15498486? ago

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15382739? ago

Dial_Indicator admits to working for JIDF in another thread. Why are we tolerating this kike shill and its fag friends like goat404? The 2 dedicate music vids to each other on another sub like teenage homosexuals. Check out the comment history for these 2 ((shills)) and you'll see what i mean.

15066351? ago

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14880959? ago

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14857994? ago

Much like a cult.

14854166? ago

I get it, this is a shill owned source, but that doesn't mean we cant use it until they decide to blow it up.

These people are stupid, lets not forget that.

14854214? ago

Agreed, I'm not asking anyone to leave, I don't plan on leaving either. We just need to pay attention and use the upvotes and downvotes accordingly.

14854282? ago

Anything that attempts to divide the Q movement needs to be downvoted. ie: White supremacist posts/anti-semitic posts.

14849655? ago

  • Original thread full of disinfo, fake news, and asinine logical leaps of faith.

  • Second thread also full of disinfo and false logic.

  • SBBH is funded by the Clintons, not Media Matters. They even talk about it openly. Get at least one fact straight.

  • And finally:

Use your votes against these clowns

Call for brigading by an evidenced gullible community.

15009168? ago

SBBH is funded by the Clintons, not Media Matters. They even talk about it openly.

Can you please reference a source on this? I post to SBBH and have been to a bunch of rallies and have always voted straight R. Should I not post stupid shit to a shitposting sub? Where is it acceptable to go for lulz without being accused of being a communist?

15010843? ago

Sorry, chap, lulz are inherently communist.

And voting straight R is for suckers!

14975138? ago

SBBH is funded by the Clintons, not Media Matters. They even talk about it openly. Get at least one fact straight.

Lol, this is hilarious! Wow, you’re as straight as a slinky dude!

14982183? ago


14848237? ago

Another courageous anonymous post about the bravery of the OP. What a cunt.

15009178? ago

v/realprotectvoat - it's MYG/Sanegoat being a bitch like always.

14847949? ago

I was entertaining your thoughts until you got all preachy with your "voat hate" rhetoric. Not everyone who uses words like niggerfaggot and kike is a shill or part of sbbh.

Here you are trying to brigade them using concern troll tactics.

Fuck off you boring twat

14846613? ago

when these guys come in off topic from the post you can well imagine that if the democrats were here trolling us they would post such putrid posts...dividers they are....divide is what they do...They are laying the groundwork to get us all accused of being race simpletons...

14846263? ago


14845176? ago

Hell yes, OP.

Feels good for my work to be recognized.

Keep up the good work, anons.

14852952? ago

Glad to see you're still around. I know you don't recognize the username exposed in this thread, but my other deleted account was @ThePuppetShow

15008860? ago

Aka LIAR @youllrememberme @youllrememberme2 and @youllrememberme3 along with others.

15010746? ago

I'm not "nothereforpizza" and the other 3 are obvious from the OP, as stated.

14857552? ago

Just want to be clear: I'm not sanegoat, although I've certainly spoken with him.

@derkatalog was a recent account of his (not sure if spelled properly).

14857641? ago

But you helped sane with that info?

Feels good for my work to be recognized.

14857759? ago

Let's just say we've been fighting the same fight.

If you really want to know what I've done, and since I keep seeing shit posted about it, look for info on the SBBH group to be posted on this sub soon - then you'll be pretty sure of who I am.

14858092? ago

Looking forward to it, thanks.

14861793? ago

I hope it's very clear to you and any anons seeing what's going on right now just what has happened and what always happens when this info is posted.

This happens to me EVERY time I post this.

Them brigading it so hard should make things crystal clear.

14862031? ago

I absolutely see it.

14859118? ago

It's up.

Keep it real, patriot.

14853662? ago

Ha I've always been here. Don't plan on leaving.

14844967? ago

How are you q-patriots going to fight the good fight against the enemies of the republic when you can't even survive some trash talk on a anonymous forum? If this is to much, how are you going to feel when the enemy is knocking on your door? OMG it's so hard to scroll past mean words. You sensitive douche bags need to grow a set.

14844669? ago

God damned Voaters, they ruined Voat.

14844255? ago

Doxx these antifa fucks!!

14844121? ago

11 downvotes? Seems legit.

14844074? ago

This thread is 100% fake and gay.

14843789? ago

What's with the admin? Seems allright...

14843656? ago

"zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 7.4 hours ago: to learn em not be so gullible"

Remember to stay in school, kids.

14843644? ago

sbbh decides what's kosher.

14843548? ago

Yeah a few of them gave us a hard time on poal.co, no where near what happens here.

14843245? ago

Can you drama anons keep it down, the rest of us don't give a damn about your upvote downvote bullshit.

14843174? ago

I love it when republicans fight! Oy vey!

14843044? ago

They are talking shit.

Heads up...
@zyklon_b @gothamgirl

14848783? ago

I did for the lulz

14848509? ago

Lol Zyklon_ b doesn't downvote any posts, and clearly lets everyone know he is joking.

“ I am a performance artist ALL here is satire. ”

He doesn't work for anyone either.

14843038? ago

V/realProtectVoat is an echo chamber circle jerk. Does nothing besides stroke each other off.

Same people who made v/protectQRV more do nothing but cry about voat.

@taleat_skil is the ring leader.

14842515? ago

VOAT, 8Chan, Reddit, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, blah blah blah ...its all connected to one big data collection system and you are all playing right into their hands.

Answer me this: Millions upon millions of Trump supporters and Q supporters and yet not one dedicated platform RUN by patriots? ALL these supporters piggybacking off of KNOWN cabal platforms?

Algorithms are setup to track and trace ALL movement to categorize every single one of you. Hate Jews? categorized. Don't hate Jews? categorized. Hardcore supporter of free speech and gun rights? categorized. The same thing is happening across ALL platforms. The BEAST is being prepared and fed every thought and action of every user across the globe.

That's the ENTIRE point of ALL these platforms. Who's who in the zoo. The powers that be knew there were millions and millions of people with views they needed to know about. But these people are 'electronically quite' for much of their daily existence. They needed to be woken, aroused into action so they could be analyzed and categorized.

And here we are today doing EXACTLY as they planned.

14844628? ago

TPTB can kiss our ass. What are they gonna do round us up? We got guns and lots of em, ain't nobody rounding Americans up. You got rocks rolling around in your head or what?

14845094? ago

And where did all your guns get you with EIGHT YEARS OF OBAMA dip shit. Are you that fkn retarded? Oh we got guns they can't do shit to us ... You are part of the problem. An ignorant knuckle dragger. Who said anything about rounding you up imbecile. Can you even read and comprehend? Go back to fucking your cousin and leave the conversation to the grown ups.

14845144? ago

Aw.....did somebody ^^^^ get triggered. Don't worry you can hide from the boogie man in your momma's basement.

14846427? ago

Spoken like a true democrat. No argument, just insults. Run along dip shit ...

14843838? ago

If I was an evil overlord, I'd have everyone with "problematic views" walk through a body scanner at the airport that gives them cancer or an early heart attack.

14845088? ago

Then I win. I refuse to fly and deal with their invasion of privacy TSA thieving bullshit. They only get away with it because the cattle accept it.

"Those who give up freedom in exchange for security deserve neither."

14842481? ago

Neon Rules!

15008883? ago

Neon sucks Jew dick

14842463? ago

Shills are the cause. Racist slurs by bots and nimrods.

14842418? ago

Really, this is what you thought was a good post for today...?!

14843480? ago

Honestly, I don't believe it matters. Everyone on Q's side, like me, are voting red. The shills getting called out are voting blue. Nothing is going to change that.

14842377? ago

OP's username is @nothereforpizza.

Check his comment and submission history. You're being played.

14845007? ago


It wasn't even me!

That just makes me happier, I'm not gonna lie.

14843076? ago

@youllrememberme is just as shitty.

14843057? ago

He’s a dick.

14845021? ago

That I am. Thanks!

Court attention at all costs.

Hey, that first guy was right at least...

14845072? ago

I fucked your mom in the ass last night.

14843119? ago

He also tries to doxx people. It's sad and funny.

14843204? ago

Oh I know. Ridiculous.

14842818? ago

My username is @youllrememberme. If you bothered to look at the thread you would realize that. Your shill handbook is failing you.

False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations — as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.


15008917? ago

Aka fellow paid shill @oh_Well_Ian

15010796? ago

You accuse me of being Ian and admit you know I'm not in the same sentence.

Who pays you to shill the people defending Q?

15010914? ago

I did not admit you’re not. I see the lies that you post about the mods on GreatAwakening. @Srayzie allowed @oh_Well_ian to stay for far too long. We told her over and over that he was a shill. It’s obvious that it’s your alt. You’re mad because the bitch was finally banned.

15012574? ago

We told her over and over that he was a shill.

So you admit that SBBH is influencing srayzie? Nevermind, you don't have to spin that. lol

I'm not Ian, I have the 3 names you mentioned above..

youllrememberme - youllrememberme2 and youllrememberme3

I like @Oh_well_Ian's dedication to the movement and his angle on a lot of stuff. We don't agree on some shit, but I don't even agree with my wife on everything. He can be a bit harsh on people sometimes, but I think that's mainly because of the shilling on Voat. I have plenty of DM's with Ian that would prove I'm not him, but you're just making baseless claims you know aren't true, so I wont bother.

How's your day going? I see your still trippin on an 8 day old thread that nobody's even looking at anymore. You and your buddies are also doing a number on QRV.. You do know that nobody's going to switch subs, right? You can shill until your paycheck stops, but the real followers aren't going to leave QRV. Many people have warned them about your goal and who runs GA.

BTW, I'm not "mad", I just enjoy exposing SJW shills. I do it for the lulz and watching traitors squirm. Like your (squirming) post lol

It's obvious you're Ian and him and him and him (If I keep guessing maybe some day I'll get one right) and him.

GTFOH with your bullshit. lol

14843653? ago

Dude you are just fucking nuking these shills left and right my dude.

God speed patriot!

14845047? ago

It's not like it's not easy.

Crensch's stupid ass responded to my poking because he's a retard and doesn't ACTUALLY have the self-control or the competence of an actual anon.

(you know who it is ;) )

14842990? ago

Look at that username's comment and submission history, too. How embarrassing.

14841877? ago

Been downvoating the shills left and right....they're so obvious!

14841727? ago

They hate when you point out that Jews are the problem.

14841646? ago

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14841503? ago

Seriously, why do any of you buy into this SBBH drama? They are shitlords and trolls who thrive on making you all mad. Get over it.

14841704? ago

It's much worse than that, that's their cover.

14843047? ago

You take it all too seriously. There is no cover, they are just assholes who don't like you. They arent a threat to anything except a bag of funyuns.

14975496? ago

Lol... funyuns, that is so cute!

14849476? ago

You must not be a QRV regular as you seem to possess a brain useful for more than holding your hair in place.

14851794? ago

Hey, thanks. I am a Q supporter but I try not to go over the top if you know what I mean.

14851843? ago

I do know what you mean. And for the record, I am fit and attractive. ;D

14841081? ago

Watch the downvotes on this thread too, they don't want this getting to the front page of voat for everyone to see.

14843699? ago

This is nothing new. Just ignore them.

We dealt with this shit for months on Reddit, and was far worse than these clowns can muster.

14843284? ago

OH MY GOODNESS WOULDN"T THAT BE AWFUL IF THIS WHINING POT SUBMISSION DIDN"T GET TO THE FRONT OF PAGE QVR. You know QVR, the research board for Q posts, not kindergarten class for social media darlings.

14844184? ago

"...front page of voat for everyone to see."

Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how ‘sensitive they are to criticism.’


14840998? ago

This is a research sub right? Tell me how many downvoats the two accused, @zyklon_b and @dial_indicator has made. While your at it check out the accuser, @youllrememberme.

Now who's the downvoating faggot again?

14844104? ago

You forgot the first 6 letters of my name, and you call yourself a goat?

14841158? ago

I downvote all you SBBH shills. You all have many alts to spread the downvotes around, ask srayzie... http://i68.tinypic.com/2uq0wns.jpg

Way to use that shill handbook you all follow though..

Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.


14841812? ago

Oof, you fucking nailed him with this dude, gnarly shill kill bro

14843722? ago

He literally threw the book at him. kek

14841309? ago

I'm looking @srayzie's profile. The lowest rated submission is at (+7|-14) and the lowest rated comment is at (+0|-8). If that's brigading then it's kinda weak.

I can only think of two people with the kind of schizophrenic rambling you're on, so which one of you is it?

14841825? ago

I was saying to ask srayzie about everyones alts, hence the link. Srayzie is SBBH.

14841522? ago

That means its a screenshot of a pm srayzie sent admitting to alts talking to each other.

14840896? ago

Wait. So even though I'm only 2 months into the Q movement, even >I< was able to tell that Voat goats have been super jealous of Q Patriots who came over from Reddit. It made no sense why they were hating on us so much. I got called Neon for commenting about this when they'd attack my posts. Even though I'm new my posts were receiving upwards of 150+ upvotes. I'm guessing because they offered value. THEN I read Neon's post about the drama that went down during the great migration and I understood.

14844045? ago

Jealous of having wasted years on Reddit???? LOL

14843153? ago

  1. Large scale up coating by refugees. That doesn’t go well here.

  2. Powermods trying to control your subs - another no go routine.

  3. Voat actually likes v/greatawakening so we didn’t Q people go there?

  4. Jealous? Really? Of a bunch of reddit retards. Don’t be delirious.

  5. Neon is a traitor for ripping people off on over price merchandise.

14842645? ago

Lol don't flatter yourself, no one here is jealous of you niggers. Just like you don't want Mexican rapists coming in, we don't want you boomer faggots coming here and ruining this site.

14844096? ago

Just like you don't want Mexican rapists coming in, we don't want you boomer faggots coming here and ruining this site.

You don't have a problem with Mexican rapists? And.. You have a problem with free speech?

14845501? ago

Are you retarded? I have a problem with spics, which is the same reason I have a problem with you faggots. Don't ask me about free speech when I read comments all the time from you Qtards about how racist we are. If you can put up with it, then stay by all means, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's because of any jealousy.

14842527? ago

even >I< was able to tell that Voat goats have been super jealous of Q Patriots

No it's just that an invasion of pretentious redditard morons, trying to impose their rules here, giving into upvoat farming on day1, telling us that nazis like us aren't welcome, and hijacking /v/all, actually IS cringe worthy

The very fact that you can't understand that proves that you're an actual moron

See? No mystery here, you got bashed because you brought with you the very same reddit habits and PC virtue signal mentality that got you banned from there in the end, it's just that you were on the wrong side of the stick this time

And for SBBH yeah they are cunts, since forever, but they also act as an idiot magnet so there's that

14842276? ago

/v/GreatAwakening is a long established community here at voat.

/v/QRV is Q's officially sanctioned replacement for reddit refugees.

/v/theawakening is a clusterfuck of the named reddit refugees who tripped over their dicks trying to salvage and build their cult followings

/v/theawakening move was so pathetic. they pinned SB2's bullshit posts, banned masses of voat regulars, caused major drama acting like reddit refugees were their own personal property ... Q had to come forward and sanction QRV just to settle the drama

Neonrevolt was in charge of the theawakening custerfuck. He pulls you in rehashing how great Q is and then goes bipolar criticizing Q.

Anyone who refuses to go anonymous has an agenda that has nothing to do with saving America.

14843760? ago

Exactly. Q warned us about all of these fools long before they came along. Be careful who you follow. There is only Q.

14842066? ago

Neon is a paytriot.

14842143? ago

Hey may be a paytriot but at least hes not a traitor unlike SBBH.

14843167? ago

Prove your point Liberal

14842415? ago

You're probably shilling, but SBBH is not a traitor. They're the enemy. As an old goat, I can say they've been known as the enemy of what voat stands for, for a long time. Older than the Q movement by at least 2 years.

Neon, on the other hand, is someone who got in with the Q crowd, gained a following, and then led them astray. He is as bad as Isaac Green (Anti School) or Corsi or how InfoWars tried to co-opt the movement. That is what a traitor is.

14843193? ago

Sbbh keep the voat kitty fed retard. How much did you donate?

14842557? ago

Disagreeing with Q ocassionally and selling some hats doesn't really make him a traitor unless q calls out him like Corsi. SBBH on the other hand I definitely consider traitors to this country. The constant sabotage and brigading against Q, the controlling of multiple q community subs like pizzagate/greatawakening/protectvoat with their shill accounts, the going against voat values. I've been on voat a long time and am not a shill I would post my research on voat about sjws and they would come in with shill accounts and start protecting sjws and brigade me. They are shills and traitors in my book for protecting sjws on voat and trying to sabotage q. Syrazie modded SBBH to her mod team and she used to mod SBBH. SBBH admittedly hate the q community http://archive.is/OrRNF.

14843218? ago

And Q visits every blog to vet them. Be serious!

$20 profit on T-shirts and $40 profit on hoodies is worse than Walmart! Same Chinese crap too!

14842528? ago

Well said.

NeonRevolt = Paytriot for sure

14842350? ago

Haven't you seen Neon criticize Q?

He posts good things about Q to suck you in and then he rants about how bad Q is. His purpose is to tap into Q's following and then sow seeds of doubt.

14843184? ago

And make $20 on T-shirts and $40 on hoodies!

14841065? ago

The ones causing trouble are SJW's that work for the enemy, nothing else logically explains this.. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2832665

14840867? ago

SBBH are the antifa of voat.

14844105? ago

  1. /v/protectvoat poster Draak admits to downvoting everything he sees in QRV http://archive.fo/i0jxQ.

  2. /v/protectvoat head mod Kevdude modding SBBH http://archive.is/f0ami. Kevdude also deleted all of his posts on SBBH http://archive.is/4614s.

  3. Shills discussing their shill alt accounts on Micks Hut named after the founder of SBBH Mick https://archive.is/5sFhs.

  4. Srazie used to mod SBBH http://archive.is/DYLm8

  5. Srazie modded SBBH shill clamhurt_legbeard to /v/greatawakening http://archive.is/w8yxR. Clam is modding /v/ridersfothereich with SBBH and PV http://archive.is/Jn6Vd. They are clearly all connected.

  6. SBBH hates q movement http://archive.is/OrRNF

  7. SBBH hates q movement 2 http://archive.is/kICMV

If SBBH hates q why are they modding /v/greatawakening and /v/pizzagate? Cause they are shill traitors.

15403111? ago

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15402946? ago

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14975574? ago

Naw mate, they mod those subs because they aren’t afraid of no work and fighting for freedom of speech. You got it all wrong, serious.

14843072? ago

V/protectQRV and v/realProtectVoat are ADL and JIDF

14841014? ago

Yep and unfortunately admin and the owners seem to be included in their SJW cabal. Why else would Puttitout be picking the pockets of Voat users when there was 30+ million dollars in their bitcoin wallet?

14845737? ago

When is the last time they asked for money?

14846260? ago

When v/greatawakening merged over here just recently. It was in the global sticky.

14843471? ago

30 million in voat's bitcoin wallet? big claim. got a source for that?

14843914? ago

So, you didn't read the thread. It was the first link to a post I made earlier. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2832665

14844530? ago

I think you might be confused as to what the website (https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/00000014ea8b260f?from_address=1PhBpbED6uEnrvy5s9F9axBZbK8fWAeZdc) is telling you (or those results are inaccurate).

Just look at your claims: that some shadowy people donated $32 million to their public donation wallet and that it somehow was never noticed? Also check that same page, it says that this "wallet" has over 22 million transaction; (Page 1 / 221586 Next… Last (total transactions: 22,158,557)). That is quite a bit of transactions for Putt to be making, but maybe that's just me.

Just to give you some context, one of Poloniex's wallets (Poloniex is one of the older exchanges) only has about 4.8 million transactions according to that site (https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/Poloniex.com). Aka you're trying to tell me that Putt is way busier than Polo's wallet?

Even more context: The site claims Bitfinex has 25,000 ish transactions (https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/Bitfinex.com)

Tldr; good sleuthing but that site seems to be bunk. I believe Voat's donation wallet got grouped in with a mixing (tumbler) service wallet, or else it wouldn't report five times Poloniex's transactions and 100 times Bitfinex's.

Look for reviews about walletexplorer.com, some old comments (3 years ago) were claiming it is wildly inaccurate.

14853105? ago

This is interesting, I will look further into this when I get a bit. It's still odd to me that there was no funding coming into this site from users for quite a while, right after they almost shut it down. Thanks for the post though.

14841651? ago

Yep and unfortunately admin and the owners seem to be included in their SJW cabal


The reality is that free speech is a two way street and Putt and Atko can't interfere by deciding what speech is acceptable and what is not.

14857676? ago

The inconsistency which OP is pointing out is that by not condemning SBBH in a similar manner to sanegoat and others, Putt (maybe atko too, but I don't even think he's real at this point) is guilty of cooperating with them, or at the very least of giving them a free pass.

Here's the thing, I've specifically noted that Crensch, a variant account used by the person behind the account, or Censch's friend simply is, is a friend of, or uses the same pool of accounts as the user Creq from Reddit, who, as per their own admittance, is a moderator at Reddit and has been for years. We all know very apparently by now that Reddit mods are often bought, in cahoots with Soros and his goons or someone of the sort, or certainly embody SJW ideology.

I'll go ahead and share with QRV the shit I've found, although many at /pol/(s) and the research board have already seen. Look for it soon.

14859278? ago

I'll go ahead and share with QRV the shit I've found

You found nothing.


14859715? ago

Then why do they always make such a ruckus when I talk about it?

You're fooling NO ONE.

14860289? ago

Because you lie and talk shit.

14860323? ago

You're making it more obvious.

14860409? ago

Your argument has descended into this.

Ha ha ha - I'm off to watch the midterm results come in.

If I see you lying, I'll keep show you up.

14860522? ago

Yeah, okay srayzie/kev/crensch

you do this shit EVERY TIME

14849462? ago

This anon has thought about this for more than 2 seconds. Thank you anon. Truth.

14841762? ago

But they can threaten to close down the site if you dont add to their 30 million dollar bitcoin wallet. The SBBH SJW's break voat rules all the time by brigading people. Don't give me this load of crap.

14843090? ago

You are full of bull shit. SBBh are the biggest donators on voat. Now go stick a carrot up your ass.

14843455? ago

Donating money to voat to get away with whatever you want is exactly the problem

14843560? ago

The donate money so that Putt doesn’t have to take bribes!

14841949? ago

You seem super-eager to try to smear Putt and Atko for some strange reason... when the truth is that Putt and Atko have only stepped in to stop brigading and farming only a couple of times over Voat's history.

The danger in banning a subverse is that SBBH more than anyone will claim that Voat is no longer free speech and they'll endlessly create thousands of alts to do nothing be forever scream about how Voat is over.

SBBH wants nothing more than for Voat admit to ban them.

They'd love that.

Why do you want this?

14843114? ago

No, they don’t want that and they have done more than you can imagine to keep voat going. Without sbbh members voat would have ended a long time ago.

14843171? ago

Then why don't you tell me about SBBH these miracles?

Is it a secret?

I only ask because SBBH and their ProtectVoat alts seem to do nothing but try to get Voat users to attack Voat communities before SBBH members then take over.

14843363? ago

Consider why Putt posts to sbbh.

Consider why Putt doesn’t tell sbbh to stop.

Consider who pays the electric bill.

14843469? ago

Putt made three posts over three years ago... probably before he knew what SBBH were up to.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

14843547? ago

Putt has many since then.

Anything you left out on purpose?

14843587? ago

No, you lie.

Fuck you shill.

14843944? ago

Putt has an alt and PMs them and gets their help with coding.

SBBH owns voat.

14844004? ago

Please tell us what Putt's alt is then.

Is it a secret? /s

14844010? ago


14844031? ago

Please prove this is Putt's alt.

You've established yourself as a liar, so I'm gonna need more that just your claims.

14844134? ago

I only made one post here, so the only thing I establish is putt's alt.

He uses that name to test things with in preview.voat.co

Check out GoatMountain

On preview voat the only mods are putt's two names while he tests code.

Both O levels...

And look at the CSS. Compare to v/soapdoxbanhammer

Owner Clamhurt_Legbeard


14844401? ago

Interesting. Thanks for the post.

14844223? ago

You retard - you linked to Voat's testing environment.

I participated in the testing and everyone was able to create whatever names they liked in the blank test database.

Fuck off you stupid shill.

Obvious liar is obvious.

14844260? ago

The testing environment

For the new code

With puttitout as one owner

And Clamhurt_Legbeard as the ONLY OTHER OWNER

while he tests the future code


14844334? ago

Remember back when Putt when missing for a few weeks when Voat when down in April this year... and Atko came to the rescue...

...well guess what - Clamhurt_Legbeard's history shows he was pointing right up until the day Voat died.

Putt is clearly not Clamhurt_Legbeard.

Is there anything else you'd like to lie about?

14844894? ago

lol good job

you are a super sleuth

14840809? ago

Sanegoat I presume?

14843003? ago

Nah, sane doesn’t post like this plus he’s been mia for a while.

14843178? ago

Same was never mia. He makes attack threads like this constantly.

14843336? ago

Not like this. I’ve had my run ins with sane and this ain’t sane.

14843797? ago

I’ve been dealing with him for years... he does this a lot.

14843866? ago

This ain’t him.

It’s more likely @mightyetgentle.

It’s not @tallest_skil.

Or what’s his name who got kicked out of GA ... oh_well_ian.

14848904? ago

hey 1990

14840888? ago

Nope, I don't have a problem with black people and I don't blame Jews for the worlds problems that are created by luciferians of many cultures.

14842125? ago

every jew that's a progressive or a zionist is a problem, whether they're a poor jew that votes for socialists or globalists or a rich jew that builds the next social media ...ahem social manipulation platform.

14844440? ago

Lots of people have been brainwashed. Why do you only single out the Jews?

14846226? ago

Because if it's not the jews in front of the TV giving me propaganda, it's the jews at the top of the organization, or the jews who are major investors. If it's not the jews in the article byline, then it's the jews who own the online media property, or the jews who are major investors. If it's not the jews who currently run our social media platforms, it's the jews who are major investors.

I find your background on this subject rather lacking. Why not start with the Bolsheviks in Germany, their failed revolution, the formation of the Frankfurt School and their transfer to the US, and their studies on how to successfully bring a Marxist socialism to the US if a worker's revolution wasn't going to do so. They were all jewish. It's the fungus rotting our society. Perhaps this was all driven by a higher tier of satanic globalists, but then why have the jews been thrown out of so many countries for the same behaviors that are destructive to the society they resided within?

Has Harvey Weinstein been brainwashed? Has Don Lemon been brainwashed? Why not watch the first 2 episodes of The Lobby (US) that got released and tell me whether The Israel Project is brainwashed, or whether they have a clear goal of brainwashING.

14842378? ago

I like that term. Social manipulation platform. Mine now

14841025? ago

But you are off your medicine?

14840800? ago

SBBH are toxic - nothing but a karma farming group dedicated to killing Voat.

I bet they chimpout over posts like his that call them out because they can't mass down-vote brigade them because it would show them for what they are.

14846036? ago

SBBH are toxic...

I just don't understand why someone would want to spend their time down-voting on VOAT! Don't those people have a life or what? Seems infantile to me. If you don't like what you are reading then just move on...IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

14846175? ago

They seem to use SBBH to post garbage so they can karma-farm for all their alts... which is why there's so many moods there.

SBBH's agenda seems to involve creating "censorship crises" by spamming legitimate Voat communities and when the mods remove their spam, they use their /v/ProtectVoat alt accounts to incite everyone to down-vote brigade that community...

...Their goal seems to be to destroy decent, medium sized subverses and then take them over or use their ProtectVoat alts to announce a "censorship friendly" replacement and try to get everyone to migrate.

It's all about taking possession of Voat subverses by creating needless conflict.

I'm not sure who funds these shills, but their tactics reek of Mossad.

14849401? ago

not sure who funds these shills

It’s Hillary Clinton

14849548? ago

All I know is the money for SBBH comes from the Clintons. They talk about it openly.

14849675? ago

I wouldn't trust anything those butt-munchers claim.

14849703? ago

Then what is the point?

14845641? ago

Dude, You are smoking some good shit.

14843898? ago

  1. /v/protectvoat poster Draak admits to downvoting everything he sees in QRV http://archive.fo/i0jxQ.

  2. /v/protectvoat head mod Kevdude modding SBBH http://archive.is/f0ami. Kevdude also deleted all of his posts on SBBH http://archive.is/4614s.

  3. Shills discussing their shill alt accounts on Micks Hut named after the founder of SBBH Mick https://archive.is/5sFhs.

  4. Srazie used to mod SBBH http://archive.is/DYLm8

  5. Srazie modded SBBH shill clamhurt_legbeard to /v/greatawakening http://archive.is/w8yxR. Clam is modding /v/ridersfothereich with SBBH and PV http://archive.is/Jn6Vd. They are clearly all connected.

  6. SBBH hates q movement http://archive.is/OrRNF

  7. SBBH hates q movement 2 http://archive.is/kICMV

If SBBH hates q why are they modding /v/greatawakening and /v/pizzgate? Cause they are shills.

14843969? ago

Yup - GreatAwakening is 100% SBBH karma-farming down-vote-brigading shill mods.

14844887? ago

Spotted the reddit fag

14842995? ago

Lol! Nice try OP. We know your alts.

14843694? ago


14843773? ago

Actually, you are wrong. But for giggles I’m gonna go check them out. Thanks!

14843963? ago

no fuck that

sbbh is trash

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

14975602? ago


14975671? ago

clammy is the best

visit v/clambangtacomuncher

14844029? ago

Oh just fuck you!

14844049? ago

lol no im busy

14844217? ago

So that’s why @gabara has been busy. @hey_george is pissed that you are sucking his dongger all the time!

14844238? ago

heygeorge is pissed because im not making him a mod lol

14844257? ago

Really? I’ve only seen gabara have issues. Hmmm

14843786? ago


14843874? ago

As to what?

14842391? ago

SBBH are some of the best users on the site. The anti-SBBH crowd has gotten BTFO constantly and had to move to poal or phucks.

Top kek.

14975613? ago

This guy needs a medal!

14840793? ago

we care. the site is designed for group think to dominate the content.

14842067? ago

So it's not about free speech, it's about pushing a narrative. Thanks for admitting I'm over the target.

14843053? ago

You are over a pile of dog shit @tallest_skil

14849813? ago

You should know by now that I don’t make threads like this.

14842231? ago

i dont know how i admitted anything, im seeing my posts censored like mad. i dont see why Q would not want you guys to know some critical things unless there is zero plans to fix the reason our republic to be lost in the first place. see whatever you want in that but the site is designed for sliding content, allowing people to vote on relevance or content youll always see the same thing, posting the simpsons videos on anime thread will not become a hot topic and end up censored by that community themselves.

my point was self censorship leads to hive mind dominance, because contrary information is voted out

14849505? ago

im seeing my posts censored like mad.


14843063? ago

OP is trying to divide the Q communities! He’s the mod of v/protectQRV.

14843125? ago

makes no difference to me Q sent me here this is where i am.

14843374? ago

Did Q personally vet this site or did he consider somebody’s recommendation?