15370649? ago

All i know is that i will kill all u boomers with a gun. Heil Hitler.

15371072? ago

You read Neon's rant on boomers? LOL

15371155? ago

NeonFag rants against his own? LoL, like me that kike.

15366286? ago

Lol, just like with Neon, SB2 must hit a chord with these idiots and they will try any way and any angle to go after them. The real question is WHY? I came to voat and had 3 options, the awakening, qrv, and great awakening.

QRV was easy as it was mandated (Q) and the theawakening was easy as it was the same mods from reddit the great awakening. But ever since I got here the V/Greatawakeinging people were extremely hostile and tactical in their approach to discredit theawakeining. I watched this with great suspicion and my suspicions were proven true - that no matter how many flags they wave and eagles they show, I am here for truth and not narrative control. Whoever you all are on the V/greatawakeining, good luck to you but I do not read any updates on your page. Peace

15370777? ago

I don't know much about SB2 but Neon has a history of being a jackass. (not voat related) A sane person encounters the character flaw of Neon Revolt (blowback if you dare question him if he makes a mistake)

15371051? ago

" sane person" is a dead giveaway that you are simply here to malign. its not 2106 bro. we're all awake

15371271? ago

QRV decoding 'dead giveaway' oh oh you must be over da target! /s LMAO!

15370501? ago

it was mandated (Q)

Lying troll, nothing is 'mandated'. You can troll all 3 subs, it's YOUR choice. Try learning to spell Neon pSycophant. Peace.

15370681? ago

No-one wants to come to our sub no one wants to come to our sub waaaaahhh

15370999? ago

Anyone can go to any or none of the subs (there's actually two more CBTS and TheAwakening also), so any of 5 subs. Don't care. Doesn't change the fact that Neon Revolt is a famefag who can't stand a little sunshine when he screws up.

15370231? ago

Or maybe they’re both self important faggots to whom Vpat gives no quarter

15365434? ago

I am a reddit cancer migrant faggot boomer who thinks that serialbrain2 is so obviously a nutjob. It took me two seconds into the first decode I saw to recognize the blatant insanity. Anyone who buys that shit is an imbecile

15365113? ago

Who cares?

Are you a female?

Why are you interested in drama?

15364844? ago

Yes, you are shil, poor divide and conquer attempt, yawn...

15364672? ago

Who or whatever SerialBrain2 is, they have website now:


Its plainly obvious from the writing style that this is the same crew.

Just an FYI.

My personal opinion is that SB2 is controlled opposition of some kind. Their latest "decode" claimed that Qs entire post with the tree pic at the hotel was to tell Hillary "we know you're a bad pereon".

... right.

15371213? ago

Centipede Nation

If you accept Centipede Nation into your heart, then you will truly be saved and can dwell in the house of Kek.

To me it sounds lame, but that's just me.

My personal opinion is that SB2 is controlled opposition of some kind. Their latest "decode" claimed that Qs entire post with the tree pic at the hotel was to "tell Hillary we know you're a bad pereon".

Sounds about right.

15364666? ago

Because intelligent people should question data and do so critically. SB2 is not immune to being questioned.

15370363? ago

Which is exactly why Neon Revolt needs to get over himself.

15364655? ago

the 'the awakening' sub was made with the first Q boomer invasion, where they completely shat all over the whole website. GreatAwakening has been up and running on voat for MUCH longer, but the fucking reddit cancerfaggots that came here to shit all over the website wanted to have the same cancermods they had on reddit, censoring everything, they were banning everyone left and right for not playing along with it nicely, and that's what 'theawakening' is. it's reddit cancer.

after the fucking disaster that that initial migration was, QRV was set up, and everyone was pretty much okay with that (except ofcourse the reddit jews running the awakening)

consider everything that's posted on 'theawakening' to be misinformation and counter-intel. Greatawakening is whatever, they always were the Q-presence on voat, behaved, and i've not seen them sperg out like reddit tier cancerboomers.

i'm not a Q follower myself, but just a goat, i dont know who serialbrain is, nor do i care, this post is just information for you do do with as you please.

15365139? ago

voat is not exactly welcoming to anyone new. no choice really then to shit all over it... toxic community

15365155? ago

people like you are the reason the world is in the state that it is. look to yourself, you disgusting boomer cancergrowth.

15365280? ago

yeah, i didn't say anything about any caravan though. take your medication

15364644? ago

Great Awakening is owned by sbbh. I'll leave it at that.

15376449? ago

What's up NeonFagvolt!?

15370539? ago

Good. Why don't you leave it at that. Or is Neon getting jealous of VIP patriots again? Peace.

15371814? ago

I have no idea what Neon is or isn't, your narcissism is showing though.. "VIP patriots" lmao wow

15372403? ago

Excuse me, I thought I was on a Q endorsed sub where people actually read the Qdrops. I wasn't referring to myself. 'wow'

Q2105 Q2404 Q2402 Q2412

Q2411 Q2410 Q2408 Q2413

Q2409 Q2400 Q2414 Q2243

Q1615 Q1691 Q1775 Q2440

Q1774 pic banned with reddit purge.

15372525? ago

I don't follow Neon, so I wouldn't know if dude got jealous of the VIP patriots mentioned in drops. You made it sound like you were calling yourself one of the VIP patriots as opposed to us regular Q followers. You're obviously playing games.

15372734? ago

I'm sick of witnessing the games that Neon has been playing. I'm obviously on a board that where he is unquestioned, and where he is defended without question if someone brings him up with any doubt about the narrative he's created about himself. So yeah I come off with a lot of sarcasm, obviously. /s Given all the VIP drops (not that long ago) I assumed people would recognize what I meant. I was wrong.

15373377? ago

Did Neon actually get jealous about the VIP anons? Again, I don't follow him. I've read maybe 5 of his threads. Most back when srayzie posted them and one recently when Q went dark.

Personally, I don't think people should be trying to profit off this movement. If you can't afford a website, don't have one. Send the profit to charity, with full transparency or sell the shirts @ cost.

15374026? ago

I went to Nov 5 NR thread and he posted the twitter pics from the batch of VIP patriot Qdrops. He didn't act jealous but the thread was somewhat weak, whining and complaining about Q's meme choice. And a lot of talking about the book he's writing. I forget when it was but a long time ago I remember NR sounding jealous of attention that other people were getting from Q and somehow he, 'who had done so much!' wasn't getting the cred he thought he deserved. (maybe it was about the reporter Sara Carter that Q links to). Yes he has helped 'grow' the movement and entertain a lot of people as well. But he has his monetary reward for it. He has a following, his 'legions'.

Personally, aside from what he did when trying to be the leader of reddit migration (which was crappy imo), I don't like how his blog has developed into the Q and 'sidekick' NR show. NR does post interesting work from the web, but he also needles and jabs at Q in a 'pesky sidekick schtick' type of banter. As if he has Q's ear, because he has a public presence on the web. When someone becomes reliant on an income from the internet, an income based partially on showmanship, one does have to put on a show after all. That's how one builds the audience (Alex Jones entertains people as well as whatever else he does lol). When everyone gets along, political books don't sell and people aren't glued to blogs. That's a problem and finding division where divisions really don't (or shouldn't) exist can be a temptation when Q drops aren't coming in fast enough.

15370369? ago

Oh really? Sweet! I hear they have been helping Voat since the beginning.

15370119? ago

@NotHereForPizza @YoullRememberMe @ThisIsTotallyNotMe

All the above are connected to BuilderAnon aka ElectroLumus who deleted their accounts here when called out. They come from Reddit’s The_SwampWatch and brought others with them. Neon Revolt knows all about it.

This is to for all you cowardly Faggots and sock puppet accounts that like to spread lies when you’re anonymous. I am a NameFag/FameFag because I’m not anonymous right? Neither were any of you until now. Now you guys can hide and trash talk much easier and Neon Revolt doesn’t have to cry as much for being downvoted. I just thought I would address that as well since you guys like to use that one on us all the time too.

This is Srayzie. Once again I’m called here because you haters feel so threatened by GreatAwakening. If not, you would leave us alone. There is no other reason to always attack us unless you’re paid to. Which one is it? You are dividers and not about Q. Answer this because you ignore this every time you’re asked...

Show me where we have done anything wrong where SBBH is concerned. What do I do there other than make some fun posts? I was a mod for a couple of weeks. That’s part of the fun. You just ban each other. My Designers are not mods. [D] is for designer. They worked on decorating GreatAwakening. @Shizy has never been an SBBH mod. @MolochHunter has never even posted there.

Show me where we have participated in anything bad. Where have we been involved in manipulating votes? I am friends with people from many different subs. I shit post on other subs as well. I can separate different beliefs and focus on common interests. You guys complain about SBBH targeting you guys. Well, that’s what happens when a sub is anonymous. Cry me a river. That’s not our fault.

This is a free speech forum and I can shit post with friends all I want. That doesn’t take away from my dedication to Trump and Q. Saying we’re SBBH is all you’ve got on us. If it’s not that, we’re accused of having alts. No proof there either. You are a DIVIDER. You like to stir shit up. You like to spread Fake News. You are everything Q is against. People who are awake can see. People like you sicken me. You couldn’t pay me enough to do what you do.

15910512? ago

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15502972? ago

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15403117? ago

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15402953? ago

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15371303? ago

Nothereforpizza and thisistotallynotme are likely sbbh sockpuppet accounts and I've already stated why I believe that in this chain. I never even knew who builderanon or electroLumus were before you accused me of being them the first time. You use the same old tired ass "amalek" script they gave us in pizzagate to gain control. Unfortunately for you, lots of people have figured that bullshit out.

I am a NameFag/FameFag because I’m not anonymous right?

Don't worry, I'm getting ready to prove what a narcissistic famefag you are, it's going to be simple.

This is Srayzie. Once again I’m called here because you haters feel so threatened by GreatAwakening.

Nobody's threatened by your shill sub, I'm personally sick of you faggots trying to corral people over to it with posts like the OP, so I expose you everytime I see one.

Show me where we have done anything wrong where SBBH is concerned. What do I do there other than make some fun posts? I was a mod for a couple of weeks.

Well, you all obviously DM eachother or talk on discord, that's how you're here right now. There's also this... http://archive.is/e2B5F Why are you blaming all of QRV if you aren't trying to drive people to your sub? Plus, you know damn well stating publicly that you don't want sbbh to post here wouldn't matter, you probably said something completely different in private.

This is a free speech forum and I can shit post with friends all I want.

At least you're now willing to admit that it's your friends trying to destroy QRV, you always denied this before.

People who are awake can see. People like you sicken me. You couldn’t pay me enough to do what you do.

I run a construction business, I expose shills like you for fun. People who are awake can see and that's why you're so desperate.

15374657? ago

is that you, neon?

i'm not connected to them... i'm not sure why you think that. i'll send you a pm

15375442? ago

Definitely not fucking Neon, I can prove it too.

15375472? ago

yeah, my bad...

you even responded to the pm.

15371893? ago

I never got any script in pizzagate. What are you even talking about? Where are you getting your script?

I doubt you run a Construction business. You’re probably a fat ass living with mom who doesn’t work.

15372342? ago

"Amalek" is shilling pizzagate we have to make an extensive set of rules that allow us to censor free speech or any information we don't like.

Pizzagate thrived when there were investigative threads that everyone participated in, you all put the brakes on that shit. Everything there has to be proven through MSM sources now, there's no more "hey guys look at this lead I stumbled on help me dig" threads. Do you all not realize how obvious you are? You can't even mention the Rothschilds in pizzagate without proving they eat kids, when it's obvious they're one of the families at the top of the chain. Then you REEEEEE "censorship" on the rest of voat, when it fits your narrative. It's laughable. You delete shit there all the time, but God forbid of QRV started deleting your shill posts. LMAO

15372899? ago

I am more behind the scenes on pizzagate. I’ve never even deleted one submission or comment on pizzagate. Nice try tho.

15370866? ago

Whoa. I didn't buy that v/GreatAwakening was a shill board until this post. He says he's not SBBH and says he's SBBH within the same sentence while trying to spam his board on v/QRV. Fuck this guy. I'm blocking that sub now.

15374364? ago

weak supporting character in the troll charade, 'friend of Heru'

15370517? ago

And this is @MolochHunter

You ass-maggot-faggots have never once posted a copy of text of me engaging in advocating vote brigading or sock puppetry. Youve never posted a copy of me posting anything in SBBH - because I didnt even know it existed until you ass-magot-faggots accused me of 'being a mod' there. Beause there is no evidence to back your divisive claims

And you've never posted any text of me trying to undermine QRV or any other collective sub (only ass-maggot-faggot individuals within those subs) because I've always said all good will to them, aside from my misgivings that the subs were set to anonymous - because that facilitates ass-maggot-faggotry

15369425? ago

@NotHereForPizza @youllremememberme spreads those lies. Aka BuilderAnon and ElectroLumus who deleted their accounts after being called out

15369922? ago

Did you get a discord message to come to this dead thread on page 5 of QRV/new, or was it a DM? You faggots are so obvious. I've never spoke to BuilderAnon or ElectroLumus and I explained my issue with nothereforpizza in this comment chain. As far as im concerned all those old reddit mods you accuse me of being can fuck off. Q already said that r/GreatAwakening was comped before it got shut down. Why don't you start calling me Ian again, srayzie? You knew that wasn't true too. Fucking pitiful. Where's my "entire post history" for @youllrememberme and @ThePuppetShow? I'm kinda excited to see it all, I've been nothing but honest. You, on the other hand, have not and some of that's been shown. The rest is coming...

15374597? ago

frankly, i think the reason i never called dooob out was because the account seems to be used like kathanzaro, vindicator, clamhurt_legbeard, etc. they don't really make all that much noise

dooob was seen giving his account name on the r board and that sort of made me think he was legit

funny you say that though, because he sort of reminds me of crensch now that you mention it.

thanks, anon

15370307? ago

@youllrememberme... if you think I’m playing about your comment history archives, then you’re in for a surprise. Several people have copies. For your ThePuppetShow profile too. You’ll know more when the time is right.

15403120? ago

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15402958? ago

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15371740? ago

I look forward to it. There's nothing in my history but defending pizzagate and your sub. The only thing I find interesting about this is it's obvious that someone in admin gave it to you. Why did they take the ability to go through someone's entire profile? Answer: For you shills and your alts, it makes it much easier for you fags to activate sleeper accounts.

15371846? ago

You’re lame 😂 My sleeper accounts got your history archived? 🙄 No, it was not someone in admin. It was nothing illegal. You give me so much credit. It’s hilarious.

15372017? ago

My sleeper accounts got your history archived?

Are you a meth head? I never said that.

15372354? ago

Since you are one of the loudest voices against me and GreatAwakening, why would we not go thru your profile? You can have 1/2 the chicken and the noodles. Not the rice. I’ll have pizza for you too. I’m getting full

15372857? ago

I don't care, I have nothing to hide. I promise I'm excited to see it. It frustrated me when voat made it impossible to go through someones entire comment history, it made it easier for you sbbh clowns and your sleeper alts. They should bring back the entire comment history for all users. Would you be open to people seeing how much you've changed since pizzagate? It would expose your shilling even more. You know, with your innocent girl act and all.

15373242? ago

The only thing that has changed about me, is how much I learned when I made my own sub. People tried to walk all over me, especially since I’m female. I learned to not trust anyone. I learned that people you thought were cool can turn on a dime. Several people I started out with on pizzagate that I thought were good, turned bad.

You can’t run a sub like this and be weak. I wasn’t faking then and I’m not faking now. I started out on Voat so naive. I wasn’t even into social media. I was sensitive. I can thank Donkey for being the one to toughen me up in the beginning. I never planned on this sub becoming anything. I thought it would maybe get a couple hundred people.

I still laugh and am bubbly like always. I’m still kind and compassionate. I am just as dedicated to Q. But, I’ve toughened up. I’m glad I did. People like you are what made me have to toughen up. This sub wouldn’t have survived if I let people like you control me. You just see the mean side of me because I don’t like you. Why would I?

So I don’t care if people see the difference. They will see my growth. I guess you would rather me be the innocent girl that you could manipulate. Never gonna happen. If you want to see who changed a lot, check out Ian. You’re definitely not like I thought you were at one time either. There was a time when I thought you were here for the right reasons. That changed when you turned on me. Had I been a week innocent girl, that would have sucked for GA. Make sense?

15376168? ago

So I don’t care if people see the difference. They will see my growth. I guess you would rather me be the innocent girl that you could manipulate. Never gonna happen. If you want to see who changed a lot, check out Ian. You’re definitely not like I thought you were at one time either. There was a time when I thought you were here for the right reasons. That changed when you turned on me. Had I been a week innocent girl, that would have sucked for GA. Make sense?

I don't manipulate people, unlike you. I speak what I see as the truth. So far you've done nothing but call people names and claim they are someone else, just like all the other shills here, with absolutely nothing to back your theory. You just keep repeating over and over to hope it sticks. The big lie style.

15377712? ago

You are like the Democrats. You do exactly what you are accusing me of.

Like the lame screenshots you always share of our group message on Twitter where everyone is confused? Before you show the screenshots, you spin the narrative that you want, hoping they fall for it. Is that the kind of manipulation you’re talking about?

15378478? ago

Hoping they fall for it? LMAO I quoted you saying you can see how talking to yourself with alts is necessary. GTFO shill

15364769? ago

Tell Lumus I said hi. We archived all of his accounts. Will be posting every bit of information we have on him very soon.

15364876? ago

I have no idea who that is, so you're on your own.

15364919? ago

You have no problem parroting distortions of fact about a sub on voat that thousands of goats have participated in but don't even know one of the main players spreading disinfo on the site. Run along NPC, run along.

15366234? ago

So, because I don't know someone you claim is a shill, I'm a NPC? You must be part of the problem on this site. I'm the person who posted the DM's from srayzie admitting she knows a bunch of people, on this site, with alts and sees how that's necessary. Why are all you sbbh goons shilling QRV with tranny/gay/shit porn if you actually give a shit about this movement? You don't, you're consensus cracking, concern trolling and spamming this sub because you're butthurt that everyone didn't end up in the sub that sbbh controls. You want to control the Q movement like you control pizzagate. Not happening. Take your boogeyman bullshit and GTFO of QRV, one trick pony.

15370915? ago

you're butthurt that everyone didn't end up in the sub that sbbh controls

Uh...where's the evidence that v/GreatAwakening is "controlled"?

Is speech being censored? If so, how?

You should be able to prove this objectively.

15371931? ago

Srayzie runs GA and srayzie is sbbh. She even admits in this chain who her friends are.

15379263? ago

Srayzie is my friend. She's hilarious, smart and is great at busting shills and running her sub. There are a couple of other folks who like to shitpost on SBBH I also like. I've never been involved there because the haters of Voat like to bitch about it, and I've got my hands full dealing with constant disinfo pushing in v/pizzagate, where someone or other is ALWAYS trying to smear mods or post bullshit fake news to discredit our whole investigation. Since the Reddit migration of Q people, srayzie has been targeted constantly by the same assholes, which she largely was not before. That adds to her cred in my mind.

People of good will don't run around hiding behind randomized usernames, smearing people in secret.

15366813? ago

You're @nothereforpizza, beating your anti-@srayzie drum. We know all about you. And we have a bunch of information on you that will be published as well.

15369546? ago

I think this is @YoullRememberMe

They are the same person or work together anyways

15369768? ago

We aren't the same person and we don't work together. My guess is nothereforpizza may be a sbbh alt after his dooob comment. You know that though, I stated it in this chain, you just like to spread disinformation because you're desperate to discredit me after I exposed you for the shill you are.

15374448? ago

not sure what was up with doob

tried reaching out to him, and i even tried offering him the handshake. he's always seemed angry at me for some reason.

but, nah. i'm loyal anon through and through and have no alts. come up with a way for me to prove it, and I'll oblige so long as it maintains my anonymity.

traps are gay

pool's closed

pepe /ourguy/

15366888? ago

No, I'm not. Care to try again? You all have tried to call me nothereforpizza, you've also called me Neon and Ian and a bunch of other people I've never even spoken to. You're desperate, face it.

15366996? ago

No, I'm not.

LOL keep reading from the same teleprompter. Your whole crew is about to be put on blast.

15367671? ago

Keep using the same old tired ass game you've been playing since amalek. Nice deflection btw. Maybe someone's crew is about to be put on blast, but not me. I've been nothing but honest. IMO nothereforpizza made a critical mistake when he said dooob was legit in this thread. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2835670/ Everyone who's been here for a bit knows dooob has been attached to crensch's taint since the Oh_Well_Ian drama and crensch is sbbh. From that point my best guess is that it's probably a sbbh alt trying to get out in front of shit by muddying the waters. Same goes for thisistotallynotme who created protect QRV. https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2838140/

I've been accused of being all these people, which falls in line with your game plan. Pretty pitiful. So, go ahead, this bullshit has no effect on me, you're a joke.

15374541? ago

actually, doob never really gave me any reason not to believe him

pm me and we can talk about dooob. i've tried reaching out to him several times and always been suspicious of him.

maybe you're right, anon.

15368773? ago


15364599? ago

... and just when I thought the shills were backing off a little.

15365189? ago

everything i dont like is a shill

15364398? ago

"...the flak only gets heavy when you're over the target."

15365124? ago

yeah i get shit ton of it everyday on QRV

15364680? ago

"Am I out of touch? No, it's everyone else who is wrong!"

15364287? ago

Coward anonpost trying to Divide and Conquer.

Cool story, bro.