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15364644? ago

Great Awakening is owned by sbbh. I'll leave it at that.

15370119? ago

@NotHereForPizza @YoullRememberMe @ThisIsTotallyNotMe

All the above are connected to BuilderAnon aka ElectroLumus who deleted their accounts here when called out. They come from Reddit’s The_SwampWatch and brought others with them. Neon Revolt knows all about it.

This is to for all you cowardly Faggots and sock puppet accounts that like to spread lies when you’re anonymous. I am a NameFag/FameFag because I’m not anonymous right? Neither were any of you until now. Now you guys can hide and trash talk much easier and Neon Revolt doesn’t have to cry as much for being downvoted. I just thought I would address that as well since you guys like to use that one on us all the time too.

This is Srayzie. Once again I’m called here because you haters feel so threatened by GreatAwakening. If not, you would leave us alone. There is no other reason to always attack us unless you’re paid to. Which one is it? You are dividers and not about Q. Answer this because you ignore this every time you’re asked...

Show me where we have done anything wrong where SBBH is concerned. What do I do there other than make some fun posts? I was a mod for a couple of weeks. That’s part of the fun. You just ban each other. My Designers are not mods. [D] is for designer. They worked on decorating GreatAwakening. @Shizy has never been an SBBH mod. @MolochHunter has never even posted there.

Show me where we have participated in anything bad. Where have we been involved in manipulating votes? I am friends with people from many different subs. I shit post on other subs as well. I can separate different beliefs and focus on common interests. You guys complain about SBBH targeting you guys. Well, that’s what happens when a sub is anonymous. Cry me a river. That’s not our fault.

This is a free speech forum and I can shit post with friends all I want. That doesn’t take away from my dedication to Trump and Q. Saying we’re SBBH is all you’ve got on us. If it’s not that, we’re accused of having alts. No proof there either. You are a DIVIDER. You like to stir shit up. You like to spread Fake News. You are everything Q is against. People who are awake can see. People like you sicken me. You couldn’t pay me enough to do what you do.

15910512? ago

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15502972? ago

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15403117? ago

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15402953? ago

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15371303? ago

Nothereforpizza and thisistotallynotme are likely sbbh sockpuppet accounts and I've already stated why I believe that in this chain. I never even knew who builderanon or electroLumus were before you accused me of being them the first time. You use the same old tired ass "amalek" script they gave us in pizzagate to gain control. Unfortunately for you, lots of people have figured that bullshit out.

I am a NameFag/FameFag because I’m not anonymous right?

Don't worry, I'm getting ready to prove what a narcissistic famefag you are, it's going to be simple.

This is Srayzie. Once again I’m called here because you haters feel so threatened by GreatAwakening.

Nobody's threatened by your shill sub, I'm personally sick of you faggots trying to corral people over to it with posts like the OP, so I expose you everytime I see one.

Show me where we have done anything wrong where SBBH is concerned. What do I do there other than make some fun posts? I was a mod for a couple of weeks.

Well, you all obviously DM eachother or talk on discord, that's how you're here right now. There's also this... Why are you blaming all of QRV if you aren't trying to drive people to your sub? Plus, you know damn well stating publicly that you don't want sbbh to post here wouldn't matter, you probably said something completely different in private.

This is a free speech forum and I can shit post with friends all I want.

At least you're now willing to admit that it's your friends trying to destroy QRV, you always denied this before.

People who are awake can see. People like you sicken me. You couldn’t pay me enough to do what you do.

I run a construction business, I expose shills like you for fun. People who are awake can see and that's why you're so desperate.

15374657? ago

is that you, neon?

i'm not connected to them... i'm not sure why you think that. i'll send you a pm

15375442? ago

Definitely not fucking Neon, I can prove it too.

15375472? ago

yeah, my bad...

you even responded to the pm.

15371893? ago

I never got any script in pizzagate. What are you even talking about? Where are you getting your script?

I doubt you run a Construction business. You’re probably a fat ass living with mom who doesn’t work.

15372342? ago

"Amalek" is shilling pizzagate we have to make an extensive set of rules that allow us to censor free speech or any information we don't like.

Pizzagate thrived when there were investigative threads that everyone participated in, you all put the brakes on that shit. Everything there has to be proven through MSM sources now, there's no more "hey guys look at this lead I stumbled on help me dig" threads. Do you all not realize how obvious you are? You can't even mention the Rothschilds in pizzagate without proving they eat kids, when it's obvious they're one of the families at the top of the chain. Then you REEEEEE "censorship" on the rest of voat, when it fits your narrative. It's laughable. You delete shit there all the time, but God forbid of QRV started deleting your shill posts. LMAO

15372899? ago

I am more behind the scenes on pizzagate. I’ve never even deleted one submission or comment on pizzagate. Nice try tho.

15370866? ago

Whoa. I didn't buy that v/GreatAwakening was a shill board until this post. He says he's not SBBH and says he's SBBH within the same sentence while trying to spam his board on v/QRV. Fuck this guy. I'm blocking that sub now.

15374364? ago

weak supporting character in the troll charade, 'friend of Heru'

15370517? ago

And this is @MolochHunter

You ass-maggot-faggots have never once posted a copy of text of me engaging in advocating vote brigading or sock puppetry. Youve never posted a copy of me posting anything in SBBH - because I didnt even know it existed until you ass-magot-faggots accused me of 'being a mod' there. Beause there is no evidence to back your divisive claims

And you've never posted any text of me trying to undermine QRV or any other collective sub (only ass-maggot-faggot individuals within those subs) because I've always said all good will to them, aside from my misgivings that the subs were set to anonymous - because that facilitates ass-maggot-faggotry