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15185962? ago

Wow. What a slimeball!

This "we" he keeps mentioning is very interesting. Is this goon posing as a member of the Q Team?

The whole tone is very not-Q. Q is friendly and optimistic. He's almost always grateful for anons hard work. I've never seen him make threats against anyone but the Cabal. I not only can't imagine @nothereforpizza being connected to Q, I can't imagine Q touching someone like this with a ten-foot pole. The arrogance reminds me of Corsi and that Steele guy who was around before Q.

I think it's likely he is someone subverting Q or trying to hijack the Q movement for his own selfish reasons.

15186109? ago

Yeah, what's this bullshit he's saying about "Basically, the same people that watched the movement prosper, helped it spread all around the internet, and finally make its way here"? Voat was investigating Q and getting attacked by shills for it LONG before any stupid subreddits were ever started for it. The first post here was November 1, 2017, just a few days after Q's first drop on 4chan.

"Finally made it's way here."

@nothereforpizza is full of shit. Or disinfo.

15195410? ago

Anon lurks in various places.

We each have our own thing, and we contribute our knowledge for the good of the group. That's the catch, though, it's amorphous.

I've been in both places the entire time and watched the entire time.

You fail the handshake every time.

15186216? ago

He’s a narcissist.

15186286? ago

A lot like Neon, for sure.