NotHereForPizza ago

You seem scared.

sguevar ago

Well I want a ping too. Didn't see much more after the challenge proposition and if there are shills being outed I want to look at what's being said and what proofs are being brought to the table.

Plus @Crensch you know I love your agressive argumentations! Makes me laugh all the time. Where is my ping?

Crensch ago

I will endeavor to include you in my ping list going forward

think- ago

@Srayzie and @ASolo are the same person?


And the guy implies that @srayzie isn't a woman?? More ROFLMAO!!!

ASolo ago

Pretty amazing, I think it's defense on Q's team because I've been talking so much shit about their transparent plan.

srayzie ago

😂 Right?! LOL

Crensch ago

Yes. Between this guy and Ian, @srayzieand I are apparently in some kind of gender bender voat subversion group.

think- ago


sosat_menya_reddit ago

This is VOAT this is not fucking qanon. If you fuckstains dont like the way VOAT is then get the fuck out. I’d you god Q is so fucking omniscient and omnipotent why did he send you somewhere that your fragile sensibilities will be harmed so badly.

There is a reason most people here don’t like you larp lackeys. Why don’t you people stay in your echo chamber and nobody will bother givin a shit about you.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'ATTENTION PATRIOTS: This is not to cause divide, it's to unite. You deserve to know.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @youllrememberme:

Did you see this weak sauce?

This notification (#1084) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Meta link to post exposing one of the shill alts' was posted in v/realProtectVoat and includes this reply from @youllrememberme:

I'm not sure if you all really give a shit, but here's the reply.

This notification (#1062) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

youllrememberme ago

This post from youllrememberme starts off with three paragraphs of useless personal information about the user.

It proves how long I've been witnissing the bullshit. So, not really pointless when I'm on a 5 month old account.

The next paragraph, he tells the new refugees to use their votes to remove bad words, but totally is not telling you to brigade. As if anyone really believes him.

This is how Voat is supposed to work. I was simply teaching people that they don't have to fall into the trap of deleting shit. Hence the comment "...with votes alone."

Does he mean users that would say "grab 'em by the pussy"? Or that don't shy away from bad words?

You are a libtard, aren't you. Bad words have nothing to do with it. Alienating good Americans (white, black, jewish, asian....) from looking into this movement has everything to do with it.

As an alternative, we're supposed to trust censoring mods? Or a BO from 8ch that mods the same censoring mods from Reddit?Censoring is preferred over bad words for Q? REALLY?

No, were supposed to trust Q, the reason we're all here in the first place. Q trusts whoever set up the new board.. and would you look at that, 2 of the same mods from v/theawakening. Interesting srayzie was never asked.. Well, not really. Hahaha

So someone acted like he was srayzie, and that's evidence that he is? No, you set this up and have absolutely ZERO link from ASolo to Srayzie here. Anyone looking at this for more than a few seconds could figure this out.

How did ASolo get the message from "joe" and know who it came from when "joe" didnt know s/he was talking to ASolo until an hour later?

This is the weakest shit I've seen you come with yet crensch. Then again, it must be rough to find dirt on someone who's been completly honest. You obviously don't have an open mind like you claim to in every other one of your other threads calling people out.

Vindicator ago

It proves

I think that word doesn't mean what you think it means

youllrememberme ago

If course you do, you're part of the team.

Vindicator ago

You've outgassed a lot of hot air, but I haven't seen you prove shit.

youllrememberme ago

Trusting yours or @crensch's opinion on this is like trusting Comey's investigation of Hillary. Piss off.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Opinion isn't required. The truth speaks for itself.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'ATTENTION PATRIOTS: This is not to cause divide, it's to unite. You deserve to know.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from Crensch:

This one?

Your comment was so amazingly pathetic I was going to let you forget about it.

You're really not very smart, are you?

This notification (#1205) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

It proves how long I've been witnissing the bullshit. So, not really pointless when I'm on a 5 month old account.

No, it's a baffle-with-bullshit tactic, and means absolutely nothing to anyone.

This is how Voat is supposed to work. I was simply teaching people that they don't have to fall into the trap of deleting shit. Hence the comment "...with votes alone."

Try to convince anyone of that - go for it.

Does he mean users that would say "grab 'em by the pussy"? Or that don't shy away from bad words?

What are you even referring to, retard?

You are a libtard, aren't you. Bad words have nothing to do with it. Alienating good Americans (white, black, jewish, asian....) from looking into this movement has everything to do with it.

There are no Americans that aren't white. Everything else is (((constitutional amendment allowed))).

There especially are no Jewish americans.

No, were supposed to trust Q, the reason we're all here in the first place. Q trusts whoever set up the new board.. and would you look at that, 2 of the same mods from v/theawakening. Interesting srayzie was never asked.. Well, not really. Hahaha

Q very clearly wants the boomers destroyed, then. The compromised cancermods that censor cannot possibly be sanctioned by Q, but nice try.

How did ASolo get the message from "joe" and know who it came from when "joe" didnt know s/he was talking to ASolo until an hour later?

You either staged that, or someone else did, or someone was fucking with you, most likely. 3 far more plausible explanations right there.

This is the weakest shit I've seen you come with yet crensch.

Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.

Then again, it must be rough to find dirt on someone who's been completly honest. You obviously don't have an open mind like you claim to in every other one of your other threads calling people out.

Kek. Try to make that one stick. I've changed my mind on things that have been argued well before.

You can't even keep an internally consistent logic to your arguments. It's not that I'm not open minded, it's that I don't believe bullshit.

youllrememberme ago

No, it's a baffle-with-bullshit tactic, and means absolutely nothing to anyone.

No, this is just you ad hominem bullshit. I explained that so you idiots couldn't come say "whatever 5 month old account", as usual.

Try to convince anyone of that - go for it.

There's a 2 year old account that already mentioned it in the thread. Done.

What are you even referring to, retard?

That was your comment you fucking moron, I just forgot the ">"

Q very clearly wants the boomers destroyed, then. The compromised cancermods that censor cannot possibly be sanctioned by Q, but nice try.

They abviously were, you just don't qant to admit it because it makes you look bad.

You either staged that, or someone else did, or someone was fucking with you, most likely. 3 far more plausible explanations right there.

Hahahaha that's all you got? I staged it? Hahahaha

It wasn't a compliment.

You can't even keep an internally consistent logic to your arguments. It's not that I'm not open minded, it's that I don't believe bullshit.

You can't argue any of it, my logic is sound.

Wanna take another swing?

Crensch ago

No, this is just you ad hominem bullshit.

Literally not ad hominem. Not even the non-fallacy definition faggots like you try to squirm to when shown it's not ad-hom fallacy.

I'm SPECIFICALLY addressing your argument here, not you.

I explained that so you idiots couldn't come say "whatever 5 month old account", as usual.

You're too stupid to get a fallacy you're trying to label me with correct. I think you have bigger things to worry about.

There's a 2 year old account that already mentioned it in the thread. Done.

Who? Ian? This guy?

Kek. Good company you've got there.

That was your comment you fucking moron, I just forgot the ">"

Like I remember every line I write. Get your shit together, faggot.

They abviously were, you just don't qant to admit it because it makes you look bad.

No. The O was sanctioned by Q, but nice try on slipping that one past me.

Hahahaha that's all you got? I staged it? Hahahaha

Easily done. I could stage you admitting to fucking children just as easily as that.

It wasn't a compliment.

What you meant for it to be is irrelevant.

You can't argue any of it, my logic is sound.

You can't even accuse me of a fallacy properly, and you try to dismiss my "staged" comment with hand-waving as if it's impossible or even improbable.

Wanna take another swing?

Wanna stand up first?

youllrememberme ago

I'm SPECIFICALLY addressing your argument here, not you.

No, you were specifically attacking me for explaining who I am. Did you forget you wrote this?

This post from youllrememberme starts off with three paragraphs of useless personal information about the user.

Who? Ian? This guy?

Kek. Good company you've got there.

No, it was someone who I've never seen before. But, you can keep bringing up Ian if you're that proud of that thread.

No. The O was sanctioned by Q, but nice try on slipping that one past me.

And the O chose people he trusted, which happen to be 2 mods from v/theawakening.

Wanna stand up first?

I don't need to.

BTW.. Did you see one of your mods admitted they know I'm not Ian and that was all a deflection?

Crensch ago

No, you were specifically attacking me for explaining who I am.

1) You accused me of ad hominem WELL after that comment.

2) That's still not ad hominem fallacy. I was mocking you, and dismissing your stupid background bullshit, not basing my argument off of my mockery of you.

3) How does it feel to not even know what the ad hominem fallacy is while accusing me of participating in it?

Did you forget you wrote this?

When you accuse me of ad hominem well after the supposed infraction without clarifying, the misunderstading is YOUR fault.

And the O chose people he trusted, which happen to be 2 mods from v/theawakening.

Which is sanctioned by Q? There's one answer, and you've gotten it wrong this whole time.

I don't need to.

You don't even know what the fallacy you accuse me of means. You really do need to get off your ass and do something like read a book.

BTW.. Did you see one of your mods admitted they know I'm not Ian and that was all a deflection?

Act like a duck, and all that. You definitely argue like Ian, so it's not a stretch. What do I care about this? You're too stupid to even get a fallacy you accuse me of right, and too stupid to clarify what comment you meant when you accused me of it well after the fact.

youllrememberme ago

The whole premise of that part of your comment was a ad hominem attack, I just got sick or replying to it so I called you out. Now your entire argument is based on that? LOL Desperate?

You don't get it! REEEEE!

Oh, I get it. This is comical.

ad hominem - marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made

Crensch ago

ad hominem - marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made

The FALLACY requires me to base my arguments off of your faults. The dictionary definition of "ad hominem" is colloquially known as "personal attack" or "invective". Nobody uses "ad hominem" outside of the label of the fallacy because it's misleading, colloquially.

Crensch ago

The whole premise of that part of your comment was a ad hominem attack,

Show me where I used a fault of yours as a basis for my argument.

youllrememberme ago

I already have.. You opened your thread with a direct attack on me.

This post from @youllrememberme starts off with three paragraphs of useless personal information about the user

BUT BUT BUT it's too late now!

1) You accused me of ad hominem WELL after that comment.

Hilarious! 🍿

Shizy ago

So srayzie is some evil and corrupt person who hides behind alts and everyone must be warned about her, but youllrememberme also wants us to believe she's so stupid that she will openly acknowledge she did this on a group chat on twitter? That is some illogical nonsense right there!

srayzie ago

I think it’s an OWI alt

youllrememberme ago

I'm just going to past my reply from the other thread even though it addresses mor than this comment..

I'm not Oh_Well_Ian, but you already know that. This is just your cover. I never even said a word about you banning Ian, wait, wasn't that shizy? 🤔 Anyways, I have plenty of DM's between me and Ian that would prove this, I'll bust a couple of them out when I have time. This is weak sauce and you know it, suprised you went this route, but you have nothing else. Truth prevails.

"Mr. Wannabe investigator" LOL ouch.. Is that all you have? You just got owned, so..

Of course people are allowed to have alts, we live in a "free" country and this is a semi anonymous message board. The damning part was you admitting they argue with themselves so no matter what the owner of said alts isn't wrong. And then you claim you can see how that's necessary. Really? Hahaha

I haven't sent you a message in a while, you already gave me what I was looking for. REEEE! Go ahead and block me, I don't care.

There's a reason Q has never directed anyone to your sub and there's a reason you have less subscribers than the other 2. You and your friends can keep playing games and trying to direct people there by spamming the other 2 with bullshit, but it looking more and more like you've lost control.

Vindicator ago

You and your friends can keep playing games and trying to direct people there by spamming the other 2 with bullshit, but it looking more and more like you've lost control.

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen posted on Voat.

youllrememberme ago

Truth hurt?

Vindicator ago

In your feeble dreams. What truth have you demonstrated? All I've seen is a lot of spin.

Truth convicts. And it doesn't take half a page of words to do it, either, Shareblue.

youllrememberme ago

Truth convicts. And it doesn't take half a page of words to do it, either, Shareblue.

Hahaha really? Deflect much? Did you just want to use that on someone for a change?

Le_Squish ago

Hey, did you see this?

Vindicator ago

What do you suppose that guy's native language is? Sure as hell isnt Engrish.

Le_Squish ago

Don't know but it's peculiar.

gazillions ago

That's the crazy that wants someone to play mommy and someone to play daddy to them forever and ever and ever. They don't want autonomy or free will. They want to be children.

Srayzie isn't playing mommy and washing swear words out of the the other children's mouths with a bar of soap. Boo Hoo.

lemon11 ago

From the comments in that thread:

Yeah, this place is fucked. But, we can fix that with these numbers. Or they'll shut it down.

We need more gas.

kalgon ago

Yeah, this place is fucked. But, we can fix that with these numbers. Or they'll shut it down.

The said comment

kneo24 ago

The gassings will continue until morale improves.

projection ago

That could be the VOAT motto.

projection ago

I do like VOAT.

srayzie ago

I think it’s an OWI alt.

kneo24 ago

Ah, so in this case it's just a lynching we need to do!

srayzie ago

It all makes sense now. When he made that alt, he wanted to go help OWI who was in a fight. Now that Ian got mad at me and said me and Shizy are the same, so does he. It’s coming together.