SearchVoatBot ago

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darkknight111 ago

You guys want something to bring unity...

Got a meme warfare OP that I need help with designed to bring pedowood right to the eyes of the masses. Will be posting it here soon.

ASolo ago

Theres like 3 fuckin names I ebvn recognize commenting on this thread almost like a COMPLETE turnover of participants. So fucking bizarre. Is this the reddit Q overflow?

ASolo ago

I mean @vindicator does this thread even satisfy the minimum requirements to stay up as a thread but yet it did, why the fuck is this even a thread?

ASolo ago

Aha, alas, I was alerted to this shit talking on my behalf by a friend, I havent regularly visited this place in a minute because well, we've said and done enough. Yes there could be more to do and more threads to write but why bother with THIS kind of resistance, I know I had enough of fighting with "the rules" hre to last me a lifetime which in many ways impeded good work and drove people away in droves, but thats ok too, because we've done enough.

I can DEFINITELY 100% vouch for the fact that Srayzie and ASolo are TWO DIFFERENT LIVE FLESH AND BLOOD BEINGS. I am AkhaldanSolo and THE ONLY ONE and I have NO SOCK ACCOUNTS.

I don't give a fuck if anyone believes this testimony or not you can all go shove it in your ass. Quite a bit of time spent by a TRUMPTARD trying to bolster Q's claims, definitely a poor attempt at govt shillery your paycheck should be withheld it was such poorly written drivel.

Trump and Q are deceiving you all you fucking retards.

Shizy ago

OP claims that "all" four mods on v/GreatAwakening were previously mods at SBBH, yet he has no proof and has been told by two mods that this is untrue. He continues to insist he's right. Fine, whatever, he can believe what he wants.

His allegations are that because "all" the V/GA mods were also SBBH mods, that must mean V/GA is somehow compromised or a cesspit of evil. Anyone who had seen SBBH before it was shut down knows it was just a shit posting sub where friends would basically "roast" each other relentlessly! Off color jokes and cussing abounded. Big flipping deal! It is to OP apparently, but once again, he can believe whatever he wants.

Here's really what the issue is here that OP has muddied up with his attempts to correlate V/GA with SBBH: he is alledging there is some fuckery going on because the mods are "cancerous" or "compromised". Once again, he provides no proof, only his opinion and baseless allegations.

If anyone actually takes OP seriously in any way, here's what you can do to look into this for yourself and make your own determination on the issue: the mod logs for any sub are public! One can easily see any and all submission posts or comments that have been deleted. Very rarely do comments get deleted, but submissions do when they don't meet submission rules. The rules are also clearly posted so you can check those out too. Review the deleted submissions. See their content and caliber. Read through the comments from other goats, and then make up your own mind about whether or not deleting those was appropriate. What you will find is what has been deleted does not meet the clearly posted submission rules. Many times the comments within deleted submissions call out the OP for being off topic, not relevant, or just a shit post.

One can also look over the banned users. Check out who they are. Read through their comments. 90% of them are shills or alts of the shill bot army the sub was being attacked by recently. In reality, very very few actual users have been banned l. It's also usually after multiple warnings and lots of chances.

OP can make allegations all day long, but he hasn't provided proof of his claims. What's even sillier is that people are free to look into this for themselves and decide if there's a problem with the mods on this sub. We invite it! Make up your own mind. OP would rather you just believe what he says. That doesn't fly here!

@srayzie @MolochHunter @plankO

youllrememberme ago

OP claims that "all" four mods on v/GreatAwakening were previously mods at SBBH, yet he has no proof and has been told by two mods that this is untrue. He continues to insist he's right. Fine, whatever, he can believe what he wants.

I've never said that. I've never seen @MolochHunter even post in SBBH and I don't even think @srayzie has been a mod there, at least not under that name. Way to make up some bullshit. hahaha

This is essentially like me saying that @shizy thinks Hillary Clinton should have got woman of the year and the noble peace prize.

What's even sillier is that people are free to look into this for themselves and decide if there's a problem with the mods on this sub. We invite it! Make up your own mind. OP would rather you just believe what he says. That doesn't fly here!

I told people in the OP to visit all 3 subs. Are you high? I want people to look into you and srayzie. That was the point. Anyone who says that they can see why talking to yourself with an alt is necessary, is shady as fuck or psychotic.

Shizy ago

I changed my comment since I had attributed the SBBH mod comments to you when it was Ian's alt that has claimed that.

srayzie ago

Shizy just ignore them.

We offered a way to prove we weren’t the same person.
We’ve offered to let @Oh_Well_ian prove that @youllrememberme wasn’t his alt.

I offered a way for everyone to prove it. Me and you were the only ones willing. OWI and his alt had nothing but excuses. They failed. We won. There’s no reason to ever speak to the lying traitor again. They are a waste of our time.

youllrememberme ago

Too late, shizy already revealed that you know I'm not Ian and you're just deflecting. That was just round 1 too. Hahaha

Shizy ago

Here you go lying again! I never spoke for srayzie!!

youllrememberme ago


Gothamgirl ago

Rabid animals these 2 are lol. Check my submissions and comments. Srayzie knew I as a victim from someone in the military, and she played games until I mentally snapped. They have a new victim to pick apart every week.

Crensch ago

They have a new victim to pick apart every week.

Like this?

Gothamgirl ago

Well look how many people have left in the last month, and look who was talking shit to them just prior.

Next sentence I am asking a question, which obviously means I am looking for the answer.

That's the ending of what happened, why not start from the beginning?

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Another attack on @srayzie' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @youllrememberme:

I'm SPECIFICALLY addressing your argument here, not you.

No, you were specifically attacking me for explaining who I am. Did you forget you wrote this?

This post from youllrememberme starts off with three paragraphs of useless personal information about the user.

Who? Ian? This guy?

Kek. Good company you've got there.

No, it was someone who I've never seen before. But, you can keep bringing up Ian if you're that proud of that thread.

No. The O was sanctioned by Q, but nice try on slipping that one past me.

And the O chose people he trusted, which happen to be 2 mods from v/theawakening.

Wanna stand up first?

I don't need to.

BTW.. Did you see one of your mods admitted they know I'm not Ian and that was all a deflection?

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youllrememberme ago

So now you're openly admitting you know I'm not @Oh_Well_Ian's alt and this is all a deflection game. ♿

Shizy ago

I don't know if you're Ian or not. Others may have more proof than I do and believe that you two are the same. For now based on what I have seen I think Ian is definitely using a different alt, but who's to say he isn't using multiple alts? No one can know for sure. But what I do know is you don't need to be putting words in my mouth! I never said it was a "deflection game". I have identified one of Ian's alts, that's all!

heygeorge ago

From the beginning, the twitter convo sounds backwards from your you claim, and that’s really obvious to interpret.

Aka, asolo is asolo. He thinks that 10joe10 is srayzie, and is then rather confused when he did not get a message from srayzie in his inbox, but instead a message about the picture from two users, unicorns & stopthepaedos. So now asolo is more confused.

It’s as if you went through this trying to get a ‘gotcha’, but it’s really stupid and easily seen through. OTOH, many of the grandma q-bees are fucking exceptionally gullible and don’t have the faintest idea how the interwebs works [eg I can’t post pictures to Voat]. So it’s sadly effective to sow doubt.

heygeorge ago

What does this message out of context have to do with any of this?

youllrememberme ago

That's the person you claimed sent ASolo the message.

srayzie ago

This was a long time ago too. Now he adds a new person. They’re so fricken lame. I challenged them. v/whatever

srayzie ago

I think we were in group chat and Asolo was confused. I was even confused.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'I have a challenge for @Oh_Well_Ian and @youllrememberme' was posted in v/whatever by srayzie and refers to this submission.

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srayzie ago

Omg this again? Seriously? You are oh_Well_ian

Dude thinks me and my mod @Shizy are the same person. We were friends before Q came along. Our sense of humors are alike which is why we get along so good. @Asolo are you me? Lol. It’s been a long time. I think we’ve argued in Voat but got along after that. We never talked much. I think I told you the theory that this genius has. Well now there are three of us 😂 I just have alllll kinds of time in a day.

Mr Wannabe investigator I don’t have time to be my own mod, joke, talk and laugh with myself, as well as run a sub and take care of my family. I would prove all of this over voice chat. I have no problem. I’m just tired if your drama. You hate me because I banned your alt that was your main user ID.

People are allowed to have alts. Who cares? When you told me you were Puppetetshow, I was letting you know that others have alts. Why is that a problem? Me and you have been over these screenshots before. I’ve also told you that there have been a couple of people that made alts because they were being threatened with doxing.

You really need to get a life and do something more productive. If you start sending me messages from that file alt, I will block you.

ASolo ago

The entire thing was a poor attempt at trying to bolster Q while discrediting us. I remember the invite to that conversation clearly and really had no idea what was going on. Nice to see there are lurkers that are that interested in what we do though good heads up. Kinda spooky having someone follow us on twitter and then try to discredit us here. Clowns.

srayzie ago

I know! When he showed me that conversation way back then, I was even confused.

ASolo ago

It's obviously someone working to discredit the work we have done. Ain't gonna work but nice try fucking clown pieces of shit.

srayzie ago

I liked the outfit you were wearing while staring back at me in the mirror this morning. 😂

Shizy ago

I already had this guy blocked! He's the one who felt compelled to write to me once I became a mod to attempt and shame me for using the F word! Suddenly I was "unprofessional" if I talked like that on voat! No one asks for his opinion, yet he is so full of himself he forces it on you anyway.

srayzie ago

Which one?

Shizy ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

get back in your hole, you fake fuck.

youllrememberme ago

I'm not Oh_Well_Ian, but you already know that. This is just your cover. I never even said a word about you banning Ian, wait, wasn't that shizy? 🤔 Anyways, I have plenty of DM's between me and Ian that would prove this, I'll bust a couple of them out when I have time. This is weak sauce and you know it, suprised you went this route, but you have nothing else. Truth prevails.

"Mr. Wannabe investigator" LOL ouch.. Is that all you have? You just got owned, so..

Of course people are allowed to have alts, we live in a "free" country and this is a semi anonymous message board. The damning part was you admitting they argue with themselves so no matter what the owner of said alts isn't wrong. And then you claim you can see how that's necessary. Really? Hahaha

I haven't sent you a message in a while, you already gave me what I was looking for. REEEE! Go ahead and block me, I don't care.

There's a reason Q has never directed anyone to your sub and there's a reason you have less subscribers than the other 2. You and your friends can keep playing games and trying to direct people there by spamming the other 2 with bullshit, but it looking more and more like you've lost control.

Gothamgirl ago

They blame when they have no defense, and these liars don't have to prove any accusations either. I don't believe they're even from this country.

srayzie ago

Of course you didn’t mention that I banned Ian. Bringing him up all the time blows your cover. I even said I would get on voice chat and prove it. Would you? Doubt it.

Challenge for you @oh_Well_ian...

I can prove it. If Shizy is willing to, I will get on voice chat and show you.

If you guys say you won’t get on voice chat to prove it as well, then we will know that you are the same person.

If you don’t accept the challenge, then I screenshot the answer and show it every single time you guys want to accuse me of being someone else.

A normal logical person would see that the reason me and Shizy are so alike is why we get along so well. You think this way because that’s what you actually did. A normal person would also think it’s ridiculous that I would be my own mod when I obviously need the help. I’m not the one that has shown mental illness and outbursts. You are.

So about the challenge to prove yourselves... are you willing?

Are you willing @Shizy?

Shizy ago

I'm down! Let's get this bullshit settled and shut this dude up!

srayzie ago


youllrememberme ago

How is voice chat going to prove you aren't ASolo and I'm not Ian. Either one of us could have someone else do it. Are you that retarded that you think that makes your case? Hahaha

You already have it set up for someone to cover for you, most people aren't as stupid as you are and can figure that out. Nice try though.

Shizy ago

You can ask me anything you want to verify I'm who I say I am and not @srayzie! Of course any one of us could go grab a friend, sister, or whatever to pretend to be who we alledging, but that's where asking questions comes in. Would a friend really take the time to study our comment and submission histories to make sure they don't get "tripped up" with questions? Come on dude! How cloak and dagger has this fantasy in our head become? 😂! Agree to this, don't agree, I don't really give a fuck, but leave people the hell alone if you can't back up what you say!

youllrememberme ago

How would any of us know enough about you to ask specific questions? Are we supposed to ask what you posted on a certain date? Hahaha You're asking a bunch of anonymous people to confirm you're shizy and srayzie is srayzie by a voice over the internet on an anonymous site (discord). You wouldn't believe me, just like I wouldn't believe you, even if I gave you my name, because I could just give you someone elses name. There's absolutely no way to confirm someones identity over a voice chat by asking questions. Keep proving my point by downvoting everything though. All you have left is silencing me. 475 more points to get to 0...

srayzie ago

Me and Shizy can talk at the same time. You can too. I don’t know about ASolo. I don’t know them. You can ask them. I really don’t care if you think I’m them. But if you want keep accusing me of talking to myself and being my own mod, then let’s do this. We can record it as well in case it’s ever in question,

I set up my own server in discord. All you need is a mic or a phone. When is everyone available? @Shizy @Oh_Well_Ian @youllrememberme

youllrememberme ago

And how do we confirm that you are you and shizy is shizy and not someones sister and friend? How would you confirm that I'm me and Ian is Ian and not just two random people we got to talk on voice chat? You can't. This idea is retarded, but you just don't seem to get that.

srayzie ago

I guess you would have to ask questions retard.

youllrememberme ago

Hahaha wow.. Did you ride the short bus?

srayzie ago

You really suck. We already said we could ask each other questions. You guys failed. So now we know you and OWI are the same and me and Shizy aren’t.

youllrememberme ago

There's no question that either party could ask that would verify that. Everyone can see your full of shit with this retarded game you're playing. You know I'm not Ian, you even verified it for dooob. So, go ahead and keep playing your little kid games, like a libtard. Deflect and REEEE!

Shizy ago

Yes there actually is, but you two are not willing to try. I'm done dealing with you. You're conniving, and dishonest.

youllrememberme ago

No, there actually isn't. You know nothing personal about either of us and anyone can lie or just claim "you expect me to remember a random comment I wrote a month ago". But go ahead and declare victory like Hillary. Plus, this thread has nothing to do with you and her being the same person. Keep deflecting libtard, you both sound ridiculous. Keep downvoating too, it will make for a nice story in the end.

Shizy ago

You obsess about downvoats like a preschooler wanting gold stars! It's really stupid how you fixate on that!

Oh, and have another!

youllrememberme ago

You faggots get you buddies to brigade shit, just pointing it out. If I really gave a shit I would stfu, but I don't, so here's another comment for you to downvote. 😂

Shizy ago

Ooohhh, resorting to calling me a faggot now?! Whatever will people think of you?! How unprofessional! Shame on you! I'm not sure what other shame attempts i left out that you felt compelled to use on me even though I don't give a fuck about your opinion! 🤣🤣🤣

youllrememberme ago

You obviously do give a fuck, you've been in here deflecting and trolling my thread all day. This isn't even your sub... Tell me again how you don't care?

Shizy ago

Trolling equals caring now? Wow! You musta had a shitty childhood if you think any attention at all is caring 😂!

youllrememberme ago

@Oh_Well_Ian hahaha

Oh_Well_ian ago



srayzie ago

Reee? You must be watching patriot soapbox 😂 Go ahead and call me all kinds of nasty rude names so people can see the real Ian

youllrememberme ago

The downvote brigade is being slow rolled too haha

srayzie ago

I don’t see any downvotes. But since you brought it up, here you go

youllrememberme ago

Here's another one, go ahead. You have nothing left but to try to silence me. The pain is coming for you fake motherfuckers.

Oh_Well_ian ago

saw that...

they live in the shadows, these cunts.

Shizy ago

Here's a song that was written in your honor Ian. Ya CUNT!

youllrememberme ago

Did you see this weak sauce?

Oh_Well_ian ago

it's a coven

Shizy ago

Ian's so dumb he actually thinks @crensch is an instagram model who posts pictures of her young son on her account, while also using the same screen name on voat!! 😂

youllrememberme ago

Fucking retards think that voice chat is going to make their case. Yeah, that would be impossible to fake. Hahahaha

Crensch ago

@shizy @srayzie

Ian is talking to himself.

Oh_Well_ian ago

no Conner....

eyes are on you.

Crensch ago

You got your shit wrecked by a woman then, Ian.

Oh_Well_ian ago

stop pimping out your kid, you sick fuck.

tick tock, you evil cunt.

Crensch ago

A woman caused you to delete your submission, then destroyed you over your moloch picture debunking.

A woman did that. Ruined you. Kek.

Oh_Well_ian ago

now comes the pain

Crensch ago

An ugly woman caused you to fail. How awful does that feel?

Oh_Well_ian ago


look at this mess of a pizzagate mod


SearchVoatBot ago

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youllrememberme ago

I'm getting the silent treatment now. hahaha These people are stupid.

@crensch according to voat rules.. Shouldn't v/GreatAwakening be mine for proving blatant shilling? I even gave you a direct confession of shady alt activity and the owner admitting "how it can be necessary" to argue with your own alt.

@atko? @puttitout?

Crensch ago

You didn't prove anything - you got destroyed.

youllrememberme ago

Destroyed by who? You put me on ignore when I replied to your bullshit thread because you knew you were owned. I guess the takeover rule only applies to you and your shill army?

How did ASolo get a message that was sent to srayzie when the sender didnt know s/he was talking to ASolo until an hour later? Why was ASolo in that group when s/he doesn't get along with srayzie? Or in srayzies twitter friends? Why did your mod admit that she knows multiple people with alts that argue with themselves and then claim she sees how it's necessary.

Blatant shilling, but you all don't care = voat is compromised and you're all behind it.

Crensch ago

You're not important enough for me to go to your profile in order to ignore you.

It was a group according to you, moron.

You lost, horribly.

youllrememberme ago

I replied to your bullshit thread in pv and you ignored it. You got owned because of srayzie.

A group srayzie created and sent all the invites to.

You lost, horribly.

The big lie doesn't work against the red pilled. We already know your games.

So you're openly admitting Voat is compromised?

Crensch ago

This one?

Your comment was so amazingly pathetic I was going to let you forget about it.

You're really not very smart, are you?

Crensch ago

A group srayzie created and sent all the invites to.

A group. Who she sent invites to means fuck-all.

youllrememberme ago

Yep.. Keep running around in circles and ignoring the meat and potatoes. You're obviously admitting Voat is compromised, you've ignored everything and created your own talking point. Just like the MSM.

Crensch ago

Yep.. Keep running around in circles and ignoring the meat and potatoes. You're obviously admitting Voat is compromised, you've ignored everything and created your own talking point. Just like the MSM.

I haven't ignored shit, and I'm not admitting anything of the sort.

You're just a retard that tries very hard to sound smart.

youllrememberme ago

Are you CNN or MSNBC?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol you cunt...

you're going straight to Hell, you filthy piece of shit.. lol

btw, you're ugly af.

Crensch ago

An ugly woman caused you to delete your submission, then destroyed you over your moloch picture debunking.

An ugly woman did that. Ruined you. Kek.

Oh_Well_ian ago

wow... your entire existence is meaningless

just don't hurt the kids when you end it, ok ?

srayzie ago

@Bopper don’t even reply. I’m not putting you on the spot. I just want you to see this. Ian has lost all control now.

I see he pings you. I usually don’t. But check this thread out. He’s talking about my kids and even me committing suicide. He’s a psychopath and had us fooled this whole time.

Crensch ago

An ugly woman caused you to feel the need to attack her over the internet.

You even had to go after her kids; how pathetic are you?

@kevdude @srayzie @shizy @Vindicator @think-

Shizy ago

Ugh, not that faggot again!

srayzie ago

Wow. He’s really showed his true colors. How disgusting is that.

@oh_Well_ian I haven’t ever said anything about what you told me and I’ve never thrown it in your face because I left your family out of it. But now, I can see why your son hasn’t talked to you in almost 2 years. That should tell you something.

You’ve told others similar stories and they didn’t match. So no sympathy from me anymore after bringing my family into it, and you don’t even know if I’ve experienced a loss due to suicide in my life. So you are a disgusting human being.

All this because I banned you? I can’t imagine how you must treat your wife.

Oh_Well_ian ago

much pearl clutching from the fake fucks lol

Shizy ago

So your own kid can't even stand you? Is this why you're so angry and hateful? Or is your shitty hateful attitude the reason why your kid rejects you? Wow! Get some help before your wife leaves you too.

Crensch ago

You are one sick individual.

Oh_Well_ian ago

no psychopath...

that would be you.

Crensch ago

Bringing a woman's kid into this? Yeah, try to make that one stick.

youllrememberme ago

That's all you have? Hahaha That's as bad as saying Crensch is kevdude and providing nothing as evidence. Srayzie has you caught up and you're diving under the bus for s/him, you phoney motherfucker. You people are dumb, it's true. What happens when I show proof I've asked Ian some legal advice? Was I talking to myself in DM? Hahahaha

srayzie ago

It always told you guys that he was special and that’s why I handled him with kid gloves and gave he extra chances. His alts always protect him when needed. That’s why he came up with the idea that I play 3 fricken people 😂

youllrememberme ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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'Another attack on @srayzie' was posted in v/ProtectVoat by @Crensch and refers to this submission.

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Galvanized_Dreamer ago

Not been on this site in a year and a half, and for the exact reasons you stated. While I am very much out of the loop, and have no idea what you are talking about, I wish for you to have my upvote if only for calling out neo-Nazis.

youllrememberme ago

I appreciate the support..

That's a lot of work lol.. Basically, they've got their teeth in futher and now openly run v/Pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening Donations have been closed since right after the pizzagate merge and the store has been inoperable, so there's no income other than??? Media Matters? Soros direct? Who else tries to cause that kind of hate and divide? It wasn't until 10 days ago that the bit coin address got posted. My guess? To try to sap some $ out of the new unsuspecting patriots.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why do you work for jews?

Why do you repeat jewish narratives?

Why do you support white genocide?

youllrememberme ago

I don't.

I don't believe I have.

I don't support any genocide and I'm whiter than you are. 100%

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t.

You believe in Q-LARP. You have admitted to working for jews.

I don't believe I have.

You believe in Q-LARP. You have admitted to repeating jewish narratives.

I don't support any genocide

Isn’t it interesting how you won’t even type the phrase “white genocide.” Almost as though you expressly support it. Because you do. Because you believe in Q-LARP.

I'm whiter than you are.

Paid jewish shill confirmed.

youllrememberme ago

You believe in Q-LARP. You have admitted to repeating jewish narratives.

That's your angle? Haha

Isn’t it interesting how you won’t even type the phrase “white genocide.” Almost as though you expressly support it. Because you do. Because you believe in Q-LARP.

I don't support white genocide or any other form of genocide.

Tallest_Skil ago

That's your angle?

Nope, try again.

I don't support white genocide or any other form of genocide.

Thank you for admitting that Q-LARP is a proven hoax.

youllrememberme ago

Thanks for admitting you're really an sbbh alt.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t know what that is. Kill yourself for supporting Q-LARP.

InGODItrust101 ago

Understood and thank you for the breakdown. I want to get this right.

tokui ago

Q never pointed to NR.

Q assigned someone else to execute a new sub creation, to sidestep noise.

youllrememberme ago

I believe you're correct, it was intheMatrix. I don't follow any of those guys so I made a mistake. I'm not here to defend NR anyways. You can probably still find a comment of mine complaining about NR pan handling. Thanks for speaking up and correcting that.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Meta link to post exposing one of the shill alts' was posted in v/realProtectVoat by @Dfens and refers to this submission.

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JohnWinning ago

Since this is my first day on the site, I am entertaining all forms of expression, including the "Out There" subs. I understand your goal, and it is honorable, but you also have to take in to account, that this is still the internet. Safe Havens do not exist, and the amount of time and effort needed to silence even one subvert, is enormous. You are actually grouping the "group", by insinuating that the Great Awakening followers are all respectful and courteous. Isn't that why Reddit was abandoned? Because Reddit wanted its users to conform? Just a thought.

youllrememberme ago

I can be pretty disrespectful sometimes, so no, I'm not asking anyone to be perfect. I just don't like the shilling around here and we have the #'s to make it obvious in our subs. Have an upvote to even out that downvote and thanks for your opinion.

Rebel_yell ago

Good point, I just found this site about an hour ago due to lack of finding ANY truth anywhere, maybe here, who knows. I REALLY did not like it when they banned Alex Jones, not a fan of his, but am one of free speech. I know to not listen to the nut jobs, most people do. It's just the nut jobs are better "press" now days. Rational thought, backed by facts and study is a definitely LOST form of conveying ideas.

White_pride_cis ago

Do you know how much money (((AJ))) made from that controlled opposition stunt?

divine_human ago

it gets goofier as we go...

ASmileMaker ago

Thanks I needed that comment I was think of walking away from this place, I don't usually post just read people comments. I did comment today to a very anti Semitic post and receive a some very bigoted responses "You got kicked out of 109 regions of Europe for a reason. So many of you supported invading moslem armies against Christians (like today), defrauded people in financial schemes (like today) and murdered children (like today) that it doesn't really matter about the good ones. Serpents in human form." this Is just one of them. I can't respond because my posting history is empty So I can't find the original posts.The quote came from my inbox with just numbers instead of a username. This kind of thinking gets people killed in real world.

White_pride_cis ago

It does! Click on that link. They’re plans from destroying the West DEFINITELY gets people killed in real life.

Becki_Percy_speaks ago

hey pizzagaters! I took $20K of your cash in one year peddling fantasy stories for ALL you closet pedos. you were all very easy marks.

That is all.

JackHoff ago

I don't buy it that srayzie is ASolo. I read those exchanges much differently than you have portrayed them. Your conclusion is quite a leap. What's concerning too is that you seem to have pretended to be a pal, but then make a post sharing private messages srayzie sent you? That seems shady as fuck!

youllrememberme ago

Your conclusion is quite a leap.

I don't think so at all.

What's concerning too is that you seem to have pretended to be a pal, but then make a post sharing private messages srayzie sent you? That seems shady as fuck!

What's shady as fuck is what came out of thise messages. People running around with multiple alts playing both sides so they don't have to be wrong. That's straight schizo shit. Honestly, I wouldn't be suprised if srayzie is her "stalker" Sarah.

JackHoff ago

You still haven't proven that she is ASolo, or any other alt.

youllrememberme ago

I don't see how you figure that. I think this thread is pretty conclusive. Are you another one of the alts?

JackHoff ago

I can read and think for myself, that's how! Your links don't prove anything. You make assumptions to try and force those screenshots to say what you want. Plus you appear to have some vendetta against strayzie that you're trying to hide with the whole "hey I'm just here to help my fellow patriots" angle.

Muntanolva ago

I've never seen anything like this snowflake drama anywhere else, where there are supposedly known accounts that continuously troll with known names?

Back on Reddit, the real trolls would get new accounts quickly to make it not so suspicious. Voating restrictions here is no excuse for a shill to never abandon a "known" compromised shill account.

LibertyFreeman ago

I am here because Q sent me. This post is pointless and simply a way someone that can't let the past die to keep kicking a dead horse. The main reason I have preferred navigating through the excrement on the chans is it beats dealing with pissy mods fighting on VOAT and clearly making their EGOS bigger than anything else happening. I personally hoped this page employed different practices, but guess the same bullshit under a new name is all we will get. I wish all new mods were brought in so the ones that lost their big girl panties could find them and realize it is not about YOU! We are to follow Q, not follow the Mod Soap Opera, "Pissy Fags!"

youllrememberme ago

I'm not a mod anywhere and never have been.

Fitzgerrald ago

I came here from Reddit, starting following GA there around... March? Can't quite remember when, but it was pretty toxic and awful when I first started paying attention to it. Something I've noticed -- especially once the move to Voat happened -- is that the Q movement has become infinitely more inclusive and supportive of dialogues since then. Things started as: If you disagree with this post, you're an idiot. Now, they're much less partisan and rude. As a result, it seems like attention is getting more and more focused on what this "cabal" thing really is, and the cabal is getting a lot less crafty with hiding behind the fissures in discourse that its been building up and exploiting over the years.

I think the light might be winning. It's kind of incredible what happens when people stop being divided.

Physics_is_a_Bitch ago

I have seen the SPLC ruin and discredit great sites for years. Way before DJT was ever thought of as a POTUS and Q was just an infreQuently used letter in our alphabet. ZeroHedge was and still is a great Financial site which over time morphed into a right leaning & mostly DJT supporting site. The articles are all high quality but the comments section is an SPLC wet dream. This "Jooooos run the world shit" is so old. I smell it a mile away. In fact I swear I can recognize certon SPLC bots and trolls just by their righting style.

One of the most stupid ones is this Crypto-Jooo idea. For example someone will say, "But Zbniew Brzynski is a Roman Catholic" you get hit with NO he is really a Crypto-Joooo. MY God I actually heard The Rockerfellars, Pres Woodrow Wilson even the old school gangster AL CAPONE was a "Crypto"

Look I have no dog in the "Jooos run the world bullshit. I have no Jewish blood I am no great supporter of Israel BUT this shit is so obvious. Open Society, SPLC and other Soros backed self appointed thought police, plant anti-Semitic comments do it until a critical mass of comments build up THEN use them to designate the site a "hate speech site"

This also has the effect of cheapening the site to actual Patriots who would like to recommend it to normies willing to try the red pill BUT are embarrassed to recommend it. Imagine, you have a normie friend, you worked hard to slowly red pill him / her and BAM they are immediately revolted and turned off when they read these phony troll planted "Joooo" Comments.

Bottom Line: You spoke the truth, your post does NOT sound like censorship to me. Rather just common sense NOT to give Soros and his organizations not one single piece of shit comment which can be used to make every true Patriot here be labeled a NAZI or a collection of hate groupies.

White_pride_cis ago

Why can you name Catholics but not Jews?

gazillions ago

Adults aren't interested in policing other people's words or having them policed by anyone. This as an adult web site. There are children friendly websites on the internet that you would all be comfortable at.

Count_it_all_joy ago

I couldn't agree with you more. Well said, I wish I could give you more than one up vote !

4TheRepublic ago

Readers and fellow seekers...

What is a sock puppet? What is an alt? ["...a lot of alts argue with themselves lol. That way at least someone agrees with them."] Can alts upvoat 'themselves'?

What is a psyop?

What do you see when you cursor-hover over user name?

When did pizzagate migrate to voat?

What is self-deprecation? ["I am not a writer, so bear with me." ... "I don't remember who wrote it, but..."]

When someone tells you he is not a writer, then writes quite well, what do you think?

How might self-deprecation [stage] the dissemination of information? Misinformation? Disinformation?

When you consider "know yourself", what does it mean to you? When you consider "know your enemy", what does it mean to you?

What is "perpetual unrest"? How does perpetuating unrest fit into the scheme of socialism?

What is socialism? what is its goal?

When you're in unfamiliar territory, where do you turn for directions? Would you rather depend on your own wiles and a map? Or turn to someone who claims to be a 'local'?

From the OP...

Stay together Patriots, even if it is in multiple subs. Check all 3 subs and vote according to how you feel in your heart. Don't let them paint a bad picture of us. God bless you all! #WWG1WGA

Who is giving this direction? Do you know? And is checking and voting (how you feel in your heart) on "all 3 subs" a requirement for staying together, (ahem) patriots?

Just as I have nor will ever have an alias IRL, I have, nor will I ever have, an alt or sock puppet account on Voat. Just sayin'. But, see? That assertion cannot be proved...or disproved -- even though it's true.

Best wishes to you and yours.

youllrememberme ago

When someone tells you he is not a writer, then writes quite well, what do you think?

Thanks, I appreciate the compliment.

How might self-deprecation [stage] the dissemination of information? Misinformation? Disinformation?

Oh.. So that was a setup? Sorry, I don't think I write well at all. Call it what you want.

Who is giving this direction? Do you know? And is checking and voting (how you feel in your heart) on "all 3 subs" a requirement for staying together, (ahem) patriots?

No it's not "required", I'm not an authority figure and have no desire to be one. I would direct people to because Q did, but many don't seem to want to leave the other subs and I've seen many discussing visiting all of them. I'm sure most are visiting at least 2 of them. So that was a "who cares, visit all 3, see what everyone has to say." I wasn't trying to divide or pick a side. Just giving some of the information I have. See what I'm saying about that writing? Not so great, right?

4TheRepublic ago

Typical. [The inverted self-deprecation is priceless.]

Oh.. So that was a setup? Sorry, I don't think I write well at all. Call it what you want.

No. Not a setup. Not intentionally, anyway. But thanks for the heads up.

And yes @youllrememberme ... i'll remember you. But I most likely will never know you...IRL.

But that doesn't mean you aren't known.

Your response...and the manner of response...telling. I am particularly interested in the questions to which you chose to publicly respond.

Come to think of it ... maybe I do know you. I suspect we have corresponded. Perhaps we'll someday meet. Neither of us has a reason to fear.

You're welcome to DM me (again?) if you'd like.

And ... again ... best to you and yours.

youllrememberme ago

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just a bit defensive because I know all these alts are floating around and you're acting like we've spoke before.

Edit: Definitely curious.

youllrememberme ago

Why are you being so cryptic? Just come out and say what you want to say.

Muntanolva ago

It's like a Q "God" complex to be this intentionally cryptic, especially with the bonus pretentiousness.

spaceman84 ago

Neon Revolt and Serial Brain are retarded faggots. All you dumb fucks want everything spoonfed to you in a nice, easily digested and politically correct pussified form. Useful idiots at best.

4TheRepublic ago

Member for 3.6 years SCP 8 CCP 31 (no bio) = OLD GOAT alt

How many socks are in your drawer? You obviously pulled this one out for a special occasion. It's always good to have a throw down gun, right?

spaceman84 ago

They're all throwaway

4TheRepublic ago

preemptive sock puppet bullshit.

is that all you got?

call up your other alts.

Neon Revolt and Serial Brain are retarded faggots.

takes one to know one (or two).

youllrememberme ago

I don't follow either of them, I just know Q has pointed to both of them. So...

4TheRepublic ago


Doc37876 ago

I think part of the reason that Q picked a random board is that 1) we needed somewhere... 2) random is ground up without the ego and power struggles. We all need to make an effort to keep it that way, we also need to realize that black hats will try to slip some nasty stuff in here, then point at us and say that is who we are.

We need good mods, just need them to Come from the ground up. Whatcha think?

youllrememberme ago

I agree on all accounts. Those black hat posts/comments are what we need to use the votes on. That makes it harder for them to claim that's who we are. We now have the numbers on voat to clean up our sub with votes alone.

alele-opathic ago

We now have the numbers on voat to clean up our sub with votes alone.

This is how the site is supposed to work. It's a more defended system this way: attacking Voat requires "believable" botting, in contrast to Reddit, which can just have key mods and admins replaced.

Doc37876 ago

Yeah we just have to keep eye out for those trying to discredit us.

Lurker1955 ago

Would you mind posting this on Gab?

youllrememberme ago

I don't have a Gab account.

DownTheRabbitHole2 ago

Thank you for letting us know and for wanting to help unite the movement! Much appreciated! It also gives us a heads up of who to look out for!

Lurker1955 ago

Ha! I think I already met those people. 56 downvotes in one day. It's slacked off. I guess I tired them out.

Gypsynurse ago

I just seen the Q drop telling us all to come to Voat because the BO over there on 8 chan set up a QRV subverse here. I can't find it yet but BO Says it's anonymous and ready. Rules are simple. Thanks for the post.⬆️⬆️⬆️

youllrememberme ago

I can't find it yet but BO Says it's anonymous and ready.

I can help you...

Count_it_all_joy ago

Every time I click on this it says adult content and will not open . Anyone else having this problem ? Suggestions ?

Shizy ago

I'm not sure why someone downvoated you for asking a question, but I countered it.

Carolinabeth ago

You have to go to your account settings and allow adult content then save the changes.

dbrodeen ago

I found my way to QRV, but still need to venture out into TA & GA to earn points to be able to speak up in QRV.

flyfishinman1948 ago

I'm in the same situation being new to QRV

smellywalmartshopper ago

Unity wins Their filth will only turn patriots away from them, not research. Or each other. Love and unity are signs of healthy communication. And they have a sense of gravity too. They draw people to them

Ugliness and hate are easy to see. And they tend to push people away. And the fearmongers only project their own fear

They really need a new playbook. But, what can they do? They aren't smart enough to see that they have fallen into Q's trap for them

[FISH]ing I suspect. But, I've been wrong plenty

smellywalmartshopper ago

One response for all 9 trolls. The ones who followed me here should have warned the others. No honor amongst shills either, I guess.

I love you in spite of your hate. And I'm Praying for your souls.

Your hate and fear triggers no longer work on me. But I feel your panic and cowardice. They amuse me. You know how this ends. Repent, before it's too late. Please. Eternity is calling. He still calls if you still breathe. God is not mocked, and you Will answer to Him, no matter what.

Again, New playbook needed. Or at least deviate from the same tired script.


SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Maybe this is why Q pointed to this sub.' was posted in v/QRV by @2737336 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#688) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

eyerighteye ago

What a good read. Clear and concise. In my mind Q has settled the feud between ta and ga. We know neither will be the primary point. Both sides lost. Now we will see who can check their ego, and who cannot. There are millions of us enjoying all this winning, too bad you had to lose a bit. Poor choices yield poor results. Life lessons are everywhere. Trust the plan.

Crensch ago

What a good read.

Are you an idiot? That wasn't a good read at all - it was a bunch of wordsalad with links to thinks that don't prove what he claims. (check the OP first)

Christosgnosis ago

I just bounce across all 3, and they are all gaining subscribers in lock step

If you want to earn CCP and mess around in Voat in general, will need to step outside v/QRV

It has the most shilling going on right now because folks there can't downvote to defend it and no mod action to speak of to cull the shills - that will need to be addressed or the shilling will become a flood as the enemy comes here in more earnest to attack

White_pride_cis ago

Or you can take a lesson from TA and stop coming in here and acting like you own the place. This may surprise you, but you’re not special. We were here for years before you arrived. Think about it this way... you’ll want to grab a tissue, because I am about to blow your mind. Reddit was heavily modded. They could do things behind the scenes, with unlimited power. They were using that power to fleece you guys. If you are such a Q fan, did he not say don’t follow those that seek to profit? I didn’t know any of this until the old mods came here trying to sell shit as they claim to be the next Moses. After everything came to light, your old leaders fled to 8chan, where they could go back to hiding in the shadows, being unaccountable for silencing people. Do you think that MAYBE Q sent you back here for a reason? Maybe that reason is because we keep people honest here? Think about it.

Christosgnosis ago

Or maybe Q simply realized that the shear numbers of the r/greatawakening community would soon be the vast majority of Voat and end up down voting the Hitler worship and racial hatred dogmatism shilling of the old Voat goats

Q always thinks a situation through and this calculus is very simple to foresee

Hand_of_Node ago

If I had a cult, I'd want followers like you who close their minds to anything that potentially conflicts with my programming.

Christosgnosis ago

all this is about is the Voat ethos that a subverse should be able to establish it topics and then mod it by deleting post that are off topic

Old Voat goats get upset that other people don't like it when they intrude into a subverse to shill their Hitler worship and racial hatred dogma where it is off topic.

This only about the libertarian idea of property rights, in a sense - when someone or a group sets up a subverse, then respect their prerogative to establish its purpose and topics and don't shill it intentionally with what is not of that purpose or stated topics. If we do this mutually, then we all co-exist peacefully.

Hand_of_Node ago

If we do this mutually,

Well, you've hit on one of the problems, with a number of Qcumbers talking about taking over voat and moderating 'hate speech' through the sheer power of their numbers. There was even a group on Q8chan making a plan to do so.

Christosgnosis ago

Have no interest in intruding into established Voat subverses and attempting to bully them into submission - v/QRV and v/theawakening are the new subverses that are about Q-related research; respect that and old Voat goats can expect to see their established subverses un-shilled (which I never go into any of the other subverses and start a shill ranting to denounce the resident culture - I only respond in comments when the old Voat goats have shilled first).

The people coming from Reddit have a very common theme about them - they want to MAGA with the president's platform and they want to research, study, and discuss Q drops. They really don't give a shit about the resident Voat sub culture. They only react to it when its shilling gets in their face.

This really can't get any simpler to state.

Hand_of_Node ago

They really don't give a shit about the resident Voat sub culture.

Read that linked thread... This is why you're hated.

Christosgnosis ago

Ah, a taste of your own medicine, I see. Relax. The vast majority of new comers are going to be in the Q subverses. They're not intent on being enforcers of moral panic hysteria.

divine_human ago

not really my style to move on downvote missions, i prefer upvoting, but yesterday, the troll flood had me lose my shirt, lol and sigh.

youllrememberme ago

Thanks.. I don't really feel like I lost at all. No harm, no foul.

Indenture ago

Q has chosen this sub for us. I follow Q. So this is where I shall be. WWWG1WGA

ac77 ago

I'm with Q, been following for about 16 mos. went back and forth in my mind if it was real or just "hopeful garbage". I do believe it i real at this point. Some, not all, of the "proofs" are pretty convincing. Been on the Trump Train since he came down the escalator. I liked his right thinking and executive knowledge demonstrated, IMHO, on the "you're fired" show. Trump made the Q sign. The cabal is failing. But I am probably one of 200 at work that are believing. I think my job is to help spread the truth in my own circles, and be another voice of the group's conciencious. I want perp walks. That SMUG hildabeast has got to get her comins'.

Geranium_Lily ago

Totally agree.

Becki_Percy_speaks ago

I had an affair with JCR. I am ashamed but there you have it.

youllrememberme ago

Actually, Q chose I just didn't want to do this anon. They would have claimed I was a pussy and made that the main attack point.

Gypsynurse ago

That's right Q calls the shots, we follow⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Textualintercourse ago

The immoral of any of these stories: Q is real. Q posts on 8chan. The Cabal, [C]_A faggots, Pedophiles, and Luciferians are FUCKED.

Information is being disseminated at a record pace. Shills and Gatekeepers and Controlled Op pricks will not be able to stop shit. The silicon SJW DARPA bastards can try to censor us all they want, and if / when they take their ultimate ball home and shut down more forums and censor the hell out of everything, guess what? Trump will reach us direct on our phone. Haha, fuck you Cabal. Fuck. You.

Then when the internet gets shut down? Good. I need fresh air anyway.

WokeByTheStorm ago

I took 2 months off (june & july) from the internet. 1st week a little lost but started finding other things to do. Now i only get on couple hrs a day. Just enough to keep up. More time during large q far as the trolls I just ignore their shit. Don't feed the trolls , starve the bitches

Christosgnosis ago

Will need to go check the firearms and spend more time on the range when Internet goes down anyway

ExpertShitposter ago

shut the fuck up niggers

@srayzie is your queen

Malignment ago

well said and thanks for writing it, signed old pizzagate voat guy @malignment

youllrememberme ago

Thanks for speaking up in support.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Of course @srayzie is a fake fuck and so is v/pizzagate BO @crensch...

Lots of Goats are finally waking up to the scam they have been running on this site.

White_pride_cis ago

Ah... you’re back.

The_Raven ago

It's so obvious what shills srayzie and Crensch are, and glad to see people are finally waking up to this.

Dfens ago

I think only the new people don't realize that at this point. It's only a couple of actual shills with lots of alts.

Crensch ago

Still butthurt about being destroyed multiple times, Jew? Should I start advertising your shame again? I don't mind. I know you'll bluff and bluster about how it didn't affect you, but everyone knows that's a lie.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure Conner...

I seen lots about you on Voat, recently.

Times up.

youllrememberme ago

Yeah, this place is fucked. But, we can fix that with these numbers. Or they'll shut it down.

Food_Stamp ago

You mean you'll stop people from telling you the truth?

youllrememberme ago

There's no truth in calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a "kike" or a "nigger". There's no truth in saying that all Jews need to be gassed.

Shizy ago

But you're ok with faggot and cunt? Pathetic!

youllrememberme ago

Aww isn't that cute, you hunted down a comment you didn't like. Is that your alt I was talking to? Sounds reasonable, unless you've just been in here reading comments I've made to other people as well as trolling.

You're Media Matters, right? David Brock is a flaming faggot. I'm a little harsh on the gays because they're pretty harsh themselves.

I've never knowingly called a female a cunt, plenty of dudes though.

You're the one looking pretty pathetic right now. Desperate too.

Food_Stamp ago

Yeah just ignore all of the factual stuff and focus on a couple words that hurt your feelings, like a dishonest faggot. You got me, Im now totally conviced that Hitler managed to make 6 million jews completely disappear using only bug spray and a couple of ovens.

youllrememberme ago

The facts point to there being much more that just Jews involved. They also point to the Rothschilds not even being Jewish. Synagogue of satan would be much more factual.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Another attack on @srayzie' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @kalgon:

Yeah, this place is fucked. But, we can fix that with these numbers. Or they'll shut it down.

The said comment

This notification (#960) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

White_pride_cis ago

He’s hopping his new friends won’t find out what kind of person he really is.

Oh_Well_ian ago

@Crensch has some problems /// Funny she is in here shitposting while v/pizzagate languishes with 120 people following right now.

Dfens ago

The pedomods have destroyed that place. It's been sad to watch.

The_Raven ago

They sure have! No surprise really because the pedos are scared shitless, so they positioned themselves to have a bird's eye view over what people are saying and the evidence being brought forth, so they could control the narrative, then sent their Clowns after the ones who needed a bit more coercion to shut their mouths.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's because they're pedos…

Dfens ago

True, and probably worse things too. For being so few, they spend a lot of time and effort destroying this place. They have doxed and harassed many who used to post here and chased off almost all the moderators. The people who post here need to be very careful and realize that the enemy is certainly not going quietly.

wingless-angel ago

I lurked on the Voat Pizzagate threads for over a year. I learned about Q over there. I never posted until today. I also tried to join several times, but was not permitted to sign in due to capitcha problems. For some reason it worked today, and so I am able to make comments finally. But, I am not new, just a devout lurker.

Octocopter ago

Watch out for the shills trying to use you and other new Q followers for brigading, they have been attacking pizzagate since it popped up. The name youwillrememberme is one of them and he replied to this post of yours.

wingless-angel ago

How can they use me? I will watch out patriot. I do not understand how shills can use me. I am listening. Thanks for helping. I upvoted your comment.

Octocopter ago

They will try and sow seeds of division between users on this site. They want in-fighting so people are distracted.

youllrememberme ago

Archive of OP

youllrememberme3 ago

@reddit_traitor @rickflairwoooooo @scablifter Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP archive.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I honestly unsubed from this shit hole. I'm not going for the Q made a mistake bullshit. Clearly a shill... when srayzie was called a satanist by corsi after she spread his bs on here all the time it's clearly because she was on his radar, and the fact that only 3 weeks or less after she gave up on him he said that... it's because they are in co-operation. Totall bull shit operation going on. Any of these "old goats" on voat who smear Q are just shills. THey have been here since the begining. THey wouldn't leave a free speach platform on the web un-harassed would they? It's all a fucking game. I called them out and then they went ballistic on me. We run the game of keeping the balance of waking the people up about GA on voat and blowing up QRV with harassment... so long as they feel they got a voice with all the same that are in QRV they will leave them alone and shit talk them and walk them away from Q one day. If we wage war on GA idk what that means for QRV... a cease fire cannot be maintained as people wake up they flip out. Like I did. However, yea the Jews are at the root. There is no denying that. Trump supports Israel in sarcasm just like how Netanyahu supports the US. People on here like to diss Trump for saying stuff like we stand behind Israel, but Netanyahu says bull shit to stay on our good side so fuck'm betray them with a kiss they way they do us.

youllrememberme3 ago

@aaronkin @anotherdream @beautifullyinvisible Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP archive.

youllrememberme3 ago

@whyaserverwasbuilt @fuckingmockies @fuggbenis @heretolearn @hst Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP archive.

heretolearn ago

thanks for the link. I haven't been following. good looking out.

fuckingmockies ago

So v/GreatAwakening is controlled opposition. Fucking hell. Ah, well, I'm happier red-pilling people on v/QRV now anyway.

Q sent us to Voat for a reason, and I think that reason was to redpill us on ethno-nationalism and Jews.

youllrememberme3 ago

@lag-wagon @lightlytoasted @mad_as_hell Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP archive.

LightlyToasted ago

I haven't -- will read and catch up. TY.

youllrememberme3 ago

@sharipie @trishauk @wahwahweewah Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP archive.

youllrememberme3 ago

@blacksmith21 @Caveman_in_a_suit @drain0 @erickaliberhall Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP archive.

Drain0 ago

Fuck that low T kike. Race realization, stereotype acceptance, racial cognitive thoughts and being awake to the FACTS that the problems this world faces are those created by the synagogue of Satan... The ones we call the "JEWS"... is nothing new to Voat... I see this as a game of double down shilling. Sending in troops to spout off over exaggerating and non stop bullshit "Nazi" propaganda and then pointing at themselves saying "Oi vey, Look we're being divided" ... No, this is classic game of create the problem and propose a solution. Calling out (((The chosen ones))) is not the problem here. Not looking at the facts and figures and realizing that the wool has been over our eyes for the past 100+ years is.

Voat isn't the problem... Voat is what happens when people are allowed to have free speech and not be censored for criticizing and calling out those who do and want to continue to control us as a whole.

WWG1WGA means the real WOKE mother fuckers who are brave enough to stand up and fight the enemy... It does not include the enemy.

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q - 916

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't link me to stupid shit which means something. This post says nothing.

youllrememberme3 ago

@DeathToMasonsASAP @nana66 @neskuaxa @picman Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP archive.

youllrememberme3 ago

@Carmencita @Gothamgirl @Piscina @AngB23 @darkknight111 Are you all following this? See the parent to this comment for the OP. I had to delete the OP because of brigading.

AngB23 ago

Thanks for the ping....straight up FUCKERY going on around here and why I don’t show up anymore. I don’t follow Q stuff and more concerned about the kids in this f’ed up world. Wonder why the shift is more towards Q then the kids with some of these mods???

And when the mods made a list of certain alts (they call Sarah) and attacking other ppl here, even said I “showed my true colors” when I defended one of the alts (fucking stupid ass moron saying I’m one of the alts-I’m not intelligent enough to know what they know dipshit mod)....can it not be more obvious this place is totally comped???

Using their mod status and threads to bash and block ppl?? WTF? If you don’t agree with someone, think their a troll/shill...MOVE ALONG, don’t respond or ignore. Why the need to silence??? Bcuz they don’t want us to know the truth that’s why. If ppl would READ and RESEARCH Sarah’s threads....she/he is telling us everything. Ya, it’s cryptic and fucking hard to understand. It drives me insane and I still don’t get it studying it over a year, but there is something there. There is a reason why they are trying keep him/her quiet.

Screw this place....

youllrememberme3 ago

Don't give up. These fuckers are slow boiling and will be exposed.

Gothamgirl ago

This happens with them every week lol. They're here to run everyone who cares off pizzagate. Fuck them.

Crensch ago

They will even talk about your children on Pizzagate

You mean when you bring your children up all on your own?

youllrememberme3 ago

Yeah, I saw that shit show you were involved in. That's why I included you and Carmencita in the pings.

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for the ping.

ac77 ago

self also, we need to work together to defeat this insurrection by the traitors of Hussein's era.

Becki_Percy_speaks ago

Did you give me any money on gofundme?

No refunds, sorry bout that.

MadWorld ago

An impostor troll account:

[–] Becki_Percy_speaks -1 points (+0|-1) 6.6 hours ago

Did you give me any money on gofundme?

No refunds, sorry bout that.

permalink parent save source reply report

Diggernicks ago

I are troll account but a real one.

Gypsynurse ago

Glad your here...we can use your experience⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

fuckmyreddit ago

I fight the real race-baiting and kike-baiting every day, how ever some of it is humour and/or poignant and would not make sense using snowflake words. So, I don't think it's possible to get rid of every swear word, mom. Do you really think the average person has such precious sensibilities that they can't overlook the juvenile behaviour? Intelligent people can tell truth from fiction and hate from humour.

I am saddened by your assertion. I will try to clean up some of the nigger faggots on Voat, but I doubt anyone can. That's why you have your own safe space.

youllrememberme ago

To your edit.. I don't give a shit what you want to say in your subs, but we represent millions of Americans (as proven by the unique hits) and your tactics are obvious. There no need to scream "nigger" or "Jew" every other word unless you have an agenda. My bet is most of you are Media Matters and the rest are just useful idiots.

Dfens ago

They use that language to make those who post here look like the Nazi scum that the shills actually represent. Never forget Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party = Democratic Socialists.

youllrememberme ago

Who said a fucking thing about "swear words"? Trying to paint a picture? I quit there because this is the same old song and dance.

SGM11Z ago

While this information is somewhat interesting, it's still all in the past and I'm getting done with all this infighting. So far, this mod calls that mod out and that mod calls them back out and then neonrovolt is bad and serialbrain is bad and everybody's bad and I'm done. As far as I'm concerned everybody has a clean slate moving forward. We are all fully capable of discerning for ourselves who or what is for us or against us.

We need to unite with those who are for us and unite against those that are against us. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

Nattylitecoin ago

And be there for people who were against us when the truths come out. When it does come out, peoples minds and hearts will fail them. We need to be available for them and we can hope a greater good will manifest-, a unification on the basis of peace, freedom, and human dignity.

youllrememberme ago

We need to unite with those who are for us and unite against those that are against us. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

Agreed. That's what this is about. I was just helping with the "who's against us".

VetGoat84 ago

The Jews.

Le_Squish ago

You talking shit about @srayzie but can't be bothered to ping her. What a dishonest thing to do.

pipilongstockings ago

Really? Cmon...unless you're totally blind you have to of noticed something that doesn't sit well in that sub. Just the friggin pinging all the club is enough to tell me not to go there. It's a popularity issue, not about awakening anyone. You post something that's not to get bullied by everyone thats pinged. Thats why all the fighting and division. Now... Let the bullying begin. Oh by the way...@srayzie.

Crensch ago

There's nothing wrong with that subverse. The alternatives have reddit cancermods in the list.

There's nothing wrong with pinging others to a conversation, either.

Think you can win?

Muntanolva ago

"Think you can win?"

And that was the moment you "lost."

Crensch ago

What a stupid comment.

How does one's mind even come up with such a stupid thing to write, much less think it's worth actually writing and submitting?

Is that how arguments are "won" where you come from? The first guy to ask that question loses?

Reminds me of this.

Muntanolva ago

This is not a game.

Crensch ago

This is not a game.

I never said it was.

Your focus on "winning" blinds you.

TIL being right is blinding.

Arguments are never "won."

Is that what your Marxist professors taught you in (((college)))? Is that what your below-average parents told you to make you feel better about your own inadequacies when you couldn't win any arguments?

I win arguments all the time. I do it on the internet, and I know I win because they delete their accounts in shame... and then many of them come back on other accounts to thank me for not using kid gloves on them.

Muntanolva ago

Lol you're pathetic.

Crensch ago

Do you ever make comments with content, or is your ability to communicate limited to fedora-tier platitudes?

Muntanolva ago

Probably not with content that you can understand.

Crensch ago

"I have this great knowledge that makes be better than you, but I will not share it because you might not understand it."

How do you sleep at night with a mind that works on such a low level?

Muntanolva ago

Who are you quoting? You're making less and less sense. Sounds like you're "losing," honestly.

Crensch ago

Who are you quoting?

Nobody. If I were quoting someone, It'd be like the above. I'm using the quotation marks here to mock you.

You're making less and less sense.

You're just a little on the stupid side.

Sounds like you're "losing" desperately, honestly.

Oh, so now you've lost because you're suggesting you're winning? Doesn't your logic work like that?

You should begin thinking outside of those terms and freeing yourself from the game you play.

You're only barely qualified to turn on a computer, I see. Sorry to hear that, but don't breed - we don't need more idiots soaking up welfare because they can barely use a household appliance.

pipilongstockings ago

And what would I be winning? Thats exactly the point. Like I said let the bullying begin. You all can bitch about people, call them names, chase people off for having an opinion other than your narrative. But what you don't understand is other people see how it's contradictory to what the sub is about and won't or don't want to be apart of that mess. It isn't about awakening when everyone wants to be number one, it's about who's doing what or who shouldn't be doing this, or this person did that and it should've been me instead. It's high school drama. I'm not after anything other than to voice the fact: if you think acting the way you do, you're not redpilling you're repelling the people who take it seriously enough to look for answers. You don't win. The enemy is within. It's called discourse. Are you defending that?

Crensch ago

And what would I be winning? Thats exactly the point. Like I said let the bullying begin. You all can bitch about people, call them names, chase people off for having an opinion other than your narrative.

What narrative? Don't be a shady fuck? Yeah, that's some narrative there.

But what you don't understand is other people see how it's contradictory to what the sub is about and won't or don't want to be apart of that mess.

I am not part of any sub in question here. I am a goat. Mods on TA and QRV are compromised, cucked, cancerous faggots, and they need to be exposed to everyone.

It isn't about awakening when everyone wants to be number one, it's about who's doing what or who shouldn't be doing this, or this person did that and it should've been me instead. It's high school drama.

Right. Just reduce the misleading of thousands to a schoolyard tiff.

You boomers are so disgusting I could spit.

I'm not after anything other than to voice the fact: if you think acting the way you do, you're not redpilling you're repelling the people who take it seriously enough to look for answers.

Anyone I'm repelling is someone I don't give a shit about anyway. Weak-minded faggots think they're going to help or even watch a child-sacrificing cabal get taken down?

Faggots will be hiding behind their purses and wetting themselves.

You don't win. The enemy is within. It's called discourse. Are you defending that?

You're on a website with far freer discourse than where you came from. You wouldn't even know what free discourse looks like, because you're here whining about it.

pipilongstockings ago

LMAO! I don't even have to say anything said it all it all for me.

Crensch ago

It's so interesting to watch you boomers with your completely fucked worldviews try to insult or even argue against goats.

You're so woefully unqualified to do so, and you try to hide it behind low-effort responses.

pipilongstockings ago

I'm still laughing!

Crensch ago

Then you really have a weak sense of humour. Desperate.

pipilongstockings ago

Shit, I just spit my coffee you realize how much coffee costs these days? Now, I have to make some more. I'm still laughing, next time you respond, I won't take a sip. Give me bout 2 mins. Then carry on. No matter what you say or how much you try to belittle me; Too many chiefs and not enough Indians tear a tribe apart. Make that 1 min for the coffee to brew.

Crensch ago

I'm neither a chief, nor an Indian, but thank you for divulging information about your mental limitations.

pipilongstockings ago

And thank you for divulging yours. It really wasn't a secret though. You showed your true colors right from the start. It's ok, I'm sure you'll grow up to be a fine person. Don't start drinking coffee though, it's addictive.

Crensch ago

And thank you for divulging yours. It really wasn't a secret though. You showed your true colors right from the start.

Because I have fuck-all to hide.

You, on the other hand, probably didn't want to be projecting your inability to think outside of a chief/indian paradigm onto me.

So you're either a low-IQ follower that needs a leader, a leader of low-IQ followers, or are being paid to be here; whatever the answer, it's clear you're unable to process the idea that some place on the internet might not have leaders and followers.

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @kevdude @clamhurt_legbeard @Vindicator @

Thought you might like a heads-up on this often-overlooked Freudian slip.

Jaegerjaques ago

I might be borderline retarded, but I don't see what the slip is. Mind pointing it out to me?

Crensch ago

It's common among shills and Jews to (appear to) think that a user like me either has a leader, or is a leader. It's the only way they seem to be able to process other users.

It's projecting their own dichotomous lives onto others because they don't have the tools to process the idea that Voat might just not have chiefs and Indians. I don't really know why, or how, they wind up incapable of this kind of thought, but it stumps them, and they often wind up losing their shit when it's pointed out.

To them, since THEY cannot fathom existence outside of that paradigm, it must not be possible for others to live it.

I might be borderline retarded, but I don't see what the slip is.

I would be surprised if too many users outside the list above saw and understood the slip; maybe 15 total users on Voat would pick it up based on my words. Nothing at all about being retarded, but those 15 have been actively shill busting since 'nam.

Vindicator ago

They patronize those they think are leaders.

The concept of the "Rugged Individualist" is just not something they can compute.

Jaegerjaques ago

I see, thanks for elucidating, your idea seems very likely. It's fascinating that they dont't seem to grasp the idea of independent thouhgt. Maybe it is some form of autism or a cluster B disorder causing stunted empathy, allowing them to be completely unable to relate any other viewpoint than their own, which is a good trait for shills.

Dfens ago

He pinged his alts. Now you're really in trouble.

youllrememberme ago

I actually thought I did. I'm not hiding, I could have posted this in QRV.