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15498470? ago

What a pitty party, srayzie just wants attention. Is this someone we want representing the Q movement?

She also admits to knowing people who talk to themselves with alts so "at least someone agrees with them".

Here's a few threads about srayzie and "her" buddies.

Their end game is to control the narrative, this thread (OP) was made to get more of you over there. Here's another thread that thread where they made an attempt to get more of you over there.. They're the ones here telling you that anon suck and QRV shouldn't be anon. They're trying to ruin QRV so everyone goes to GreatAwakening.

15498601? ago

Hey @nothereforpizza! You spent a year trying to disrupt v/pizzagate and now you are here trying to disrupt v/greatawakening.

We know we're over the target when you show up to shill!

15499368? ago

Um no...

I got banned on GA when QRV came to Voat.

Why? Because I outed Crensch (right around the time he got removed from GA mod list), because Srayzie said I was doxing him... even though I never shared any personal info about him.

You know, it's funny that you went with that srayzie. You could've said because I "was harassing" Crensch or something to that effect. Instead, you mentioned that I "doxxed" him. Maybe you don't realize this, but that was a very helpful Freudian Slip. It helped me acertain that I was on the money. You shouldn't have said doxxed because that revealed the info was accurate. You played yourself... again.

Are you done trying to shift things around on me? You don't think they'll realize that you're projecting and just accusing me of all of the things you guys do? Why don't you think they'll notice? I mean, you're familiar with how smart anons/autists are, right? You know, since you follow Q and all...

15499739? ago

"Outed crensch"? Don't you mean you were trying to dox crensch? Which is a site wide violation. You're lucky your shill ass hasn't been booted off voat all together!

15500168? ago

No, I mean what I said.

Also, you should really reexamine the definition. Here, I'll help you out:

search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

As per this definition, I would have had to found personally identifiable information about "Crensch" AND shared it. I did neither.

Nice try, gab.

15499458? ago

This isn't srayzie dumbfuck. You have bigger problems now.

15500174? ago

Do I?

15498758? ago

I'm not that person. You're just playing the same game all you voat shills always play. It's shown in the threads I posted.

15499655? ago

If you're not that person either you work with him, or you're incredibly stupid. Anyone pushing his narrative has been found to engage in all kinds of immoral activities like consensus cracking.

15501942? ago

It's funny how all of the things I accuse you guys of doing, I get accused of by you.

When have I tried to crack consensus? I very specifically tell people to decide for themselves very frequently.

15502446? ago

It's funny how all of the things I accuse you guys of doing, I get accused of by you.

It's funny how you Jews project your own flaws onto others in order to make it sound absurd when we point out that you are doing exactly what you accuse us of doing.

When have I tried to crack consensus? I very specifically tell people to decide for themselves very frequently.

No, you haven't. Your history is one comment. That's it. Congratulations, you've exposed anon for what it is.

15499761? ago

I work for myself. Save it, you hang out sbbh and enjoy shit kike what's in the deleted comments and submissions

How do I know it's sbbh?

15499866? ago

I bet you get manipulated constantly. By everyone around you.

15499970? ago

It's actually the opposite and that's why you're so butthurt.

15499860? ago

Then you're an idiot. I bet it feels awful when other people are talking around you and you don't understand most of what they're saying.

15499955? ago

LMAO! Is that all you have?

15499976? ago

Your edit accused most users of vote of being shills.

I don't need any more than that.

15500013? ago

I don't need any more than that.

For what? To get everyone to brigade me for my free speech? You all claim free speech, but this is how you roll. Pitiful.

15500307? ago

You're too stupid to even notice that you're not getting brigaded. You're also too stupid to notice that you're in a fucking a Anon subverse and the votes don't matter

15500403? ago

I was being accused of brigading, I was just pointing out that my posts have the most downvotes. I don't give a fuck about internet points, I don't even post outside of QRV. Do you SJW's always deflect like Alinsky taught you?

15498924? ago

Except you are the same person. But I'm not!

15499569? ago

Ok PeeWee.. "I know you are but what am I"