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14840867? ago

SBBH are the antifa of voat.

14841014? ago

Yep and unfortunately admin and the owners seem to be included in their SJW cabal. Why else would Puttitout be picking the pockets of Voat users when there was 30+ million dollars in their bitcoin wallet?

14843471? ago

30 million in voat's bitcoin wallet? big claim. got a source for that?

14843914? ago

So, you didn't read the thread. It was the first link to a post I made earlier.

14844530? ago

I think you might be confused as to what the website ( is telling you (or those results are inaccurate).

Just look at your claims: that some shadowy people donated $32 million to their public donation wallet and that it somehow was never noticed? Also check that same page, it says that this "wallet" has over 22 million transaction; (Page 1 / 221586 Next… Last (total transactions: 22,158,557)). That is quite a bit of transactions for Putt to be making, but maybe that's just me.

Just to give you some context, one of Poloniex's wallets (Poloniex is one of the older exchanges) only has about 4.8 million transactions according to that site ( Aka you're trying to tell me that Putt is way busier than Polo's wallet?

Even more context: The site claims Bitfinex has 25,000 ish transactions (

Tldr; good sleuthing but that site seems to be bunk. I believe Voat's donation wallet got grouped in with a mixing (tumbler) service wallet, or else it wouldn't report five times Poloniex's transactions and 100 times Bitfinex's.

Look for reviews about, some old comments (3 years ago) were claiming it is wildly inaccurate.

14853105? ago

This is interesting, I will look further into this when I get a bit. It's still odd to me that there was no funding coming into this site from users for quite a while, right after they almost shut it down. Thanks for the post though.