15200193? ago

Neon Revolt does good research, makes it free to read, and sells stuff on the side if you want to buy it (I don't). He's allowed to do that.

15195230? ago

I don't even fucking know Neon Revolt.

Remember when Womb_Raider was Freshmeat, or when literally anyone that spoke up against SBBH was sanegoat?

The anons probably won't remember, but I'd like to think there's been a good portion who have seen my content and would remember my name by now.

These anons won't forget what you're doing. You've been warned far too many times for you to continue to make the same mistake.

It's clear you're being paid to do this. Anons won't forget.

15188116? ago

That isn’t Neon Revolt! Why are you posting your personal problems here?

15188062? ago

Oh man I hate the really heated discussions but I’m gonna post because I love Neon Revolts analysis and have wanted to say so. I appreciated his video on who really runs the world detailing the 13 families. The way I look at it, is I listen to everything I can and I decide what fits and what doesn’t. So for me there’s no need to flip out on anyone. I’m just taking it all in and figuring it all out. You got to admit that an enormous amount of information has been hidden from us and that is stunning and overwhelming at times which can make you salty! It’s hard to know who to trust but again I read and listen and work it through and if someone seems to issue disinformation then there off my list. I don’t feel that way about Neon Revolt. I’ve been reading his posts for a long time and find him funny, salty and well researched.

15187766? ago

Neon bashing has gotten ridiculous!

15187531? ago

As Q has stated, be careful who you follow.

15187046? ago

NR leaves up the lamest comments and removes innocuous ones. Easily offended, I suppose.

15186291? ago

top kek

15186059? ago

I followed NR for about two weeks. Haven’t read his work in months now though. I have strong intuition and he sets off massive alarm bells. He is all ra ra ra but will then completely flip on Q and claim to be a freethinker, and that we should all be like him. He’s not after truth.

15186411? ago

Classic shill. Blow goats.

"he will"... gtfo, 2 weeks? Rancid bitch period, he's got posts going back longer than 2 weeks or months. "he will"... oh noes, he's gonna go full retard - I promise! Trust me the shill (not yourself), Neon's gonna become evil... someday! So listen to me the shill and hate on Neon (because I'm Micropenus and Neon raped me)!!

15197008? ago

Nice try Neon. Go fuck yourself! Anons see right through your BS! Loser!

15266315? ago

I'm Neon and Microchip and this is nonsense.

15197476? ago

Dis is Microchip. De other queerbot is Neon Revolt.

15186693? ago

Fanboy or Neon himself?

Q warned you about following and being careful.

15186793? ago

Q warned about shills and dividers. Looks like this ongoing coordinated targeting of Neon Revolt is showing the traitors' true colors: instead of staying on point and uniting patriots, a group of alternate accounts continue their grudge campaign for whatever selfish reasons.

15186878? ago

It's because we researched him and he's not who he claims.

He's stealing work from others, and he's profiteering off the movement.

Everyone will know soon.

15266333? ago

What did you find about him in your research?

15187928? ago

Nah. Piss off. Microchip isn't who he claimed. I bet he's (((mossad))). Just like AJ and Corsi. NR don't steal, board posts are publicly shared for people to use. All decoders use anon board posts. You're just a silly imbecile to say he steals. Plus he and other decoders give credit to anons, let people know. Your multiple alts are visible, you're a shill wastrel. Why don't you attack all the other decoders, they all profit. All. Because your full of shit.

15189269? ago

You don't get to decide what I do. All profiteering is going to be addressed.

15190926? ago

nobody allowed to sell....... tees? ur out ur gourd.

15190943? ago

Pushing merchandise like a sleazy car salesman off the backs of others research is not permitted.

Your opinion does not affect the morality of the situation.

15191042? ago

ur welcome to ur morality...... just dont forget all the others collecting donations using shared research..... they all do, every single one. and u aint anon bc its pretty clear ur just one male with alts. we know who, its in the logs.

15191074? ago

There is a line... most of them haven't crossed it yet. Neon jumped over and is begging everyone to join him.

You can assume whatever you like. The logs will show I am who I say I am.

You will know me by my actions.

Go ask Joe Alvarado who I am. https://thisainthell.us/blog/?p=58970

15191328? ago

what line. u aint stated anything any other decoder does: use shared research, gives credit to anons, collects donations. namefag dont apply, bc he's anon..... unlike every other decoder. u got nothing but personal animus as arguments. weak. petty. rather obvious.

claiming moral high ground. then nonstop picking on some single anon for personal satisfaction...... you were never Q patriot. you have no moral leg to stand on. Q called out dividers like you, hiding and using.

15192068? ago

You should learn how to type.

15192162? ago


15190879? ago

All shilling will be called out.

15190927? ago

That too. It's what I'm here for.

15185977? ago

[comment removed by moderators]
ThanQ for understanding
- Neon Swansong

15186851? ago

i second this. comment removed?

illegal ? if not, what, why ?

15186058? ago

Comment removed?

15185962? ago

Wow. What a slimeball!

This "we" he keeps mentioning is very interesting. Is this goon posing as a member of the Q Team?

The whole tone is very not-Q. Q is friendly and optimistic. He's almost always grateful for anons hard work. I've never seen him make threats against anyone but the Cabal. I not only can't imagine @nothereforpizza being connected to Q, I can't imagine Q touching someone like this with a ten-foot pole. The arrogance reminds me of Corsi and that Steele guy who was around before Q.

I think it's likely he is someone subverting Q or trying to hijack the Q movement for his own selfish reasons.

15195325? ago

Anon is seeing what you're doing here.

You're fooling no one.

15192296? ago

Just because someone accuses NR of being @nothereforthepizza does not make it so. The NR bashers and haters are hell bent on pushing there own agenda telling you what to think!

15195315? ago

And they'll be glad to drag me down with him if they get a single chance.

Don't let them fool you, anon.

I kicked the hornet's nest so (You) didn't have to.

15196888? ago

I stand with Neon and others brave enough to call out the cabal!

15197004? ago

Don't fall for their desperate tales, anon.

Decide for yourself what is right. Don't listen to any of us.

15198534? ago

I check NR’s articles for accuracy and he is spot on.

15198705? ago

Should really look in to the shit with SBBH, though...

15198809? ago

Snake pit

15186109? ago

Yeah, what's this bullshit he's saying about "Basically, the same people that watched the movement prosper, helped it spread all around the internet, and finally make its way here"? Voat was investigating Q and getting attacked by shills for it LONG before any stupid subreddits were ever started for it. The first post here was November 1, 2017, just a few days after Q's first drop on 4chan.

"Finally made it's way here."

@nothereforpizza is full of shit. Or disinfo.

15195410? ago

Anon lurks in various places.

We each have our own thing, and we contribute our knowledge for the good of the group. That's the catch, though, it's amorphous.

I've been in both places the entire time and watched the entire time.

You fail the handshake every time.

15186216? ago

He’s a narcissist.

15186286? ago

A lot like Neon, for sure.

15185951? ago

I like Neons articles and have no skin in any game The only thing I'll say is you anti-neon fags are looking really suspicious and desperate posting here instead of doing real research to further truth and liberty. Seems too coordinated. Chill the fuck out and read, learn, share, and post but this is getting stupid

15278996? ago

Agreed - way past stupid and old. Get over yourselves and stop with the division.

15198162? ago

I'm @nothereforpizza https://archive.fo/D9w7c

I've worked to help you guys understand what's going on here at Voat, and who to watch out for. I've helped anons come to understand what kind of methods they use, what accounts belong to these people, and how they relate to Reddit (other shill orgs). No one asked me to do this. I've never gotten any money. I didn't come here for the thrill or for renown. I did it for anon, like I always do.

I'm not Neon Revolt. I'm no one, or anyone.

I kicked the hornet's nest so you didn't have to. Not for thanks, for anon.

The Truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. You let it loose; it will defend itself.

15186561? ago

its the microcrew and his alts. micro claimed he started Q larp and that he was Q... he got so humilated by multiple owners but most thoroughly by nrevolt with screenshots. then micro used his accts and contacts and jumped nrevolt when board migrated to voat.

and here we are - micro still licking his sore anus.

15186019? ago

I like his articles too. He was my favorite blogger. That doesn’t mean he’s a good person, a true patriot, or an honest person.

15186489? ago

fuck your left hand shilling

15186766? ago

Fuck you for supporting a profiteering thief who you were warned about.

15187756? ago

Least of our worries. Read the situation. You can slap his balls once the pedophiles are in jail.

15185940? ago

Excellent post anon. If you are anything like me, and I'm going to guess you are... we are going to make sure everyone knows who Neon really is.

He really shouldn't have been profiteering, it highlighted who he is. This isn't a game.

15185839? ago

Notice how the attacks on NR came on right after he demolished Microdick.

And the fagoats would cite 'oh he was rude to meh on Gab' and you go see the shitty ass asinine comments the fagoats posted on his blog or Gab threads - absofucking retarded pointless drivels anyone would be inclined to shitcan.

Essentially, go look at the timing. Fags just used the mods things as cover. Has butthurrt Microdick stains all over it.

15186137? ago

Wait, microdick was a real person?

15186035? ago

You sound like NR. He loves to brag about how he won. MicroDick is retarded. So why brag about destroying the faggot? NR is a control freak that has to “win.”

15186211? ago

Microdick got blown away by more than NR, you'd know that if you weren't a part timer cancer. Microdick came at NR, challenged him publicly and he got very publicly annihilated in front of hundreds of readers - like meh. Then the faggot wiped his shitty accounts.

Then his faggot friends launched the "muh mods are bullies" faggotry. The same faggot Microdick shills -or Microcock himself- who were posting gay ass dribble in the comments, just like YOU faggot.

15187822? ago

Right and microdick even got called out by Q! All of Neon Revolts content is free.

15186403? ago

Yup. You’re NeoFag

15186436? ago

We see you replying to yourself fag

15186731? ago

Where did i reply to myself?

15185888? ago

Found neon

15185903? ago

Nice try fag.

15185947? ago

Neon is profiteering... period. Nothing excuses it.

15186131? ago

How is he profiteering? I never bought shit from his blog or subbed to his Gab. Q called out Paytriots like the mossad fatfuck Corsi going round saying Q was hijacked - when the kike was doing the hijacking and Soapbox with their tiered paywalls. NR never had a paywall.

15186241? ago

Sells Tshirts, sells subscriptions... steals his research from anons.

In addition, he's not who he pretends and will be exposed. Believe whatever you like.

His exposure is coming and there's nothing he can do now.

15186302? ago

Fuck are you on? Replace Neon with PrayingMedic, Wictor, Serial, Bean, they all collect from anon posts on chans. You stupid stupid cunt.

That's the whole point of anon posts on the boards you dipshit needs-to-be-tossed-In-a-woodchipper newfagcancer. Each decoder is assembling posts in their own way, often with overlaps where codes are obvious. gtfo and crawl back up your mummy you worthless tumor.

15186415? ago

Nothing you say is going to stop him from being exposed.

15186441? ago


15186487? ago

Like I said... nothing.

15186601? ago

You sound homosexual, sir. Why would you want to pry and "expose" some man? Are you ghey?

15186781? ago

No, I'm anon. I expose darkness out in the light.

Who are you?


15186807? ago

I'm microchip. Help me get that faggy neonrevolt.

15186881? ago

Only after I bury you.

15185931? ago

Stop sucking the namefags cock then douche. They are all pieces of shit.

15185821? ago

These daily neon revolt attacks got boring months ago.

Enjoy taking to your alts, shill OP.

15195274? ago

What they do is cement the attack of a particular character so as to anchor the memory of XXXXXXX=BAD.

Then they can easily invoke such an anchor by slandering a new dissident (edit: by claiming this new dissident is XXXXXXX). I hope it's clear to all anons that I've simply kicked the hornet's nest BEFORE v/QRV got here so you could all see who we need to be weary of.

I hope I'm getting through to you, anons.

15186284? ago

what are you talking about? there was a ceasefire for a month or so, then Neon went and trashtalked G.A & its moderator team out of the blue

15186493? ago

Great Awakening is run by SoapboxBanHammer shills - so good on him for trashing them... not that I necessarily believe you without some proof.

15186585? ago

to whatever extent that may or may not be true, what does that in itself prove?

SBBH is a shtposting site. ppl post shit there. How much of what they post there can any moderator dictate or control, and what evidence is there of that control being exerted by G.A. moderators ?

Thats a really pissweak, tenuous argument you're trying to make

on the other hand, Neon Revolt has directly attacked G.A. and Srayzie on Gab and on his blog . Directly. So we have :


Neon Revolt - Direct Evidence

Srayzie - Tangential Evidence - this post aside -

which she is entitled to as a defence against Neon Revolt firing THE FIRST SHOT

15186826? ago

SBBH is a shtposting site.

No - it's a karma farm used to build alts and hide how much certain member participate in down-vote brigading. They artificially build CCP so they and their alts can down-vote 10% and look like normal users.

They conduct "zany" spam attacks on Voat communities and when their spam is deleted by the mods, they use their alts at protectvoat to manufacture a fake "censorship crisis" and encourage even more down-vote brigading. Pretty zany, huh. Ha ha ha ha - they are attacking Voat 24/7 using Mossad tactics. Pretty funny hey?

15186885? ago

well, here's the thing

use your forensic skills to build a CASE that Srayzie or G.A. mods are engaging in that kind of conduct, and present it

because Srayzie has taken the time to demonstrate that in evidence with regards to Neon Revolt in the OP links above

so all you are doing is throwing an UNSUBSTANTIATED ALLEGATION against Srayzies SUBSTANTIATED one

up your game faggot

15186905? ago

Haven't you ever wondered why EVERY GA mod, other than the Owner, still is or was a SBBH shill and why NONE of them ever gave enough about Q to post to any Voat Q communities before they ALL started clawing at each other to became QA mods the moment of the Reddit ban?

At least one of those new SBBH mods of GA has a history of attacking Voat Q communities.

Weird, huh?

15186923? ago

thats not in evidence

at ALL

15186937? ago

It's evidence that GA is almost entire dominated by SBBH mods who don't give a flying fuck about Q.

Why do you think TheAwakening and QRV are so remorselessly attacked SBBH-style spam, whereas GA's moderator logs show they get almost no attacks at all?

You don't find all of these coincidences to be weird?

Yeah, I know - you demand blood and stool samples as DNA evidence.

15186947? ago

Just one single screenshot would suffice of GA mods trash talking QRV in SBBH

How about it, Neon. Can you deliver?

15187047? ago

How about it, Neon.

So low energy.

You sound EXACTLY like those shills that attack neon every day at the same time for two months.



15187116? ago

Oh, so you aren't a neon sock puppet? So then tell me why you'd defend neon after Srayzie has laid out all his manipulative shit for QRV to see? Don't you care about the integrity of QRV?

15187135? ago

I'm researching where all the shill attacks on QRV are coming from and they point to members of SBBH / GreatAwakening.

I'll create a new post when I've gathered more intel - I'm writing code using Voat's search api.

15187214? ago

so you're slandering moderators of a Q sub when you admit you dont yet have the evidence to support that concusion

that would be

A) - Divisive, or B) not Divisive ?

15187266? ago

I have much evidence - but you want proof.

Don't STRESS over this, I'm sure you and everyone will be satisfied by what the Voat search api data is showing me.

I'll post it in all the Q communities to make sure you see it.

15185952? ago

OP is telling the truth. Maybe you should be paying attention to who you follow.

15187765? ago

No one cares about selling tshirts when pedophiles are loose. Get your priorities straight. You're a sick fuck.

15185782? ago

What a piece of shit...


15185972? ago

His empire can burn around him for profiteering and intellectual theft.

15185744? ago

AKA... Neon Faggot, the t-shirt spamming whore

15185722? ago

That’s the most aggressive “help” I’ve ever seen offered.

15198230? ago

that's because I was testing him not "helping" him.

15185686? ago

@Youllrememberme, I’ll save you the trouble and post your archived post full of lies about me that you share everywhere... http://archive.is/fn3AA

15186285? ago

Aren't you a moderator of board? Is doxing members OK here? I'm floored. I've moderated boards, and know what access moderators have to people's stuff. Did you really just post member's info in an anon thread????
You shouldn't be monitoring ANY boards, on any platform.

15186757? ago

It is not doxing by showing screenshots of messages from an inbox. Even the owner of this subverse told me. It’s doxing if you show anything about them in real life. Like job, real name, location, etc.

15186803? ago

You posted it to an anon thread. You shouldn't be a mod. You're unethical as fuck.

15186859? ago

It doesn’t matter. Unethical? You’re either NeoFag or didn’t read them

15186889? ago

No. You're not going to turn this around on anyone, but the one responsible for this thread. It's unethical to release information on members of a board, in what is to be an anon environ. It is no one's business why someone is banned from a board, or what have you.
This was unethical, and OP should be de-modded.
I moderated for years, and know what can be seen behind the scenes … but I already said that. The one who holds the information; holds the power. This is a flagrant abuse of power.

15186971? ago

Well you don’t mod here then I see! Don’t you have some researching to do #Blacklisted Anon?

15187112? ago

Nope, I don't. I DO know unethical, and abusive behavior.
Deflection isn't your strong point.

15185848? ago

Here's the proof that srayzie is the one shilling QRV with all the hate and division instead of letting people make up their own minds about Neon. I'm the person she just pinged. I was on the other side of the fence as far as @NeonRevolt goes, now I believe he's probably legit. I used to call Neon a panhandler in srayzie's sub when she posted his stuff. These are the shills attacking QRV and this is why the people here, like me, have been calling them out. They always make mistakes when they're desperate. "These people are stupid"

Srayzie, you're playing checkers in a chess game. LOL

Edit: To go with the proof that srayzie is the one here shilling neon, let's recap what her buddies openly admit..





15235849? ago

Exp here. I have this to say:

15186549? ago

wait ... not one of those links you provided are proof of Srayzie's actions or comments

not one

all they are is evidence suggesting old goats coming here to QVR to be disruptive. Which is what you'd expect on any site. Why such a thin skin, and why such a weak counter case ?

15186730? ago

Srayzie made the case that she's the one shilling Neon by admitting she posted the thread. I said.. "To go with the proof that srayzie is the one here shilling neon, let's recap what her buddies openly admit.." Those links are the proof that it's SBBH shilling this sub with her. It's no coincidence that she keeps bringing this up. It's laughable if you expect people to believe that all this support for a shill mod is organic. Everyone here knows SBBH is responsible for trying to destroy our sub.

15186833? ago

you're still making this false equivalence

theres evidence of SOME people on SBBH looking to attack QVR. Where's the evidence that SRAYZIE or other G.A. mods are 'those people'

all her public statements said the opposite. She wished QVR good luck and welcomed new goats.

Neon's public statements, on the other hand ....

you really have to do better

15186949? ago

you really have to do better

People don't believe your dribble, they've seen the facts. All your vote manipulation in this thread wont change that. Neither will your appealing to authority you don't have in anon. Your only hope is that people don't click the links and just trust you.

15186972? ago

That amounts to nothing but avoidance of the challenge before you

Srayzie has laid out a meticulous case

Can you respond in kind, or just fluff your way with rhetoric?

You really have to do better

15192728? ago

A case for what? She's accused someone of being someone else and provided absolutely no proof of that. She just expects everyone to believe it and so do you. Did you all come here at the same time because you discussed this on discord?

15186497? ago

What do those links show about me? Lol. You all try to say I’m SBBH. That’s your proof? 😂 Oh and one of my alts is my mod @Shizy too remember? 🙄 Like, I really don’t ever want to have a break from here. At least I have real stuff to back up what I’m saying. Your lame attempts at me have been nothing but pathetic. I think you are a part of it all Mr Puppet Show.

15186551? ago

At least I have real stuff to back up what I’m saying.

Really? Where in your screenshots did you prove that's an alt of NR?

Your lame attempts at me have been nothing but pathetic.

I quoted you with screenshots as proof. Where did I lie? You're desperate and upvoting all your shit with alts is "pathetic".

I'm part of exposing you shills.

15186723? ago

Proof of what? Explain yourself. These links aren’t of my posts or anything??

15186929? ago

I proved http://i68.tinypic.com/2uq0wns.jpg in your own words. You're shady as fuck. You proved you've been shilling QRV with your Neon hate, but you're too bust playing checkers to realize it.

15186961? ago

See how shady you are? I’ve told you that I knew of people having alts. Users have been almost doxxed or threatened. They make alts. It’s not bad to have an alt. What’s bad is how it’s being used. What you want everyone to think is that an alt means you’re going to use it in a bad way.

15192678? ago

Save it srayzie..

"lots of alts talk to themselves, that way at least someone agrees with them".

You're shady as fuck and you prove it time and time again with your lies.

15193310? ago

Anyone who wants to read those messages and say I’m the one that is shady, might be a NeoFag alt. Whatever... it’s there and people can decide for themselves

15193477? ago

They did decide, look at the vote count on your thread. You're shady as fuck and everyone knows it. That even includes all the upvotes from your buddies and alts. Don't worry, we'll revisit this soon. It's obvious you're the one who doesn't want anyone making up their own mind, that's why you're here shilling Neon.

So, where did you prove @NeonRevolt is @nothereforpizza? You never answered that question.

15193709? ago

I’m not shilling you Neon. I was simply sharing the messages you sent me. Why so upset?

15193958? ago

I haven't sent you any messages since around this time.. http://i68.tinypic.com/2uq0wns.jpg and I'm far from upset, this is comedy. You can repeat it as much as you want, but I'm not @nothereforpizza and saying it over and over doesn't make it true. You can't even show that you proved it was Neon, so now you're avoiding the question and saying I'm that person too. lol Are you going to call me Sarah next? Maybe Corsi? You've already called me Ian even though you knew that was bullshit. You should walk away, you can't hang.

One more time.. Where did you prove that NHFP is Neon?

15195460? ago

They take the bait every time.

All I'm doing is forcing them to prove their bullshit while fishing for something to make them look like fools over.

They don't even see the handshake.

Don't get demoralized, Neon. You're doing fine.

Keep in mind, THIS is why we stay anon.

15198240? ago

I'm not neon.

15198290? ago

Meh everything else is still applicable.

Either way, good on you for not falling for their stupid shit, anon.

Go through @nothereforpizza's comment history and it tells you all you need to know about them and about SBBH and the way they operate.

Look at how they @ each other when they don't like how I make certain comments and then the comments all after that are downvoted.

I like how they're sharing my methods with you. Learn from it; recognize it. Use it.

15198405? ago

Oh yeah, they always ping eachother for the vote brigade.

15198484? ago

Good good.

I'm glad you're all learning. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.

15198709? ago

I've been at this for a while, I'm the person srayzie pinged in this comment string and then later accused me of being you. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2868929/15185686

15198987? ago

Then I'm glad we're all seeing the same thing.

This must scare them tremendously.

15194165? ago

I have explained the screenshot story. Everyone was confused because it was a group message. You made this big deal out of it even tho you knew there was nothing to it. You’ve talked to all involved and know that without a doubt now. But you continue to lie. Typical shill tactics right out of BA’s hand book. I don’t answer to you.

This isn’t comedy to you. You have been after me and lied about me since pizzagate. For some reason, I bother you. I’ll take that as a compliment. You bring up Corsi and Sarah for what reason other than to just start drama? True patriot. You’ve been wanting to cause division since day one. Every now and then, I need to clear it up because you’re cancer for this movement. Who else spins lies like you so just to get people to not like another Q sub? Oh I know..... Ding Ding Ding. BA and EL.

15194383? ago

Since pizzagate? More lies? I thought you were legit until you exposed yourself in that group chat. Who cares if your alts came and "confirmed" they aren't you. I'm exposing your sub because you exposed yourself as a shill. Simple as that. You're a phoney and I wint let you mislead people. Remember in pizzagate when you played the innocent dumb girl to get your vote count up? Typical shill tactic. I've always been the same and people can check my history to prove it. The only people in pizzagate I used to get into it with were Vindicator, MillennialFalcon, donkey and ES. Was this a freudian slip that you're one of them too? We know you understand how alts could be necessary to play both sides. That way you dont have to be wrong. You have mental issues.

15194613? ago

Sssshhhh stay calm. 🤫 You’re showing that this isn’t comedy to you. The Twitter group chat where people were confused convinced you that I am multiple people? But, I’m the one with mental issues? 🤔 I’ve stopped worrying about getting my Voat count up long ago. I have plenty.

Yes, I told you that some make alts. I was talking about GreatAwakening. One regular there was afraid that they were about to be doxxed. You took that statement of mine and made it dirty. Everything you have shown, has been you putting your spin on how the story went. Manipulation from the start. What I shared, speaks for itself.

If trying to convince people with lame screenshots that show absolutely nothing doesn’t work, you resort to accusing me of being SBBH. That’s all you’ve got on me. Lol. I have a challenge for you. PROVE to me that I’m @Shizy or @ASolo. Seriously! Your evidence is not there bro. If you can’t do that, then you should stop lying about me correct?

What would be the right thing to do if you’re wrong? You don’t care about what’s right tho do you? You don’t care if our community is divided in half. THAT is enough for anyone to see where your heart is.

15197994? ago

My point was you changed after getting your vote count up, thanks for proving it. lol

Your cover stories are weak, the facts are out there. There's a reason your active users are dwindling, people see you for the shill you are and you expose more constantly. I shared your words, you shared someone's words and claimed they were Neons with no proof. That's manipulation from the start. Me quoting you are the facts.

Those "lame screenshots" are direct quotes from you that expose you as a shill. You can keep pretending that's not sufficient, but people see the truth.

I am doing what's right, you on the other hand get your friends to help you shill QRV because you're butthurt the truth came out before you got a chance to manipulate everyone from reddit. It shows.

I'm done dancing around in circles with you in this retarded thread, shill.

15200232? ago

My active users are not dwindling. We have more active users everyday than TheAwakening. If they were dwindling, it’s because you and your clan have been trying to convince everyone that we’re bad.

Trying to divide the Q movement using your shill tactics. I’ve never seen someone work so hard to try to discredit mods and a subverse on a forum. I’ve only heard about it, read about it, researched it, and write about it. You’re doing exactly what EL did.

Obviously Neon is involved because you keep defending him. One more thing. It keeps being said that Q never posted anything from v/GreatAwakening. That’s because Reddit is much more well known and much larger.

For a group who uses this platform daily, and wants to repeatedly tell everyone that Q “endorsed QRV”, BUT as a REDDIT REPLACEMENT SUB... you guys sure like to shit on it. Ungrateful dividers.

15200496? ago

I don't give a shit about v/theawakening, just like I don't give a shit about your sub. Why are you and your friends shilling in QRV, the only real Q sub on voat?

I’ve never seen someone work so hard to try to discredit mods and a subverse on a forum. I’ve only heard about it, read about it, researched it, and write about it. You’re doing exactly what EL did.

Your lies don't work with me and nobody else is reading your shitty thread, so just save it, shill. Who is EL?

Obviously Neon is involved because you keep defending him. One more thing. It keeps being said that Q never posted anything from v/GreatAwakening. That’s because Reddit is much more well known and much larger.

I don't care about Neon, I just know you're a shill and you're attacking him relentlessly. So, there's a good chance he's one of the good guys.

For a group who uses this platform daily, and wants to repeatedly tell everyone that Q “endorsed QRV”, BUT as a REDDIT REPLACEMENT SUBJPEG... you guys sure like to shit on it. Ungrateful dividers.

You know this is a crock of shit, but it's all you have. Why would Q want the movement divided between subs? So you can keep namefagging and keep your voat popularity? Why didn't Q ever mention your sub, if it's legit? I hope you realize if you've received anything for the shilling you're doing, you've committed a crime. There are people watching.

15200612? ago

Q didn’t tell every forum to run join QRV. How hard is it for you to get thru your head that it’s a Reddit Replacement sub. I don’t care who is reading this thread. I am talking to you. Since you want to lie about us and divide this movement, then we have no other choice but to defend ourselves. Peace out.

15200708? ago


15194016? ago

I bet you know who BA and EL are too. Oh and TITNM

15194204? ago

Actually, I cant even make a username out of the first 2 abbreviations that sounds familiar and I'm pretty sure the last one is your SBBH crew. https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2838140

So you have nothing to prove that's Neon? Same old SBBH boogeyman drama.

15194336? ago

You’re telling me I have no proof? When you’ve spent months trying to tell people that even my own mod is my alt? Even when we said we could do a voice chat and prove all of us were not alts, you refused.

No. Neon Revolt did not put his signature. It’s obvious and a lot more believable than the retarded stuff you’ve used on me. You know exactly who I’m talking about. That’s why you closed some of your old accounts. I know people that know you. It this doesn’t bother you then walk away boy.

15194478? ago

When you’ve spent months trying to tell people that even my own mod is my alt?

Another lie.. Ian said that's your alt and I agreed it was obvious you 2 act exactly the same. I stopped here because you're full of shit and I have more important stuff to do. We can discuss this in the next thread that you're exposed in. It's coming...

15194710? ago

Oh of course you’re done. Who is my alt then? What is it you’re trying to portray then? Your story keeps changing. What important things do you have to do? Shit talk and lie about anyone who’s a threat to the deep state?

I’m attacked from all directions. Especially from this place. You get paid to sit there and write so you’re not busy. You’ve been the loudest voice trying to paint me and v/GreatAwakening in a bad light. Good Patriot there. You run away when it gets tough. I wouldn’t be so attacked if I wasn’t doing something right.

15197791? ago

Oh of course you’re done. Who is my alt then? What is it you’re trying to portray then? Your story keeps changing. What important things do you have to do? Shit talk and lie about anyone who’s a threat to the deep state?

How did my story change? I was hanging Christmas lights, far more important than dealing with a shill on a forum. You're working with deep state goons, look what you and your buddies are doing to QRV. Nice deflection, srayzie. Do you get paid per reply? Nobody's looking at your weak ass thread anymore so why else are insistent on continuing this conversation?

I’m attacked from all directions. Especially from this place. You get paid to sit there and write so you’re not busy. You’ve been the loudest voice trying to paint me and v/GreatAwakening in a bad light. Good Patriot there. You run away when it gets tough. I wouldn’t be so attacked if I wasn’t doing something right.

You create your own drama by arguing with your own alts and your last sentence is why you do it, so you can claim the high ground either way. You admit to seeing how that's necessary because you're a shill. I'm in construction, but you know that, you're just projecting again. You're the one who's here all the time. I exposed your sub because you're a shill and I won't let you fags control the narrative in the Q movement, like you did to pizzagate. You aren't on the side of QRV and that's been proven. You're a waste of time at this point, other than when you get upset you get stupid and reveal more. Like this thread, I knew it's been you the whole time over here shilling @NeonRevolt and you just proved it.

15186787? ago

You proved it yourself by admitting you're the OP of this thread, those links are of your friends admitting they're shilling here too and trying to destroy QRV.

15186864? ago

Am the OP. A lot of people shill all over Voat. Only people like you like to label me as being with some “group”. It’s because you have nothing else

15186205? ago

except that she just laid out all the evidence exposing others, namely Neon revolt, as being egomaniacally divisive

what is it about evidence you dont get?

SJW faggot

15186322? ago

It's obvious who the real shills are, it's been pointed out and proven many times. I'm not arguing for Neon, I'm exposing the shills disrupting QRV with hate and division. Funny how you "all" show up at once. lol

15186499? ago

if someone is shown - through copious amounts of meticulously presented evidence - to be a manipulating divisive sneaky sock puppet using control freak, I would EXPECT an army of people to show up and slam that person and shred their reputation and credibility

Dont you?

You wouldnt ?

Why not?

Explain yourself

15186654? ago

Where was it proven that's Neons account? Honest question.

15186776? ago

well, go through it methodically and draw your own conclusion. Its a long networking web of identical modus operandi and extraordinarily coincidental timing

theres nothing stopping Neon Revolt making a public post declaring he regrets starting the war by trashtalking G.A & Srayzie when Srayzie was nothing but a dedicated fan of his

15186871? ago

His instinct was right about srayzie, he just came with some ridiculous shit on why it was true. I know anyone could get added to that ping list, I was in GA at the time.

Look what you people are doing to QRV... Why would he apologize for being right about srayzie?

15196235? ago

Judge a man by his ends, not so much his means. None of you know who I really am. I'm anonymous. Why the hell would I care about my "reputation"? I did what had to be done. I got my hands dirty and kicked the hornet's nest so you didn't have to.

I helped prepare this place for the Q transition.

No one asked me to.

I'm @nothereforpizza (gate). I've been here for years. I've followed Q and /pol/s for years. None of you have ever seen my face or heard my name. I've never made money off of this. I helped because I wanted to.

This was my gift to you, anons. They simply got in the way.

15186892? ago

did you even look at the evidence Srayzie posted above ?

15192575? ago

Yep, it's all "nothereforpizza". You idiots have called me that guy, you've called me Ian, you've called me sgis, you've called me freshmeat, you've called me MYG, you've called me just about everyone you hate. Your game is weak and that's all you have.

15194934? ago

except that there's an elaborate modus operandi and language pattern in evidence which is repeated, reinforced by 'coincidental' timing

only deadshits would believe your desperate calls for us to ignore that. Its a matter of profound suspicioun that anyone responding to this thread wouldnt at least conclude that there is something VERY fishy going on with nothereforpizza

15196289? ago

I have a certain way of doing something, sure. Give them all you have on me Srayzie. That'll only make it worse.

You're just mad that I outed you, so you have nothing except for desperate attacks on my methods and not my findings.

You're a child and you're only proving it. We're on different wave lengths.

15195754? ago

I'm not asking anyone to ignore anything. All im asking is for people to look at the facts and make up their own mind rather than letting you clowns shape the narrative like you did in pizzagate.

My first run in with @nothereforpizza was a few weeks ago when the crensch thread was posted. I'm pretty sure I know who it is and it's none of the people who have been named, if my guess is right. I haven't confirmed because you clowns have admin access and can read people's messages. Especially you. I normally wouldn't care, but whoever it is seems to be hiding amongst you shills to get more info and I don't want to ruin that.

I hope you understand that if you're being paid for what you're doing, it's a crime. And not a petty crime.

15196301? ago

They have no idea who I am and they never will.

I'm no one or anyone.

15186099? ago

Oh you aren’t the one who wrote all that to me? You didn’t try to dox @Crensch several times?

15186218? ago

I didn't. I wouldn't dox anyone here, NSA already knows who you are and I'm not going to be the reason someone gets hurt or killed.

15186675? ago

Say hello to the 321st Military Intelligence Battalion boys, smile and wave!

15185965? ago

Truth... they never expected professionals to show up it seems.

15236063? ago

Truth... they never expected professionals to show up it seems.

Professional what, exactly? Lololol you qtards are so fucking gullible... It’s astounding. Brb, have to ‘professionally’ go restock after the long weekend.

15239263? ago

Do you really think a professional gives a shit about your doubts?

We don't faggot.

15239504? ago

Do you really think a professional gives a shit about your doubts?

We don't faggot.

Lol that sounds a little unprofessional. I suppose that sort of talk flies back in the stock room.

15239514? ago

You'd be surprised at the language we use... apparently.

15239598? ago

I’ve never worked a stockroom, thankfully.

15186151? ago

Stop talking to yourself.

15186220? ago

I'm not... do your research.

15185642? ago

Dudes got a lot of alts.

Always adding new ones.

15186273? ago

I know, rite? why would you need them unless you're up to something underhanded ?

15186683? ago


15185613? ago

Anyone else wish these namefags all go away?

15185655? ago

It’s better to be an anonymous coward?

15185970? ago

Asks the fag posting here anonymously.

15186071? ago

It’s obvious who I am. It’s my inbox genius

15185993? ago

YOU , are not as anonymous as you may believe..

15186049? ago

Dont really care to be honest. People can find me, sure. I can also find them.

15185944? ago

Ask Q.

15185651? ago

Seriously, he thinks he's as important as Q.

15185876? ago

Neon is C_A. His new "subverse" is a honeypot.

15185915? ago

Yes. He's running at least 2-3 persona online, excluding alts here.

Franklin Leonard is another faux ID.

15186464? ago

your only supposed to have one acct, dems the rules

15186500? ago

Indeed. Hence why I do.

Do you? We can find out. https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/comments/2856048

15186578? ago

newfag I guess you need it spelt for you


15186661? ago

If I was new, I wouldn't know about severe security exploits on the site.

I misread your comment. Apologies.