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KillAllPedos ago


Mej777 ago

Noticed Vindicator deleting your post with details and links to Rob Reiner was deleted again....but they leave this up..

KillAllPedos ago

He just deleted that entire post!!! fuck him...i threw it back up ...and called it "revised Version - part 2 " it the SAME ONE !!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! Yeah they leave that up ,,,now WHO are these mods working for, because it ain't US!!!! Upvoat the new ROB REINER = PEDOPHILE post, many thanks Mej777 We are now convinced this V/PizzaGate is compromised, We want that post to go to REDDIT TO TWITTER TO ALL SOCIAL MEDIA!!! HELP US !!!

Mej777 ago

Yep.I am @Jem7 I am sure you realize...

KillAllPedos ago

what's going on here..???? We are being targeted with censorship...while trying to help kids from PEDO rapists.???? WHO WOULD DENY OUR EFFORTS ..OUR VOICES??? THIS IS PURE EVIL