VincentRothschild ago

Alien Virtual Reality, Uranium, NASA and Pizza-Star-Gates


Someone is on acid, but who?

ImmanuelKant ago

Stephen, this isn't healthy.

AdamWeishaupt ago

Let the man express himself.

Gothamgirl ago

Does electric shock makes people gay? Does moonchild have any relation to this?

Gothamgirl ago

Oh wow can't believe I was right about the moonchild. Clone or mk ultra in the womb is my next thoughts.

carmencita ago

I don't understand any of this. Was I OTL during the whole thing? What is the moon child or how can you make someone gay through electric shock (although this one I kind of believe is possible) I don't undersand any of these videos. I am trying but I feel like I am drugged while watching this.

Gothamgirl ago

They give hidden clues in their videos. The video above my last comment has references of "Alice and Wonderland" mind control, chess played and dominoes falling. I was actually just asking about the electric shock, so not sure its fact., the pic has a child with electrodes in front of the moon and a box of skittles (rainbow) So thats why I asked. I am starting to think when they say "dark side of the moon" they could be refering to Antartica. There is a moon island (or something named simular) and satellites dont cover the whole continent -so in the dark. But sometimes I think crazy lol

The moonchild the best I could come up with was -the final scene from "The neverending story" and now it was confirmed by the video. There is alot going on in these video's , history and current, the problem is they don't make sense until after an event unfolds.

carmencita ago

Dark Side of The Moon by Pink Floyd Could be a lot of messages in that song too. Funny you mentioned that, it is one of my very favorite songs. How little we knew.

Gothamgirl ago

3 doors down, kryptonite caught my attention.

They make El on the sign front and center, And has a superhero and kids.

Then there is the storyline of Superman and his origin. Then the scene with him in the ice and kryptonite.

carmencita ago

There is something Really Creepy about the Old Guy. I think there is more to their messages. Yeah, they mentioned the words Dark Side of the Moon too.

StephenPaddock ago

No, not quite. Hidden from the public.

Gothamgirl ago

I see.

BlueChampagne ago

This day could not get any worse for the FBI.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

Uh Oh, medication time.

HotelCalifornia ago

No comment.

threesix ago

what the fuck?

Hopevoats ago

Mentally ill person, with multiple accounts. Send positive thoughts for their recovery.

DavidHasATreeHouse ago

Guess the dimensions of my Haus.

Hopevoats ago

Nice! I knew it!

Please get back on your meds.

PhilosopherKings ago

You have the wrong David.

Hopevoats ago

Variegated irises?

HyperIris ago

Peut ĂȘtre.

threesix ago

i know who he is.

brandon816 ago

Spamalek returns?

threesix ago

he/she used to shit post on pizzagate under like 50 accounts... so ya thats a pretty good name.

DreidelDance ago

So not only did you plan pizzagate but also Las Vegas?

Wow dude, talk about over reaction.

Factoids4U ago

What the actual hell?

Did you post this or is @masterofpages an alien or worse? Or is this an elaborate mind game?

MasterOfPages ago

threesix ago

gimme a smoke and we'll talk.

but you should explain... im at a loss. I mean I could venture a guess and it would be fairly accurate