MasterLucifer ago

SelfReferenceParadox ago

What the fuck is going on in this thread.

TheStapler ago

Yeah but Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

HotelCalifornia ago

I gather from this the ancient bloodlines have entered into battle? On one hand, those who practice child sacrifice and on the others those who are lunatics.

ImmortalCommunity ago

I don't know, tell us. :)

ItsMeMilo ago

Jesus! What did I miss?

Amadameus ago

It all just reads as inside jokes to me.

UpperEchelon ago

Okay Dokay...

Guys are you sure you want to do this? You know what this means right?

VastExpanses ago

FUCK YES! Intergalactic battles!

DreidelDance ago

Is it Happening?

Kekistani ago


SimonRothschild ago

Round of applause gang, we did it.

VincentRothschild ago

You are the instigator of all this, I hope you know this. I haven't bloody slept in months!

Glad to see it's conclusion and very grateful for you setting the blue-touch paper alight.

JackParsons ago

Rocket Man To Torah Moon

C1RWON ago

I know the answer.

metatrontab ago

Don't spoil it.