15500473? ago

Yeaaaa.... fuck this name fagging drama. No one tells me where I can and can not go to get information. Part of being an adult is tuning out the bullshit drama and other noise to find the good posts. May they be on QRV, GA or else where. I lurk where I please. I suggest people do the same however it is human nature to partake in drama. Not my cup of tea and a waste of time.

15499804? ago

That's like if Jesus came back and said the Protestants got it right, and then the Catholics say naw, we'll stick with the pope.

15499662? ago

We don’t care about your drama here!

15498678? ago

I left that forum after two of my posts were deleted by the mods.

15499710? ago

Why were they deleted? I check mod logs of the subs I visit to see what the mods are deleting. I haven't seen those mods delete anything that shouldn't have been deleted.

15499812? ago

No idea, I've had no problems on QRV or theawakening.

15500064? ago

The awakening is fine. But QRV gets too many shill posts and it gets tiresome.

15498932? ago

^^^^ forum slide sbbh shitposts

15499585? ago

SBBH are srayzie's friends not QRV's.

15500857? ago

nice try shill but a patriot would not be fanning flames

15502880? ago

Srayzie always fans flames, look how she scts about neon. Look how she acted with Corsi too. How about her sock puppet Sarah? Same. I could go on and on and on, so GTFOH with your bullshit.

15498863? ago

How many shekels did you get for that lie?

Or is it the truth and your submissions were shit and you're too Jewish to admit it?

15499257? ago

We were told to be careful who we follow, it's pretty obvious that censoring and deleting posts goes against what this movement represents, especially as transparency and accountability are the prime objectives.

15499324? ago

The mod logs exist. You being a non means that you're not being transparent and making accusations that you won't or cannot back up

15498671? ago

Q specifically asked 8ch BO to make this anon sub-verse as the rallying point after the great awakening was banned. Plus who wants to deal with all that name fagging? So sick of seeing the name u/srayzie as I everything I do it has to deal with fake internet drama about who’s cock is smaller and has more power on voat. I say this to srayzie, eat ya mother’s dick and die slow hoe.

15500783? ago

I say this to srayzie, eat ya mother’s dick and die slow hoe.

What a patriot 🇺🇸

15500720? ago

Were the Reddit mods name flagging? You seem angry.

15498567? ago

Why is GreatAwakening still active? For a namefagging popularity contest?

15498584? ago

Because it was a Voat sub that predated the migration by half a year. And some people like having a community. v/theawakening could have been that for many of the refugees but their mods had to censor, and here we are.

15498725? ago

So what of it predates QRV. Q said to unite and endorsed QRV. I don't go anywhere but here.

15499402? ago

I don't go anywhere but here.

Good for you. That does not mean v/greatawakening is compromised. Also the GA mods aren't making these posts. That is people trying to keep you penned in here. Just like the mods of v/theawakening fucked wi the sub's ccp requirements when they first got here and deleted all posts/comments trying to alert you to that fact.

15499423? ago

Give me a break.

15499192? ago

So v/GreatAwakening was well established before Reddit banned Q researchers. It has a good core of users who get a lot done.

15499937? ago


It all sounds lovely, then let it continue growing 'orgamically' and stop coming here to repeat the same old BORING soap. It seems however that crazy stacy and all her shills (or alters) are here constantly farming people....STOP YOU ARE SOOOO BORING...

15500089? ago

I'm glad you're already aware of the way v/GreatAwakening is being attacked by (((certain people))) who are afraid of Q!

Many still aren't and just learned today. We have to be very vigilant against these divide and conquer attacks. Where we go one, we go ALL.

15502392? ago

All this fake drama... 😱😨😏#SAD😢 and #PATHETIC 😅😂

15502632? ago

Oh the Jews are very real.

They're also very tricky, which is why were saving Israel for last. Very specific reason.

15502021? ago

Sorry to give you that impression. You're a shill or an alter...Shoo! #LOOSER

15502608? ago

Looks like you replied to the wrong post.

15509860? ago

I don't think I did. I replied to your post:

I'm glad you're already aware of the way v/GreatAwakening is being attacked by (((certain people))) who are afraid of Q! Many still aren't and just learned today. We have to be very vigilant against these divide and conquer attacks. Where we go one, we go ALL.

And commented that I'm sorry to give you the impression I understand any of the shenanigans of crazy stacy and all of you, her alters or her grupies... No, I don't understand any of it and I do not care to understand it. I am glad Q ended with all of that fake drama by creating QRV. Stop shilling and start caring not only about yourself and your family but about what you're really doing. Please don't answer I don't have time nor care to continue exchanging with you.

15510055? ago

Now I'm SURE you don't understand what you're even on about!

Glad you admit it!

15574849? ago

Re-read my post: I fell for all this nonsense - at one point - BUT soon recognized it for the absolute B.S. that it is. So I am familiar enough to know that you're fake: you're a troll, or an alter of crazy stacy. I know enough about it to understand that you're all about PURE UNADULTERATED NONSENSICAL TIMEWASTING fake drama BORING BULL... All of this childish games will not work at QRV we're busy! #SHOO!

15498878? ago

Kepp trying, Lumus

15498522? ago

fak boomers

15498470? ago

What a pitty party, srayzie just wants attention. Is this someone we want representing the Q movement? https://imgoat.com/uploads/03ce9225fc/142635.jpg

She also admits to knowing people who talk to themselves with alts so "at least someone agrees with them". http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2uq0wns&s=9#.XA7oj6BlA0M

Here's a few threads about srayzie and "her" buddies.




Their end game is to control the narrative, this thread (OP) was made to get more of you over there. Here's another thread that thread where they made an attempt to get more of you over there.. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2849499 They're the ones here telling you that anon suck and QRV shouldn't be anon. They're trying to ruin QRV so everyone goes to GreatAwakening.

15498601? ago

Hey @nothereforpizza! You spent a year trying to disrupt v/pizzagate and now you are here trying to disrupt v/greatawakening.

We know we're over the target when you show up to shill!

15499368? ago

Um no...

I got banned on GA when QRV came to Voat.

Why? Because I outed Crensch (right around the time he got removed from GA mod list), because Srayzie said I was doxing him... even though I never shared any personal info about him.

You know, it's funny that you went with that srayzie. You could've said because I "was harassing" Crensch or something to that effect. Instead, you mentioned that I "doxxed" him. Maybe you don't realize this, but that was a very helpful Freudian Slip. It helped me acertain that I was on the money. You shouldn't have said doxxed because that revealed the info was accurate. You played yourself... again.

Are you done trying to shift things around on me? You don't think they'll realize that you're projecting and just accusing me of all of the things you guys do? Why don't you think they'll notice? I mean, you're familiar with how smart anons/autists are, right? You know, since you follow Q and all...

15499739? ago

"Outed crensch"? Don't you mean you were trying to dox crensch? Which is a site wide violation. You're lucky your shill ass hasn't been booted off voat all together!

15500168? ago

No, I mean what I said.

Also, you should really reexamine the definition. Here, I'll help you out:

search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

As per this definition, I would have had to found personally identifiable information about "Crensch" AND shared it. I did neither.

Nice try, gab.

15499458? ago

This isn't srayzie dumbfuck. You have bigger problems now.

15500174? ago

Do I?

15498758? ago

I'm not that person. You're just playing the same game all you voat shills always play. It's shown in the threads I posted.

15499655? ago

If you're not that person either you work with him, or you're incredibly stupid. Anyone pushing his narrative has been found to engage in all kinds of immoral activities like consensus cracking.

15501942? ago

It's funny how all of the things I accuse you guys of doing, I get accused of by you.

When have I tried to crack consensus? I very specifically tell people to decide for themselves very frequently.

15502446? ago

It's funny how all of the things I accuse you guys of doing, I get accused of by you.

It's funny how you Jews project your own flaws onto others in order to make it sound absurd when we point out that you are doing exactly what you accuse us of doing.

When have I tried to crack consensus? I very specifically tell people to decide for themselves very frequently.

No, you haven't. Your history is one comment. That's it. Congratulations, you've exposed anon for what it is.

15499761? ago

I work for myself. Save it, you hang out sbbh and enjoy shit kike what's in the deleted comments and submissions https://voat.co/v/QRV/about/log/comment

How do I know it's sbbh? https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2851738

15499866? ago

I bet you get manipulated constantly. By everyone around you.

15499970? ago

It's actually the opposite and that's why you're so butthurt.

15499860? ago

Then you're an idiot. I bet it feels awful when other people are talking around you and you don't understand most of what they're saying.

15499955? ago

LMAO! Is that all you have?

15499976? ago

Your edit accused most users of vote of being shills.

I don't need any more than that.

15500013? ago

I don't need any more than that.

For what? To get everyone to brigade me for my free speech? You all claim free speech, but this is how you roll. Pitiful.

15500307? ago

You're too stupid to even notice that you're not getting brigaded. You're also too stupid to notice that you're in a fucking a Anon subverse and the votes don't matter

15500403? ago

I was being accused of brigading, I was just pointing out that my posts have the most downvotes. I don't give a fuck about internet points, I don't even post outside of QRV. Do you SJW's always deflect like Alinsky taught you?

15498924? ago

Except you are the same person. But I'm not!

15499569? ago

Ok PeeWee.. "I know you are but what am I"

15498452? ago

Why does anyone need to choose either/or? What's wrong with both/and? Voat's admin made a special "Set" you can subscribe to that includes all of them. It makes submissions from all of them show up on your front page: https://voat.co/s/GreatAwakening. Subscribe to that, and you get everything; sort by HOT or TOP and the activity or votes will sort the wheat from the chaff.

15498909? ago

Maybe if you actually read through the submission, you'd understand why the Great Awakening mods are defending themselves. You'd also understand that the Great Awakening mods are not attacking qrv.

15499349? ago

Did you have a point? Or was it to illustrate that you have nothing to say you just wanted to link me somewhere?

15499406? ago

The point is obvious. Srayzie is blaming QRV for attacking her so sbbh will shill QRV harder than they already are.

15499558? ago

Anytime a goat is attacked, other goats will mobilize. Labeling them as as sbbh is silly.

The fact of the matter is, you have people infiltrating qrv. You have mods that are compromised. And the users here don't show that they know that with their votes.

If they did, it'd be less likely that legitimate users would make the mistake of believing the shills bullshit

15499699? ago

How are the mods of QRV compromised? The BO that Q asked to make this sub appointed those mods and they haven't deleted anything but posts against the rules. Are you saying Q is compromised because you want everyone in GreatAwakening? lol



15499892? ago

I'm saying qrv is modded by an alt of someone in theAwakening.

Those mods are 100% compromised.

15499111? ago

Oh, I am well aware that GA mods are under unwarranted attack. I've been a GA user since long before Redditors came over and I enjoy that sub. Just pointing out that the site has options that allow this to be a non-issue for those who just want to be able to find the best Q threads.

15499228? ago

Cheers to that, then.

15498140? ago

Another greatawakeining troll trying to slide theAwakening out. Nice try assholes

15498012? ago

Obvious Bull shit. Trumping up the sleeper shill board.

15497972? ago


15497958? ago

I like greatawakening for the content but i wouldnt look only greatawakening (instead all or front). The ban alot. No wonder mods sound like overworked child care personal.

15498624? ago

v/greatawakening bans "a lot"? I see spammers in there.

15498130? ago

GreatAwakening doesn’t ban a lot

15498340? ago

Ok, 'alittle', still lots of work for the mods. But, seriously - 'Think for yourself' (Q), so i dont need nor want a mod to tell me who is lying. Honestly, it feels like my freedom to discern myself, as well as my opportunity to learn about my enemy, are taken away.

So, i like greatawakening, but i think they create these problems themselves with the banning business. Am i missing something?

15497749? ago

Having only come here (and to Great awakening) when Q told us to come here I know nothing of the inner politics with these chat boards. I have never participated in any of them anywhere previously. What I have seen as someone new to this is pretty simple. QRV is full of shitposting that no doubt turns off many like me that want to know more. Great Awakening not so much, but still more than newly red pilled Normies can tolerate.

When I try to introduce someone to Q I tell them not to even look at anything on Voat. I refer them to Qmap.pub, Praying Medic, and X22 Report. I only come here because I recognize this for what it is. Sorting through a ton of shit to find a diamond.

And there are diamonds among these posts.

15500283? ago

QRV is the DMZ to be used so that normies and faggots don't shit up the r board.

Srayzie is simply jealous "she" wasn't made a mod at QRV. This is the source of most, if not all, of the "shitposting" (you mean shilling) here at QRV.

Here, have a look for yourself (sorry for namefagging. I genuinely try not to):


You'll notice none of them were tagged so the post didn't receive downvoats.

15499345? ago

You're not "new" you're another shill wanting to get people to GreatAwakening #Obvious

15499563? ago

Damn, you're dumb.

15502266? ago

And you're transparent. #SHILL

15498525? ago

There's less shilling in GreatAwakening because srayzie and her friends are the ones shilling in QRV. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2904000/15498470

15498644? ago

I disagree. I happen to know that the shilling in QRV is being done by nothereforpizza, thisistotallynotme, neonrevolt, 9-11, and youllremember me, to name a few. @srayzie would not mod them to v/GA when the migration happened because she didn't trust them and they have been attacking her ever since.

15500693? ago

Thank you Anon

15499526? ago


BLAH, BLAH, BLAH Shut Up already with the BOARING soap...Nobody cares that's why you're trolling here ga must be drying and dying....SHOOO!!!

15499587? ago

.Nobody cares that's why you're trolling her

No one from GA made this post faggot. And you obviously care if you are commenting.

15502334? ago

I can assure you I have neither the time or inclination to troll crazy stacy or anybody, for that matter... I find all of the soppy story really boring and only commented because someone has got to let you - stacy crazy and your alters - know that you're wasting your time trying to farm readers for GA at QRV.... #SAD #PATHETIC

15502436? ago

lol no one is trying to farm readers here

15516227? ago

LOL The STOP it with the drama at GA 'cause NOBODY HERE CARES ABOUT THAT 🤣😅😂

15516820? ago

Are you fucking dense? This post was made by the group attacking GA. THEY are the ones causing the drama.

15574760? ago

No, you're the dense one believing that bringing this fake drama of GA to QRV you're going to arouse some sympathy followers...please...how pathetic!

15502203? ago

Sure, we believe ya! ... We particularly believe that you 'a regular normie reader' seem well acquainted with the ins and outs of that pathetic den of shills - GA #SooObvious

15502451? ago

I am far from a normie. And I am familiar with pretty much everything about this site.

You guys are funny.

15516300? ago

No, YOU are funny! Please re-read my earlier msg... familiar with the ins and outs of GA
you're obviously a #GATroll

15516830? ago

you're obviously a #GATroll

LOL I was on Voat for YEARS before GA was even a thing.

15520519? ago

Sure! We believe ya...LOL

15499837? ago

I'm not that person, but you're obviously a liar.

15499900? ago

No, this is their way of trying to preempt what is coming out about them.

15500146? ago

All the shilling they're doing in QRV? Thanks for admitting they're consensus cracking.

15500738? ago

Thanks for admitting they're consensus cracking.

Reading comp. I said no one from GA made this post. The individuals who did are doing it to preempt what is being published about them on v/GA. And yes, they are consensus cracking.

15498674? ago

I am youllrememberme and you're full of shit. Why did you only ping srayzie?

15499428? ago

You do know vote brigading an anon thread accomplishes nothing, right?

Otherwise I would fucking bury you. I am tired of your shit. You fuckers want to play? Game on.

15499810? ago

You tried to bury me. Look at all your downvote brigading on my posts. Deflect much?

15499911? ago

How many alts do you use?

15500120? ago

I have youllrememberme, youllrememberme2 and youllrememberme3. I don't even use the other 2, they were created because I got downvote brigaded by SBBH when I came back to voat.

15499499? ago

Nobody here cares about internet points, srayzie, that's you. Are you mad that people in QRV see through your bullshit?

15499624? ago

Not srayzie. Keep trying.

15499770? ago

You're sbbh, that's all that matters.

15499923? ago

What does that even mean? How many subs have you posted to?

15500039? ago

I came here for pizzagate and Q, that's all the subs I want to post in. Is that a problem?

15500758? ago

So then which are you? PG or Q? and which Q sub? Because according to you once you post to a sub you are automatically part of a group and can be held accountable for the actions of anyone who has posted to the same sub as you, right?

15502945? ago

No, srayzie admits sbbh are her friends...

This is a free speech forum and I can shit post with friends all I want.


15503549? ago

I see her admitting that some users are her friends. Holy Shit! People on a website are friends with other people on a website.

15504195? ago

I'm sure you already have, but check out the comment she was replying to. Shit, look at this comment chain too...


You can try to keep denying, but the facts are here.

15504462? ago

Give it up already dude! You fucked up.

15504587? ago

You fucked up.

How so? I'm only presenting the truth, from "her" comments. You all are the ones who keep claiming bullshit with no evidence.

15504220? ago

Oh shit a conversation. That's all you have? Are you on Mueller's team or something?

15504520? ago

You roll with that.

15498902? ago

@youllrememberme is a piece of shit

15499098? ago

Srayzie is the piece of shit for shilling QRV with her sbbh friends.

15500818? ago

@youllrememberme is a piece of shit.

15502828? ago

Shills like you always get mad when they're outed. Keep sucking down that hateraid, SJW.

15502854? ago

@youllrememberme is a piece of shit

15503121? ago

I can see why you're mad, there's a shit ton of you and you're all getting owned.

15497870? ago

Yep Voat is the Wild West

15498402? ago

I lololololoveit

15497829? ago


15497929? ago

My point exactly. Are you people rally as stupid as you act, or are you intentionally sabotaging what POTUS and Q are trying to do by alienating any Trump supporters who is not a Nazi?

15499455? ago


The only saboteurs here are you...#ga-shills #pathetic

15497502? ago

Q sent us to QRV. Why is that difficult?

15500504? ago

I'd like to think Q saw the work we've done here at Voat to try and get people to understand that there are entrenched Reddit mods that currently occupy a vast majority of the site and keep it under lock and key in order to starve dissent from Q followers who are unwilling to use the Reddit mod occupied subverses SRS and /leftypol/ clone SBBH has subscribed to the movement.

It appears v/theawakening was also stifled, as anons made the sub right before QRV was made by BO.

If (You) have lurked consistently and followed things closely, you would undoubtedly see that all of this bullshit drama with the SBBH pushback on the Q movement (edit:) [started] the day I made this post. archive of original post https://archive.fo/TktJ7 I'm unable to archive the full graphic.

I thought I was helping the team. Unfortunately, I seemed to have kicked the hornet's nest. They've been really upset ever since.

You'll notice in the graphic that anon mentions that NeonRevolt was recently seen mentioning that the Great Awakening sub on Voat was compromised. If you haven't noticed, Srayzie has been trying to tie myself to Neon ever since.

I never wanted to name fag. Sorry they've been bugging you this whole time, guys. You'll get used to the shills, though.

15499177? ago

Here's srayzie telling her sbbh buddies that QRV is attacking her. She says publicly for them not to go post here, but we all know that's just a bullshit cover because she knows we're watching..


15498194? ago

If you are from Reddit. That doesn’t mean Q means ONLY go to QRV. QRV are power hungry

15498611? ago

QRV is anonymous which means no name fags. How is that power hungry? I don’t see mods banning anyone or making rules or posts jerking off other name fags like the other options do

15498813? ago

Being anonymous means it's ripe for trolls to troll!

15499245? ago

LOL your game is weak. We can all see what you're up to. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2849499 Q endorsed QRV not the shill owned GreatAwakening, there's a reason for that.

15498920? ago

And you're one of the trolls trying to get people to go to GreatAwakening.

15499776? ago

I don't care where people want to go. I'm just stating a fact that anonymous subs get trolled more!

15497945? ago


15497458? ago

The mods at v/greatawakening have been fighting this battle for a long time.