What is forum sliding

Grifter42 ago

Forum sliding is when people post a bunch of threads on a forum to push threads that they don't want seen out of view.

Rotteuxx ago

Like double RPV posts about @ExpertShitPoster having bought out @Puttitout ?

Grifter42 ago

You mean when he fucking actually admitted it?


Fuck you, Rotteaux, you intellectually dishonest fuckface.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean I'm not SRS cabal dishonest anymore ?

Gowdy ago

Could be. Needle's smart enough to delete her account if she was worried about something like that though.

PussySmasher6000 ago

Cool. A real protectvoat sub without srs faggots.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Fake and gay.