16014578? ago

What a coincidence that @srayzie would be on a thread where UK_Bloke_Awoke is accused of talking to their alt and wasn't even pinged there either. It is fun to note this tranny Ryann isn't on a mission to slander UK_Bloke_Awoke for talking to his alts like she does to everyone else on voat like it is as if it broke the Geneva Convention or some other important international law.

Srayzie is slipping up too much, the challenges of work shilling for ShareBlue must be agonizing, and he needs fired, David Brock doesn't need this shit with these constant mistakes with the money he is paying these tards.

Unless.....srayzie the tranny is UK_Bloke_Awoke himself..


16015803? ago

What thread?

15764646? ago

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15498485? ago

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15439273? ago

LMAO She thinks she's cute and paid faggots be stroking her ego like we don't see it ALL.

15439105? ago

A bunch of maggots stroking each others ego.

15440831? ago

They're probably stroking more than each others ego's.

15439086? ago

Faggot trannies you can't tell by the behavior yet? Ladies don't act like that.

15436061? ago

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15435711? ago

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15419808? ago

Wow what a faggot. You should drink bleach

15413362? ago

Take your over emotional, boomer woman nonsense somewhere else. No one cares.

15413661? ago

"Muh boomer".. "muh Jews".. "muh racism".. Retarded hive mind cuck boy.

15487432? ago

"Muh girls are being mean to me"! Fucking faggot!

15411670? ago

SBBH is /leftypol/ is CTR is shareblue is SRS

It's easy to see goats and anons.

You don't have to believe me. Go check /leftypol/ I'd guarantee you can find some gabara, heygeorge, crensch and kevdude namefags there loling about their discord server that they use to coordinate all of this shit in.

16014691? ago

I wouldn't be surprised if @srazyiethetrannzy was on same server as her Shareblue colleague NeonRevolt is on too. Who else would constantly advertise NR like that faggot srayzie does if they hated them?

16016877? ago


This is why I never defend him but never accuse him. It always makes me laugh hard when they do this shit over and over.

What fucking amateurs.

15412374? ago

Ain't that the truth. Look at the brigade they pulled in this thread hahaha

16015138? ago

What a coincidence, srayzie trannzy pulled the comment to take to his home forum board.


15411498? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @srayzie.

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15411085? ago

You're getting punched left and right. Some of these Shills are intelligent some just retarded NPC's, but damn. Most Q followers could care less about the shill comments though, it only hurts the normies...who are too hard to convert anyway.


15411881? ago

Yeah, I'm over this honeypot, this is the only reason I came back here, to warn people. Who want's to hear "muh jews" all day long and look at their tranny/shit porn anyways? Shit, @srayzie looks like a tranny too, mangela like Michael Obama. They're a bunch of Media Matters butt pirates..

16016577? ago

Funny how srayzie only takes head shots just every other tranny does, but none of their masculine bodies. Sure facial make-up makes one more passable, and keeps the illusion real ONLY if no body shots are taken, because it wood be game over for this already fake shills.

16014801? ago

Agreed. They accuse you of being me and accuse me of being you with a hypothesis instead of actual evidence.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals at its best.

15412013? ago

Media Matters Butt Pirates - MMBP's

(I like it)

15411521? ago

Nope. We've been pilling the normies for a while now. They're not all that stupid, really.

Also, Q followers DO need to be shown who's shills. That's why I've set out them in the way of amplifying what they do so it annoys all of you anons in to hating both me and them.

How'd I do?

15411793? ago

Who are you?

15411885? ago

You know who I am, anon.

we've been talking a good bit recently

15408235? ago

  • people trying to destroy YOU and your sock puppetry is not the same as 'trying to destroy the Q movement'

  • well, it wold be if your ego was so massive that you think you ARE the Q movement

16014927? ago

people trying to destroy YOU and your sock puppetry..

The only time I hear this term ‘sock puppets’ narrative is the faggots who do it themselves but on a larger scale.

Trannys like @Srayzie are the ones whom yell the loudest around here, and what does Q say about faggots like them?

15408383? ago

I'm not the one who keeps namefagging, I spend all my time here in QRV. The only sub Q endorsed. I'm a nobody anon who doesn't care about recognition, unlike the people addressed in the OP. I can see you fags are worried by the way you all brigaded this post. Have a nice day!

15407977? ago

Lol, I certainly do think you’re a basement dweller. Didn’t read

16015008? ago

Hooked-On Phonics would be a great educational tool in order for you to read and understand it better, you know, to give you better leverage on this already unbalanced and unfair playing field.

15408046? ago

You're obviously from SBBH. This post is burried by the downvote brigade. "Didnt read" gave you away too you lazy SJW. Hahaha

15412568? ago

Lol I didn’t read because I value my time more than that. Also, close guess, but I’m actually @Atko.

15459441? ago

Impersonation will get you banned. Thread lightly.

15444863? ago

BTW, if you're really @Atko, send me a PM telling me to fuck off or something, to prove it. Don't be a bitch and hide behind anon. But, like I said, you're probably just one of the sbbh pussies larping, hence the <cough>bullshit</cough>

15413608? ago


I value my time more than that.

Yet you're shit posting in the thread you didn't even take the time to read. Cool story.

15415301? ago

Yet you're shit posting in the thread you didn't even take the time to read

Yes. You really hit it out of the park describing how low my opinion is of OP.

15415527? ago

Hahahaha You all have a low opinion on everything that isn't part of your little echo chamber. Free speech my ass.. More like brigade everything that doesn't fit the narrative you're pushing here. Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to make good Americans look like idiots?

15419399? ago

Nah, the idiots do a fine job on their own. No help required!

15407824? ago

Mmm. Cool story.

How is this Q related? Quit spamming, shill.

15411543? ago

It's related because anons have telegraphed shills and shill tactics for probably before you were old enough to use the internet.

We sent you here to lurk moar.

You're fucking it up.

15411612? ago

We sent you

lol I've been here since the Fattening, bro.

15411843? ago

oh sorry, did you need a tape measure so you could show me how big your dick is?

look, if that message didn't apply to you, then it didn't apply to you.

You're not even the same person. Why do I care how long some random person has been here?

Is this you exposing your alts, gabara?

15411908? ago

you're not even the same person

LOL wtf, you're fucking lost...

15407970? ago

Spamming? I made 1 post to expose the shills.

15408950? ago

"Spam is ok if I only do it once"

Get fucked.

15409133? ago

"If I don't like your post, it's automatically spam. I'm just that important."

GTFO of our sub.

15409778? ago

Reddit drama spam has nothing to do with Q.

Zero. None.

16015082? ago

Wow, @srayzie says this all the time, so in that case, Hi SrayzieTrannzy!

15410100? ago

Hi sbbh! That's one of your catch phrases. You should learn to not be such a clique fag and use the same circle jerk terms all the time.

15410930? ago

No, you SBBH faggots are the ones spamming QRV because you hate Q. That's why you're always attacking and playing your not-so-secret competitions in here, while openly hating Q followers on other subs.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

16016355? ago

Love the third person perspective, looks like you are an experienced RPr in the Yahoo Gor section. Bravo, BRAVO!!!

15411239? ago

Nice try, SBBH are a bunch of fake ass Nazis like you. Poser kids in moms basement LARPing like they would actually do something about the worlds problems. You all probably work for Media Matters. But, go ahead deflect away, kiddo. All you fags do is attempt to muddy the waters. Real patriots win in the end. It's coming.

15411341? ago

"Anybody who names the jew is a nazi"


15412812? ago

Interesting.. Why are you playing sbbh games if you aren't sbbh, TS? You're one of their boogeyman alts, like amalek, aren't you?

15412851? ago

Who's TS?

15407650? ago

What a piece of shit. This is a subverse to discuss Q

16016419? ago

Actually we are talking about Q you dumbfuck, as they have told us that shitacular faggots like yourself would try to divide true Patriots like us.

We see what team you are on!

15411571? ago

Not the shills that shill Q?

Anon has been recording shill tactics and making note of known shills for the duration of 10 Q movement lengths at least, but you have the audacity to claim that we're only here to discuss Q?

You're suppose to be lurking moar. Do it faggot.

15407700? ago

Hi SBBH! FYI this is about the people shilling the only sub Q mandated. Definitely Q related.

15407025? ago

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16016697? ago

Check out the ShareBlue Tranny pulling comment out to post on SBBH! ⬆️⬆️

15407023? ago

You fucking dweebs need to go outside...............no electronics!

15411595? ago

Man, you're making me really sleepy with these posts. You should take a nap.

Fuck off with your sleepyposting you dumb nigger.

16015334? ago

you're making me really sleepy with these posts. You should take a nap.

It sucks trying to juggle alts huh? Next time take the time to understand that:

You should take a nap.

Your other puppet alt should have said that moronfag.

16016891? ago

yeah, i don't have alts, retard...

you're not talking to who you think you're talking to.

15406714? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @srayzie.

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15406684? ago

Wow. @srayzie must be over the target. Amrite?

You're the guy who was shilling on v/Greatawakening before the migration. Fuck you nigger.

15407635? ago

GreatAwakening is much better than this place or TheAwakening

15407016? ago

Bahahahaha save it.

15409638? ago

How do we get paid for anon posts again? Do we screen grab them or what?

15409669? ago

Maybe that's why you all are pushing so hard to get people out of anon?

15409706? ago

Who is pushing? You're just mad that v/greatawakening existed before your migration and it prevents your crew from running the show the way you did on reddit. Which TA mod are you? Come clean!

16015462? ago

You're just mad that v/great-awakening existed before..

Yet, you were the whinny salty bitch whom was jealous that Q didn't call out to your sub to be the the Reddit replacement sub. It gets more apparent with each passing day why they didn't recognize your sub; it is shill controlled.

16015555? ago

Neon my boy! Why don't you just talk to me out in the open instead of skulking around and replying to stale comments?

16016003? ago

Hey thanks for all the advertising you been giving me, I sold 17 baseball caps this week alone!

Psst, I will wire you the agreed cash sales commision we negotiated for my making my Q store more profitable, but who should I write the check to? I was thinking ShareBlue, but would it suffice for ThinkProgess instead?

16016084? ago

Hey thanks for all the advertising you been giving me, I sold 17 baseball caps this week alone!

LOL can you believe the suckers who actually think you give a shit about them? Qultists are so dumb. Why would they think a guy from UK would care about the LARP they've all been sucked into? nd it's not like you jide your intentions. Your entire blog is set up as a store now.

who should I write the check to? I was thinking ShareBlue, but would it suffice for ThinkProgess instead?

Oh come on now, you know better than that. Just donate it to Poal.co

16016179? ago

Okay I understand the “code,” I will send your check to Media Matters then,

16016242? ago

Okay I understand the “code,” I will send your check to Media Matters then,

Why would you send it there? Here: https://liberapay.com/poalco/

15410074? ago

I was in GA, haven't been on reddit since pizzagate.

15404501? ago

Is srayzie female?

Because from a few last posts of 'hers', the language was obviously male. I forgot to save it, but that made me suspicious.

Unless she is sharing the account ....

16015528? ago

Yeah, lots of “girls” use the term “dip shit” like that shim does.

He is a GiRL alright, a Guy in Real Life living life on hormone treatments and silicone breasts with a size 14 shoe. 😂😂😂

15411629? ago


too bad they'll just downvote you when you say things like this

15407131? ago

I doubt it.

15404420? ago

Drama and crisis faggots can't help it. Since they can't do this to others faces, other than their immediate friends and family, they do this shit crisis drama faggotry here online. It's sad. If they think that the changes on VOAT suk, they can ignore us as we do them.

15404373? ago

maybe time to take what ccp you have and cash out...go buy a fucking butt plug or something

15403995? ago

You're retaded. This is the kind of stuff SBBH wants on the front page, not to bury it.

15411449? ago

Weird how they vote brigade every time.

Nice try though.

15411547? ago

I don't suppose it's occurred to you that it's not them brigading but that it's because you're legitimately stupid, annoying, and mentally ill?

"They're out to get me!"

No, you're just an idiot and nobody likes you. Not even your family likes you. Rather than spend time with you, they told you to come back here and spend your time here.

That's how shitty you are as a person. Your own family doesn't want to be with you. They don't want to spend time with you. They want you here fighting with invisible enemies that your chemically imbalanced brain has concocted because examining your own shittiness is too difficult for you.

16015584? ago

This post was written by @srayzie-trannzy!

Need to work on sounding anonymous than the true male fag you are.

16015651? ago

Not even close.

15411802? ago

Oh, it has. Too bad I've seen it too many times and did experiments to confirm it too many times. Nice try though.

No, you're just an idiot and nobody likes you. Not even your family likes you. Rather than spend time with you, they told you to come back here and spend your time here.

that's cute srayzie

That's how shitty you are as a person. Your own family doesn't want to be with you. They don't want to spend time with you. They want you here fighting with invisible enemies that your chemically imbalanced brain has concocted because examining your own shittiness is too difficult for you.

is that some projection I see?

15412101? ago

That's funny that you think I'm her.

You're just demonstrating my point. This is why your own family doesn't love you. This is why they told you to not spend time with them but to spend time online fighting the demons in your head.

Get help.

15412338? ago

oh boy, now you're gaslighting me!

thanks gabara

15412474? ago

Nobody is gaslighting you. You're just stupid and mentally ill - and possibly mentally handicapped.

That you think I'm gabara is even funnier. You're never right, but you're convinced you're always right. That right there is indicative of stupidity.

15412854? ago

manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

are you done yet crensch?

15412945? ago

You're not even close.

And, I'm not trying to get you to question your sanity. You're retarded and insane. Those aren't questions. Get fucking help, your family will appreciate it.

You've been wrong this whole time. That doesn't make you question your thought process? That doesn't make you reevaluate the way you process information? You're just going to keep doing it?

15413378? ago

my god you're too easy...

15413504? ago

See a doctor.

16015625? ago

crensch is a stupid faggot, nice try though and,

Thanks for playing!

15403845? ago


@youllrememberme raped and murdered a little girl

15403800? ago

@youllrememberme is a SBBH puppet account. Ignore this user, its just another shill trying to slide threads with fake drama.

16015686? ago

Oh Crazy Daisy Srayzie when will you admit we know who you are?


Glass houses are a bitch huh?

16027766? ago

15411493? ago

hey there george

we know what you're doing.

we've been talking about you recently

15419095? ago

Whatever SBBH tranny

15403614? ago


15403605? ago

OP, keep up the good work. We need this kind of exposé more often

15411643? ago

we also need more anons that aren't retarded enough to fall for all the stupid shit these srs and /leftypol/ niggers are doing

15403604? ago

Neon called her out in September! Great post, Patriot! Here is his article. srayzie is mentioned towards the end of the article. https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/09/14/surviving-the-onslaught-fighting-for-victory-patriotsawoken-voat-qanon-greatawakening/

15403819? ago

Neon was outed as a merchant shill.

Anything neon is against I am for.

15411617? ago

well that's just entirely moronic

firstly, fallacy of composition

secondly, you're a dumbass srayzie we know you're watching this now

15403558? ago

Why did I click on this and read it? Anybody have any idea why? My goodness was this a waste of my time on D5.

15403420? ago

You sound like an incel faggot crying about the girl on the internet that you used to orbit.

15411425? ago

well howdy crensch/gabara/expertshitposter/heygeorge/kevdude

15419817? ago

I’m not a SBBH tranny

OP is still a faggot incel crying over internet boi pussy

15432821? ago

but op is right you stupid faggot

15437131? ago

Op is part of manufactured drama designed to slide. OP is an incel faggot, but keep commenting on your own thread to build consensus kike

15487362? ago

You mean like these tactics to manipulate, sow discord, and get a sub banned?


Op is a part of this group who uses this blue print. Here he is bragging about how it all works.

15443418? ago


I was the one promoting my own manufactured drama campaign. I'm not OP. What I did was to make anon and the normies hate the living fuck out of SBBH by constantly prompting them to fued with me.

I forced them to slide so that everyone would get tired of their antics. I even showed anon and normies here Putt's naive preference of not being willing to respond by constantly prompting him during SBBH's idiotic sprees.

Thanks for presenting how effective I've been. I appreciate that.

15532413? ago

Your arrogance is revolting.

Knowing our life is empty because no one wants to be around an asshole like you makes the nausea go away.

15535517? ago

You'd be pretty sad about how wrong you are.

I'm arrogant for letting you dumb faggots destroy yourselves?...

15403452? ago

I'm married, nice try.

15404361? ago

Being married does not preclude incelism or wistfulness over imagined connections.

15403466? ago

To a guy?

15403823? ago

Ahaha Op @youllrememberme is a faggot

15403386? ago

Q is a larp

15403490? ago

All this for a LARP? You fags are here 24/7 spewing bullshit.

15403556? ago

They will understand after today.

Thank you Patriot.

15403346? ago

Was on that ping list for awhile as I thought it was a legit sub on Voat before Reddit purged everything. No longer on it and don't care for the shit that's been going on since the Reddit subs moved over here. Hard to know who to trust anymore at this point. I may as well learn to lurk on 8chan.

15406731? ago

I may as well learn to lurk on 8chan.

That's what OP wants. Hos job is to drive people away from Voat and split the community.

15411416? ago


full chan is the place to be.

You're just retarded.

We created this place so you dumbass newfags wouldn't shit up the board.

Nice try, srayzie.

15411957? ago

You keep losing because you always assume that you are talking to @srayzie.

15411986? ago

that's what you think...

15412066? ago

I know I'm not @srayzie. So you are wrong about that.

15406822? ago

Pretty sure Q indicated that we'd all be newfags on 8chan anyway. There's going to be shills and division anywhere we go until this all hits the fan.

15405338? ago

It's easy. Lurking takes very little effort.

15405381? ago

I grew up lurking every other site. Should not be too hard to adapt.

15403308? ago


15403297? ago

give it up bro, srayzie is a good guy (gal)

15403364? ago

give it up bro, srayzie is a good guy (gal) shill

Fixed it for you.

15403409? ago

give it up bro you'll not get consensus here

15403500? ago

I'm only looking to inform.

15413455? ago

Nah, you're just looking to drag @srayzies name through the mud to try and discredit her. Why is that? What's your motive? Because she's a Q sub mod who you couldn't manipulate and control!

15413903? ago

Why are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person again? I'm exposing the shills here, you're the one who makes the most mistakes. Nothing personal.

15487408? ago

Keep telling yourself that. You're really not as smart as mommy tells you you are.

15403517? ago

lol sure

15403127? ago

This is literally drama nobody cares about. We want crumbs and bread and nothing else no names no he said she said no million "we're under attack!" As if we need to be told or need to band together somehow. We don't need any of that. All we need is bread and crumbs and to discuss it. If a shill is shilling you then great. Ignore it and respond to the folks you want to. "But muh freedumb of speech like reddit!" No. You have the freedom to post and they have the freedom to post. If you don't like it don't read. "But muh board is3 ful'a nazis!" Great. And other boards have other folk. Voat is free to post all. nobody has to like anything someone else says but they have the ability to post it whether you or I or anyone likes it. If they want to discredit let them. Lies are easily discredited truth isn't. Truth stands on its own regardless of the men and women around it. That's why the phrase is bury the truth. Cause when it's uncovered it's still standing.

15411386? ago

Anon regularly catalogs shills and shill tactics. You must be new here.

Also, why would we not care about who and how we're being shilled? How the hell does that follow?

15403205? ago

We care about this. Stop posing as a Q follower

15403251? ago

I know who I am and I'm beholden to nobody else but my God. Get over the "you're not a real q follower" toddler shit.

15403306? ago

You’re the toddlers, literally role playing to push your stupid crap. https://ibb.co/CVD8MBZ

15403171? ago

Lies are easily discredited truth isn't. Truth stands on its own regardless of the men and women around it.

Sometimes it's hard to see the truth, if you're only being fed lies.

15403254? ago

Then read more and cry less

15403086? ago

OP, thank you. So sick of these immature retards

15413405? ago

And yet OP is the worst of em all! He needs to stop the bitching and high school dramatics. It's not helping anything.

15428190? ago


15411464? ago

finally, a real anon and not some stupid sbbh shill

15406960? ago

OP is the immature bastard making more drama

15407247? ago

Nope. OP is on point

15408281? ago

then youve been suckered by a faggot with 55 sock puppet accounts

15408222? ago

No he's not

15403230? ago

You should go elsewhere then.

15403506? ago


15403274? ago

You don’t dictate what I do

15403103? ago

I hate having to do this, but sometimes it's necessary.

15403522? ago

You had to - thnx

15403026? ago

Qiggers sure do get easily butthurt.

15403020? ago

I’m here for Q not reddit high school theatrics

15411206? ago

I'd like to point out, that, although I'm not OP, I've been working here on Voat to lend a hand to some of the newcomers.

Funnily enough, I did this by forcing SBBH to heighten their tactics. Let me explain:

Their group likes to use drama to demoralize. Once the audience is demoralized, they begin to turn on each other (remember: they want you divided. anons are not divided). This is of course the entire point of shilling. What do they do next? They take the helm of both groups and drive them to insanity and discord.

The entire point is to divide.

What I did, for you, might I add, was assist them in amplifying their typical tactics so that you'd just be annoyed with both of us.

I like to think it was at least sort of clever, but it doesn't matter if it was or not, it appears to have worked. I'm glad you're annoyed with their overly dramatic bullshit. I'm glad that you just want to talk about things and not have people bicker constantly. I'm glad you think they're annoying children.

That was the whole point. Looks like it was effective.

Carry on, anons. It seems you now know who to avoid. Ps. You really should read this, though. Anon has been working hard on it.

15405032? ago

yep. got your back on that sentiment. who f'in cares about this stupid shit?

15407440? ago

You can say fucking faggot. This is Voat, you won’t get banned.


15403066? ago

Be real... You're probably one of the clowns here trying to discredit Q.

15413383? ago

What are you doing to promote Q? All you seem to do is complain and whine about everything. No one cares about your poor fee fees, and how some jackasses from SBBH hurt them. Grow a pair of balls and STFU already.

15414115? ago

I promote Q on twitter, facebook and IRL. Do you actually believe you're promoting Q on this POS echo chamber? Hahahahaha You sbbh fags always play the same cards "fee fees" "grow some balls" lmao My feelings aren't hurt, I just like watching you faggots scramble trying to brigade the truth so less people see it. Plus, a lot of you faggots fuck up your opsec when you're in a panic. I learned a lot more today watching you SJW's piss your tranny panties.

15487320? ago

SJW? Good one boomer!

15405328? ago

You are trying too hard. Those that try too hard reek of illegitimacy.

15404310? ago

No seriously, we don't care. We see these posts, we judge other posts by their content and I generally just stick around QRV anyway.

I don't worry about them, or shills.

Not the user you replied to, btw

15402914? ago


15403035? ago


OP is a sad sack trying to cover up their attempt at division, by accusing others such as @srayzie of being divisive.

It's a narrative which has been thrashed over and over, part of a long-running feud of sorts.

15411609? ago

typical srayzie trying to cover his own ass

16015886? ago

Although they pinged tranny srayzie, he never came to comment on why he was pinged in the first place.

They really suck at trying to sound authoritative and authentic, but their own shill rules gets them everytime.

I wonder if these shill fucks will go to a FEMA camp for aiding the enemy. If they do, I will volunteer to guard these pieces of shit like President Trump volunteers for being President and the fake stories of the jew holocaust in Germany will be become their new reality. Stupid fucking kikes..

16016913? ago

tfw that poster was srayzie

yeah, OP had the right idea here

15403314? ago

@nothereforpizza raped and murdered a white infant in 1990