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old_grumpy_fucker ago

They'd find it in my trunk, too. It's in many brands of fertilizer.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

wtf are you saying walmart are involved?

fucking sick

HotelCalifornia ago

That's exactly what he is saying.

Does Bill Gates have stock in Wallmart?

Probably disconnected all knowledge of it, just like Boeing conveniently forgot that Stephen Paddock owned the 9/11 planes.

NeedleStack ago

You shills aren't fooling anyone with this "conversation".

ArchitectOfDreams ago

I need not reveal your IP addresses, lest I embarrass you in front of your smoking den parlour friends.

Pawn ago

what a dirty commie

NeedleStack ago

Are you threatening to doxx me? @PuttItOut wouldn't take kindly to that. Is that how you and your shill buddies operate?

freedumbz ago

Don't ever let empty threats like this get you m8.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Miss you needlestack.

NeedleStack ago

ArchitectOfDreams ago

No threats here, sugar pie.

Ywis ago

What the fuck is wrong with you?

fusir ago

Notice the upvotes. Screenshotting incase people righteously downvote.

BB-3 ago

They can only upvote after 7 days.