sept ago

Same shadilay bait crap twitter account

Disappointed ago

@Cynabuns see this thread and the comments, I wont have time to look into this till tomorrow.

Disappointed ago

I'll bookmark this thread and keep an eye on the accounts. Thanks also @brandon816

sept ago

Happening again

Same twitter account

brandon816 ago

I'm pretty sure that's a chat bot. I made a post about it around a month ago. Slightly different naming scheme, but the content is almost exactly the same.

As to what end, I wouldn't know.

sept ago

Same lameass twitter account, yet another 2 months old sleeper cell suddenly activating posting that shit in news for god knows why

I tell you, the wrong sub + the series of 2 months old accounts with barely any history suddenly waking up and echoing each others with shit humor and (same) shit post sources, is a dead give away