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Shizy ago

OP claims that "all" four mods on v/GreatAwakening were previously mods at SBBH, yet he has no proof and has been told by two mods that this is untrue. He continues to insist he's right. Fine, whatever, he can believe what he wants.

His allegations are that because "all" the V/GA mods were also SBBH mods, that must mean V/GA is somehow compromised or a cesspit of evil. Anyone who had seen SBBH before it was shut down knows it was just a shit posting sub where friends would basically "roast" each other relentlessly! Off color jokes and cussing abounded. Big flipping deal! It is to OP apparently, but once again, he can believe whatever he wants.

Here's really what the issue is here that OP has muddied up with his attempts to correlate V/GA with SBBH: he is alledging there is some fuckery going on because the mods are "cancerous" or "compromised". Once again, he provides no proof, only his opinion and baseless allegations.

If anyone actually takes OP seriously in any way, here's what you can do to look into this for yourself and make your own determination on the issue: the mod logs for any sub are public! One can easily see any and all submission posts or comments that have been deleted. Very rarely do comments get deleted, but submissions do when they don't meet submission rules. The rules are also clearly posted so you can check those out too. Review the deleted submissions. See their content and caliber. Read through the comments from other goats, and then make up your own mind about whether or not deleting those was appropriate. What you will find is what has been deleted does not meet the clearly posted submission rules. Many times the comments within deleted submissions call out the OP for being off topic, not relevant, or just a shit post.

One can also look over the banned users. Check out who they are. Read through their comments. 90% of them are shills or alts of the shill bot army the sub was being attacked by recently. In reality, very very few actual users have been banned l. It's also usually after multiple warnings and lots of chances.

OP can make allegations all day long, but he hasn't provided proof of his claims. What's even sillier is that people are free to look into this for themselves and decide if there's a problem with the mods on this sub. We invite it! Make up your own mind. OP would rather you just believe what he says. That doesn't fly here!

@srayzie @MolochHunter @plankO

youllrememberme ago

OP claims that "all" four mods on v/GreatAwakening were previously mods at SBBH, yet he has no proof and has been told by two mods that this is untrue. He continues to insist he's right. Fine, whatever, he can believe what he wants.

I've never said that. I've never seen @MolochHunter even post in SBBH and I don't even think @srayzie has been a mod there, at least not under that name. Way to make up some bullshit. hahaha

This is essentially like me saying that @shizy thinks Hillary Clinton should have got woman of the year and the noble peace prize.

What's even sillier is that people are free to look into this for themselves and decide if there's a problem with the mods on this sub. We invite it! Make up your own mind. OP would rather you just believe what he says. That doesn't fly here!

I told people in the OP to visit all 3 subs. Are you high? I want people to look into you and srayzie. That was the point. Anyone who says that they can see why talking to yourself with an alt is necessary, is shady as fuck or psychotic.

Shizy ago

I changed my comment since I had attributed the SBBH mod comments to you when it was Ian's alt that has claimed that.

srayzie ago

Shizy just ignore them.

We offered a way to prove we weren’t the same person.
We’ve offered to let @Oh_Well_ian prove that @youllrememberme wasn’t his alt.

I offered a way for everyone to prove it. Me and you were the only ones willing. OWI and his alt had nothing but excuses. They failed. We won. There’s no reason to ever speak to the lying traitor again. They are a waste of our time.

youllrememberme ago

Too late, shizy already revealed that you know I'm not Ian and you're just deflecting. That was just round 1 too. Hahaha

Shizy ago

Here you go lying again! I never spoke for srayzie!!

youllrememberme ago


Gothamgirl ago

Rabid animals these 2 are lol. Check my submissions and comments. Srayzie knew I as a victim from someone in the military, and she played games until I mentally snapped. They have a new victim to pick apart every week.

Crensch ago

They have a new victim to pick apart every week.

Like this?

Gothamgirl ago

Well look how many people have left in the last month, and look who was talking shit to them just prior.

Next sentence I am asking a question, which obviously means I am looking for the answer.

That's the ending of what happened, why not start from the beginning?

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Another attack on @srayzie' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @youllrememberme:

I'm SPECIFICALLY addressing your argument here, not you.

No, you were specifically attacking me for explaining who I am. Did you forget you wrote this?

This post from youllrememberme starts off with three paragraphs of useless personal information about the user.

Who? Ian? This guy?

Kek. Good company you've got there.

No, it was someone who I've never seen before. But, you can keep bringing up Ian if you're that proud of that thread.

No. The O was sanctioned by Q, but nice try on slipping that one past me.

And the O chose people he trusted, which happen to be 2 mods from v/theawakening.

Wanna stand up first?

I don't need to.

BTW.. Did you see one of your mods admitted they know I'm not Ian and that was all a deflection?

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youllrememberme ago

So now you're openly admitting you know I'm not @Oh_Well_Ian's alt and this is all a deflection game. ♿

Shizy ago

I don't know if you're Ian or not. Others may have more proof than I do and believe that you two are the same. For now based on what I have seen I think Ian is definitely using a different alt, but who's to say he isn't using multiple alts? No one can know for sure. But what I do know is you don't need to be putting words in my mouth! I never said it was a "deflection game". I have identified one of Ian's alts, that's all!