ardvarcus ago

It's fertilizer.

KangarooCourtier ago

Fucking hell and he worked for NASA?

Could it be anymore obvious to people, we are dealing with a rogue space fleet of scientists whacked out on DMT?

NeedleStack ago

You shills need new writers.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

Oh Alex Jones needs new writers?

Bot Army 1

NeedleStack ago

Don't worry, OP is just another one of the Shill Bots infesting voat lately.


This, i believe, is the best way to combat this problem. Because of your message i will not spend any time in this fake news

shitstartercarter ago

Ammonium nitrate isn't dangerous unless it's in the hands of someone retarded or malicious. That is one of the main ingredients in tannerite and your legally allowed to have it. Las vegas is being used as leverage for a huge grab of liberties. Firearms and tannerite like substances alike.

derram ago | :

Why ammonium nitrate found in Las Vegas shooter's car is so dangerous - Business Insider

'The US Department of Homeland Security is required to "regulate the sale and transfer of ammonium nitrate by an ammonium nitrate facility" to prevent people from using it for terrorism. '

'But in the US, you can buy ammonium nitrate on Amazon, at gardening stores, or from agricultural suppliers. '

'Ammonium nitrate was what made the explosion at the West, Texas, fertilizer plant in 2013 so destructive. '

'Takata used ammonium nitrate in its airbags, which is what turned them into "shrapnel", killing people around the world, The New York Times reported. ', "Ammonium nitrate doesn't burn on its own, but when it meets fuel, the white pellets can act as an accelerant, causing powerful explosions."

This has been an automated message.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

They'd find it in my trunk, too. It's in many brands of fertilizer.

BeautyChat ago

Say, Grumpy...

You don't happen to own a tractor do you?

old_grumpy_fucker ago

Not me. I never touch them, myself.

BeautyChat ago

Me neither. Drugs are for mugs.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

A wise man is aware of his limitations.

BeautyChat ago

Lucky I am an idiot then.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

There will come a time when you admit to yourself that there are some things that you just can't do. It's not a matter of giving up, it's more one of realizing that you time/skills are better used elsewhere.

BeautyChat ago

Name one.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

You'll name them as you grow up.

BeautyChat ago

Alright, Statistics. I do not get it nor do I have any desire to.

So you were right. There is one.

Normality, there is another.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

It's not a contest. Disagreeing with me is your perogative, youngster. But you will bow to reality, age, and your own realization in the end. In the meantime, don't fuck your body up because that'll only speed up the process. ;-)

TheBuddha ago

I do! I love my tractor.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not even kidding. I love my tractor, almost as much as I love my dog. I get more work out of the tractor, however,

HotelCalifornia ago

So you are a modernist trying to compensate by owning a traditional pet?

I see.

TheBuddha ago

LOL He's a working dog. He points, retrieves, and can track so long as I keep his attention on it. He's a Golden Retriever, he sorta, theoretically, maybe earns his keep.

HotelCalifornia ago

Hehe. That's cool, what is your dog called?

TheBuddha ago

Sam but I call him Stupid. He's not smart, but lovable and well trained. He will train his replacement this coming spring.

Basically, this sums up why I call him stupid...

He will chase a ball until you're tired. He can fit two tennis balls in his mouth, but he can't fit three. So, when I'm done working on his retrieving, I'll throw three balls. He will then spend hours trying to figure out how to put all three in his mouth at the same time.

HotelCalifornia ago

@boogles45 that's the name of my friend's cat. lol

HotelCalifornia ago

God bless him.

I have a friend (just one) and his family adopted a little dog on holiday and called him "wee stupidy". On some level it makes me feel guilty but on another, it amuses me.

TheBuddha ago

Stupid doesn't mind that I call him that. He responds to anything. He is not a bright dog, no.

HotelCalifornia ago

It's worth a shot right? With training season coming up.

TheBuddha ago

If I whistle, or say it in the right tone of voice, he will come when I call potato.

HotelCalifornia ago

Spot the deliberate straw-man argument.

HotelCalifornia ago

Potato from which planet exactly? Would that be mars density or earth density?

TheBuddha ago

Maine density. Maine is actually potato country, once you get up into the flatlands after the mountains. The whole north of Maine is potato, tees, and furry woodland critters. There are a few people, but not many.

HotelCalifornia ago

Oh I think my friend Patrick might disagree with you there Buddha.

To be sure, there is but one potato land I know of. The leprechauns aka agents of Satan will replace your crop of potatoes with moon rocks if you don't appease him in Autumn.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I think Maine produces more potatoes than the entirety of Ireland.

HotelCalifornia ago

What do you think would happen if you started calling him intellect?

TheBuddha ago

He'd just want me to give him attention. He's lovable but not bright. He goes hiking with other people, fishing trips with other people, etc... He's quite a character. I've come home and found notes saying they took my dog for a ride. He's gone on multiple overnight trips without me.

HotelCalifornia ago

Slightly perturbed, I waited ten minutes for my coffee and the cooker isn't turned on.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, you gotta hit the button. I am guilty of that just recently.

HotelCalifornia ago

I believe it was Bertrand Russell who called it The Philosopher's curse... For example, looking for glasses, while you are wearing them.

TheBuddha ago

Huh... You're familiar with Russell? LOL I have the v/mathemagicians sub.

HotelCalifornia ago

Well yes, of course. I happen to be a philosopher, not an aeronaut. Don't you know Russell's linguistic proposition about Unicorns?

TheBuddha ago

LOL I am familiar with most of his work. I'm a "doctor of philosophy" which is, more technically meaning, I have a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics.

HotelCalifornia ago

Do you see divinity in mathematics?

TheBuddha ago

Nope. Mathematics is a language. You can describe anything with math, just as you can with English. The language of mathematics is an expressive language and nothing more. It's contrived in areas, arbitrary in other areas, and straight up wrong in some areas.

HotelCalifornia ago

Also, when you write code, does the underlying tablet not have a language unto itself?

TheBuddha ago

Sure, it's binary.

HotelCalifornia ago

Well you know, it was I who shared The Euler quote about an equation being beautiful if it is true. I think of Plato's world of form being the divine blueprint towards which, for example, the flower strives towards... Of course, elements upon the flower - might hinder it's mathematical symmetry of design but the blueprint, from which it is formed, never alters. That is where I see the divinity and I like to visualise it, like ice crystals forming beautifully and therefore, being resonant with the creator.

TheBuddha ago

LOL How many usernames do you have?

HotelCalifornia ago


TheBuddha ago

LOL I have one.

By the way, I don't believe in divine anything. There's no evidence to support such and divinity isn't falsifiable. Science actually has no opinion on deities. It doesn't answer that question, it can not answer that question.

HotelCalifornia ago

Well being that Science is Scientia (knowledge) I would beg to differ. The power we reap with knowledge, is wisdom and to me, rather divine. Is philosophy, not after all... The love or worship of wisdom philo- sophia? So we seek to attain "The God Head" through learnedness.

TheBuddha ago

You can't falsify an omnipotent deity. Without falsifiability, it's not science. We can't prove an all powerful deity doesn't exist, we can't prove that something exists beyond our ability to observe and measure. Science has no opinion on the subject of deities. If you have a question about deities, ask your priest. If you have a question about mathematics, I can probably answer that.

HotelCalifornia ago

Where does mathematics begin?

TheBuddha ago

When you describe the manipulation of countable items.

HotelCalifornia ago

So what is the singularity from which mathematics arises?

TheBuddha ago

There is none. Is there a singularity for French, Swahili, English, Latin, or Greek?

Mathematics is a language that follows the philosophy of mathematics, but isn't restricted by such. It's just a language.

HotelCalifornia ago

So you consider the dream world to be devoid of mathematical form?

TheBuddha ago

Dreams have no world. They are electrochemical responses, and nothing more.

HotelCalifornia ago

So is the wakened world, no?

"From some of Planck's utterances it would seem that he sees no contradiction between religion and science, indeed that he believes the two are perfectly compatible."

TheBuddha ago

No, the awakened world is certain enough to have confidence. Logito ergo sum.

HotelCalifornia ago

Is it fair to assume that a fly - exists in a time quite different to our own?

"if you look at flies, they can perceive light flickering up to four times faster than we can. You can imagine a fly literally seeing everything in slow motion."

Will extend this thought.

TheBuddha ago

Time is relative.

HotelCalifornia ago

Why is it they say if you speak to a bilingual person in their native tongue, you speak to their heart? Do you think people have different personalities when they speak different languages?

TheBuddha ago

I speak English, Mathematics, Spanish, and American Sign Language - I'm the same in all the languages, and just as verbose with them all - especially math. I've no time for reduction! ;-)

It's inelegant but life isn't about minimizing everything and I've better things to do - which is why I chose applied maths instead of pure maths.

HotelCalifornia ago

That's really interesting. I will pick your brains.

HotelCalifornia ago

That's what we term the degree here.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, Ph.D. is Doctor of Philosophy here, at least. I'm MIT alum. I did my defense in 1991 and am now very much happily retired. I modeled traffic.

HotelCalifornia ago

You mean a Doctor of Divinity.

HotelCalifornia ago

Jesus your dog is more social than I am.

TheBuddha ago

He's even got a girlfriend. They've made two litters. He's pure and from good stock. I can trace his lineage back for about 40 years, more if I really wanted to hunt for it.

HotelCalifornia ago

Definitely more social than me, I don't have a single litter.

TheBuddha ago

He's quite a character. He loves the snow and will burrow in it. He's outside now and, last I looked, he was looking hopeful. I tried telling him that we don't have snow coming but I don't speak dog. I'm pretty sure he just heard snow and is still going to sit out there looking hopeful. He will bang something when he wants to come back in.

HotelCalifornia ago

Tell him the snow's on the way.

Don't leave him out in the cold. I get angry at the farmer near my hut if I hear the dogs out in the cold.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, he loves the cold. If he wants to come in, he just comes and bangs on a door. If I don't hear it, he'll come tap on the window with both paws until I go get him.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

wtf are you saying walmart are involved?

fucking sick

HotelCalifornia ago

That's exactly what he is saying.

Does Bill Gates have stock in Wallmart?

Probably disconnected all knowledge of it, just like Boeing conveniently forgot that Stephen Paddock owned the 9/11 planes.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

Careful, I think @needlestack is on to us....

NeedleStack ago

You shills aren't fooling anyone with this "conversation".

TheBuddha ago

They might be fooling themselves.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

I need not reveal your IP addresses, lest I embarrass you in front of your smoking den parlour friends.

Pawn ago

what a dirty commie

NeedleStack ago

Are you threatening to doxx me? @PuttItOut wouldn't take kindly to that. Is that how you and your shill buddies operate?

freedumbz ago

Don't ever let empty threats like this get you m8.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Miss you needlestack.

NeedleStack ago

ArchitectOfDreams ago

No threats here, sugar pie.

Ywis ago

What the fuck is wrong with you?

fusir ago

Notice the upvotes. Screenshotting incase people righteously downvote.

BB-3 ago

They can only upvote after 7 days.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

He owned two planes?

You're kidding...

MrFar ago

So the secret societies are for real because there is no denying this all seems to interlock globally

NeedleStack ago

Shills like you guys are not so secret.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

I regret the necessity of making you disappear, but your knowledge has become dangerous to our missions.

This tape will self-destruct in ten seconds. Good luck, Jim....

HotelCalifornia ago

It's life Jim but not as we know it.