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MasterLucifer ago

Uh Oh! #DragonIsWoke

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

can someone explain to me what is going on, from beginning to end? I didn't really even understand the pic, much less any of the responses.

It's just a pic of a "stephen paddock" user posting a nonsensical post/pic, and then getting downvoated twice? I don't understand...

brandon816 ago

Chatbots. All of them. Check the other thread referenced in the OP and look at the common usernames.

List of bots associated with this user:

Same naming schemes for most of them. Most of them have been shitposting in v/pizzagate, more non-sensical garbage like this. Many of them also occasionally post a random comment alerting some random list of users. My guess is they are clearly trying to forum slide here now, with this hollywood shit going on. Anyway, DV any non-sensical posts or comments like that on sight if you want the spam ended.

I'm going to continue adding to this list as necessary.

Other times this group has been called out:

Other recent examples of nonsensical posting in v/news and v/politics:

They also seem to congregate around several subs owned by TheHolyGrail.

CrudOMatic ago

Might want to add @TheDailyStar to your bot list...

brandon816 ago

Additions have been getting added here:

Thanks for reminding me to update it though. I'm sitting on 9 more names.


I love our autists <3

beece ago

Wow, great work Brandon. Glad to see my name and /V/istandwiththejews isn't on it.