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RedditFuckingBlows ago


ZX4jBXu ago

chatbots, the whole lot of em. Keep posting this list on other threads started by these bots. If I spot any more of them I'll update the list as the OP of the list I think has decided he's put enough time in collecting this cunts in one list.

Vindicator ago

Yes, we've seen many of these shills in v/pizzagate. One who is not a shill, though, is argosciv. He's just a little nutty and a bit too fond of mushrooms. He respects our submission rules and upvoats other people's work. Mostly, he posts in our speculative pizzagate sub instead of the main sub. For that, I consider him a good egg.

You can add: DeathtoMasonsASAP, DeathTooMasons, DeathTooMasons2, Death2Masons etc. etc. (all alts of ArmySeer), as well as 4_InquiringMinds and probably ESOTERICshade. Not bots, but likely shills. They went wild as soon as I stickied Putt's "democratization of Voat in 2018" announcement.

StephaniePaddock ago

Millennial_Falcon IS ArmySeer.

toobaditworks ago

@Cynabuns might want to look into this.

TheBuddha ago

JackParsons, PackJarsons, and ARsandOutdoors are all the same person, and possibly just insane.

ParsonsWORDSinclair ago

JackParsons is not ARsandOutdoors