dukey ago

Is this guy still alive?

Rellik88 ago

Need the rest of that.

flaxom ago

OP is a spam bot and these are alts he uses to push all this spam disinfo shit: @TheHolyGrail @MidnightSphinxHack @FruitySerenade @MaiMaiMaiDamara @TapeRunsOut @MasterLucifer @HappyHacking @kekistani

OhBlindOne ago

Except this isn't disinfo. This is a very interesting point about the military applications of depleted uranium. Remember how the Clinton's gave Russia a bunch of uranium? I wonder what they could do with that stuff.... (Hint: Obsolete tank warfare).

flaxom ago

OP is still a spam bot and needs to be removed. You should review those users comment/submission history and ban them from the spaces you moderate, I've updated the list with more alts from OPs bot network.

OhBlindOne ago

I agree that these account (like OP's) are spamming, but with this video they do make a goo point.

flaxom ago

The video is informative and important, agreed.

GHDW ago

This account owner eats shit, nice big huge turds covered with hot diarrhea

HappyHacking ago

I found the arrested development case! @GHDW

GHDW ago

Knew you were the same person, my soul has been awakened

ARsandOutdoors ago

Link to the lecture in entirety?

SexMachine ago

So, what am I supposed to be seeing here?

He ate radioactive material, and then demonstrated that uranium reacts to heat.

Wtf is this bullshit, and why the fuck is it on page 1?

Seriously, goats, quit upvoating absolute garbage.

McDoolansBigCompin ago

It's the end game

brandon816 ago

OP is a spammer and has bots replying to his posts. It's not too unlikely that they are also upvoting his posts to the front page.


See https://archive.is/IJoBo#selection-1563.0-2059.11

Then see https://archive.is/S90Ik#selection-2003.0-2037.13 - This was about 10 mins old with as many ups and no downs, #2 on all when I saw it, not archived at the time.

Then notice https://archive.is/jPZ8n#selection-3743.0-3803.1 and https://archive.is/jPZ8n#selection-2489.0-2571.11

Shit posting from multiple accounts as explained here https://archive.is/HPdok#selection-3299.0-3317.332

Or farming points?

googlehangoutsnow ago

Galen Winsor shows you that radiation is not as dangerous as they tell you. After handling and eating and breathing uranium, plutonium and other highly radioactive substances all his life, he passed away in 2008 at 82 years of age.

qwop ago

Well radiation is dangerous, but since that particular material he used in his demonstration was insoluble in the human body, he will poop it all out the next day. I really don't get the demonstration. Is he trying to advocate sprinkling the earth indiscriminately with stuff like that. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

After Curie discovered radium it was used in all sorts of stunts, and as a miracle medicine for pretty much anything. Only after people started getting seriously ill was something done to limit its use. That should be enough information already. That was long before there was any nuclear industry.

Story of the Radium Girls:

He also advocates using depleted uranium in ammunition. Just ask the people in Irak today what they think about depleted uranium. I call this guy out for being a shill for the military complex.

SexMachine ago

And what the fuck does that have to do with the subject?

10826076? ago

You can make anti tank rounds easy with depleted uranium. HRC sold uranium to Russia so they now have anti tank rounds.

OhBlindOne ago

Exactly. Most people seem to be missing the point. I thought it was pretty clear.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Probably not goats. Goats tend to comment more than up or downvoating. Because they don't really give shits about fake internet points.

10826063? ago

Hey wait, I do! Give me up voats

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Let's go investigate your submission content....

Not the best, not the worst I guess. You should maybe try harder.

10826750? ago

I can look through your history too but can't be bothered

reemwhal ago

"I don't exist"

A_Real_Cause ago

This was a strange video. What is he trying to prove? Raising awareness?

OhBlindOne ago

Anti tank rounds that obsolete tank warfare can be developed from depleted uranium. The Clinton's gave uranium to Russia. Therefore, the Clinton's armed Russia with the material needed to obsolete tank warfare.

Blacksunshine ago

The propaganda machine in its early years.

VastExpanses ago

Bladder of The Fish.

A_Real_Cause ago


brandon816 ago

That's a chatbot you just replied too. That's why he makes no sense. OP is a spammer and has chatbots replying to his posts for some reason.

qwop ago

You're talking to bots or shills. Just downvote it all. They are trying to get to the front page and spam it full of nonsense.

VastExpanses ago

He makes the hand signal

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

In toxicology, dosage is everything.

o0shad0o ago

Yeah, and he's an idiot to eat that, uranium can cause heavy metal poisoning just like lead can.

PrussianHacker ago

I wouldn't recommend drinking rocket fuel http://i68.tinypic.com/2e55dvk.png

Shekelstein6M ago

Depends on what the rocket fuel is.

The one NASA uses is just hydrogen and liquid oxygen, which when combined form water. You technically drink NASA rocket fuel every day.

tinyhousesbrah ago

Well now I feel like a badass.

HappyHacking ago

I think they were joking about baking soda.

DavidHasATreeHouse ago


Kool4Kek ago


JackParsons ago
