ago

I feel the love. HUGS!

0011011000111001 ago

omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even read who posted it. I just saw a cross-stitched thing and knew it was you!!!! YEAH!!!!! Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!! Where did you go?!

NeedleStack ago

Yay! I was not too far away. But now I'm back!

0011011000111001 ago

Glad to hear! I hate seeing people disappear around here. Even the annoying ones.

RoBatten ago

Maybe just out on bond? /s j/k We are all glad you're back!

NeedleStack ago

Oh my god I love this. How have I gone through my whole life without knowing what the singer looked like until now??

cynicaloldfart ago

John Sebastian. Did some solo work, but best known for being in the Lovin' Spoonful. Here's a few of their hits:


emtpayislow ago

I dont know who you are, sorry. But i am glad you are back.

Gowdy ago

Woohoo! Welcome back!

TheBuddha ago

I wonder who will be the first to claim your account is compromised?

RoBatten ago

jsac did that up there ^

TheBuddha ago

I am not surprised. I didn't see it when I browsed the thread.

She was kidnapped by aliens! She's been replaced with a replicant! She's controlled opposition!

crazy_eyes ago

Isn't it obvious?

NeedleStack ago

It's funny how people think I'm elderly because of my hobbies but no, I only have maybe 2 silver hairs among my chestnut locks. :)

ZetaReticulan ago

Good! I was slacking on space knitting and missed the inspiration

Vladimir_Komarov ago

Hell yeah NS. 2018 is going to be glorious!

NeedleStack ago

Ha ha. Nice to see your name, sweetie. Thanks for the welcome!

NeedleStack ago

@NoTrueScotsman @Wiseowl623 I've been neglectful of the poor knitting and crochet subs. I'll start posting again right away! Missed you.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Good to see you back! I hope everything is ok!

Fd-up ago

wb needle, we surly missed you.... if its you!

let me know if you want another kitty pic

freshmeat ago

Who threatened to dox you?

NeedleStack ago

Eh some shill who thought he was being clever. I don't even remember his name.

freshmeat ago

I just found him. I wont ping him unless you want me to roast this fuckin clown.

we were worried about you

NeedleStack ago

I followed your link breadcrumb trail to this comment. No need to ping him. Looks like he hasn't used his account in a while anyway.

freshmeat ago

Welcome back 🤠 hope you had good holidays

xenoPsychologist ago

hey! welcome back. i know we never really interacted or anything, but i saw a lot of your posts and comments. when ya disappeared, it seemed like quite a shame. its good to see ya around again.

NeedleStack ago

I appreciate that, thank you so much!

xenoPsychologist ago

ya know, i kind of have a hobby not wholly unrelated to the yarn based crafts. i make chain mail (like the armor, not the letters).

NeedleStack ago

I'd love to see some of your work. Yes, I can see how the two crafts are related (the weaving of threads into a panel of fabric). Awesome!

xenoPsychologist ago

i have a bunch of stuff on hand. one piece i wanted to show, i lost track of. im sure itll turn up. im mostly a just a jeweler, as ive only made two armor pieces, but countless necklaces, bracelets, etc.

here, i have a square pattern bracelet with a fancy change of size at the center.

and this, im not sure what to call it. its based on a pattern call "celtic star" that is just a single disk but i extended it out (to much difficulty at first)

this is a scale flower, which ive done in two sizes. i make pins of them, usually.

this is a square pattern bracelet with green scales down one side.

this is a six-on-one bracelet in two colors that switches direction halfway through.

this is a turkish rope patterned bracelet.

square bracelet with two colors and multiple size changes.

this is a four-on-one bracelet with a direction switch and green scales.

this is... a bracelet in a pattern it would take way to long to describe. i dont know if it has a name or anything.

here we have a turkish rope necklace in black and green anodized aluminum with a celtic star dangly.

this is a twist necklace made of split rings, with heart dangly that is also made from split rings.

stainless steel twist necklace with a chain dangly, also stainless.

one of my favorites, a stainless steel ring. it was my first experimental deviation of the celtic star dangly, and all i did was take out the center ring that holds it all flat. it takes some work to adjust it to size.

this is the fingerless gauntlet i did a few years ago.

and the stainless steel coif i did in high school. looks stupid when its not being worn, but is actually pretty decent when i wear it. i may just take a picture wearing it and edit out the face later.

oh, and i dont have any of these on hand, but have made some.

and @Voopin__Voopin wanted a ping.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Thank you, kind goat, for the ping !

My favs are the gauntlet, bracelets (Turkish rope one and one with the fancy change of size in the middle), and those candle things.

That's a great thing you got going on there :)

xenoPsychologist ago

thanks. i really liked the candle holders, too. check out theringlord.com, its where i usually get my rings. they have lots of examples.

NeedleStack ago

Incredible stuff! You have great talent. I hope you will make a separate post to showcase your work. Voat should know what an artisan it has!

xenoPsychologist ago

thanks, i just might. if you want to see more, theringlord.com has a lot of examples.

Voopin__Voopin ago


pls ping me if you do?

coopzy ago

Welcome back Needlestack! It definitely feels cozier around here with you back.

NeedleStack ago

Thank you! I'll make it even cozier with some fresh knitting posts. :)

bdmthrfkr ago

Welcome back Needle!

NeedleStack ago

So nice to see your name. Thank you!

NeedleStack ago

Thank you!! To you as well. Kisses!

RightHandOfTheGoat ago

Honestly, I don't know how you persisted so long without a break. I just know you always made positive contributions to Voat. Welcome back.

NeedleStack ago

The persistence broke me for a spell. Not good! I will have a more peaceful approach now. :)

vonHugenbuben ago

Welcome home.

NeedleStack ago

Thank you! It does feel like home.

jsac ago

how much did this account cost you?

NeedleStack ago

Ha! 214 knitting patterns. Mostly lace.

11518631? ago

lol, that's funny

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Thank God you're back. I've been driving from yarn store to yarn store across the country asking the old ladies behind the counters if they knew NeedeStack. I've gotten good at explaining the situation to the police after they call the cops but I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore. Welcome back, NeedleStack.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I, for one, really appreciated this service because my local yarn store went out of business last year, so I figured Needles didn't live here.

TheKobold ago

People almost started to divvy up your subs.

NeedleStack ago

I can't be mad at that. :)

NoTrueScotsman ago

I'm really glad we didn't have to!

DeltaBravoTango ago

This brought a tear to my eye

NeedleStack ago

What!? Aww, that is so sweet!

Eualos ago

Merry Christmas and happy new year! Welcome back!

NeedleStack ago

And to you as well my dear!! Thank you!

Cantilever ago

Shit, he's back

Alright, guys. Put the midgets and dildos away. Put on your serious face

xenoPsychologist ago

what?? but i liked the midgets...

edistojim ago

You were missed.

NeedleStack ago

I missed you too!

GoofyGrape ago

Good. I will call off the search party. Welcome back!

NeedleStack ago

Thank you sweetie!

Realhero33 ago

Welcome back!

NeedleStack ago

Thank you!! Feels good to be back!

RiverWind ago

Happy GNU Year, /u/NeedleStack!

Thanks for saying hello. I wish you well in 2018. I wonder what stuffing was used in that charming goat.

Rotteuxx ago

Wooooooot !!!

The Cabal is whole once again !

heygeorge ago


NeedleStack ago


zen_music ago

Hi, welcome back! Good to see ya.

NeedleStack ago

Thanks for making me feel at home again. :)

ToTheMoonAlice ago

Hiya Needles! Great to see you back!

FeminismKills ago

Welcome baaaaackkk :D

blipblipbeep ago

;) 💋💋

All the best for you and your loved ones in this new year Stack's mate.


BlockMe ago

Much yays. Thanks for the ping; I thought you might have been Assanged (tm).

11518626? ago

Missed you and I am soooooo glad your back!!! Hugs

Owlchemy ago

Welcome back ... hope all is well and you had a great holiday season! You were missed by many ... Voat was lost without ya!

NeedleStack ago

I missed you and am sorry I didn't give you a heads up.

Owlchemy ago

Everyone needs a break some times ... been slacking off in post myself of late, likely for similar reasons.

jizzswizzler ago

I dont know you but this place made me miss you for some reason. Lots of questions as to where you had gone.

Welcome back. I think.

NeedleStack ago

Aww, we will get to know each other I'm sure. Thanks for the welcome Mr. Jizz. :)

jizzswizzler ago

no problemo fellow niggerfaggot.

NeedleStack ago

NeedleStack ago


I took an extended break from voat but am back!

I’m deeply sorry for not letting anyone know I’d be gone for so long. I was a a bad friend in that regard and I hope you’re not too mad at me and can forgive me.

I’ve missed you and love you.

I’ve been catching up on reading through my inbox and mentions and am so touched by the love that was sent out to me. I assure you that no, I was not doxxed. That’s not why I took my break.

Mostly I was starting to get bummed out by some worsening negative interactions between users. And I didn’t like how I was behaving either so I figured I should step back and clear my head and heart before jumping back into the goat pen. :) Yeah, I know, I was being a bit sensitive but that’s just me.

I can’t wait to catch up with y’all and get back to posting!

(I didn't knit that goat by the way but it is truly glorious)

Voopin__Voopin ago


seriously, I (we) missed you. You're one of the people who always brightens the place with your presence :)

AmaleksHairyAss ago

No! I mad

11519612? ago

So glad you're back- we were worried about you. <3

WithoutaDoubt ago

I have no idea who you are but welcome back!

NeedleStack ago

Thank you, my dear! I'm like.. your kindly auntie who sews and crochets while ranting about leftist politics.

WithoutaDoubt ago

So the exact opposite of my actual aunt, neat!

1moar ago

Really good to see you back. I hope the Holidays and break were rejuvinating.

I am taking up learning knitting, part homage to you. That and I'm cold. Good to see ya!

NeedleStack ago

Yeah, the holidays were good to get me back to what's special (family, etc.).

I'm happily shocked to hear you're knitting. Feel free to post anything you whip up in the sub!

OhBlindOne ago

Happy to see you back here :)

Glad all is well!

NeedleStack ago

Oh man I overlooked pinging you. Hiii!!

OhBlindOne ago

No worries :) I overlook things all the time. (get it?)

Le_Squish ago

We were going to send out a possee to rescue you, you know?

NeedleStack ago

I sorry! :-D

goatsandbros ago

No worries, we're just glad you're ok!