GeorgeLRockwell ago

the video and this post are garbage.

flaxom ago

This "Shadilay 4 King" @king_shadilay twitter account is either a shill, spammer, or larper and definitely a retarded faggot either way. He has 3-5 or more voat accounts he's been using to push his gay ass retardation all over voat for the last couple weeks. Several of them are in this thread.

Fuck off you stupid nigger.

Uncle_Slob ago

I don't understand still. I see words, but nothing of meaning yet.

Obie_Kenobi ago

I think that this release isn't exactly what the tweet is saying. I have a feeling it might be proving Seth Rich released the DNC emails. I mean Hannity has been pumping this up since last week and we know he was openly supporting the notion of Seth Rich being the leaker for a while now.

Welcome_fags ago

@king_shadilay on twitter is a LARPER/shill or a bot. /v/pizzagate was spammed with a shit ton of his shit, none it being coherent or rational.

He have spammed the wikileaks LARP meme before. (3 days ago, check deleted submissions.)


thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Preferred nodes, Japan, Russia, China, preferred nodes, Japan, Russia, China.

Kekistani ago

JULIAN ASSANGE TWEET CRACKED PART II 4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links)

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

1 last time. Don't share files unless you are outside of NATO/European countries.

ExpertWarLord ago

Have you been eating moon biscuits?

Aynswer2 ago

Use your eyes

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Don't share files unless you are outside of NATO/European countries.

solvire ago


Tavistock is getting their balls roasted?! Is this real? Wow it's like the vampire caskets were cracked open.

ExpertWarLord ago

4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links)

ExpertWarLord ago


Goatnonymous ago

Op is a faggot shill woth a sleeper account.

Kekistani ago

JULIAN ASSANGE TWEET CRACKED PART II 4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links)

DrPenguin ago

At least reverse image search before losing your shit.

Kekistani ago

JULIAN ASSANGE TWEET CRACKED PART II 4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links) WOW!!!!

gazillions ago

Tavistock is all about studying ways to manipulate people. Anything hiding behind the word "study" gets a cult acceptance from idiots. I conspiracy theorized my way into pondering if they had something to do with the Rwandan massacre. For 100 days people were slaughtered and the UN refused over and over to send any help. Like as if they wanted to see what would happen. Now they blame colonialism of course

ExpertWarLord ago

4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links)

Doorsopenm8 ago

Man you shills really don't want the goy to know. But I guess you gotta feed yourself and your girlfriends kids somehow.

WizardEyes33 ago

Almost positive this screen shot is bullshit. If I remember correctly this was posted last time assange tweeted weird shit back when he was (probably) killed or arrested.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Im glad that at least least one person in this thread remembers what happened to assange.

Forget the screenshot for a moment, and consider the possible implications of this tweet. If assange is compromised, and something big comes of this key, it can be safely assumed that someone at the CIA wants us to know whatever comes out of it.

I find that highly concerning.

ShinyVoater ago

I'm not sure which is scarier: the idea we're all being manipulated into thinking we know what's going on or the possibility of interagency warfare.

badruns ago

Pretty sure there were a few dissidents willing to act out in the FBI during the Clinton investigation. At least one FBI agent got car crashed during the FBIAnon leaks. I can't even find the original article anymore, only people talking about it, so it looks like it was memory holed by goolag:

I'm guessing there was a bit of internal strife, those that cared about Clinton seeing a courtroom vs the deep state. It's clear that any dissent in the FBI or NYPD was squashed out quickly though.

GHDW ago

With interagency warfare I'll pick the patriotic side against Zionists.

Although, I too get the impression it's all on their schedule and it's been and wikileaks is a con-game to take down the US government by pissing off the citizens into a frenzy over time. NFL gone, no wars to fight, global economy is on a bubble, MSM gaslighting, smith-mundt modernization act, false flags with poor cover-up, this would be the perfect time to raise the ire of Americans to take down a government, my only issue is, who are the Bolsheviks in all this.

muscularyoda ago

I'm more prone to skepticism until facts are provided, and I recall something similar to what your describing. Any source? if you recall there was a sketch moment when people were photographed outside of his embassy and the wikileaks ftp and files there under listed 1984 under the modified date.

muscularyoda ago

that's all well fine and good but it still doesn't show the express confirmation of that key being used to decode or decrypt. I don't see any payload, dead man switch or direct confirmation as to what we're seeing. Its all conjecture. Look, I want the truth, ugly or pretty and just ASSUMING what I see in a jpg is not nearly good enough for me to jump to conclusions.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Somebody please tell me what's going on? What's happening? Did it come out? Do we have it?

Kekistani ago

JULIAN ASSANGE TWEET CRACKED PART II 4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links) HAPPENING NOW!!!!!!!

The1andonlymeat ago

Its a fucking screen shot, have you actually got links to a file? Or are you just gonna retard over a screenshot?

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

But there’s no proof; just a tweet and and a screenshot that doesn’t mean much...

I hope it’s something big, but this isn’t exactly hard “proof” of something big...

Goatnonymous ago

I saw this earlier. Isn't it bullshit created by some larper?

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago says that is the case.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Fresssh fish.... Reeeelin' them in!

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

honest answer? looks like autistic basement dwellers who have too much free time on their hands, aren't being challenged enough in their life pursuits, abuse drugs, or have mental illness. That's what it looks like anyway, to me.

I hope more than anyone that the swamp gets drained and that we get REAL dirt on the Clintons and all the other swamp monsters. But I'm not going to declare that a bunch of ridiculous pics of barely coincidental things is "proof" of anything, except proof that some basement dwellers have WAY too much free time

Kekistani ago


Goatnonymous ago

1.1 hrs old account. Posting bait.

Welp guess you can't use this account ever again to shill.

sept ago


It says it's shit

Kekistani ago

JULIAN ASSANGE TWEET CRACKED PART II 4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links) omg it's actually happening


sept ago


Goatnonymous ago


YouveSeenTheButcher ago

That's a 4chan thread claiming that it's an old pasta.

Kekistani ago

WRONG!!!!!!! JULIAN ASSANGE TWEET CRACKED PART II 4chan completely blow Pizzagate wide open (Save and Distribute Links)

SexMachine ago

what the fuck am i looking at?

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Someone used Assange's twitter to post a code that suposedly decrypts some unknown files that some unknown dude on twitter suposedly has.

If somehow all that is legit, the files seem to indicate something big is going to leak about the tavistock institute.

lexsird ago

Some next level shit I think and it's going to be big.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

European migration agreement UNDER ISIS/Israel. Ho-Lee-Fuk.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

You said it. And something about USHomedefSOC kill lists and suicides. And NINE ONE ONE, and thermite mentioned 3 times. And MegaAnon's on /pol/ return saying it's not really about pizza. It's about how the U.S funds terrorism. And i swore i interpreted some thing about Huma/Weiner funding terrorism. And i know it's got to be about the Awans too. The Awans are something like Pakistani intelligence and terrorists right? plus the Awans are butt buddies with Huma /Weiner.

BolterBitches ago

What did I miss? Did the lid just get blown off of Israel's white genocide campaign?

Aynswer2 ago

The alert said that no one should share files unless you are outside of NATO/European countries. Just look at the tweet attachment.

HeywoodJablomi ago

I can't look at the tweets, it says I'm not authorized.

Aynswer2 ago

You always gotta try the link twice. Twitter curbs a lot of traffic with that pointless error message.

goblin_ghost ago

Just wait until CNN reads them off to you, dude. It's not that big a deal.

misinformation ago

I have a feeling twitter checks the referrer when going to their website and when it sees voat as the referrer it blocks you hence why when you refresh you see it. Happens to me every time

Rellik88 ago

Twitter is a cunt, just refresh and you can see it.

HeywoodJablomi ago

You're right. Twitter is a cunt and after a refresh I can see it.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Idk. I can't find any files but there is a claim that there were new ones decrypted

derram ago :


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