15404379? ago

WTF is this shit? Sauce or shut up. There is already enough division in this world.

15406485? ago

They have no sauce, it's a bullshit gaslighting routine they've been using for years. SBBH are the real pedos. Here's the sauce.. https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2851738/

15406711? ago

That's not sauce .. sauce is PROOF. That's just a blank post.

I don't know who these people are, but pretty shitty if you aren't going to back up your claims (meaning OP).

15407064? ago

I'm actually the person OP is talking about. The link was the proof that SBBH condone pedo bullshit in their sub.

Edit: They do this shit all the time, its their only game.

15404141? ago

Thanks for nothing kikelon-b

15403592? ago

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