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eyerighteye ago

What a good read. Clear and concise. In my mind Q has settled the feud between ta and ga. We know neither will be the primary point. Both sides lost. Now we will see who can check their ego, and who cannot. There are millions of us enjoying all this winning, too bad you had to lose a bit. Poor choices yield poor results. Life lessons are everywhere. Trust the plan.

Christosgnosis ago

I just bounce across all 3, and they are all gaining subscribers in lock step

If you want to earn CCP and mess around in Voat in general, will need to step outside v/QRV

It has the most shilling going on right now because folks there can't downvote to defend it and no mod action to speak of to cull the shills - that will need to be addressed or the shilling will become a flood as the enemy comes here in more earnest to attack

White_pride_cis ago

Or you can take a lesson from TA and stop coming in here and acting like you own the place. This may surprise you, but you’re not special. We were here for years before you arrived. Think about it this way... you’ll want to grab a tissue, because I am about to blow your mind. Reddit was heavily modded. They could do things behind the scenes, with unlimited power. They were using that power to fleece you guys. If you are such a Q fan, did he not say don’t follow those that seek to profit? I didn’t know any of this until the old mods came here trying to sell shit as they claim to be the next Moses. After everything came to light, your old leaders fled to 8chan, where they could go back to hiding in the shadows, being unaccountable for silencing people. Do you think that MAYBE Q sent you back here for a reason? Maybe that reason is because we keep people honest here? Think about it.

Christosgnosis ago

Or maybe Q simply realized that the shear numbers of the r/greatawakening community would soon be the vast majority of Voat and end up down voting the Hitler worship and racial hatred dogmatism shilling of the old Voat goats

Q always thinks a situation through and this calculus is very simple to foresee

Hand_of_Node ago

If I had a cult, I'd want followers like you who close their minds to anything that potentially conflicts with my programming.

Christosgnosis ago

all this is about is the Voat ethos that a subverse should be able to establish it topics and then mod it by deleting post that are off topic

Old Voat goats get upset that other people don't like it when they intrude into a subverse to shill their Hitler worship and racial hatred dogma where it is off topic.

This only about the libertarian idea of property rights, in a sense - when someone or a group sets up a subverse, then respect their prerogative to establish its purpose and topics and don't shill it intentionally with what is not of that purpose or stated topics. If we do this mutually, then we all co-exist peacefully.

Hand_of_Node ago

If we do this mutually,

Well, you've hit on one of the problems, with a number of Qcumbers talking about taking over voat and moderating 'hate speech' through the sheer power of their numbers. There was even a group on Q8chan making a plan to do so.

Christosgnosis ago

Have no interest in intruding into established Voat subverses and attempting to bully them into submission - v/QRV and v/theawakening are the new subverses that are about Q-related research; respect that and old Voat goats can expect to see their established subverses un-shilled (which I never go into any of the other subverses and start a shill ranting to denounce the resident culture - I only respond in comments when the old Voat goats have shilled first).

The people coming from Reddit have a very common theme about them - they want to MAGA with the president's platform and they want to research, study, and discuss Q drops. They really don't give a shit about the resident Voat sub culture. They only react to it when its shilling gets in their face.

This really can't get any simpler to state.

Hand_of_Node ago

They really don't give a shit about the resident Voat sub culture.

Read that linked thread... This is why you're hated.

Christosgnosis ago

Ah, a taste of your own medicine, I see. Relax. The vast majority of new comers are going to be in the Q subverses. They're not intent on being enforcers of moral panic hysteria.